Overheard the other day: "I've told you before - stop swearing in front of the kids, for fuck's sake." Your tales of double standards please.
( , Thu 19 Feb 2009, 12:21)
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I think you're all just jealous of our willpower.
Oh noes! I love the little piggies but I couldn't give up bacon. Yes you could if you put your mind too it. You're all just weak.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:26, 45 replies)

The difference is that meat-eaters seem determined to do so on the internet.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:46, closed)

I couldn't care less what people eat. Just as they shouldn't care less what I eat. I just wish people would leave it at that. You want to be a veggie for ethical or taste grounds? Excellent, all power to you. Don't tell me it's better for the environment, it's rubbish, it isn't. Don't go on about poor fluffy animals, I personally don't care, because they taste nice.
and in case you didn't notice, the first reply was a joke .. ;)
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:08, closed)

Is this now a thread about whether or not leslie grantham was a vegetarian?
( , Sun 22 Feb 2009, 16:01, closed)

..luckily, due to the large quantities of protein and iron we consume in meat, we are healthy and strong and can easily fight off any limp and pasty vegetarian attack
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:34, closed)

but I'd never allow actual facts to interfere with sweeping and baseless generalisation, for god's sake, this is the internet after all...
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:46, closed)

She's more than capable of bending most of us into pretzel shapes.
Pale and flaccid she is not.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:51, closed)

Eat whatever you like, and don't eat the things that you'd rather not. Simple enough. Live and let live and all that.
The ones I object to are the ones who give me a bad time for NOT being vegetarian. My daughter learned that lesson early on in her vegetarianism, I think- at least she no longer makes snarky comments about my diet.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:50, closed)

Little Debbie supplies all the vitamins and nutrients a healthy male needs : )
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 13:54, closed)

You forgot about the spray cheese!
*goes out for sushi for lunch*
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:50, closed)

... because I want to eat an ecologically-sustainable diet. That, like it or not, includes meat.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:14, closed)

...if God didn't want us to eat animals, why did he make them out of meat?
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:17, closed)

.....I will stop eating the darling animals of this world when they stop being so damn tasty. You know the evil little fuckers would munch on the lot of us given half the chance.
On a side whinge though, purported meat eaters that cringe and cry when 'Kill it cook it eat it' or some other abbatoir filming TV entertainment comes on make me a little irritable. If you're going to eat it, at least face up to the fact that the animal dies. My girlfriend will eat chicken, turkey, beef that's been enormously overcooked, and old pig nostrils (sausages, I believe they are marketed as - as Sir Terry P tells us, there is nothing a man with a big enough mincer can't put in a sausage). However, no rabbit, deer, veal, horse or lamb etc, because she bases her meat choice on how cute the animal is when it's alive. What a cunt.
I did look into the possibility of (with sufficient pain relief and regenerative treatments) selectively mutilating a small herd of cows to provide endless meat without actually ending their big wobbily bovine lives, but apparently that's more cruel that just caving thair heads in.
Ahhh, I remember, this was just a reply wasn't it. How I go on.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:30, closed)

But it turns out we're stronger than little piggies. Which is lucky since I love bacon, and furthermore doubt if pig overlords would be particularly benevolent.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 14:49, closed)

I need something's flesh!
(should there be an apostrophe there? I can't decide)
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:01, closed)

If you don't like meat, that's your choice, but the comment "you could if you put your mind to it. You're all just weak" shows exactly why vegetarians get the grief you mention.
If "Meat is murder", then Vegetarianism is the attempted subversion of society by moral manipulation. Think about this: PETA will go to a child and say "Do you like this cute little puppy?" Child will nod, then PETA will scream "WELL STOP EATNIG BURGERS YOU MURDERING FUCK, AS EVERY BURGER IS LIKE SMASHING A PUPPY WITH A BRICK". I believe this is their next marketing campaign, actually (but it's not far from the truth).
There is no rational conversation with a militant veggie and it's the same with animal rights nutters. Look, we don't need to put mascara on beagles (although it makes them look damned sexy), so obviously that testing can stop (in fact, if ugly women stop lying about their appearance and just admit they're not attractive, we can do away with makeup altogether...).
However, if we can treat cancer or cure alzheimers by sacrificing a few lab rats or the odd kitten, then I'd be first in line to stove their head in with a spade.
That's my problem with the militant veggie/animal rights loon - they have no logic to their argument. You can't ever have a rational covnersation about the subject with them - you either agree with them, or you're a murdering-evil-enviro-rapist who probably nonces kids, too.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:17, closed)

