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Happy new week
It's nearly Christmas, but those of you who are still at work (or not) can still come and join me here.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:18, 252 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
only two full days of work remaining!

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:25, Reply)
Revising, CU?
Bit of an odd time to be swotting for exams isn't it?

I've got two and a half days of work left, then I'm off until the 6th of Jan. Should be fun.

Morning to you to, Vipros.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:28, Reply)
i wish you luck, CU
I was never that organised when it came to studying. My short term memory was good then, so cramming worked better!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:34, Reply)
I've never been much good at revising either
but I coped ok.

I'd find that my uni mates would revise for a 9am exam almost all night, whereas I would have stopped by 6pm, then go and smoke bongs until midnight.

I stopped smoking pot for my finals and kicked their arses.

It annoys my gf somewhat because we did the same course, got the same degree (I scored higher percentagewise) and I was stoned every single day for 4 years, except for 2 months at the end
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:41, Reply)
Morning all
3 days and counting here. Bit quiet at work though so lots of thumb twiddling to do today.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:43, Reply)
Only 3 days left for me too
but it's balls to the wall here once again! I wanna speak with you guize :(
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:46, Reply)
I've never smoked pot, but I used to finish revising in the early evening too, whereas my mates were up till all hours. I'm more of a morning person, so could study better during daylight hours. I just lost concentration in the evening.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:47, Reply)
it's odd, because I am completely 100% a night person
yet I can't revise once it's dark, no hope whatsoever.

I'm also the sort of person who procrastinates for a good while, but when the deadline gets close I bust my ass to finish with plenty of time to spare.

I don't like stress.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:51, Reply)
*envies morning people*
I function so much better at night that I wish I could be nocturnal. Maybe in my lifetime a proper 24 hour society will become a reality!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:55, Reply)
Morning all!
Still a little drunk from last night... too much port! And I'm in work so this will be very interesting. Right now we're talking shit- literally.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:57, Reply)
Monring all
and good luck with the revision CU.

Yep, I'm very much of the "don't revise until 6pm the night before" school of thought. I put that down to abject laziness on my part!

How was everyone's weekends? No-one nursing any hangovers, injuries (Hi Rubberduck!) or post xmas party fear?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 8:59, Reply)
My girlfriend's body clock
is displaced from mine by about 2 hours.

She'll rarely be asleep before 1am, but by the time she's getting up in the morning, I'll have been at work for an hour.

If we ever move in together it could be interesting!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:01, Reply)
Thanks to xkcd
I've been reading about cuttlefish and now octopuses on wikipedia. How mad does this look?!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:04, Reply)
Oh yes...
Good luck with the revision CU. The boss has just discovered the Bristol scale. I do feel rather sorry for him. Almost as sorry as the time I felt when I googled meatotomy for the first time.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:05, Reply)
Mmm, tasty!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:05, Reply)
Mornin' all.
It's my last day at work.
But I didn't sleep last night, so I'm in a terrible mood.
I've been here since nine and I've already shouted at two people.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:09, Reply)
Not strictly an octopus
but I love and hate this squid in equal measures.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:10, Reply)
Check out xkcd. I think you'll like it.

If that doesn't cheer you up here's a video of an octopus killing a shark

:edit: @jim That thing's creepy as fuck!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:11, Reply)
I can't look at pictures at work :(
Although I do like cephalopods best of all the inverts.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:13, Reply)
Morning people!
How was the weekend bash?

PJM - thanks for asking. Nothing more serious than a paper cut from xmas present wrapping for me this weekend. I'm quite impressed with myself though - normally wrapping presents would result in at least one amputation.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:14, Reply)
Not too keen on that particular xkcd cartoon!

*is physicist*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:15, Reply)
Weekend bash was brilliant ducky
Shame you couldn't make it.

@Kaol It's about cuttlefish and training them to kill physicists!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:16, Reply)
I like physics-folk!
I'd train 'em to kill chemists and statisticians.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:20, Reply)
*sharpens Swiss Army knife*
Point me in the direction of a statistician, Kaol!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:21, Reply)
Oh bugger
Chemistry and statistics are probably the two subjects I most enjoy.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:22, Reply)
Morning all!
How are we all? Have a good bash Saturday?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:22, Reply)
Mornin' Lab :)
Bash was good, but I couldn't get drunk.
Great to see people though, so yeah, fun :D

Turns out that I've got "Christmas Drinks" here tonight. And my mate is off ill today.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:27, Reply)
Glad you had a good bash! I had a mate's cheese and wine party, which ended in us playing Guitar Hero World Tour until 5:30am. Rockin' the drums for 5 hours hurts!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:31, Reply)
I played World Tour for a bit,
But I still prefer Rock Band, although I couldn't tell you why.
Not like I hate Guitar Hero, just... Don't like it as much *shrugs*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)
*dances in*
*snogs everyone*

I am so tired I may fall asleep at my desk later. If someone can bring me some tea at say 10ish that would be grand :p

*skim reads thread* So everyone ok?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:34, Reply)
Morning, Miss Badger
I'll give you some Irn Bru 32 to wake you up. Is that OK?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:39, Reply)
"Irn Bru 32"
I hope the 32 relates to percentage alcohol content...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:43, Reply)
I prefer Rock Band as well, it just 'feels' better. Mind you, GH:WT has three Tool songs...

