Willenium says: I had to bring some floppy disks into work which I had been saving for 10 years "in case I might need them". Tell us when your hoarding skills have come in useful (or not, as the case may be)
( , Thu 3 May 2012, 14:03)
This question is now closed.

Its glossy and looks brand new. Its about 5 years old.
Its ciruit board has had it, and Ive been told its worth about £20.
yet - I just cant seem to let it go. I really should throw it on the tip, but my brain seems to think it has some value. IT really hasnt.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 13:19, 13 replies)

Both serve the purpose of hoardyholes.
I posess.
Approximately 50m of Co-ax
Approx 50m 0f phone extension and about half a dozen extra extensions. I have a cordless phone
Countless PC power leads.
Two zip drives.
A box of 'fixings' containing ANY screw/bolt/nut/washer/metal bit that came with ANY furniture or was salvaged when ANYTHING went to the skip.
A box of bits of electronic stuff, just in case. I am useless with electronics.
Many many pieces of wood, just incase yousee?
Approx 300m of various household cable
A pile of spare bricks
A pile of spare slabs
Get the picture?
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 12:21, 7 replies)

My company had loaned an electron microscope to the Royal Society for a lecture and had sent me along to install, de-install and keep the thing running. While hanging around in a corridor just outside the main lecture room (the one you see in those Christmas science lectures) I couldn't help but notice a really horrible stink. I started hunting around for the source and eventually found this brown paper bag full of unidentifiable stuff lurking inside a cupboard. I pointed it out to a staff member who informed me it was a pound of liver left there some time previously by one of the geniuses who populate the Royal Society. Nobody had the nerve to remove it, so there it festered. That is until I saw that the coast was clear and proceeded to purge the cupboard of its rank occupant. I like to think that, in my own small way, I have somehow contributed to Britain's continued scientific excellence.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 12:15, Reply)

Like Big D below, I have a box at the back of a cupboard that contains cables, wires, transformers (of the electrical kind, the toys are all up on display shelves), chargers and all the accessories and detritus that came with every computer system I've owned since the Spectrum 48k. Now my missus bought me a new mp3 player for Christmas. It's a lovely little thing, a 20Gb Sony Walkman that fulfils everything I want from an mp3 player, but the crucial part is that (apart from its headphones) it only came with one USB cable, which it uses for both recharging and acquiring music from my laptop. And while one end of the cable is USB, the other is a proprietary connection so I'm unable to replace this cable unless I go cap in hand to Sony.
So considering this cable is the only thing preventing my very useful mp3 player from becoming a shiny black paperweight, I keep it next to my laptop. And then my missus will "tidy up" around my desk, and because this cable looks like "mess", she'll squirrel it away into the big box of cables at the back of the cupboard, or worse, into her own big box of cables under the bed, where at first glance it's indistinguishable from the millions of other black USB cables we've accumulated over the years.
I suppose I should count my blessings though - I used to go out with a girl who would unplug and "tidy away" my phone chargers into a box under the stairs. When we moved out, there were three of the bastards in there, explaining why I could never find one when I needed to charge my phone.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 11:29, 36 replies)