I don't think this is the website for you.
And I didn't call anyone stupid.
Edit - And now you've changed your post. *confuses*
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:20, closed)

if chad is upset with you, it's probably because HIS SENSE OF MORAL OUTRAGE at being a WHITE HETROESEXUAL MAN is being continually pissed on by DARKIES CRIPPLES AND QUEERS.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:39, closed)

my parents are disable, 80% of my workamates are either gay, or from overseas and my wife's best mate is a sri lankan lesbian, so I don't think I'm too outraged by life.
And what I said was, if you'd bothered to read it, that rather than equality (which I believe in) which states everyone is equal and should be judged purely on their actions and interactions with you, that we have a system of positive discrimintation.
If you want an example - look at Queer Eye For the Straight Guy - good TV, right, now reverse it and you'd get protests in the street. Jo Brand can stand on stage and say men are shit all evening long and it's hilarious, yet if you had a fat ugly male comedian badmouthing women, he'd be reviled (hello, Mr Manning).
I'm not saying either is true, or "right" in its thinking, what I say is that either BOTH should be allowed and acceptable, or NEITHER should be - there should be no double standards regardless of race, creed, religion, sexuality, gender or disability. That said, I think a dwarf applying for a job as a basketball player and then suing for discrimination when they are turned down is something that should also be outlawed - there is too much "card-pulling" going on. Now we are in a situation where businesses are scared not to hire a minority candidate for fear of being sued, where the only deciding factor should be ability to fill the role, etc.
Live and let live, say I.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:12, closed)

....but did you get your friends and family second hand from a late night channel 4 sitcom?
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:24, closed)

I wonder if it's the same one? Is there more than one Sri Lankan lesbian in the world? Does anybody know?
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 19:55, closed)

suggests you need to chill the fuck out a bit and stop taking life so seriously, I have some sympathy about your opinions on PETA.
these are the people who, I believe, are trying to persuade people to call baby fish "Sea kittens" to make them seem more cute and killing and eating them more morally reprehensible
There isn't enough facepalm in the world to express just how utterly fucking idiotic that is.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:29, closed)

anything slower or more stupid than me is food.
Which means if I ever get hungry, half this board if fucked.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 15:30, closed)

....I'm a fat fucker, so there's plenty eating on me.
Of course, you could also read that as I'm a big fucker, and you'd be nothing but a tasty snack.
As for your last comment, do you often fuck your food?
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:23, closed)

You're setting yourself up for the bashings you complain about.
People always bash people who do different things than they. Yes, there are idiots who do this with narrow wee minds but there are a few examples on here who do it in a more humouros way if you're looking or point out the silly vegetarians. Such as that lass classifying fish as a vegetable... Oh dear!
For the record, yes I am a veggie. And for the record too, veggies are not wee pasty things! =p The majority of veggie fake meat is whopping full of protien!
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 16:39, closed)

I would just point out though that not all protein is the same.
Animal protein is easily assimilated by our digestive system, whereas nut protein isn't. Gram for gram, you'll get more from animal protein.
It's the same as milk. Mother's milk is 100% compatible with out bodies, whereas cow milk is only about 90% compatible (I think). Man milk is probably a lot less than that.
Vegetarianism can be a healthy lifestyle, but you need to work hard at choosing your meals to equal a healthy omnivorous diet.
( , Tue 24 Feb 2009, 12:47, closed)

and I don't give a flying fuck what other people choose to eat. What I don't understand is why it seems to upset other people so damn much.
If you get pissed off making me a veggie meal when I come for dinner then I guess we aren't really very good friends then.
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 17:01, closed)

Or as we used to call them, "picky eaters".
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 17:04, closed)

Then why is it my veggie friends are happy to eat just about anything as long as it's meatless but the meat eaters whinge and moan if a meal is anything beyond a piece of meat and maybe a starch?
( , Fri 20 Feb 2009, 18:16, closed)

being picky isn't a function of your vegetarianism or not. It's a function of whether you are an arse or not.
( , Mon 23 Feb 2009, 9:29, closed)

Whether it be veganism, freeing Palestine, religious fundamentalism, political fundamentlism, or even just the hypnotoad* is that unfortunately nobody listens to fucking reason. It's a pain in the rusty sherrif's badge when you give somebody a good or relevant argument, they give the response "ah well you would say that because you don't know any better/you've been brainwashed/the government are covering it up." I just ignore them now. And kick them in the clunge.
If you'll excuse me, I'm off to eat a squirrel.
( , Sun 22 Feb 2009, 1:54, closed)

I just happen to like the taste of meat, and experience no moral qualms about eating the stuff.
( , Sun 22 Feb 2009, 14:21, closed)
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