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I have spent a pleasant couple of hours this afternoon looking at flat porn
I started off in Finsbury Park but for the equivalent of where I am now I'd be paying more than double, and forget buying. Then I went North to Enfield Chase, where there are some very nice places for only about half again as much, and those that are double are fantastic. And buying would be an option too - this looks really nice: www.findaproperty.com/for-sale/property-10393019

Of course this is all moot if I don't get offered the job in London, but I have discovered I just like looking at flats, especially modern purpose-built ones. Fuck your Victorian conversions.

What's your odd pleasure? MY MUM IS DEAD YOU SICK FUCK.

EDIT: Also, any other suggestions for good areas to live with transport links to Moorgate?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 18:54, 94 replies, latest was 13 years ago)
I love looking at flats and houses.
But then, I am a nosy bugger.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:00, Reply)
I do prefer looking at furnished pictures
especially if the current occupants have good taste. Although there's a certain charm in the places full of mismatching 70s furniture and tiny CRT televisions.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:22, Reply)
Pretty cheap round there. If you like loads of council estate kids hanging around the high street it'd be perfect

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:17, Reply)
Barnet also has train links straight to Moorgate.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:26, Reply)
Ooh, I shall give it a look
Round High Barnet, say?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:45, Reply)
East barnet
High Barnet is the overground...... Actually, for getting to mooregate, the whole of Barnet (near stations) is alright.

I saw about 8 flats in Barnet when hunting and I had a choice between convenient as a non driver, or having a nice place.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:24, Reply)
You could rent in Finsbury Park for a while before moving out to buy
Finsbury Park is a cool place, loads of great restaurants, and a great football team.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:30, Reply)
I already have a football team, thanks
Be fun to see more away games, though.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:35, Reply)
I would definitely rent first before buying
I guess I was thinking about doing both in the same area, but there's no real reason to. I could even rent in FP for 6 months and then rent further out for 6 months before buying, assuming they haven't sacked me by then.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 19:50, Reply)
Oh dear lic that's a 60's tower block with shitty prefab panels stuck to it, that's why it's so cheap. They're also tiny like your penis with no where to store anything.
They do have a ^virgin gym as part of the complex
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:14, Reply)
But it's SO PRETTY

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:42, Reply)
Where I'm really lucky by accident is all the moor gate to Hartford north / Gordon hill / Stevenage, stop at Enfield chase
But some of them don't stop a few stops just before or after.

Don't bother with Tower Point, tiny kitchens (seriously, I doubt there is 1m of workspace), built to let market means shittier neighbours, it's I think about 10 years old now and has a lift so maintenance is horrific, the gym/pool is shit and expensive considering you own some of the fucking building.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:20, Reply)
See this is good stuff
Like Al says, I'd probably rent first then look around to buy. No substitute for seeing it and smelling it yourself.

The size of the kitchen in my current place is the only thing I'd want to improve, so that's definitely a point.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:44, Reply)
Check out Princess Park Manor for some real house-porn

My Dad wanted to buy one of the flats there off-plan, but Ma' didn't like it as my Mum's mum's great-aunty had a bomb dropped on her head in that very same building when it used to be a mental hospital in WW2.

If ever there was a place that isn't haunted that should be, it was there. My grandkids would never have to work again if we did go through with it though.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:57, Reply)
fuck me
what the I don't even

Edit: www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/property-30404722.html

Wanna share a flat? You can have the room with its own toilet.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:23, Reply)
Loads of well famous people live/have lived there at one point or another.
You'll get to know the name of the paps eventually.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:25, Reply)
I would point out that in my edit above
I had misread £750pw as £750pm. I cannot afford £750pw.

Although if I shared, and Gonz had the bigger room, I'd only be paying £350pw...
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:25, Reply)
Back now, time to finish watching the walking dead. Awesome.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 20:37, Reply)
Flat porn?
I <3 two dimensions.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:08, Reply)
Off Topicing here....
I went to my bank account today and I have just shy of £5. And by that, I mean, £5 left of my overdraft that is 20% HIGHER than my entire monthly wage. And I've borrowed £200 of Ma' this month. I can get a few quid together to go to work and all that, but it's not really a solution.

So, starting this week, I'm going to take out X amount every monday morning, and that has to buy everything for the week, such as food and fags and outings. I think its because buying stuff using a card or online isn't real. I need to hand over real cash.