But then RB has seven NIN songs!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:43, Reply)
Morning fears
I'm up bright and early to meet many friends for coffee. Also:
- that's a freaky squid
- what's your new bass like Kaol?
- go physicists!
- boo for statistics

Think that's about it. Morning to all who have made it this fine morning.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:44, Reply)
I agree!
Rock Band looks better too.
Just had a call from my mate asking if I wanna go over tonight to play some R.B, yay!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:45, Reply)
Those pens were amazing! Never have I seen such an awesome present for a b3tan!

Did you have a good (lusty/V grope free) Sunday?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:46, Reply)
@PoD: same here
except the coffee bit

edit: damn you all for getting in the way
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:46, Reply)
Morning all
I am trying my very hardest not to be sick all over my desk. Not sure I can manage it for a whole day though .

*lies down*

Ooh did you get a new bass Kaol?

Edit for hung over bad spelling.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:47, Reply)
Unfortunately, it's the caffeine content, in mg per 100ml. But it does come in a 330ml can, so you get a nice 100+mg caffeine shot.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:49, Reply)
New Bass
Yeah, I got one!
Not quite what I set out to get, but I fell in love with an Aria TAB-66, semi-acoustic...
*uploads photo*

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:51, Reply)
Haha, not what you set out to get at all
Looks very nice though! Aria are nice basses. Bet it was pretty reasonable money as well.

It looks pretty much like an EB-2D copy. Not that that's a bad thing, they're amazing basses!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:52, Reply)
Yeah, it was pretty good,
And I got a bit of money off too.
It sounds amazing though, I should be going to my drummer's tonight, so I can have a proper loud go on it :)

EDIT: Yeah, it does look like one of them, after some swift googling!
Tone-wise, it's so different to my solid-body electric bass, so I've got the difference in sound that I was looking for :D
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:54, Reply)
that's a really nice looking bass Special K

it's not a gold Strat though.... *daydreams*

haven't had my guitar out in over a week. I'm getting withdrawl symptoms.

Not had any time to write songs recently either and I feel like there are ideas in there waiting to come out. for a change.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:56, Reply)
Nice bass, Kaol
I've always fancied a semi-acoustic bass, but my bass does me fine just now. Hmm, the computers in my work are ruined. IT penguin to the rescue!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:56, Reply)
just googled your bass Kaol because I was curious
found this, made me laugh

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 9:59, Reply)
*shimmies in*
Morning all!

*does a little jiggle*


*feels dizzy*

*stops twirling for a sit down and a nice cup of tea*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:01, Reply)
That properly made me laugh, nice one Mr. V!

*waves at Lusty*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:01, Reply)
morning Lusty
new instruments are awesome. I'd like more.

no idea what guitar I want next. my Strat and Ibanez cover most bases....
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:03, Reply)

Feeling less hungover today?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:03, Reply)
In reply to your question
way up there V: Yes I had a very lazy Sunday :)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:05, Reply)
Morning all

It doesn't feel likwe a proper work day today so I thought I might mince around in here for a bit.

Is anyone else's office frekily quiet?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:05, Reply)
Yeah, Ape, it is.
I share an office with a mate, and his trainee.
Today he's ill, and it's our last day of work, so it's odd and quiet.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:07, Reply)
I have no idea what my office is like today, cos I'm not there!

Sofa + breakfast = win.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:07, Reply)
Morning lusty & clendrix
That thread is funny Vipros!

Kaol - I'd also like to point out that I'd consider it sacrilege to play this bass through solid state amplification. Valves FTW :P

My work is well quiet, loads of people off so hopefully won't get given any work... Which is good because even reading this thread is making my head throb in an unpleasant manner.

If anyone can find a Humax Foxsat-HDR in stock anywhere in the UK I will buy you a pint!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:09, Reply)
*envies Clendrix*

I'm off to France snowboarding on Boxing day and last year it was upto 7 EUROs a pint = around £5.

This year that will be £7 a pint!

*cries with thirst*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:09, Reply)
It's like
a ghost town in my office - 350 desks and only about 30 of them occupied.

The roads were good on the way in though. After hitting the national speed limit sign on the way out of Warwick, I didn't see another car the whole of the rest of the way to work. I only had to drop out of warp once, and that was to be able to get around a roundabout.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:10, Reply)
If you've got a valve amp that you wanna give me, feel free :p

I've got something to email you...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:10, Reply)
Well, the beer prices sound heartbreakingly shit, but snowboarding sounds like fun.

