Freddie Woo tells us "I'm having to drive 500 miles to pick up my son from the ex's house because she won't let him take the train in case he gets off at the wrong station. He's 19 years old and has A-Levels and everything." - Tell us about illogical and irrational people who get on your nerves.
( , Thu 10 Oct 2013, 12:24)
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then go on endlessly about the bloody government, bloody council, bloody school or anything else that they could have had a vote or registered an opinion or objection (bloody speed bumps) but never do.
EDIT - " I'm not gonna debate with you, Jerry! I'm not gonna debate!"
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:04, 25 replies)

"No to Europe" - fecking furriers - sic
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:05, closed)

Like cover versions of great songs, done by pop bands, and whether or not remakes of classic films are any good.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:19, closed)

I can't be bothered to follow politics. And my great-grandfather died for my right to feel this way.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:29, closed)

not voting is in question.
But fuck you and especially your dead relatives.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:34, closed)

it's still counted but as a vote for none of the above
I draw a CDC in every box and 'not today thank you' at the bottom
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:40, closed)

that would be a message
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:41, closed)

Anyone who thinks a spoiled ballot counts in any way is not only an idiot but a twat too.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:41, closed)

( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:41, closed)

vote for the party whose shit best suits your viewpoint and has a chance of getting rid of the shittiest. Not voting generally keeps the shittiest in power. Of course this depends on your personal opinion of what is shit and if you are so resolutely against thinking of anyone but yourself then perhaps you could do people a favour and wank yourself to death.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:35, closed)

If the least shit do get in how are you any more worthy of moaning about their shitness? You voted for them, you prick.
I refuse to vote for self-serving, lying, scheming pricks with no sense of conviction. If I'm going to be used as a punk bitch I don't really see how asking for a particular "big daddy" makes me more entitled to moan about my sore arsehole.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 7:29, closed)

That, or be barred from holding opinions.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 8:15, closed)

I'm not a millionaire lawyer with a PR team.
Besides, what you described is, pretty much, how people do vote and it usually results in voting the last lot out because they fucked up. It has recently, thanks to Gordon Brown right-royally pissing a load of people off and a lot of folks hating the tories, resulted in what we have now.
Somebody who thinks that the way you vote changes anything in the systems we have is somebody who ought to be barred from having an opinion.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 18:16, closed)

I am under no illusions about the effectiveness of my vote, but do feel fully entitled to express my dissatisfaction with the ruling classes, whilst simultaneously looking down on the non-voting/ballot-spoiling crowd.
( , Thu 17 Oct 2013, 0:37, closed)

It thins the herd of people with high blood pressure.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 16:54, closed)

( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:30, closed)

( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:04, closed)

you go on thinking ticking a box of choices every 4 years is important and makes a big difference
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 17:20, closed)

If everyone turned up to vote, we'd elect a shower of wankers who could claim popular support.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:21, closed)

I'm not sure the statement above about spoiled papers counting as a vote against is true....against who?
If all papers had a "none of the above" vote I'm sure turnouts would increase because not voting at the moment means they can say you weren't interested.
There isn't a party out there who have a clue what to do and a vote against would express this feeling.
Finally I reserve the right to bang on about how crap they are. Nobody asked my permission for them to bang on at me all the time.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 17:48, closed)

Would we shut down the state and default to anarchy?
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 8:18, closed)

ones would get the message that we can get rid of them if they are shit.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 8:32, closed)

whilst ensuring that everyone else lost their deposit.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 9:00, closed)

then weigh up the likely hood of them being able to genuinely being able to provide them with how likely the others are lying, find the middle ground, lose every time which means I can always whine about whoever wins.
( , Tue 15 Oct 2013, 18:44, closed)

We have compulsory voting or you get fined.
I thought until recently that this was a good thing, until our most recent election when a true bellend who had policies of guns guns and more guns, smaller Garvernmint (yes I know, his intelligence is implied in the spelling) Ang the Garvernmint should do something about making laws against the nanny state by registering a party name that was very close to one of the major parties, therefore attracting the votes of those who didn't really give a toss and showed because they had to and didn't pay attention.
Perhaps a non-compulsory system would allow for a better standard of elected member.
There will ALWAYS be people who complain despite taking no hand in correcting the situation. They are usually the ones most dependant on the efforts of others. We call them dickheads.
I am not Rob.
Fuck off Amouros Badger you fucking cop punching peado
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 7:37, closed)

Thankfully I just moved and never heard of it again after I'd reregistered in another district. No fucking way were they going to get fifty bucks out of me cause I couldn't be arsed. The way I see it it's all about the LCD here - you know the Today Tonight watchers. How the fuck else can we explain Pauline Hanson?
I think we should change the constitution to include the right not to vote. No way Tone the Bone's gonna let that happen tho.
Cheers for not being me btw! :-)
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 13:21, closed)

"If you vote and you elect dishonest, incompetent people into office who screw everything up, you are responsible for what they have done. You caused the problem; you voted them in; you have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote, who in fact did not even leave the house on election day, am in no way responsible for what these people have done, and have every right to complain about the mess you created, that I had nothing to do with."
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 11:59, closed)

no solutions.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 12:49, closed)

People vote for which lies they like the sound of the best.
They are literally voting for the best liar.
And then whinge about the government being full of shit.
Which they are.
Makes no difference if you vote or not.
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 13:03, closed)

I would form the apathy party and put myself up for election but i can't be arsed
( , Wed 16 Oct 2013, 16:14, closed)

This would've been it.
( , Thu 17 Oct 2013, 3:01, closed)

my view is there are 3 main processes at work here.
1 - Political parties platforms cater to the LCD (Lowest Common Denominator to you LCD's). Whether it's the bogans/chavs/rednecks pissed off 'cause they have to do something other than get pissed on a Saturday or the mortgage belt 'wearers' shitscared of a government that's going to raise taxes or allow home loan interest rates to rise or the OAP's worried about their investments and self-funded retirements (let alone the joke called a pension).
They're all going to vote "middle of the road". Not conservative and not socialist. The white dashes in the centre of the tarmac.
2 - This demographic is what the parties aim for. Thus "The Left" swings in and so does The Right until you have 2 parties that basically end up squabbling over what "middle ground/don't rock the boat" policies they can come up with. Unless they can find a scapegoat like say... immigrintz!
This is where the real mud-slinging and personality politics comes in. As we saw over here recently. There aren't I think many people who genuinely think Tony Abbott has a towering intellect - his "Prince Phillip-o-metre" goes to 11. But compared to the "fair shake of the sauce bottle" who gave his leadership and our prime-ministership to the Scarlett Harridan - Tone the Boner looked fucking great.
3 - Finally.
The fringe-dweller, hangers-on, nutjobs and (sadly, frequently) powerbrokers.
As we are under the Westminster parliamentary system under a 2 party-preferred setup basically any weirdo fucking nutter can start a political party or run as an independent and use any votes they garner as coin to leverage the two major parties into doing what ever the fuck they want them to.
Some people see this as "checks and balances" against the major parties having a balance of power.
Yes that is a bad thing but the senate is always a good stopgap against the lower house. Letting the "independents" have the balance of power is letting the inmates run the asylum. Think I'm wrong? 2 words - Clive Palmer.
Thanks to the rest of you for listening. To the poms you may not agree (or even understand) but then from what I know you have an OAP who let Rolf Harris paint her pic, who gets to "give" titles to people who aren't elected but still get to run the country.
( , Thu 17 Oct 2013, 6:38, closed)
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