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Good morning turdlickers
What are the skills and attributes that make successful people successful?
No Alt as I want your answers to this question. Yes, you're probably not successful yourself, but you'll probably know some people who are.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 7:57,
151 replies,
latest was 12 years ago)
define successful
Is it financial, creative or personal?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:11,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:18,
lots of things.
Talent, commitment, brown nosing.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:21,
A combination of single-mindedness and bottle.
Unless you become successful on the back of a creative talent such as music or art, in which case you can be a complete fucking disaster area and still get away with it.
Also being a selfish cunt who is convinced of their own genius seems to be rather beneficial.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:23,
You survived sudden booze withdrawal then.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:25,
I cleverly survived by drinking two bottles of Chablis and a large Hennessy.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:27,
I seem to be finally over the stomach bug after five days. Still taking it easy on what I eat & drink, until pizza's tomorrow night.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:29,
...when you plan to erupt into a Yellowstone-esque fountain of hot, stinking diarrhoea?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:30,
Yes. Over your face.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:30,
Have you tried some of those funny anti sgit yourself pills?
Can never remember what they're called.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:30,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:32,
until the tomorrow night which belongs to a pizza?
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:31,
oh man
I was listening to Gonjasufi on spotify last night. He looks just like Ringofyre.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:26,
I don't know who either of those people are or what they look like.
I do hope this is some small comfort to you at this difficult time x
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:28,
ringofyre is the okcupud guy
Gonjasufi is a producer.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:30,
I see. Jolly good.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:31,
One of the main ones
is having the ability to start threads that aren't arse-clenchingly dull. Have you perhaps considered your talents lay in 'alternative' areas - such as maybe window-cleaning or lavatory attendant duties?
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:25,
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:27,
He could also try his, ah, hand at that.
However in the famously shallow, narcissistic world of the woofters, looking like Zammo's Downsy brother that they don't talk about, might be a slight hindrance.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:29,
I don't think you can nail it down to one set of attributes.
Also, define succesful. I count myself as succesful, but probably share very few attribute with someone like Alan Sugar or Mark Carney.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:29,
I for one thank the Lord Jesus and all his angels that you do not.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:31,
I might have a mate who wants to come to hawkwind too.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:34,
The more the merrier.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:34,
this thread is going really well.
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:47,
It's giving me a 'lazy lob-on'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:48,
I'm going to gloucester tomorrow,
What should I expect?
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:55,
Deep puddles.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:55,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:56,
You should expect the ghost of Fred West hanging over the town like a pervy shroud.
I used to live in Cheltenham yet I never went to Gloucester once. Imagine that!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:04,
It's had the kiss of Dozer, so...
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:48,
I dunno, I could try just lazily spouting OT memes
And hiding my Stereophonics obsession, but that would be shit and dull.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:53,
I feel desperately sorry for their drummer.
He ended up as a massive alcoholic out of boredom and loneliness on their long tours. The reason for this is simple, whilst the rest of the guys were banging groupies poor old Stuart was left on his own because, as anyone who's ever been on tour will tell you, laying Cable is strictly forbidden on the bus.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:58,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:02,
No it isn't.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:03,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:04,
^ Wrong on the internet. Yet again. ^
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:05,
Story of your life.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:10,
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:33,
Wait a minute.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:35,
Thanks for the invite yeah,
I really appreciate it.
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:54,
Windy Pig I'm naturally quite suspicious about the moon., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:58,
Why are you going then?
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:00,
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:01,
It's not like I was going to surprise you with a ticket or anything.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:00,
Nice attempt to recover this situation. 8/10.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:01,
Cheers bud!
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:02,
A ticket to Hawkwind?
You know me so well.
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:15,
Alright 'Barbara Dickson'
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:18,
I don't know who that is.
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:20,
Wasn't he good?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:21,
Oh so fine
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:22,
Isn't it madness
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:25,
No, Barbara Dickson, IIRC
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:02,
Possibly because it was "Dixon"?
Or maybe because you're a youngster.
EDIT: turns out it was Dickson. How bizarre.
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:25,
No, that was OMC, not Barbara Dickson.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:34,
You coming along tomorrow?
Hope me & Jeff didn't get you in to trouble at work last week.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:02,
You did.