Also, I love my job, I love my job to pieces, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life. I'm not even exasorating, or if I am, it's in the top 3... losing my V plates isn't even in there. BUT, but, I am greatly underpaid for what I do and what I can do. Looking at Jnr jobs doing the same thing has a start of about 180% of my wage. I currently have to do private work to make it up.

Anyone got any general thoughts about all that? I'm gonna turn this month into a game where I'll spend as little as I can on everything, like food'n'shit, see how far I can make my money go, turn it into a fun thing. I'm not glum about it (although tonight I got myself all tarted up, looking really good, shaved, showered, bit of spray, best clothes, ironed too... but then when I looked in my account it said NO, YOU SHALL NOT GO OUT TONIGHT... which suck a bit, as I don't go out often).
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:23, Reply)
When I went form earning a decent wage to being a student having no cash was pony but I quickly got used to it.
I would recommend making note of what you spend every day for a week. It's amazing how much I was wasting on shit.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:31, Reply)
That ain't a bad idea, I got a spreadsheet with stuff I know about, like rates'n'stuff, but not for bits'n'bobs like magazines.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:18, Reply)
It depends.
Are your bosses paying you X amount because they don't want to pay more, or because that's genuinely all they can afford?
if it's the former, you have to decide whether you could improve their income by taking them some marketing ideas or bringing in more custom, or something. They might appreciate your input.
If it's the latter, show them what your position is actually worth, and ask them to review your salary.

EDIT: actually, that's the wrong way round, isn't it? Sorry, I'm stressed. My brain stopped working about an hour and a half ago.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:31, Reply)
Here's lovely.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:32, Reply)
I'm pretty sure it's not a money thing for them, the department is growing bigger and bigger, and there is lots of heavy expansion.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:19, Reply)
Then they must be taking the piss a bit.
If you're on what, 60% of the salary that you should be then there's nothing keeping you there.

Their loss if you move.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:20, Reply)
^ this

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:31, Reply)
I see what you mean, but I love the job, and they're very good to me with my illness stuff... that I do all my work, but I walk in at 12 and leave at 18, when my hours are 8:30-17
But I do a lot on the weekend.

I don't think they're taking the piss, it's more like, I haven't bought it up and my 3-month review hasn't happened for 6 months.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:58, Reply)
You do need to push it
I bet their management meetings have a risk action about you leaving/asking for a raise.
(, Sun 25 Mar 2012, 0:06, Reply)
It took me a while to get used to having a debit card because I'm a money mong.
I've got the balance now though and manage to spend less using mostly plastic than I used to if I had cash on me.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:32, Reply)

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:19, Reply)
I've read a couple of things recently about this
Find a bunch of references showing you're underpaid and casually ask your boss if you can have a chat for a few minutes in private. Present him with the evidence and ask if there's anything he can do with "the powers that be". He's probably expecting it, to be honest. Tech workers are perennially underpaid because they rarely push it.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:34, Reply)
I guess most geeks are quite meek.
Gotta face the music though.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:20, Reply)
Gird your loins!
If I do get offered this job I plan on asking for a quite excessive salary but at the same time suggesting I'm prepared to negotiate. I'm not going to enjoy it but I hope to come out with something more than I might have settled for.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:39, Reply)
Yeah', makes sense.
I'll see if I can get my 3-month-meeting this week when I can't had it since oct.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:59, Reply)
go go go
I have a renewed appreciation for how expensive it is down there. Insist they pay you what you're worth.
(, Sun 25 Mar 2012, 0:08, Reply)
The man speaks the truth.

(, Sun 25 Mar 2012, 0:09, Reply)
Surely the only way forward is to delete your account and kill yourself

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:41, Reply)
I hope you've cleaned the house and restocked the fridge.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:42, Reply)
and made the beds and hidden the jazz mags.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:42, Reply)
All of the above and more.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:44, Reply)
Oh man, that doesn't sound like a good idea at all.
Are you sure you've thought this through?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:21, Reply)
look mate, I ain't got a problem with you an' all
But I think its BANG OUT OF ORDER that your whoring your own mother's passing to get sympathy sex out of AA's dad
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:34, Reply)
I just put a Mexican lasagne in the oven and am listening to Marvin Gaye.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:40, Reply)
I often find that the simplest ones are the most effective
just put a Mexican lasagne in the oven and
listening to Marvin
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:43, Reply)
You can't call Mexicans "simple", look what happened to Top Gear.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:45, Reply)
I'm too tired to be able to type this shit joke effectively

