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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Those of you that read my post on "The nicest thing anyone's done for me" some weeks ago will know some of the back story to this.
As it's coming towards Xmas, the stress on my G/F's daughter from her father is increasing exponentially. For legal reasons, I can't explain why she won't be going to any functions with his new partner, but he's still doing lots of emotional blackmail for her to do so. For weeks, every time she's come off the 'phone to her father, she's distraught. It breaks my heart but all I can do is comfort her and try to explain that none of it is her fault without belittling or blaming her father. Don't get me wrong, I encourage her to see her father (as often as he can be arsed) as I'm a divorced dad myself. I don't want her to lose touch but the circumstances are difficult. Its not easy but the happiness of this little girl means a lot to me.
Last night, very shyly and with a few false starts, she gave me an envelope. Inside she'd written this.
"Life has its ups and downs
But you're always there to take away my frown
Whenever I need a great big hug
You're always there to wrap me snug as a bug
You wipe away my tears
And take away my fears
So I'm glad to call you my Dad
When I'm with you I'm never sad".
Thanks Emily, best Xmas present ever.
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:57, 8 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

So I signed the lease on a new, bigger apartment on Saturday, and last night bought a living room set, bedroom set and dining room set for it.
I am all of the happy.
Moving in next weekend.
oh, and my divorce is final too, so double glee!
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:07, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

A number of us were outside smoking, and a homeless gentleman came up and asked if any of us would "sponsor a tramp".
As I'm King Of The TrampsTM, I had a "lucky rummage"* and gave him £1.10.
He then told us a joke:
What's the difference between a pigeon and an investment banker?
See reply for answer...
*reach into pocket, take out two coins and give it to them.
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:24, 10 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Does anyone out there own a copy of this at all please? and if so would they be willing to burn me a copy please?
I have lost mine (the second damn copy I have lost) and its a tenner on Amazon, for 17 minutes of music
If anyone can help please gaz me
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:43, Reply)

I need entertaining.
Do it b3ta!
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:38, 15 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

It's nearly Christmas, but those of you who are still at work (or not) can still come and join me here.

( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:18, 252 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

So in my previous post, I asked about a TV show. But when I went to put the details in the reply, I got side tracked and forgot.
How about I try again?
some of you had good guesses though....not anywhere close to the show, but good guesses all the same
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 3:19, 5 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'm looking for the name of a TV show from around 15 years ago. Details in replies.
Thanks guys!
( , Sun 21 Dec 2008, 21:38, 27 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

What's UP with you people?
( , Sun 21 Dec 2008, 14:40, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Does anyone know of a UK based proxy that will let me use IPlayer?
IPlayer blocks me as I don't have a UK based IP address.
Alternatively, can one of the techies around here setup a proxy on their broadband connection that I could use?
( , Sun 21 Dec 2008, 2:37, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

It's got all the hallmarks of QOTW; disapproval of poor-taste humour and racist intimidation of a defenceless shopkeeper.
Come on, admit it. Who was it?
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 20:22, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

full link
It was a simple mistake, Richard Alun Roberts told a Denbigh court, that led him to break into a charity shop and engage in sexual intercourse.
Roberts said he entered the shop believing it was his girlfriend's flat. Only after having sex with her did he spot his surroundings, upon which he stole £18.90 from the till and two suede coats.
The prosecution said that Roberts "had sexual intercourse with the female, in the room, and at the conclusion realised it was St Kentigern's charity shop and not a dwelling."
In mitigation, the defence said: "The intention of the visitation was to have a bit of slap and tickle, or sexual intercourse, with the young lady." Alcohol had also played a part.
Roberts - who had previously failed to attend a trial at which he was found guilty in absentia -was placed on probation for a year and ordered to pay £18.90 in compensation to St Kentigern's.
Denbighshire Free Press
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 16:27, Reply)

It's cheese, baked beans and salad cream. It's quite gooey, so a bit of a challenge to eat, but... Mmmm :-)
There's only a few people whom I've convinced to try it, however much detail I use describing the texture of the cheese against the beans or the Thousand Island sauce effect you get from the salad cream, or indeed the faced twisting vinegar tang from using really cheap ingredients.
Messy though.
What's your favourite thing to eat when you think no-one's watching?
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 15:18, 11 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Has she put the sprouts on yet?
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 15:03, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

As expected, all's quiet here on the last weekend before Chrimbo.
Drop in and tell us why you're not here this weekend *

* Paradoxes at your discretion
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 11:06, 49 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

What's your favourite film?
( , Sat 20 Dec 2008, 2:42, 1 reply, 16 years ago)

and got my classroom set up.
While I was there they gave me my laptop. Now laptops are vital in schools these days as rather then blackboards we have interactive whiteboards which run from the laptop.
Anyway, this laptop has been knocking about for a while but it was all set up for me.
The problem is that I have got it home today to find that the USB ports don't work.
When I plug my USB memory stick in the computer recognises it as a memory stick but wants software to run the bloody thing.
Any ideas what I can do to fix it? I can't go back into school as it's the holidays.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 18:31, 4 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

It's almost FLUFFEH!
Nah, just read this and thought it was absolutely ace!
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:25, 3 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

...I had to wait while other people got theirs done.
Then I realised that one of the people getting a trim was Steve Ryder (BBC sports guy)
And they were playing 'Rocking All Over The World'
Does it get any more B3ta than waiting in a barber shop while a TV presenter is having their hair cut while Status Quo is on the radio?
I think not.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:11, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Does anyone remember this?
I really enjoyed this and it was universally slated - it's discontinued on Amazon - does anyone know where you can buy universally slated discontinued DVD's ?
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 16:09, 7 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I also believe you have self-diagnosed aspergers.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:27, 1 reply, 16 years ago)

( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 15:20, Reply)
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