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Weekend plans?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:41, 119 replies, latest was 12 years ago)


(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:42, Reply)
That man seems surprised by having his picture taken
He should've put on a nicer tie
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:58, Reply)
Looking at flats, brother's 30th, drinking wine with og
and Easter.

So pretty full, really.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:42, Reply)
I'm going to a wedding in Nottingham.
Friday and saturday.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:45, Reply)
That's a long wedding
I assume you've got Peter Cook's vicar from the Princess Bride and that the service will be massively delayed by his interpreter
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:47, Reply)
Nope, going up to stay in the PREMIER INN on Friday night and drinking with the Groom,
then going to the service on Saturday then reception then back to the PREMIER INN. I think I'll get them a free TV.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:48, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:50, Reply)
I'm a little put out that my sub-thread has degraded into Premier Inn breakfast discussion.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:54, Reply)
It's ok we can change the conversation topic
What're breakfasts like in Holiday Inns? Staying in the Shoreditch one when I'm over
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:56, Reply)
They're generally good.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:58, Reply)
That's a weight off my mind and no mistake
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:59, Reply)
I've never stayed at a premier inn, is it a continental style breakfast or a cooked one?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:57, Reply)
All you can eat cooked breakfast. The sausages are a highlight.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:58, Reply)
do they have one of those guys whose sole job is to stand there and cook you an egg?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:00, Reply)
Nope, but they have fried eggs out and you can ask for scrambled eggs or an omlette I think...

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:01, Reply)
Which one Chompy there are three right next to the city center
EDIT Prem Inn I mean
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Careful Chompy
This one has all the hallmarks of a 'dangerous loner'
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Yeah thats right

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
That depends which one can't you get to at short notice?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
all of them

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:07, Reply)
I'm staying in the Aberdeen one. And getting a helicopter down.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:10, Reply)
You could just say mind your own business :(

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
It's ok hartley hare, if I was staying on my own for buisness or something then I'd meet you for a pint.
But I'm going to a wedding and I'm not going to invite the internet to someone elses wedding.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:12, Reply)
I was more thinking about offering you some sound advise if you were driving there that's all

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:14, Reply)
this sounds a bit threatening

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:14, Reply)
I've screengrabbed this whole subthread, just in case.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:17, Reply)
I'm not driving thanks.
I could do with some Indian restraunt suggestions for Friday nigth.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:15, Reply)
If you come in by train Just across the road is Castle Rock Brewery
There is a Pub called the Vat and Fiddle you must try a pint there
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:18, Reply)
And this place is excellent
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:21, Reply)
I'd do that.
Fried eggs that have been sitting under the hot plate since 6am are a bit shit.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Yeah Lenny Henry

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:03, Reply)
I might brick the kitchen door shut from the inside

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:44, Reply)
Anniversary innit

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:46, Reply)
Meeting AA and his missus for a pint on Saturday

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:47, Reply)
whatever you do have a safe word, and don't mention printers

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:48, Reply)
Or order any rolls

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:49, Reply)
his finest accomplishment to date that was

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:50, Reply)
Might have a cheeky beer or two and play some high end table top board games

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:50, Reply)
Anyone having trouble getting onto gmail?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:52, Reply)
in fact it's easier than ever
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:53, Reply)
I just logged in and won a trip to google!

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:55, Reply)
They said I could have a job for being 'so darn nice'

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:56, Reply)
No, but Hotmail's being even more of a bloated, sluggish cunt than usual.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:53, Reply)
I can get in on my phone, but I'm getting 501 or 502 errors from my desktop.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:54, Reply)
Sounds like a job for DUN DUN DUUUUUUH
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:55, Reply)
Nah it's google chrome frame fucking up.
Stupid IT shit shit shit.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Oh, I don't use Chrome, so I'll be no help at all, soz.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:13, Reply)
your Levi's even hate you

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:55, Reply)
That's a lot of errors

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:57, Reply)
Yeh, I tried it but didn't like it so went back to old email

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:55, Reply)
seeing family.
Playing Bioshock Infinite and Halo 4. Decorating. Studying. Drinking wine.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:53, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:54, Reply)
Counting my taps obv!

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:57, Reply)
you IT guys....
... when word suddenly decides that "justify" means i want everything to spread out to the right and move backwards as i type more, and it is REALLY REALLY WRONG about that, how do i stop it and set it back to NORMAL?

thank you...
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:58, Reply)
Have you tried switching it off and back on again?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:59, Reply)
Click on one of the other justify buttons, dumb-ass.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:59, Reply)
what? which other justify buttons?
i only have left, right, centre and justify...
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:00, Reply)
Try the left one. That sounds like fun.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:01, Reply)
you delete your account, then kill yourself.
Problem solved.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:00, Reply)
I think you have to send Chompy a tit gaz to get it working

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:00, Reply)
i wouldn't waste the seconds of my precious life in doing it
but if waaaaaaaaah.0 has been employed, can you see gazzes? has anyone tested this?
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:02, Reply)
Send him a tit gaz and find out

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
type what you want. screen shot it, then paste it wherever you like on the page
or print it and scan it if you can't find the screen print button
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:02, Reply)
They pay you too much

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
haha, you fucking idiot

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
it's not my fault
i don't understand computers :(
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
I'm mostly going to be so fucked up that Monty will be coming to me for tips
Anyone whose mobile number I have, apologies for "hilarious", badly-spelled texts at antisocial hours.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 12:59, Reply)
oh man
Rule of ecstasy use number 256: turn your mobile off. The lit up screen will be too tempting.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:01, Reply)
Hell no
What will Facebook do without my early-hours witticisms?
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:07, Reply)
I honestly don't know.
Maybe I would, but you hate me, so.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:10, Reply)
You defriended me bitch

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:12, Reply)
No I didn't, I've never been your FB friend.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:16, Reply)
Are you sure? I could have sworn I friended you at one point
in fact I was surprised to see that you're not on my friends list when I noticed the other day.