Like many of you sweet B3tards out there, my house holds a number of PC’s Laptops, and electronic devices.
That’s not strange, and before you run away thinking ‘holy buggerflaps’, this is going to be one of those dreary ‘Ooh. look at all the retro IT shit I have in my loft’ posts, that makes you want to cut off your own nipples and post them to a local Wildebeast...let me stop you there. No, this is not one of them.
This is worse.
The present Mrs Cheeky and my two mini cheekies like watching TV shows and movies. Of course we do. However, due to our hectic schedules we rarely get to see them at their designated broadcast time, so I invariably find my self downloading them to watch at our convenience. Being a caring husband and father, sometimes I will get shows or Movies that I think we ‘might’ like. Occasionally one, or all of us will take a liking to a programme, and we’ll look forward to watching the whole season. I know, this shit is so mundane and normal that you’re most likely confused as to what the quantum leaping fuck I’m twattering on about.
Well, to cope with the increasing demand of the family’s televisual requirements, I purchased a server. Nowt too grand, just a little old Dell unit that was powered by coal and gerbils, and was booted up by a combination of gentle encouragement and a crank handle in the front. I stuck a couple of Terabytes in it, and promptly started to fill it up with crap…
And fill it…and fill it...and fucking fill it.
Now I’m pushing 6TB, and the poor old warhorse is veritably straining at the gizzards with the utmost bollocks the likes of which will never be seen again in our house. Now, having every single episode of Blackadder / Fawlty Towers and Monty Python are worthwhile to have – They’re timeless classics and we find ourselves regularly going back to them. But every episode of ‘Flash Forward’? Really? Does anyone even remember that anymore? Why is it there?
Every episode of ‘Lost’. I guarantee, we will NEVER go back and watch that fucker again from the beginning. But there it is…just in case…
And movies...yup, the Star Wars collection (including the garbage Holiday special) are there for keeps. ‘Batman Begins’, yes, but ‘Batman and Robin’? Noooo. Why in the name of Blithering ballsacks do I want to keep ‘Night at the museum 2’ and ‘Bedtime Stories’ with Adam ‘shitcake’ Sandler? I even have every.single.’Carry On’ Movie FFS.
It’s so easy – it’s one button. It’s called ‘Delete’. Why don’t I use it? Why do I keep buying Hard drive after Hard drive to cope with the useless dismal shit that I insist on storing forever, just in case I get a hankering for watching reruns of ‘Mr Sunshine’? I can’t explain it. I know it’s preposterously stupid, I know it’s wrong….and I suppose as far as OCD goes it could be a lot worse, but I just find it so difficult to rid myself of something after I have expended 8 seconds of my life to download it.
I even back it all up *facepalms*. I’d say ‘help me’, but quite clearly I am beyond any help. Just leave me here, I’ll only slow you down…
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 10:30, 27 replies)

I have 6 bicycles, I am trying to get this down to just 3 (the one I ride to work, the spare one for when the first one breaks down and the one that belonged to my dad and is sentimental).
Yesterday I threw away 3 old laptops (the best of which would have struggled with Windows 2000) and a bin-bag of computer cables,and defunct PDAs and broken mobile phones (keeping only 2 'emergency backup phones)
I also took 4 bin bags of worn out shoes and clothes too tatty for the charity shop to the recycling and palmed off a carrier bag of VHS tapes on my sister (the only other person I know with a VHS player).
As I re-read this I think I may have a problem, but I'm working on it.
I think I inherit it from my parents and grand parents. None of them were well off and my parents grew up after the war when things were scarce and make do & mend was the order of the day.
While I still think it's better to repair rather than replace if possible, I really need to get rid of all those bike components with 'a bit of wear in them'. it makes far more sense to buy new break pads and I can afford it.
Sorry for the boredom folks and thanks for listening to my therapy.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 10:03, 6 replies)

Like all men I have a collection of electrical leads, cables and stuff to join bits of electrical crap to each other.(Plus a few gizmos that do...something. I dunno. Recalibrate dilitium crystals, possibly) And like all men I hang on to them in the hope that one day they might come in handy.
Last week I had to hook up a DVD player to my PC via a Vid capture thingie.
I had a bucketful of cables scattered across the living room but could I find one to connect the DVD to the vidcap thingie? Could I bollocks.
I'm hanging onto the cable stash anyway. Their day may yet come.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 7:33, Reply)