Ooh, Kaol!
*hopes it's naughty pics of Kaol*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:11, Reply)
Can't really complain

Just changed loads of my weedy little pounds yesterday and it hurt, a lot!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:11, Reply)
*enjoys a good old fashioned grope*
I'm feeling fine today Captain V.

It feels like it's the last few days of school before the holidays so I'm slightly bouncy this morning.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:12, Reply)
I know someone who has an Epiphone that's more or less identical
Although he's removed the frets from the neck and filled it in.

He plays it through an ancient little Vox valve bass amp, sounds gorgeous. Almost like a double bass!

I'll see if I've got a spare Ampeg SVT lying around mate...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:13, Reply)
*reports Duckie*
*to the speeding people*

:p I still haven't got half my christmas shopping :(
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:13, Reply)
You're right lusty
You are feeling fine!

*is a little bit naughty today*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:14, Reply)
I went Christmas shopping yesterday
Pretty busy, but not nearly as busy as you'd expect the last Sunday before Christmas to be. Either everyone's been really organised this year or they're all skint.

I went for the easy option of buying everyone a CD, DVD or a book, or a combination of.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:15, Reply)
Apparently I can get a Humax HDR from Argos and it's showing as in stock for home delivery for Warwick.


Anyone want to buy a Humax Foxsat HD (the non-recording one)?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:16, Reply)
Humax jobby
John lewis in Milton Keynes had one in over the weekend but I can't vouch for it being there now as I have to wait in to tip the binmen.

Valves eh? I've just bought a used one of these to be having a play with over Chrimbo. Cheerfully underpowered but lovely;
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Oh V, you little scamp!
You're in my phone as John (V).
Which makes me laugh, as it's like you're a veggie option on a menu.
Obviously it's not "John", but you know.

Clendrix, it's a naughty picture, but not of me :P
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Actually, TGB
rubberduck didn't admit to speeding. He just said he had to slow down to get round a roundabout, which is perfectly reasonable on a 60mph road. :)

The roads were good here too this morning. I like coming to work when other folk are on holiday, which is why I like having a job which doesn't observe bank holidays.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:17, Reply)
V are you groping people
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:17, Reply)
Does not understand Bass chat

A pint of Bass however is something I can understand, although I haven't seen it on sale in yonks.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Oh Captain V you naughty little goose.

*ruffles hair*

*remembers it feels like silk*

*strokes captain v's hair*

*rubs his beard*

I nearly had a heart attack walking to the pub on saturday and seeing all those beardy men sitting outside. It made my lady bits feel all tingly.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:19, Reply)
Oh well.
*has quick grope instead*

Lusty - my sig is honour of you :)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:19, Reply)
I don't know whether to laugh (because it's funny) or cry (because I've been associated with something that isn't meat or potatoes)

@TGB In short, yes.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:20, Reply)
I guess my sig is in honour of Lusty too :p
She's full of win today!

"Meat-free V" has a good ring to it...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:20, Reply)
I don't like the idea of being full of meat *shudders*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:22, Reply)
Whereas Meat Free C
will just make me sad.

*receives e-mail*
*laughs self sick*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:23, Reply)
*flash-back to pub-conversation*
I think you're right.
So, the picture is what you were expecting, C?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:23, Reply)
That looks well nice Leonard
Underpowered? 12W on valves is worth 100 solid state!

Unfortunately I'm all solid state on my home hifi but I am a fervent believer in valves for guitar and usually bass amps...

*orders Freesat box*

I owe you a pint duck!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Thanks k2
for digging me out of the legal hole. :)

Obviously I was a responsible citizen and stopped accelerating once I hit 60mph. I wouldn't be so childish as to let my inner hooligan take advantage of empty roads with good conditions and visibility.

Honest, officer
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:24, Reply)
Either I'm not supposed to understand that flashback or the flashback has given me a seizure.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)
Being full of win makes a nice change, I'm usually full of something slightly less savoury.

@Clendrix. Officelolz! Good times, good times.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)
it's just perfect.

Lusty, very good times indeed!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:26, Reply)
It certainly goes louder and longer than you'd expect but its pretty gentle- the EL84 is not exactly a powerstation. I have been solid state for years (Electrocompaniet FTW) but this came up at a nice price and I fancied dipping my toe again. I haven't sold the other amp, nor I suspect will I.

