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Christmas disasters. tell me about the burnt turkeys, drunk uncles and family breakdowns.
alt: ever been in the dock, maybe accused of a crime you didn't commit/
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:20, 186 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
No disasters, but my Stepmum going a bit crazy a few years back is the reason I no longer see family on Christmas Day
There was nothing clear that needed to be done, we'd asked about half an hour previously if there was anything we could do to help, and were told everything was fine. As such, we sat down to watch TV. After a bit, my Stepmum walks in, stares at us, and starts screaming at us, saying we're being 'Ungrateful' and 'Unhelpful', despite the fact we'd asked if anything wanted doing not long beforehand.

If she'd walked in and actually said what she wanted, no problem. Instead, she decided screaming at us was a better idea. Mental.

Alt: Nope.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:22, Reply)
I heard there was a new thread.
Seeing as I've finally stopped for lunch, I thought I'd come and check it out.

Do something to amuse me. Also, if anyone has any sensible suggestions as to how I might shake the cold that's just starting to take hold, I'd be rather grateful.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:24, Reply)
Otravine is all of the awesome

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:25, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:33, Reply)
I'm going with Day Nurse and Night Nurse at the moment.
Seems to be helping, but my head is still a bit thick.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:34, Reply)
well use some Otravine then

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:35, Reply)
I endorse the use of Day Nurse
One of the few remaining products to contain pseudoephedrine.
No fucker had any of the liquid in stock at the weekend though, only the gelatin capsules.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:36, Reply)
Can you get real ephedrine?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:43, Reply)
Monty's got a mate who'll sort you out.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:44, Reply)
I also suggest a healthy dose of MTFU
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:31, Reply)
I find the Lemsip max strength drinks do wonders

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:46, Reply)
I used to swear by Contac as a student
but you don't see it around any more.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
My new sneakers look great and are super comfy

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:32, Reply)
FFS you spastic.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:33, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:34, Reply)
They're called 'pumps'.
Possibly 'trainers', or even 'daps', but not 'Sneakers'.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:36, Reply)
boys don't wear pumps do they stoopid?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:39, Reply)
Foot covers.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:41, Reply)
Whatcha got?
I found an old pair of Puma Trimm-Fit in a drawer at work this week, totes forgot I even owned them, they're great, dark green stripe on white.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:47, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:49, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:02, Reply)
Nike, port red, low tops

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)
Oh man I miss sneaker shopping.

Adidas have some great 80s reissues at the mo. Plus they reissued Nike Jordan IV, possibly my favourites of all time.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:53, Reply)
yeah, it's all pretty retro at the mo
this is a good thing
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:53, Reply)
Fucking right

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:54, Reply)
Them bastards at Puma have Renamed my beloved States
As Puma Classics

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
i am not a fan of Pumas, soz

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
thats because you're a
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)
States (or their all-leather equivalent Baskets) are also in my top 3. I have unworn spare pairs of Baskets from years ago, 'just in case'.

I think white on red States with fat laces cannot be beat.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:03, Reply)
I think we need a trainer thread

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:11, Reply)
I could bang on about them all day long HH

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:15, Reply)
Bottom of the page
Is this one of the top 3?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:29, Reply)
Yes but with dark red or forest green stripes - or baby blue

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:32, Reply)
Christmas holidays starting in 18 minutes.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:42, Reply)
and there will be company sponsored beer!
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:44, Reply)
That sounds like a recipe for disaster.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:45, Reply)
only got time for one or two

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:51, Reply)
Last year there was a proper punch up at my uncles.
It's a really long story, but basically 2 of my cousins (brother and sister) who had a pretty hare time as kids, dad left, mum went bonkers, foster care, all sorts of crazy. They've been sort of back and forth, best mates, then at daggers, then best friends. Well, last Christmas, they decided to try and patch things up, didn't go to well, bit of shouting, and then the boyfrirnd of the female cousin stepped in. Chavvy little shit bag and it all kicked off. I was holding my uncle back, aunty balling her eyes out, my dad punching this gut in the head, my brother got a black eye.
All best mates again now, but no one spoke to eachother for 6 months.

I have been in court 3 times. All definitely my own fault.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:47, Reply)
Tsk. You Paddies!

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:48, Reply)
And you seem like such a nice boy.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:48, Reply)
Well, there was the year that I went to see RENT and got buggered senseless by half the cast
but that happened on the 27th so probably doesn't count
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:49, Reply)
"everyone's got AIDS!"

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:53, Reply)
Best moment of a terrible film

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:55, Reply)
I liked it

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
i also liked it

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
It was fucking shit
as is everything else Parker and Stone have put their names to
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)

We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)
Oscar Wilde, I believe?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)
Fucking hell Nakers
Two wine gums at the office and you're pissed already
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:00, Reply)
Worse than Alan

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:02, Reply)
Say it aint so

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:04, Reply)
Aaaaah, ladyboys!

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
That film is exceptional, you're an idiot.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:57, Reply)
This from a man who thinks the Inbetweeners is shit

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:58, Reply)
The Inbetweeners is fucking dire, as is The Office.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)
That whooshing noise you heard
was your right to comment on what makes good comedy flying out of the fucking window
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:01, Reply)
He's right.
Embarrassing drivel. The 'drugs' episode was more shit than I could believe possible.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I didn't care for that episode at all
Perhaps the appeal is wasted on anyone who never had a shit time at school. I daresay the servants you lined up to use as a toastrack at Eton enjoyed it more than you.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:07, Reply)
I had a shit time at school
Somehow, I seemed to have some success with girls though, maybe that's the difference?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:15, Reply)
That and your WRONGBRAIN

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:15, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
Did you have to queue up for ages for that?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:53, Reply)
As if I'd be first choice

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
But you're so purty!

