My pal inspects factories for a living, and I shall take his expert advice to the grave: "Never eat the meat pies". Tell us the best advice you've ever received.
( , Thu 20 May 2010, 12:54)
This question is now closed.

When there's that special something that you absolutely must have but you know the other half will say no...
If you try to discuss why it's a necessity for you to have ANOTHER camera/pc/gizmo it'll end up as an argument and you'll not have the toys.
If you buy it without telling her, you'll have an argument about why you need it, but crucially will have your new toy to console you
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 15:20, 5 replies)

I'd tell you what it was
but I wasn't listening
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 14:45, 2 replies)

A good answer should be like a lady's nighty: long enough to cover all the important bits, but short enough to keep it exciting.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 14:43, 5 replies)

My Gran once told me....
Never look a badger in the eye on a Tuesday
If it's raining in the village down the road
If you see a frog on a Saturday or Wednesday
It's probably not a frog, but a toad.
The wind that blows from the West is better
Than the wind that blows from the South
Your Grampy likes a blowjob on a Sunday Morning
But I don't let him come in my mouth.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 14:34, Reply)

than fly in a plane built by The Post Office.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 14:04, Reply)

punch your granny when she's shaving.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 13:54, Reply)

Getting up is optional, getting down is mandatory.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 13:49, 1 reply)

I have a piece of advice that I have learnt over the last few years and that is:
Don’t trust your mates all the time.
Ok that one may sound a little negative and needs a bit of backstory so stick with me a moment and I will tell you why.
I am lucky enough to have a very decent life. I’m pretty able for my age, I try and work out whenever I can and thanks to my old job in the armed forces I have learnt how to deal with certain situations whenever needed. I also realised that the army was not a long term thing and have learnt a few other trades to fall back on when I eventually returned to civilian life i.e. letting the military pay for me to train in auto repair (another bit of helpful advice is that as long as there are cars there will always be repairmen needed). Anywhoo I gained my qualifications, dropped out of the army and moved in with a few of my old buddies. I knew that returning to the real world would be hard and I needed to cut cash where I could so living with my pals would be ok until I found steady employment, right? WRONG.
These friends of mine decided to take the piss and have started to take me for granted. If I’m not doing the odd welding/ patch up job to some battered up car of theirs then they hire my services out to any bugger who needs me and then take a fair cut for themselves, despite the fact that I do most of the work while they stand around and chat up the local floozies.
The biggest reason for my mistrust is regarding my food though. Many a time I will have the bastards spike my food and lie to my face , the next thing I know is when I wake up surrounded by my three buddies taking the piss, god I really should throw them in the air the next time I get a chance. The dumb thing is that I will always seem to fall for it (Usually once every week). Thankfully the government caught up with us and the series was eventually cancelled after they introduced Frankie Santana to the team as a special effects expert blackmailed by the military.
I’m off to play Warcraft.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 13:39, 2 replies)

On the back of this role playing book from the 80's, that the older BT3a'ns may remember, they printed a list of ninja moves that the PC police would have kittens about these days.
You will end up breaking a girls arm and losing all your lunch times for six months. especially damaging was the dragons tail sweep....which sadly i never got to use again :(
Edit - This happened at school a long long time ago, before the rain, before the snow.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 13:37, 2 replies)

in Costa coffee last week, I believe it was Tuesday, he had a cappuccino whilst I just had a bottle of water. We'de just got back from a game of squash, and he had beaten me 11-5. Anyway he told me this piece of advice and I don't think I'll ever forget it:
"Don't add too many pieces of irrelevant information when you're passing on advice"
and I never have.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:32, 12 replies)