Glad you found the PVR- I confess to giving money to Rupert Murdoch for my HD fix but the Humax looks good.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:29, Reply)
I play through a 100w one of these www.marshallamps.com/heritage/valvestate_ii/valvestate_ii_01.asp

I've been toying with the idea of an all-valve amp recently though....someone told me about some really cheap good ones you can get last week, but I can't remember who or what....

edit: just read some stuff on a forum dissing my amp. it really bugs me when people put stuff down just because it's doesn't fit in their twatty ideals.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:30, Reply)
I've always thought of salt as a pretty savoury flavour.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:30, Reply)
Lusty, that was a proper office-laugh, well done, I needed that :D

*drinks coffee*

EDIT: V, I think you forgot about the conversation that we started with "... But if we were gay..."
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:30, Reply)
Didn't that conversation end
somewhere else? I seem to remember you two sneaking off to the toilets together.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:34, Reply)
I meant sweets and cakes.
You bunch of perverts!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:34, Reply)
*strains some more*

*has a nose bleed*

Nope, no good. I can vaguely remember having such a conversation but it's content eludes me completely. I wish my memory were a bit less sporadic.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:35, Reply)
The valve in the Valvestate doesn't actually do anything Vipros
It's there purely so they can call it Valvestate!

I usually diss them as well sorry mate! I really don't like solid state break up and distortion unless it's for some sorts of metal... It's a very pale imitation of a JCM etc which only sells cos it has Marshall on the front.

There's plenty of reasonably cheap valve guitar amps, what sort of money you looking to spend? Hunting for an amp for you will give me something to do that's not work :D

@ Leonard, bastard :P I'm Rotel pre/power and B&W, extremely nice for the price I paid but not exactly super high end... judging by your previous posts I'd probably drool over your setup. I have a 1W/side valve amp that I built as a project which is nice but not powerful enough.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:36, Reply)
Oh V...
I remember saying "You'd be the taker", and you just smiled slightly and shrugged.

I don't remember how we got onto the subject...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:37, Reply)
would you be here if we weren't perverted?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:37, Reply)
*ears prick up*
Oh really Clendrix? I wonder what they got up to...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:37, Reply)
Urination, mostly...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:38, Reply)
I rememeber
Kaol stating that he owned V as he had come up with the name and looking angry and V just squeaking "ok".
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:41, Reply)
Second hand is your friend.
Got the Leben for under a grand and I've been staggered at some of the prices required to shift some really nice items at the moment.

I confess that working in the industry does make things a bit cheaper as well.

Flea powered amps are an art form. I've got a buddy who built a 3w per side single ended circuit which he uses into lowther drivers. It is quite epically loud if he fancies.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:42, Reply)
Yeah, it's like having a pet.
I named him, so he's mine :p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:42, Reply)
Hmmm, given Kaol's explanation of what they were up to, let me ask you, a man, this: is it normal for post-urination to bring about heavy breathing, high-pitched giggling, red faces and a bow-legged walk? Hmmm?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:43, Reply)
Probably not.
The sick bastardness of you lot makes me giggle like a mong in dodgem.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:44, Reply)
Oh Mong!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:45, Reply)
feel free to diss, it was the way these chumps were talking that annoyed me ;-)

also, I've never been sure if the valve did anything!

I've mostly played metal until recently too, so the distortion suited me perfectly

I've had the thing for 10 years or more and it's done me proud, but now I'm gigging I want something nicer!

I won't be getting an amp for a while but I'd probably like to spend £500 or 600 when I do get one.

Needs to be powerful enough for small to medium gigs, and preferrably have its own quality distortion. I can't be bothered fucking around with effects pedals
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:45, Reply)
That's what I mean, my whole setup cost under a grand!
Rotel & B&W, and a NAD CD player, and all the cables...

I'd love to buy into some higher end stuff but this is pretty decent for what I use it for. Certainly better than x amount of shit plastic midi systems.

I do have a pair of Adam P22As as well though, which I use for monitoring.

BTW - do you work for or have any associations with any manufacturers or are you strictly retail? Got something you may be interested in if the former...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:48, Reply)
As a man, no, simply the act of urination does not lead to such physical symptoms.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:48, Reply)
*spits tea all over keyboard*
*tries to explain it was because of a mong in a dodgem*

*dies laughing*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:49, Reply)
My bass amp
Is a Fender Rumble 100 Combo. *awaits whipping*
It's fine for my use thus far, goes plenty loud enough.
Fucking pain in the arse to haul around though.

Next on my "to get" list is a new P.A. The one I've got is borrowed from work, and it's weedy as hell. It's turned up nearly full, but I have to really belt out the vocals to make 'em heard, which ruins any subtlety.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:51, Reply)
Labs, I suspected this was the case. Hmmm...Kaol and V.
Badger, I love that guy. I wish he'd come back. I can't even remember how I found him, but now I can't pass a fairground without thinking about him.
*with laughter*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:51, Reply)
I work for a UK wing of a manufacturer
A big one. Prior to this I worked for a smaller British company in product development and training. Haven't been in the retail side for some years now. Anonymity is precious, so I'll leave the names off for now.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:52, Reply)
A 10-20W will probably be alright, particularly if you want distorted tones.