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:14,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:17,
Don't lie.
wanderlust, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:17,
I'm not.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:18,
some of us have nothing to be sorry about
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:26,
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:32,
Eat My Shiny Tin Vagina?
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:18,
Focus, persistence and a certain ruthlessness
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:32,
Three of the four horsemen of the dyslexic apocalypse.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:33,
The fourth being Darth?
The Light in Chains don't touch the Pope's boner, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:16,
I did the psychopath test the other week.
Turns out I'm worse than I thought. Then again, I was in character at the time.
dozers, do fuck off ur a nob m8, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:35,
If this is yet another Brett Easton fucking Ellis allusion
I am getting on the next train to York with a fucking hammer.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:48,
Will you be 'in character' as Peter Sutcliffe?
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:48,
Being 'in character' as Peter Sutcliffe is a vital part of my 'customer journey'.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:50,
Apparently chicks dig that sort of thing
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:51,
I'll drive you there. I want to participate.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:51,
Next stop, B&Q, hammers department.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:54,
I recommend the small sledgehammer
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:56,
Morning 'Peter Gabriel'
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:02,
Petite Gabriel
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:05,
I'll bring my chainsaw as well, to give him the full 'Brett Easton Ellis' experience.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:56,
It's this kind of get up and go moxie that will make a success of you yet.
scarpe We Stole Bikes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 8:55,
I'd argue that patience is probably one of those attributes, as success doesn't come overnight.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:10,
It does to lotto winners
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:19,
Does that count as being successful?
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:37,
Well the person has successfully won the lotto so yea
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:46,
Fair point
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:02,
Dedication's what you need
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:17,
The ability to have the hard conversation
and not give a shit whose feelings get hurt in the process.
Based on previous experience I would've said "Being a total wanker" but our new boss is actually a lovely bloke so that's scuppered.
Morning all.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:29,
Marnin foxy
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:31,
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:33,
Yep, tired though
And I'm off to Southampton tonight to see Frank Turner so will be a late one and a very early start tomorrow to get back to work
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:34,
You could just not go
Late night, early morning and the horror of being in Southampton all averted in one fell swoop
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:37,
Early chrimbo pressie from mrs baby jesus
Plus got back stage pass
Naked Ape call me Caitlyn, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:44,
I wonder what the Frank Turner equivalent of coke-addled groupies is. I bet it's mince pies.
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:45,
He looks incredibly dull.
In fact, I'm not even going to bother looking up his music. I've seen enough.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:47,
Tell him to call his Dad. It's breaking his heart.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:01,
Fuck you.
Agnostic Antichrist Baltimora, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:37,
Fuck your face's Mum
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:38,
Wotcha hun.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:42,
Height, tallness and not being a shortarse.
I think there have actually been studies on this, taller (men) and better looking (both genders, but women especially) people tend to get given more jobs, thought of as being more competent ans generally do better in the world of work.
So really you have been either very lucky, or very good to get as far as you have, repulsive dwarf that you are.
I also think being a cunt helps, so maybe that's how you make up for it, again studies I cannot be bothered to look up or link have shown that a lot of successful business people have a lot in comment with psychopaths, indeed could be said to be psychopaths, albeit well disciplined clever ones.
*makes bet with self that Dozer will mention Patrick Bateman if he hasn't already.
So, to recap: you're short, you're ugly, you're a cunt and this is why it's OK that you are considerably richer than me.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:36,
Good morning sunshine
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:41,
Hey Darthy poos. How goes life?
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:42,
*sidesteps question*
You OK mate? Not fallen off any bikes recently I hope?
Darth Foxtrot A one-man army dedicated to making fetch happen, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:46,
I'm good actually.
finally getting over this never-ending cold I think, managed to ride to work 2 days running without exhausting myself to the point of being bed-ridden, so all is good. Life is good in general acually, although I am starting to worry about what to get people for xmas, but if that's the sum of my worries, I'm laughing.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:53,
Whilst I appreciate the sentiment you are conveying here, I would question the existence of these 'studies'
Also, it seems there are a disproportionate amount of successful shortarses, probably to do with them feeling they have something to prove.
tangledupinblue hairy badge with moving eyes, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:43,
Yeah, they do tend to be cocky little wankers, don't they?