I am packing for my first trip outside the city of my abode for a decade. Yes really. I've got kids, you see. Lovely things, but they do tend to slow you down, like a pair of pretty little ball and chains.
So, the occasion is a family Christening. How wholesome! Arranged to fly out this Saturday with my Mum and my eldest daughter. The cunting airline cancelled our flight out and notified me by EMAIL!
After saying FUCK a lot, I managed to arrange a flight out on the previous day. The bloody airline will not, however, spring for our accommodation. Being seriously last minute, I had to take whatever I could find.
Stick with me folks, relevance to QOTW imminent.
The only accommodation I could find was a Queen and single room for my Mum, my eight year old daughter and myself to share. How cosy.
So I'm packing and muttering obscenities to myself over the blasted inconvenience of it all, when the other shoe drops.
You see, I sleep nude.
Bit of a FUCKING PROBLEM when I will be sharing a room with my aforementioned mother and my wee daughter.
I don't HAVE any nighties or naughties for that matter. I enjoy the caress of clean sheets on my naked skin and the warm embrace of my beloved husband ...
Where were we?
Oh yes, so I was ferretting through the bottom of my drawers (quiet at the back) looking for something, ANYTHING to wear to bed and my search has turned up;
- a black lacy peephole nightie, slightly ripped and mysteriously stained
- the blue dowdy nightdress I wore to the bloody maternity ward eight years ago, still smelling faintly of breastmilk.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 3:39, 19 replies)

of fierce Mongolian warriors. I keep telling myself that I'm going to invade Europe one day.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 3:06, 31 replies)

As a child, I used to like to take baths rather than showers. As my mum didn't want to clean two tubs, I had to use the bath in my sisters en suite.
It was after one such bath that I was lying on the carpet with a comic to air dry, (Call me odd but I loved to do this.) when for some reason I decided to look in a cupboard next to the bath inside were a few toiletries, plus one of her packed lunches from school gone moldy, plus somthing rather more disgusting.
A used tampon. Yes, a tampon stained with blood, dried blood turned brown.
I found a few of her packed lunches hidden aroubd the house in various rooms. I just don't understand why she would do it. She never seemed to have any issues with food, she ate a healthy amount at home, snacked a lot and never worried about weight. If she wanted to get rid of the sandwiches, she could have binned them at school, or even at home, hiding them.around the house made no sense at all.
No clue about the tampon either, and it's not the sort of thing you can ask about.
( , Tue 8 May 2012, 1:41, 3 replies)

About 8 years ago my mum was between homes and was staying with both my brother and me while she decided where to live, and would occasionally stay with her sister. Only occasionally, Auntie couldn’t cope with anything that interrupted her routine or put her under any pressure, although they were very close in some ways, she was hard to get to really connect with in many others. She had been in an extremely abusive relationship with my uncle, so much so that my mum had to rescue her and the kids in a midnight flit many moons ago, and she has never got over what he did.
Mum was staying there just before my brothers wedding, and had given her sister a jacket the year before that she thought would be perfect for her outfit, and her sister very much agreed and insisted she borrow it.
The next morning, she had to go out and do her usual routine of going for a walk and a swim, and attending her classes so mum stayed at hers, showered and thought, ’Oh I know I’ll grab that jacket and try it on’.
She went into her bedroom, not really sure if she should fetch it, but what the hell, she said it was OK, I will have a peek and a quick twirl see if it suits.
She went over to the fitted wardrobes that stretched all the way along one wall of the bedroom.
Flung open the double doors.
And stood there.
Every nook and cranny was chock a block with what can only be described as the sort of car boot stash Willy Wonka would have if his factory was being repossessed. There were boxes and boxes of sweets, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, everything from After eights to liqueurs, roll upon roll of digestives, sugared almonds, French fancies, Jaffa cakes, Daily Milk, bars of galaxy, and bags of kids sweets. 2 double wardrobes worth, minus the clothes squeezed tightly in between.
On the other side of that was a layer cake worthy of a Guinness record. Pile upon pile of pieces of celebratory cake wrapped in the tin foil or cellophane or the plastic box that it had been given away in. All the weddings, christenings, birthday parties, and anniversaries she had ever been to were represented.
Minutes passed and my dear old mum tried to take in what she was seeing. Or more importantly what she SHOULDN’T be seeing.
She closed the doors and went for a lie down her mind racing with what she had just witnessed.
She made the decision not to say anything, knowing that if she did, she would probably lose her sister forever. We have talked it over for hours, wondering what brought about her hoarding and we have theories, but we will really never know. We dread to think how that collection has grown in the years since.
And no…you can’t have her address you fat bastards.
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 22:58, Reply)