Valve amps distort by overdriving the valves, so if you have too powerful a one it will get to ear-bleeding volume long before it distorts (you'll know what I mean if you've ever used or seen anyone playing a Fender Twin)

You won't get full on metal distortion but you will get that lovely bluesy valve break up that can't be achieved with solid state.

A second hand Cornell Romany would probably be in your budget, but that would rely on someone wanting to sell theirs... they're insanely good amps.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:53, Reply)
Ningle bells, ningle bells, ningle all the waaaaay!
Cripes, you lot have been busy this morning!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:55, Reply)
I've used a Fender twin, and I do know what you mean!
a bluesy crunch is the sound I need to go with my band's stuff and to complement my Strat
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:56, Reply)
Oh dear
I walk down to purchasing and come back to talk of being the taker and kaol's bitch. I'm not sure whether to be afraid or turned on.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:58, Reply)
Morning DiT
*high fives*

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 10:59, Reply)
V - a little of both, I should think.

Wotcher, Tightly!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:00, Reply)
Woo, DiT!
Er... Happy DiTmas?
*jumps off motorway bridge*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:01, Reply)
when you jumped off the bridge, did you have to take the thread with you?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:08, Reply)
Hehehe, Happy DITmas, I like that.
Might use it on the old family cards this year!

Word up, Lusty!

*dance offs*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:09, Reply)
I think you'll find that
Daytime-thread-kill-minimum-time-value is ten minutes, thank you very much :p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:09, Reply)
*body pops*

*spins on head*


*sighs* Looks like my dancing skillz were too much for you all.

*sits in the corner*

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:11, Reply)
Morning all
I'm looking after my sisters youngest today, doing the whole arts and crafts thing, oh joy.

So how are you lot today?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:18, Reply)
Oh, yeah! She's got the Skillz to pay the Billz!
As I believe is the modern parlance, anyway!

*gives medal to Lusty for winning*

There ya go!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:19, Reply)
*hugs Lusty*
Sorry, I was too busy not wiping out the children who keep screaming in my office.


They've gone now.
I fucking hate kids.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Why the fuck
Are there children in your office?

:edit: Oh Lusty, I was going to reply to your gaz but I deleted it by accident and couldn't be arsed to start a new one. *is lazy*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:20, Reply)
*puts on medal*

@Dok. Can I come round for arts and crafts?
I fucking love arts and crafts!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:22, Reply)
I didn't put them there.
My cunt of a manager has a wife and three kids.
For some reason they've turned up here today.

Fucking noisy little bastards.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:22, Reply)
Yes you can, I'm also watching Darkplace. I suck at making stuff out of card, I'd much rather use wood or metal, so any help is appreciated muchly.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:25, Reply)
Er... Just use lots of glue!

Where I'm staying over Christmas has a metal-workshop, with bench-grinders, a lathe, welding/cutting gear and all kinds of other exciting things.
I think I'll be making myself something fun :D
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:27, Reply)
Make a full size version of Lusty's card
In giant death-o-vision.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:29, Reply)
You're pretty much living my ultimate day, arts and crafts and dark place. If there was a cup of tea and a chocolate hob nob involved I think I'd be sick with excitement!

Yes, I am that cool.

@Captain V.
Nice to know I'm worth the effort! :p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:30, Reply)
I think I owe it to myself to make a cleaver-knife.

I've got some mild-steel laying about, and I think I can carbonise it there :D
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:30, Reply)
Not cards
Cardboard photo frames. At leasst I don't have to do too much.

What kind of fun thing Kaol, I was thinking of making myself a sword at some point, when I can be arsed.

EDIT Lusty, yes there caould be Tea and hobnobs. Your card was awesome btw I wish I was half as good.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:32, Reply)
You are. That's why I didn't reply. I'm saving as much energy as possible for later!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:33, Reply)
I want something that combines the weight of a cleaver with the stabbing-power of a knife.
So... *shrugs*
Lots of fire and hammering :D
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:33, Reply)
How about a Kukri?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:39, Reply)
This it gonna be a unique design!

It's gonna look like shit, I'd imagine, but it'll be fun!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:40, Reply)
I have
always fancied a Kriss, but never got round to getting one.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:42, Reply)
big heavy blade on one side, narrow stabby blade on t'other?

Hurrah, I have just invented the fighting axe.

Ningles all!

EDIT - Or just go with a nice hook-pointed halberd blade like a Lochaber axe mounted on a short handle.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:43, Reply)
Hi Wookie
How's tricks?

Fighting axe you say, cool.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:45, Reply)
Nah, I'm thinking more like a giant kitchen knife...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:46, Reply)
Blimey, it's Wookers.
Before lunchtime, no less.

Soon it's going to be afternoon and I'm still not dressed.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:48, Reply)
Tricks are good, ta.
Just skiving the day away today. I think it's only fair.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:51, Reply)
Skiving is good
Morning Drixy.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:52, Reply)
Ten to twelve and not dressed?
Is it still the weekend? ;)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:53, Reply)
Morning Dok!
I am on holiday now, Tightly!