Tall people tent to be much more chilled in general.
There are definitely articles on the attractiveness angle: the height one: the pycopathy one: don't have time to look up what, if any, research they are based on, but a simple Google search confirms that it's a commonly held belief.... make of it what you will.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:50,
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:53,
Fuck off,
I have to actually compare someone or something to a certain German political movement before you can invoke Godwin. It's a stretch to even say I implied eugenics which is what I guess you're doing.
And if you're gonna be all premature about this shit, no thread would survive monty's first post.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:56,
How dare you tell him when and when he can't invoke Godwins law?
What are you a Nazi? You're worse than Hitler you are!
Peej, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:59,
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:05,
Wow, overcomplicated
I was merely expecting the next post to be Monty mentioning Adolf. Or Napoleon, or similar short of stature megalomaniac.
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:00,
you're a twat, you know that?
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:02,
I resemble that comment
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:10,
You've just called me handsome, successful and competent
Also: not a psychopath
Kroney, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:01,
meh, I seem to remember you're not bad looking
if you like that kind of thing. and tall, the combination should mean you do reasonably OK in the world of work even if you are a gibbering imbecile.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:04,
I do not gibber.
Kroney, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:07,
except in the presence of moths
localboy purveyor of pisspoor puns, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:11,
The ability to see themselves fucking other people.
The management, the competition, the clients, the cleaners. All you gotta do, before you deal with them, is picture yourself penitrating them in more and more ways. I'm not talking about hidden on the toilets, I'm talking about out in the open in the middle of the office. And not that that gay wam-bam-thank-you-mam type of fucking, I'm talking about stand up shouting matches of a fuck. The kind where the neighbours think you've adopted a cat and decided to kill it on a tredmil with a forghorn attached.
Yup, that's it, if you wanna get anywhere in life, you gotta imagine yourself fucking someone.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:55,
Most of the successful people I know are successful because...
They are evil immoral cunts that don't care who they fuck over and how many peoples lives they ruin along the way. No successful person got there without bending/breaking the rules.
Hope this helps
Peej, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:56,
Absolute bollocks
Everyone I know at the top, employees 100s or 1000s of people, all with families who relie on him/her being good at what they do. I hate the "WAhh wahhh wahh, I wish I was successful like my boss. I'm working for £5/hour and bringing in £25/hour, I should just go ahead and do this myself". Well, fine, grow a pare of balls, remortgage the house, and go do it.
My day-rate is 8 times my wage, but like fuck I could find the clients myself, or want to deal with them, or me not getting paid when they don't, or the rest of the team that enable me to do my job....etc.
And let's say you're not talking about working for yourself, there are still many successful people who've built themselves up and the only people they've "screwed over" are those who only screwed over because of their own shortcomings.
G/PP 💩💩💩💩💩€, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:06,
Most of the successful people I know are successful because...
They are evil immoral cunts that don't care who they fuck over and how many peoples lives they ruin along the way.
Peej, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:26,
I'll give you an answer, Battered, you're cunt.
Hahahaha, no seriously.
You're seriously a cunt.
Hahaha, oh, I kill me.
Success seesm to be a combination of who you know and a willingness to take risks. You don't need to have both, one of my most successful friends didn't know anyone, he just had balls and luck. If you don't have either, naked ambition will get you somewhere, otherwise you don't get anywhere.
Kroney, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 9:58,
I have never denied being a cunt.
Fucking hell Jeff I am not a robot, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:01,
Oh, yeah, that's the one I missed above,
starting with money/connections definitely helps big time, it may not be the be all and end all, but there are some rich cunts who'd be sleeping in a shop doorway by now if all they had to rely on was their natural wit and talent.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:01,
This thread has become so irredeemably shit I am off to do some work.
My employer thanks you, Wilf.
Monty Boyce, My cheese game is strong, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:04,
Don't mention it.
How the fuck do I get the blame/credit? at least I'm trying it's a shite thread to start with.
CQ Knows the truth, all of it., Thu 29 Nov 2012, 10:06,
I would say that confidence is a big one. And the balls to go for what you want, being ruthless as you go.
Im not, im a friggin pushover
GeordieJay Bummers are deaf, Thu 29 Nov 2012, 12:11,
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