I used to live in a pub which had 3 floors not including the cellar. From the outside the building looked huge but inside everything was cramped. My Mun and Dad once looked into taking out a floor to make a massive function room. When they tore up the floor they found another floor sandwiched in between floors 2 and 3. It really only consisted of one log thin room but inside it was 100s and 100s of fake ration books from WW2, loads of stockings and chocolates, and tinned foods. We uncovered a spivs Alladins cave.
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 22:10, 4 replies)

in my first year of uni was sat in the kitchen watching telly when one of my housemates appears with an big load of 5p coins all wrapped up in an old t shirt
turned out that he hated 5ps, never spent them and couldn't think of a way to get rid of them
i offered him £10 for the lot went and got some bags from the bank and bagged them up (something he couldnt be bothered to do)
net profit? £15 or 2 weeks worth of food for a skint student
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 21:23, 1 reply)

While teaching Spanish at an FE college, I rose to the dizzy heights of Head of Languages. The department had its own resources centre (otherwise known as a library), and had subscriptions to Le Monde, El Pais and Der Speigel going back at least 10 years. Not only had no one ever had a clear out, staff were horrified when I even suggested doing such a thing. Some insisted they would go through the pile of papers and cut out interesting articles "when they had time".
I had to insist that we were a languages department, not a history department, and no one was going to motivate 21st century A-level students with articles on Reagan and Gorbachev in French. When I finally unilaterally binned everything that was more yellow than white, no one batted an eyelid.
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 20:26, Reply)

I see a lot of hoarding in my job.
Personally I'm a fan of the traditional, simple painted plywood with softwood timber frame but there are strong arguments for the more cost effective herras fencing especially on jobs with flexible site boundaries and shorter contract periods. I've seen but never used the modern steelhoarding systems which feature re-usable powder coated steel panels which ticks the sustainability boxes nicely.
Another modern trend seems to be for highly decorative hoarding, either advertising the contractor or the client, and there is no doubt that this provides excellent advertising potential but often serves to attract people to sites rather than deter trespassing. Something of an oxymoron I'm sure you'll agree.
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 19:45, 3 replies)

I spent quite a lot of effort stealing software from my workplace: burning CD copies, writing down licence keys and CD ID's, buying extra licences on the company accounts and saving them for myself in the hope it would go unnoticed. It was no small potatos, either. In 1999, a single Authoware licence went for £5000. The first 3D Studio Max cost £7000 and needed a dongle which I'd conveniently 'lost' in order to obtain a second one. My whole stash was worth at least £30,000 if you bought them directly.
Anyway, this year when doing some spring cleaning, I came across a box I'd been squirreling away, a long cylinder of dusty cds tied up with string. It's all there, unused: Dreamweaver 3 Ultradev, QuarkXpress 4.1, Lotus Notes, Authoware Attain, Photoshop 5(with the magic lassoo). Current estimated value: £10 (some of the CD were rewritable)
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 18:31, 2 replies)

