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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Oh wow.
Face space are going to make some sort of announcement.

What will it be?

Alt. Most underwhelmed you've ever been?
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:39, 56 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
its a search thing i think
not really news.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:46, Reply)
New search thing I think.
Can hardly wait.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:47, Reply)
They're going to enforce the small print of the sign up conditions
where they demand the first born child of every 'booker.

Alt: when I saw what the evening thread was.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:49, Reply)
They've been covertly collating data on those people who haven't signed up.
And they are creating accounts and profiles for them all.
They will not rest until they own everyone.
If the real person objects, they will be deleted and replaced by their fb presence.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:50, Reply)
Create an account and have yourself killed.
Doesn't bave the same ring to I that.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:54, Reply)
Take it up with Zuckerberg.
I'm off out.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:56, Reply)

off out a flaming great homo who is addicted to raping prepubescent boys.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:18, Reply)
This post needs more recognition.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:30, Reply)
Alt: attending my first b4sh. Shouldn't have been really come to think of it.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:50, Reply)
When are you back?

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:53, Reply)
Very early Saturday morning. Then home for a week before back here again.
It is currently -11 and it is snowing; proper blizzard.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:55, Reply)

It's sunny in Brizzle. If you go out in anything other than shorts and a t-shirt around here, you need a note from your mum.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:59, Reply)
I went out tonight without a coat.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:00, Reply)

oat arer.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:02, Reply)
Well played.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:08, Reply)
Yeah, yeah.
And you, titch.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:13, Reply)
Shut it saggy.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:16, Reply)
D :

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:24, Reply)
dobru vecher.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:53, Reply)
I think you meant dobry vecher.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:56, Reply)
I debated that.
Which means it must be dzien dobru?
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 18:59, Reply)

dzien dobru a massive spastic.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:02, Reply)
Oh man
epic zing
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:08, Reply)
I don't know. Nor do I care.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:08, Reply)
It's a search engine thing.
They should have bought this company up: theultralinx.com/2013/01/amazing-facebook-redesign-concept.html
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:02, Reply)

Looks like a big Nokia Lumina
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:05, Reply)
There is something Lumia about it.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:19, Reply)
That is a really nice design. Much better for photos.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:12, Reply)
Deffo, there are a few technical things that would need to be cleared, such as swipe-from-sides not quite being ready for showtime yet.
I'm not sure how you could make that responsive and work at the same time, and there _might_ be a bit information-overload..... but if they get in with a top developer, it wouldn't take a team more than a month to create that, even at the current social graph.

I donno if you could tell about the video at the top, 'cus it was so small, but its over here: vimeo.com/56488043#

Also, no advertisment on there, that'd have to be looked into.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:19, Reply)
It does have a bit of a Windows 8 feel...

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:20, Reply)
Yup, it's all about the design philosphy of things behaving like phsyical objects.
There is so much more to it than that, but an example is if you touch something in a corner, it'll shaddow down a little bit at the bottom and elongate a little, as if it was a plank of wood on water. Or in that case, you push the page to the right and get to see another page thats off-screen.

That, and the whole Tiles/Metro thing here: metroui.org.ua/tiles.php
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:34, Reply)
Strategically, FB have yet to work out how to really monetise 1 billion members. Advertising is passive, they need something much more dynamic.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:30, Reply)
They've done well enough through it, but I get what you mean.
Changing a potential goal of one of their adverts from a click to an interaction (like/comment) was a good move. The sponsored posts though, not-so, even if most of the time they appear to be from friends.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:37, Reply)
Did you find the adverts were good value for money?

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:38, Reply)
Should I ask Al if using an ad-blocker means I'm stealing Facebook?

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:44, Reply)
Definatly, without a doubt.
£25 got me about 200 likes which got my content infront of about 60k people. But my objective purely to see how it works, rather than sale anything.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:45, Reply)
I'm still Angry at twatter
for making you go through each pic one by one.
They used to have a grid view.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:24, Reply)
How many followers do you have on Twitter?
For some reason I can't work out I have more than 11,000. I know I am fascinating, but surely not that fascinating.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:28, Reply)
Are they all poles looking for work?

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:30, Reply)
There seem to be a lot of Americans and Koreans.

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:31, Reply)
I hardy know what to say to that.
I’m having a bad day how is yours?
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:32, Reply)

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:32, Reply)
I borrowed the wifes new car yesterday
And some cunt* of a HGV driver reversed in to the side
*Actually he's ok
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:34, Reply)
I've got 125!
I'm soooooo popular.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:36, Reply)

Risists the urge to strike through
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:36, Reply)
You must risist!

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:37, Reply)
Why you no wrissen?
or should that be WRISTon
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:39, Reply)
I should really have used
Risistance is futile!
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:41, Reply)
Better effort
7 out of 9
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:42, Reply)
What's your klout?
I used to have a huge one when I was in the driving seat of some top extreme-sport-media-brands, but now it's just lil'ol' me, it's down to 59, which is still good, one more point and I'll be able to score some great offers.
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:40, Reply)
How the hell have you clocked up 11k??

Im following about 800 too...

Trying to whittle that down though as some spout endless shit
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 19:45, Reply)
probably seeing this thread

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:11, Reply)
*QI alarm*

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:12, Reply)
can I just say again how good this is?
I'm gonna be playing the QI alarm card big time
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:45, Reply)
evening blud

(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:56, Reply)
boring and a bit annoying I guess
like some people on here (*QI Alarm*)

alt: from the moment of my birth life has been one long underwhelmerment
(, Tue 15 Jan 2013, 20:52, Reply)

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