My favourite was a public loo in Oxford where someone had written a huge poem all down the cubicle door. Best bit? Someone else had added detailed literary criticism. Only in Oxford. Have you seen better? Worse? Do tell.
( , Thu 3 May 2007, 17:16)
This question is now closed.

Tracey Openshaw
Lying whore
Offensive yet strangely poetic
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:41, Reply)

I found it hilarious for some reason.
The worst I ever saw was a prime example of teenagers attempting to protest but being too stupid to actually find anything to protest:
"Fuck the patriarchy"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:39, Reply)

scrawled in marker, metre-high letters proclaiming "NOSE HELL". Nothing more than that - I'm mystified.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:39, Reply)

"If you read this, then you're gay."
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:34, Reply)

Seen on a wall with a large cock drawn in marker pen.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:29, Reply)

there's a toilet in the JR hospital. I used to use it whenever I went to pick up a mate who worked there. It had a sign that was repeatedly altered (different pens after each cleaning etc, so you know someone really felt the need).
The weird thing was, the alterations were purely punctuation and made no sense. The altered version read:
Please "do not" put paper towels down the toilet.
Also in oxford are some other classics (only read half the pages so far, so I'll doubtless be glasscocking. Sorry.)
"However beautiful she is, someone somewhere is sick of her shit." - Cellar bar toilets
"if you don't like hockey ya'll can eat a bowl of fuck" - with the addition in a second pen of "I think you'll find you mean y'all - it's an abbreviation of you all, do you see?" if the (oft graffiti'd and oft repainted) Turf Tavern bogs.
Plus all those bloody 12 monkeys signs.
There's also a sandwich shop called "heroes" that is permanently changed to "herpes". I like that whoever does this manages to do it to all the signs on the shop (sides of awning etc) as well as to the board they put on the pavement.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:29, Reply)

near Sheffield town centre:
(In big fuck off letters)
Whilst I'm here allow me to pimp www.teamwiggly.com
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:26, Reply)

there were three classic bits of graffiti.
First one was in the cubicle, it read "Praise Bush and his 4th Riche"
Second bit was on a sticker on the broken condom machine. The sticker read something along the lines of "war, racism, poverty. What's the solution? REVOLUTION!"
Someone had crossed out the REVOLUTION bit and wrote "join 10 spotty teenagers on a street corner selling crap newspapers!"
There was also some on a wall in the bar area that read "Life is a bowl of cherries but beware of the Aardvarks!"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:26, Reply)

They stuck a sign in their forecourt with "For Sale" on it and all the details of our local estate agents.
I thought it was hilarious, but evidently they were upset about it as a few months later they moved house.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:26, Reply)

"twinned with Royston Vasey"
Hint: downloading these fonts makes your road sign graffiti look so much more authentic.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:24, Reply)

can't remember where I saw this political gem:
"Bush is just another word for Cunt"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:23, Reply)

it's always brought a smile to my face
in my local boozer, Henry's bar in Exeter, in the cubicle for the toilet in the gents (and I use the term loosely), someone had written:
"Jasper Carrot wants to bum you"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:19, Reply)

What do the googly eye cru do?
They take various pieces of urban infrastructure and turn them into Cookie Monster!
A noble endeavor, is it not?

( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:16, Reply)

I saw some graffiti that simply said "SEX". Was not until later that i just realised it was 6. Another time in Ireland there was a garage door that originally had
"No Parking, Thankyou" but some little tearaway had cleveryly crossed out "Thank" and added their own "Fuck"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:15, Reply)

is scrawled in foot high letters
"I keep cumin"
Every time I see it I wonder if the little tyke has discovered the joys of turmeric yet.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:11, Reply)

Caltrain is a regional rail service here that goes from San Francisco to the South Bay (San Jose and places like that). Apparently, they are powered by Volkswagen:

(alternate view)
Length? It's 77.2 miles from SF to the end of the line in Gilroy.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:11, Reply)

Travelling up the M1, behind a very dirty truck that had a small flap on the back. Some wag had drawn an arrow pointing to said flap and added the text "50p to lift flap and see the illegal immegrants!"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:11, Reply)

...I passed a bridge that had painted on it in huge letters "Prisoner Fans Are Revolting".
Not particularly amusing, but it always gave me a smile.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:08, Reply)

Except The Coconut Ones
proclaimed the board outside the Church.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:08, Reply)

The late unlamented Railtrack used to put self-congratulatory signs up at stations saying "We are working on your station".
At Oxford someone added "...AT THE COST OF OUR HERITAGE".
At Bromsgrove someone changed it to "We are wanking on your station".
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:07, Reply)

Someone here stenciled a bunch of positive-sounding messages on the sidewalks a few months ago, like "YOUR EXISTENCE GIVES ME HOPE". Someone else didn't agree:

( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:07, Reply)

There's a piece of graffiti saying:
'Why in London does no-one care about anyone any more?'
and underneath in a different colour it says:
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:06, Reply)

In the toilets someone had written 'BNP'. Then underneath someone had written 'Makes gay porn Ha ha', made me chuckle.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 9:05, Reply)

"Call me on xxx-xxxx for a good time. I'm eight inches long and two inches thick"
"... are you a ferret?"
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 8:58, Reply)

"Sittin here, I did spy,
A little pest: a buzzing fly.
When there was only a yard between us,
I hit the fucker, with my penis."
Made oi larf.
( , Fri 4 May 2007, 8:50, Reply)
This question is now closed.