My mother is a bit of a pack rat. She has a few things that separate her from a hoarder. Her sis is a hoarder. Book cases in the basement full of bubble bath containers kind of clutter. But Mum's just poor at getting rid of things.
I recently had to move back into my parent's house with the Mr. and our baby due to money problems. They gave us their room, and took my old room, which was nice since my room was smaller. But of course, this means I must also share the room with items she does not wish to part with. In this room? One fancy roll-top desk with no chair, full of stationary, coins, and disposable cameras. A large sectional computer desk (yes, two desks in this room) that luckily, they let me set up one of our computers at. Sadly we can't use the drawers or cupboards attached to it. There is also a small armoire full of sweaters, a jewelry armoire, and FOUR book cases containing 500-600 books. Luckily, this room boasts a gorgeous and large closet. Unluckily, she still uses this closet, and my father has cleared out most of his closet in their room for us to use.
This is purely our own room, there are other places in the house where we wish we had more space as well. Giving us the house for the summer since they spend it out of town at their summer home, I was hoping we could have more of a chance to make ourselves comfy. But she really is rigidly against our attempt to streamline our temporary arrangement.
Her fridge is stocked with wines that she doesn't drink, her freezer has forgotten pieces of meat from 2009 in them, her pantry has more cans of food than ever needed for two middle aged, non-obese people, and the attic has relics from my childhood and my elder sister's childhood, as well as the basement being filled with old toys and extra clothes that somebody needs, possibly charity, possibly some for my son and nephew, but not her.
I always offer ways I can rearrange the house to fit my computer desk in my own room, while still finding useable places for her books. I offer to go through the toys in the basement, some of which have become flood damaged and need to be cleaned or destroyed, some of which need to be saved for my child, and some need to be donated to a local charity. Though most of the space is taken up by the large amounts of old, sometimes 80s era clothing that nobody wears or needs. Which are occasionally washed and re-piled then forgotten and gradually sorted through, a small bag passing to charity after being cleaned, the rest waiting until it gets musty and dank in the basement once again, requiring another cleaning as the pile grows but seldom shrinks.
The one thing I do not mind is her love of plants. Every free window in the house is full of healthy, though slightly mismanaged plants due to the sheer amount of them and the fact she's away for the summer months. And is nice of my mother and my father to let me stay, so I fear I can't be too harsh on her item saving tendencies. It's rough not having a job and being forced to move across country to have a place to stay, and she didn't have to be so accommodating. I just wish she could realize that she does not need to save entire newspaper pages if all she needs is the small, clippable recipe on it, or that maybe she does not need over 1000 books total, though she has read all of them, and does re read most of them slowly throughout the years.
I am very glad she recycles. For all the cans of food she has in the pantry and newspaper articles she has saved, she does recycle everything she doesn't need(need in her eyes), she does eventually donate clothes that are old and no longer fit, provided she phones and gets the "yes mother PLEASE GET RID OF IT" from the daughter it belonged to. I just feel a little boxed out from this house, and it's the one I grew up in. Haven't lived here for 6 years and now I feel a bit of a stranger.
I just hope she'll at least let me move a book case or something, so I can at least properly feed my addiction to technology and set up mine and the Mr.'s computers and LAN them together. So I can go back to doing here what I did as a teen, being reclusive in my bedroom at my computer, ignoring the problem and lurking on B3ta as I used to..
Though to be fair, I am a video games collector and I have reserved one, single book case in which I have many games, many of which I(and of course the Mr.) have played and enjoyed. But now that I have the kid, it feels that those items are slowly becoming a useless hoarding items too. Though to go with the base of the QOTW, I DO have Windows 95 on floppy, of anybody needs it. My parents kept it. They use Linux.
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 8:14, 4 replies)

I live in New Zealand, and have to pay by the bin bag for getting rid of shit.
Nowadays, I try to sell my old electronics on TradeMe first, and if no-one buys it then I strip it down before putting it into the bin: I keep metal bits and cash them in at the scrapyard every few months to subsidise my beer habit. Plastic bits go in the recycling bin. And everything else into the rubbish.
However, I've ended up with loads of jam jars full of old screws from where I strip stuff down. And I seem to have developed an OCD that means I can't throw them out in case they come in useful...
Anyone need some small screws?
( , Mon 7 May 2012, 4:33, 5 replies)