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of 2010
Shop kittens
If I could offer you only one tip for teh B3ta, kittens would be it.
The long term funnez of kittens have been proved on Lolcats whereas the rest of my advice is no more relevant than random article on Wikipedia.
I will dispense my bollocks.
Enjoy the lulz and skillz of your posts; oh nevermind; you will not understand the lulz and skillz of your posts until they have bumped.
But trust me, in 6 months you'll look back at your posts and recall what the spluttering fuck you were thinking trying to shop Boris Johnson in the bath wearing horseshit for a wig.
You are not as shit as you imagine.
Don't worry about the replies; or worry, but know clicking replies is as effective as trying to mask fur using a laptop touchpad.
The real errors in your pics are apt to be things that seemed far funnier in your head;
the kind that inspire you at 2pm on some idle Wednesday.
Do one thing everyday full of seams.
Don't be threadjacking a talented artist, don't put up with people who post your idea first.
Don't waste your time on the detail;
sometimes it's easy, sometimes it frustrates.
The week is short, and in the end, it'll be too late to post.
Remember the clicks you receive, forget the flames; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.
Keep your old artwork, delete all your old source pics.
Don't feel bad if you don't know how to approach this week's challenge.
Some artistic people I know couldn't think of anything by Saturday teatime at least.
Some of the most talented people don't post by Tuesday
Shop lots of freebase pics.
Be kind to the mods, you'll miss your account if closed.
Maybe you'll win, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll make frontpage, maybe you won't.
Maybe you'll skip this challenge, maybe you'll get the top spot with an anim of Tom Cruise on a magic carpet.
What ever you do, don't click your own posts either;
your skills are half decent, so are everybody else's.
Enjoy the B3ta, read it every day if you can, don't be afraid of the boards, or what other people post on it;
it's the greatest website you'll ever read.
Draw, even if you have nothing to do it with but MS Paint, for example.
Read the FAQ, even if you don't agree with it.
Do NOT read HappyToast's profile, it will only make you feel worthless.
Get to know the memes, you never know when you'll want a quick and dirty
Always read the newsletter;
they have the best links to Youtube and the archive will provide amusement for when you're bored in the office.
Understand that B3tards come and go, but for the precious few you'll appreciate.
Work hard to hide the seams in your piccies and anims because the more you feather, the less chance that any outlines will make someone's head look like it's glowing.
Post on /board once, but leave before you get cosy; post on /talk once, but leave before it makes you bitter.
Accept certain optimisation problems;
bit-rates are low, artefacts will be visible, you too will lose detail;
and when you do you'll fantasize that if you were charge the limit would be more, animations would last ages and /board would support quicktime and mpegs.
But not Realplayer.
Don't expect anyone at all to reply.
Maybe you have a few fans, maybe you have plenty of friends, but you never know when they might find someone far better.
Don't post stuff that's work unfriendly, or by the time you refresh, you will be naughty stepped.
Be careful which comments you give, but, please try to ration the woos and yays.
Pea roasts should only be in the reply;
just because it is a way of digging out stuff from your archive, adding big eyes, sticking text in the corner and claiming it's something new and fabulous.
But trust me on the kittens
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:30, 5 replies)

clamp it into something.
That's my gouda vice.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:26, 2 replies)

the nail that stands up above the others gets hit first by the hammer.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:25, 6 replies)

Also, don't let your missus use the NHS online symptom checker unless you want to spend half your life in A&E for every chest pain
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:20, 1 reply)

"If you want to kill someone, run them over in a car, chances are you can blag that it was an accident and though causing death by dangerous driving carries a 14 year sentence, if you are sober and weren't speeding you'll probably get off"
He claimed to have done it. He made me very nervous. He also claimed that night that he killed someone by throwing them through a car windscreen but got away with it by planting a knife on him and telling the police he pulled a knife on him so he threw him through the windscreen.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:19, 2 replies)

...most problems start looking like a nail.
I am comfortable with nails, so when I experience problems, I tend to reach for the hammer.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:19, 2 replies)

What the fuck does this means? Recanted to me by a northern friend.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:15, 2 replies)

Don't tell a soul.
*told to me when I was 16 by some nutter in Liverpool, he also said 'it doesn't matter how hard the other person is, nobody's bullet proof' cue me shuffling nervously on my seat.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 12:03, Reply)

SMELL gas? Locate the suspected leak by striking an ordinary match in every room in the house until a loud explosion reveals the source of the escaping gas
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:58, Reply)

He has shifty looking eyes...Although I will never meet Matthew Kelly, or indeed want to, that was my mums sage words to me a few years back.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:42, 4 replies)

So with casual disdain, bordering on annoyance.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:41, 1 reply)

Potatoes, for example.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:36, 3 replies)

Well, my adopted brother really. He said to me yesterday "Never side with anyone outside of the family again".
Bollocks to it. What's the worst that could happen?
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:26, 5 replies)

Duct tape and WD40.
If it moves and it shouldn't, use the duct tape.
If it doesn't move and it should, use the WD40.
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:15, 1 reply)

My mates Dad's advice to us as we left for Uni with the prospect of shagging many different wimmin from many different places.
"They're all pink inside"
Advice? a message? a warning? Who knows but he was fucking right!
( , Mon 24 May 2010, 11:09, 2 replies)
This question is now closed.