Rest assured I don't hate you in the slightest, and would happily friend you, despite your staggeringly poor pre-96 music taste
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:18, Reply)
My news feed is all you tube links to Oasis gigs.
Friend me up though, yeah?
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:20, Reply)
Nice beard
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:22, Reply)
Chicks dig it

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:26, Reply)
I'll be honest Trotter, that website you linked to up there didn't really sell the idea to me.
What is there to like about any of the bands playing?
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:01, Reply)
plus, MDMA at a metal gig?
What the fuck?
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:03, Reply)
It's really not a metal gig
I think Funker Vogt and iVardensphere will be the only bands even boasting a guitarist.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:05, Reply)
I can't cope with anything but good dance music when I'm eckied.
Then again, I saw Primal Scream once when off my chops, it was good fun.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:09, Reply)
In my case it tends to make bad dance music danceable and good dance music a religious experience

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:10, Reply)
I've heard trance and hard house while eckied. It was horrible.
Goldie, Unkle and Weatherall while eckied, were pant dampeningly good.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:20, Reply)
It's a pretty niche scene to be honest T-Bone
Even if you liked a couple of the bands the overwhelming stench of pretension would probably turn you around as soon as you reached the venue. As an old hand at this I know how to deal with this problem.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:04, Reply)
I don't really have a problem with pretentiousness,
but I think you are right - this is a bit too niche for me.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:13, Reply)
Most of the people who go LIVE THE SCENE, MAN
I just quite like it. And drugs.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:15, Reply)
Whats the anticipated come down going to be like what with you already suffering severe depression?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:02, Reply)
It's not severe
And I'll let you know
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:06, Reply)
I dunno, it's generally labelled 'severe' when they start giving you ssri's
Have you thought of looking at those baggys and saying I don't need you to control my happiness, I can be happy without you !!!!!!!!!
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:10, Reply)
What's your drug of choice, Rory?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Or are you one of these 'My body is a temple' cunts?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Life man, life

or liquid morphine
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:12, Reply)
Hey Rory, I don't really understand drug use.
Like those people that smoke joints to calm down. I don't get that. I can calm down perfectly well on my own. What's THAT all about?

*seinfeld shrugging*
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:12, Reply)
well here's the thing, it dunt calm you down or help you sleep
its all baloney
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:13, Reply)
I think it actually increases your heart rate.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:15, Reply)
that and triggering mental health issues
just look at cq, he used to be 'normal'
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:17, Reply)
Leeds with the missus, meeting Darth for a pint
Dozer, you free to meet Monday?

Should be good.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:03, Reply)
maybe, prob not though.
Are you meeting Darth in Leeds?

You should check out Nation of Shopkeepers.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:05, Reply)
Was intending on going there with him, aye

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:09, Reply)
don't forget the printer anecdotes

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:11, Reply)
Hold the fucking phone
You're taking me SHOPPING?!
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:12, Reply)
Nation of Shopkeepers is a bar.
The shopping in Leeds is top notch, if I was home over Easter I'd train it over and show you around.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:22, Reply)
Sequin heaven here you come

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:23, Reply)
Bitch please, I'm all about the rhinestones

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:26, Reply)
Chompy is after a good Indian in Nottingham
I have suggested this place, you got any better ideas?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:34, Reply)
Yeah he should delete himself and kill his account

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:35, Reply)
Afternoon Swipe

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:35, Reply)
Haven't been out for a curry in Notts for years tragically
Peachy Keen's does a surprisingly good curry mind
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:40, Reply)
I'll probably do stuff.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:04, Reply)
Alright, Jeff.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:10, Reply)
I might go out with the lads from OCD club this weekend.

Things ain't gonna get messy.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:13, Reply)
So I've just ordered a Nokia 3310 from some unknown phone company
and they've said they'll send me this telly as part of the deal

I can't forsee anything going wrong, here! Apparently it's going to be delivered on Tuesday by the salesman's cousin Dave!
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:18, Reply)
you need to take that with both hands

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:20, Reply)
oh man, I hope it doesn't turn up with only six of the seven pairs of glasses

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:21, Reply)
Got mates visiting so mainly getting trollied
with a few E's chucked in for good measure.

At 31 it's not often this happens! Hope there's some decent music knocking about.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:21, Reply)

Multiple plans:

"Good" Friday drinking extravaganza,
Populate greenhouse with seedlings,
Erect second greenhouse,
Easter Sunday food and drink binge.

Alright for a weekend, really
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:36, Reply)
are you a drugs baron?

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:36, Reply)
Here's hoping.

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:43, Reply)

(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 13:44, Reply)
you hope in vain. I just like growing my own food.

Also, feeding. some of it to rabbits, then eating them.
(, Thu 28 Mar 2013, 14:20, Reply)

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