64K 5" floppies from a computer running CPM. How can I throw them away if I don't know what's on them? Might be something important.
I had an 8" floppy from a CAD course I took way back when, but I did throw that away.
Anybody out there keeping punch cards, just in case?
( , Sun 6 May 2012, 23:35, 2 replies)

one day he took it upon himself to clear out the cupboard in the ICT room.
Now people had started putting stuff in there since the beginning of computing and had never emptied it. Going through it was like going through layers of time.
Way towards the back, past the copies of Encarta 98 and Logo were two BigTraks. Two of them, in boxes, with the instructions about how to link them into the curriculum. School said that they didn't want them, and doubted they even worked. So they both came home and out of two non working Big Traks came one working one.
( , Sun 6 May 2012, 13:00, 4 replies)

In the olden days you had two choices. Keep it or throw it away.
Now there's a third, sell it on eBay.
This thing that I've hoarded, I'll think to myself, I won't throw it away - I'll put it on eBay, somebody else might want this collection of Amiga magazines (or other such rubbish).
I've never sold anything on eBay. Now I just have twice as much junk - the stuff 'that might come in useful one day' and the stuff that 'somebody else might find useful one day'.
( , Sun 6 May 2012, 1:30, 1 reply)

I moved in with my boyfried and his 4 housemates as a 3 month in between before we got our own place. All fine except they we all tramps, the worst was his brother. Great laugh, a piss head and a lovely guy but a food hoarding maniac... Al-mu, my boyfirend was also a hoarder, hoarding receipts. When we emptied the bedroom we found boxes, I mean boxes. 100s of receipts, thousands of them! All for nothing important, pasties and milk. After cleaning all the boxes, we had 3 black bags and 12 empty shoe boxes.
Not as bad as his brother though, the food hoarder. A slow cooker, a chicken, curry recipe... 5 weeks later the curry was still there. He refused to throw it away. 6, 7 weeks pass. Hoards this curry, stills refuses to get rid. I finally crack and threaten death. He skims off fat and layers of mould and eats it.
I don't like hoarding.
( , Sat 5 May 2012, 23:58, Reply)

And Charlie was some kind of relative - Dave's Mum's older second cousin, something like that.
Charlie had been a local legend. He built his own TV set so he and his amateur athlete wife could watch the 1956 Olympics from Melbourne, no matter that the nearest transmitters were hundreds and hundreds of kilometers away, he made it work, according to Dave's Mum. If you wanted your radio, public address system or commercial two way system fixed, he was your man. TV? No worries.
His wife died suddenly in the late 1950s and Charlie went a bit funny. He started building amateur radio equipment, masses of it, and he started to hoard. Not paper, old supermarket bags, tin cans and such rubbish, tools. Heaven knows how much he spent over the years.
Charlie died in 1998. Dave phoned me a few weeks later and said there was to be a sale of Charlie's stuff one Saturday and would I like to came as a buyer. I'd never been inside the house, didn't know what to expect. Walls in three different rooms were solid radio equipment, all hand built, all sprayed that pale grey you used to see on professional gear. All of it used valves (vacuum tubes). I'm no expert on this but from a few loose units you could see it was beautifully made, not a blob of solder out of place, the steel chassis had been expertly cut out and fitted together, not a gap or a sharp tag in sight.
The house, apart from a surfeit of obsolete but classic VHF and UHF gear was fairly clear. But then we went down to the garage. Lathes, milling machines, nibblers, those things for bending sheet steel nicely, I don't even know what they are called. welding gear, soldering irons, bicycles that Dave said that Charlie built from tubing.
Unopened packages of drills and small tools with prices in pounds, shillings and pence. Australia adopted dollars and cents in February 1966. I got sets of drills and a set of screwdrivers, at least 30 years old and never out of the packets.
( , Sat 5 May 2012, 23:56, 2 replies)
This question is now closed.