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:46, Reply)
I noticed.
How's it?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:47, Reply)
Let's just take it as read that I called dozer gay
And that it was really funny.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:49, Reply)
See, the funny thing is that in real life, I am in fact a grade-A lifter.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:50, Reply)
Homosexuality is hilarious

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:51, Reply)
I know.
They put their willies in each other's bot bots.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:52, Reply)
I watched Zach and Miri Make a Porno last night and the gays in that are properly funny.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:54, Reply)
Oh dear Tangles.
You utter quender.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:45, Reply)

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:47, Reply)
Last time I called you that, Queen Darth got well uppity.
Then again, nowt new there.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:48, Reply)
She just wanted to protect my honour

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:51, Reply)
She is a fucking dickhead and hates me for being so good looking and modest.
And she's a total twat.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:52, Reply)
bitch fight!

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:01, Reply)
ah, we all hate you for that, honey x

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:02, Reply)
It's tantamount to racism.
You think I had any choice about being this good looking?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:47, Reply)
I think I've got it this time
You can laugh now
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:54, Reply)
Oh dear.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:57, Reply)
Don't worry
I fully intend to delete my account then kill myself.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:58, Reply)
But do you agree that you are an utter quendoid?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:59, Reply)
This iPad is certainly quendacious
It even insists on autocorrecting its own name to capitalise the P
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:12, Reply)
I just had my Lebanese meal.
It was disgusting.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:53, Reply)
How's the work going?

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:53, Reply)
Snowed under. Dying. Crying.
Ordered a semi-healthy takeaway to cheer myself up. I feel ill now.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:54, Reply)
Come on Baz, it's Saturday night
Shouldn't you be going out so we can live our youth vicariously though your escapades?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:56, Reply)
I went out last night and got extremely pissed.
Then had an argument with my neighbour at five in the morning, he's hilarious.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:57, Reply)
Alcohol is such a vulgar drug.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:58, Reply)
I just cooked a Mexican lasagne.
It is out of the oven and resting for a few minutes.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 21:56, Reply)
That sounds familiar
Is Mexican lasagne the next big thing?

Also, when did it stop being spelled lasagna? Did I miss a memo?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:03, Reply)
I've always spelled it with an e
Hope this helps
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:05, Reply)
Google says:
Lasagne (UK and Italy) or Lasagna (USA)

I'm so ashamed. I shall go into the drawing room and clean my account.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:19, Reply)

I'd go with the Italians on this one.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:41, Reply)
Fuck I am so fat.
That Mexican lasagne was supoib. I'm quendetarian, so the sauce had quorn mince, mushrooms, onions, yellow pepper, kidney beans and sweetcorn.

Layered with tortilla wraps in place of pasta sheets and topped with a 50/50 mix of crushed nachos and grated cheese.

I've put on about a stone.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 22:49, Reply)
That's not Mexican lasagne
That's a gay man's enchiladas.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:03, Reply)
Quorn mince.
I'm vegesexual, what do you expect?

I know I'm something of a lifestyle hero round here, and my behaviours and standards are oft held aloft as the very highest of aspirations, but I can't always 100% be the example you people need.

At present I am once again reading up on Ted Bundy and planning my next whisky purchase.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:05, Reply)
Was it the quorn mince that you have to hydrate?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:08, Reply)
No, you just fry it.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:14, Reply)
Still sounds grim
Mrs kept trying to sneak quorn into my food, but I didn't fall for it.
Do you eat FACON tm?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:21, Reply)
I eat quorn bacon stuff, yeah.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:27, Reply)

Looks and tastes like ezema victims'fingers
Send me a song bud
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:35, Reply)
I am listening to this, right now.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:36, Reply)
A bit loud for now
Have you got their jazz wank album?
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:39, Reply)
The In Sound From Way Out?

And this is nice and quiet.

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:41, Reply)
It's really good
Until you listen really carefully
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:44, Reply)
Sounds good, is there any bechimal?

(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:39, Reply)

You need that to make a lazgonzia
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:41, Reply)
Layering is tortillas with grated cheese in place of the bechamel.

Try it dude.

So so good.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:41, Reply)
Enjoy your tea
Nights dudes
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:45, Reply)
cardiac wrong
Mind you my frittata at lunch had a fuckton of cheese on.
(, Sat 24 Mar 2012, 23:55, Reply)

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