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:56, Reply)
I'm glad you think so darling :-)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:59, Reply)
Now bend over

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:04, Reply)
Luckily for you I'm always ready-lubed

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:05, Reply)
I am so turned on right now.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:09, Reply)
Who isn't, b3th.
That's why it's gone quiet.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:12, Reply)
Keep talking.
I'm almost there.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:13, Reply)
You know the episode of Battlestar where they rescue the hostages from New Caprica...

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:16, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)
5 mins until Christmas holidays \o/

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 14:55, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:30, Reply)
I've got dark red stripe high tops of those. Proper old 70s thin tongues.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:31, Reply)
Shell toes in the top 3?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:38, Reply)
I just sold a couple of pairs of those on eBay.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:40, Reply)
All that B-Boy stuff seems to be coming back in
I've seen a few in Tacchini and Kappa track tops
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:43, Reply)
Any sneakers you get in an 11 let me know pls
This includes Converse.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:49, Reply)
Same size foot as my son

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)
Ooh. One of these was an 11. Sorry.
Adidas trainers
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:52, Reply)
The colourway on those is a bit too waqqi for me but always let me know pls

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:53, Reply)
*files for future reference*

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:54, Reply)
Those be nasty colours

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:56, Reply)
Puma States, Adidas Superstars and Nike Jordan IVs are my all time top 3.
Honourable mention to fucking millions of other ones though.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:48, Reply)
Nike High top Balzers????????
The old school ones
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:50, Reply)
Oh yes.
If you look at the Nike 'swoosh' on Blazers, it was much fatter in those says, they changed it in the 80s. Shoe wankers call the old design the 'fat belly swoosh'. I've seen them in a lovely weird dark greeny blue recently.

I also love the grey and navy Nike Terminators. I fucking I wish I still had some.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:53, Reply)
these are my new ones, think this might be fat bellied swoosh?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:56, Reply)
Nice shoes brah

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 15:58, Reply)
Chars dood

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:00, Reply)
What was the name of them Nikes I had
Material high tops with a velcro fastener on the top, as worn by the reese in the terminator movie. never saw another person with them. LOVED THEM TO BITS TRUFAX
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:03, Reply)
(I've never seen Terminator so this is a guess)
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:05, Reply)
*shakes head*
How have you never seen Terminator?
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:06, Reply)
Never seen any of the Alien films either.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:07, Reply)
Shocking admission
I suggest you remedy this ASAP
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:08, Reply)
Nah, not remotely interested

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:09, Reply)
Terminator is an excellent film
As is Alien
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:11, Reply)
I bet he hasn't even watched
"The man with the iron fists" yet
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:13, Reply)
Not yet I haven't but I definitely will

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:14, Reply)
This needs to be watched

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:15, Reply)
Couldn't burn it to a DVD for me couldja?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)
That would be copyright infringement and would probably destroy the film industry

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
It's the type of movie that will
never get released over here
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:28, Reply)
Good riddance to it

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:30, Reply)
Yep Vandels that was it

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:11, Reply)
I know my shit HH

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:13, Reply)
School trainer were always
Addidas all blacks (with the massive tounge), why the fuck did they stop making them

*edit* I left my Vandals along with shit loads of other stuff like "Subway art" at that bat metal Ex-girlfriends
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:15, Reply)
Black trainers are horrid

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
I used to like the Rucanor black and white hi tops in the mid 80s
Kind of like Converse but slightly chunkier.

I also used to fucking love Dunlop hockey boots. Them shits was FRESH.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
We're do you stand on the BK revival?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:23, Reply)
I only ever liked one pair of those

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:25, Reply)
I tell what I do love is Adidas Gazelles in baby blue

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:27, Reply)
Gazelles are cool
but out of a choice of them or states,
states every time
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:30, Reply)
I have an unworn pair of Gazelles in beige which I've just remembered tho.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:31, Reply)
Whats your stance
on Phat laces
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:34, Reply)
I love the look but they don't suit my choice of jeans these days
so I only rock them with shorts.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:35, Reply)
Cooker packed in at 6:30pm on Christmas Eve
Mrs Cow was 8 1/2 months pregnant and we had both sets of parents due for Christmas dinner.
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:05, Reply)
Why would your parents come over if your wife was 8 1/2 month preggers? For serious

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:08, Reply)
So she didn't have to travel to either orf them
Managed to get cooker repairman out who "bodged it" for us to cook the turkey on Christmas Eve. His wife also phoned to offer us her oven to cook it in, should ours go bang again
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:12, Reply)
Chrimbus spirit right there

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:14, Reply)
He got a bottle of whisky for that

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:15, Reply)
I still have 19 branded bottles in the car boot
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:17, Reply)
This is STILL not getting me free booze

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:19, Reply)
If you lived anywhere near you would be welcome to the white spirits,
I can't drink them
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
Even I'm not that bad
I use them for paint stripping
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
Fuck that give me the gin boyo

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
this ^

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
easy Sean Paul

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)
Is he welsh?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:23, Reply)
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:24, Reply)
I've just had some free booze

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:20, Reply)
As have I at lunch

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
Have you pulled the office bike yet Nakers

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:21, Reply)
Nah, married innit
In fact I've never dallied in the office worker pool
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)
A man of morals
This i like
(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:23, Reply)
They are so fucking good with a nice steak

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:24, Reply)
oh HO

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:29, Reply)
You work with uggos?

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:28, Reply)
He's working towards his beer googles

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:30, Reply)
Brace yourself - I'm going in dry

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:22, Reply)

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:37, Reply)
thanks HH.

(, Fri 21 Dec 2012, 16:38, Reply)

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