But I am going to get dressed now because I have received a gaz instructing me to do so.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 11:58, Reply)
I've just seen the first funny email forward of the year -
An alternative psychiatric dictionary, featuring:

Autistic Spectrum Disorder: A pervasive developmental disorder that robs the individual of the ability to understand social communication while simultaneously enabling him/her to understand the deepest functionings of World of Warcraft.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:01, Reply)
Just got an email to say that the missing cables for my monitors will be sent out today. Wont get the before Christmas but at least it's being sorted =] Now just to sort out the borked RAM and the humming sub woofer =/
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)
You lucky beggar!

Still, we have our Christmas lunch today! I hope there are pigs in blankets (or Devils on Horseback, as I have recently heard them described as)! Pigs in blankets FTMFW!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:02, Reply)
Pigs in blankets
My brother in law refers to them as 'kilted sausages', much to the amusement of my sister.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:07, Reply)
Devils on Horseback are prune and bacon rolls.

Pigs in blankets are sausages in bacon, like you described. Om nom.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:08, Reply)
I might be persuaded to give the traditional festive Goose a miss, if it was for a main-course sized pig-inna-blanket.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:10, Reply)
Ten points to anyone who tries this:
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:10, Reply)
Don't fancy drinking that, Kaol
but it would be fun to set fire to it.

Edit: *dons thread killer hat*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:13, Reply)
Would setting it on fire
Kill the thread? :p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:28, Reply)
Dear me...
what are you two doing to this poor thread?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:36, Reply)
That's a bit scary
I went to have a dump, then when I got back I saw the thread was a bit dead. So I edited my post, and at the same time Kaol was writing one.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:38, Reply)
Christmas Quiz

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:40, Reply)
Oh dear
I did OK on the quiz last week, but only managed 2/12 on part three.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:45, Reply)
I got 5.
This is my usual level of crapness, so I'm happy with that.

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:51, Reply)
I don't have time for quizzes!

Ten minutes 'til lunch.
Except I don't have any money to buy food today *shakes fist*

I've got two cigarettes and 40 minutes to kill.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:52, Reply)
You could try scrounging, Kaol
Go and persuade a colleague to buy you lunch.

It shouldn't be too difficult if you have a knife with you...
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:58, Reply)
I've only got one
Person I work with who I talk to, and he's ill today!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 12:59, Reply)
My first thought
When you mentioned having 2 cigs and 40 minutes to kill was to suggest attempting to assemble a crude canoe.

I think I might need my head checked (some more)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:00, Reply)
*shakes head slowly*
*paddles off*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)
Afternoon all
I've got my yearly review anytime now.

*not looking forward to it*

*has been a grumpy, combative fucker this year*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:02, Reply)
You'll be fine, just don't throw anything across the room or hit your boss.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:07, Reply)
Afternoon all!
I'm typing this from my mother's laptop, using the slowest dial-up in the world... Back in Cambs, picking up the goose later! We're having a Christmas supper tonight, as we'll be up in Scotland for Christmas proper with my bro. I loooove being back home, surrounded by honest-to-god proper countryside (unlike London).

Woo! Nearly Christmas!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:09, Reply)
It's all gone a bit quiet.
*twiddles thumbs*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:22, Reply)
I think one of my colleagues just hit her boredom threshold
She has just offered to wrap all of my Christmas presents. Awesome or what??
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:23, Reply)
Can I have your colleague please? I promise to return her in the same state she's given to me.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:27, Reply)
She says yes, on two conditions
That you pay for the train fare, and buy her a Chelsea shirt.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:33, Reply)
A Chelsea fan. You can keep her!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:39, Reply)
Well I guess that saves on the train journey
Either way I am incredibly grateful and she will be finding a box of chocolates on her desk tomorrow morning.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 13:58, Reply)
I too am posting this from my parents'. My office has shut down so I don't have to work today. On the minus side, it means some of our holiday allowance is fixed.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:01, Reply)
It's dead in here.
which makes me sad.
But, when I went out to get my lunch there was a small child dressed as spiderman, complete with full web face paint shouting "SPIDERMAN" over and over again at the top of his voice and running around.

This made me happy.

I am quite jealous it's no longer acceptable for me to dress up as a fictional character of my choice and run around screaming their name.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:12, Reply)
Awh, you poor lonely person :p
The Trainee took me to the pub for whisky :D

And then looked disgusted with me when I went for a smoke.

As for fictional characters... *hides white shirt and black tie*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:13, Reply)
Kaol with a trainee?
This should end up well...

As for supeheroes I'd like to dress up as, I'll be a Transformer that transforms.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:19, Reply)
Lunch time drinking
is always fun.

*gins grins*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:19, Reply)
It's not my trainee,
She belongs to my mate who's the 3D designer.
But he's ill today.

Plus most of the factory is convinced that we're fucking, anyway, so the look on their faces when I went off to the pub with her was priceless.

But we're not.

*gins Lusty*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:22, Reply)
I had a liquid lunch of Guinness
So I am quite happy. Although it was the best pint of Guinness in Wakefield, it is served in the worst pub in Wakefield- the Fleece. Although BK made things more interesting with his rendition of Startrekkin' on Friday night.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:22, Reply)
*enjoys being gined*
@piston. I have heard about BK startrekkin' but alas I've not witnessed it myself. You must feel very lucky.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:26, Reply)
Enjoy it you should!
I'm the best barman in Uttlesford!
*shakes gin*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:29, Reply)
*shakes boobies*
*possibly missed the point*

*shakes anyway*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:53, Reply)
I do feel quite privileged
Him doing all the proper voices was something to behold... had I not been suffering from a crippling case of heartburn I would have joined in.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:55, Reply)
Is it just me and you here?
*grins wickedly*
EDIT: Oh, hi PB!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:55, Reply)
Careful, people might start gossiping!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:58, Reply)
You're right...

It's so quiet here this afternoon.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 14:59, Reply)
You're right
It is boring round here this afternoon. 2 hours to go until home time. Going down my local later for the drawing of their Christmas raffle =D
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:02, Reply)
I bet everyone else is off having fun.
*makes own entertainment*


I don't need anyone else to have a good time.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:03, Reply)
Not even
The bosom of a fellow b3tan?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:05, Reply)
I've gotta hang around
After work for "Christmas Drinks".

EDIT: Can you put some of that entertainment in my direction please? *smiles sweetly*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:05, Reply)
@captain V
That would help!

There are some lovely b3ta ladies with some rather amazing bosoms to put my face between.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:07, Reply)
Noons all
It's hella busy at work, so seperate lunches for everyone. How the fuck are you all?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:09, Reply)
How would you like to be entertained then?

Becky! hello lovely face. How are you?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:09, Reply)
It is rather quiet in the office
We're all doing quizzes. Well, most of us. I don't like doing quizzes so the rest of the office are.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:09, Reply)
All the better for feeling your boobs on Saturday my dear
How are you doing?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:11, Reply)
Hey becky
I've just remembered my old German teacher who, it could be argued, was addicted to porn. I think I'll try to turn that into an answer later today or tomorrow.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:14, Reply)
Me and my boobs
are fine thank you.

I've heard that god awful x factor song 5 times already today though which is somewhat distressing.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:14, Reply)
Always good to know
that I can stir up happy memories V ,)

I can feel the stench rising, so I'm heading back to work
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:15, Reply)
Well, I didn't sleep last night,
So gentle entertainment would be appreciated.
Or someone to fall asleep on, haha!

Hi becky!

EDIT: Bye becky... Haha!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:16, Reply)
As much fun as I'm sure it would be to sleep with you, I think you might squish me if you fell asleep on me.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:24, Reply)
Fair point :p

*drinks coffee*

I just found out that I may well be here 'til eight tonight :|
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:32, Reply)
If you fancy it you could feign a family emergency and I could pick you up on my way home from work (via a big detour =p)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:35, Reply)
Nice idea V!
Except for one small problem...
*gazzes you*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:38, Reply)
Afternoon all
After a morning of coffee with friends, and then helping a friend with his christmas shopping, I've finally made it home. Woot.

Kaol, I can also see several problems with V's plan. Actually, just one main problem.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:41, Reply)
Afternoon PoD!
Up to anything exciting the rest of today?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:45, Reply)
The overseer
actually just made me laugh quite a bit.
She has a new chair and was adjusting the height so said quite loudly "ohhh I bet I look like a spastic adjusting my wheelchair!" Before realising she shouldn't have said it.

Then she showed me the picture on her fag packet and exclaimed "It looks like a droopy cock!" She then laughed before saying "the word cock makes me laugh. Cock, cock cock!"

She must be filled with christmas cheer.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:51, Reply)
Is she filled with
salty Christmas cheer?

(Sorry, my mind is in the gutter [more than usualy] today)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:54, Reply)
@Captain V
I really wouldn't know.

I don't sit that close to her.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:55, Reply)
You want some of my Christmas cheer?

Actually, I'm afraid it might be "Christmas Bitterness".
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:55, Reply)
Hullo again!
I am back from the Christmas lunch. Turkey and pigs-in-blankets agogo!

I feel very sleepy now! *zzzzzzzzz*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:56, Reply)
Time to recycle my now favourite phrase
"I'm so bitter that, when taking a bite out of me, even a lemon would wince"

It's not as eloquent as I remember it but it is true.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:57, Reply)
I love the fact that Bill
Said he's become addicted to using my phrase "The Power Of ScienceTM".
I'd forgotten that I'd ever said it in the first place!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:59, Reply)
Oh yea!
That is a great little phrase. It's probably the closest thing I'll ever have to a faith.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:04, Reply)
I just
love Bill.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:04, Reply)
I love that within moments of turning up on Saturday
I had you attached to my head.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:05, Reply)
Captain V
That's because I love having your head near my mouth.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:06, Reply)
By "you" do you mean both of us?
Or did you not notice my stealthy hand?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:07, Reply)
Nope I didn't notice
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:11, Reply)
When it comes to me...
You're not very observant, are you?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:15, Reply)
Yo Lusty
What are you up to on Christmas eve?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:17, Reply)
@Captain V
I'm working :(
But then I'm going to get drunk with my brothers me thinks.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:26, Reply)
I was deliberately
Not observing Kaol =p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:27, Reply)
what's everyone been up to this afternoon then?

*scans thread*

Oh. OK. Same old misbehaviour. Very good.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:28, Reply)
children, children.
Stop being mean to each other. It'll all end in tears.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:28, Reply)
Hey Kaol
I'm off out tonight for a Christmas dinner at a friends house. Am driving though, so no cider, champagne, or whatever for me tonight :(
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:33, Reply)
*stops being mean*
Sounds good PoD!
Apart from the not-drinking, I mean.
I've got work-drinks in a while, but I might be driving tonight, so... *shrugs*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:41, Reply)
Can you drink again now?
I thought you couldn't at the current moment.

It should be good, but I have to get dressed up. I still don't particularly getting dressed up, but at least there shall be lots of food.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:50, Reply)
I can drink, but I don't seem to be able to get drunk most nights.
Is that what you mean?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:52, Reply)
Makes sense now
When you said you couldn't get drunk, I presumed you weren't drinking. Meh. Feel insulted if you wish.

I'm glad I don't have to bother with things like work drinks. I believe I would find it rather dull.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:53, Reply)
Yeah, it's dull as hell!
I just wanna go and play my new bass instead!

No insult taken :p
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 16:55, Reply)
Maybe Captain Health and Safety could make it more exciting
I really want to play the piano, but I'm having to make do with my guitar just now. Such a step down, it's a shame.

Are you working right up until Christmas, or off after today?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:01, Reply)
My mind has gone. I've just spent the day watching kids movies. My niece didn't want to make stuff in the end, thank god!

I need some grown up stuff to get me back to normal!

(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:01, Reply)
What films did you watch?

*does not want to talk about grown up things*
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:03, Reply)
We've watched The Borrowers, Treasure Planet, and The Ant Bully.

I've managed to get Evolution onm but I don't think it'll last.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:05, Reply)
Where's the grown ups?
Get out grown-ups. Out I say!

Were you hiding until someone else appeared 'lusty?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:06, Reply)
Today is my last day, s'all good, I guess.

I'm afraid that Capt'n H&S has a massive dislike for all the people he works with. And they don't talk to him because he shouts at them at lot, and calls them stupid.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:06, Reply)
I call lots of people at uni stupid
Mostly because they are. They probably all hate me. Oh well.

So sitting in the corner/your office listening to rock music then instead of mingling?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:09, Reply)
I haven't seen any of those.
I was hoping you'd been watching Enchanted as it's the bestest film.
I was listening to the soundtrack on my way to work this morning.

'lo PoD, I'm flittering about between here and updating spreadsheets. Fun!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:09, Reply)
I don't want to be a Grown Up
But sometime I have to be. I know, it sucks.

I need help!

EDIT Lusty, never seen that, not one for kids movies myself, they give me brain ache!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:11, Reply)
I've gotta go now.

If I don't catch you guys before, have a great Christmas/New Year :)
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:12, Reply)
A happy Christmas to you too Kaol
Why are you still working 'lusty? You should be away home relaxing.

And poor Dok, having to put up with such stuff.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:14, Reply)
The only days I get off are christmas and boxing day. I've also got to work new years eve.

Oh well, I'm only here for a few more weeks then I'm free to actually have a life!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:19, Reply)
Well in that case...
Why haven't you at least gone home for the day?
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:23, Reply)
If I don't hear from you have a good one.

Eveybody else who is still at work, ypu have my permission to go home. If anybody says anything tell them it's Doktors orders!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:26, Reply)
I'm not allowed to leave until 6.
Only half hour to go now so it's not so bad.

I just know that if I tried to sneak out before then that my boss would come down and find that I'd fucked off and I'd get in a lot of trouble.

I've been getting in quite a bit of trouble recently as it is so it's not worth the risk.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:27, Reply)
Soon, all this will behind you. But how we will miss the stories of the Minge Monster when the time comes to fly.
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:30, Reply)
I'm sure she'll give me plenty of fodder for future use!

I keep day dreaming about mounties covered in maple syrup.

Not long til I can actually meet some!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:37, Reply)
...all! I'm home scarily early from work!!
(, Mon 22 Dec 2008, 17:51, Reply)

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