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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Yeah that'll fucking do, pipe down.
1. What do you think there should be more of ie episodes of a programme or whatever?

2. What should there have been fewer of? What 'jumped the shark' but was dragged on anyway, like a wounded boar blundering through a wooded glade?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:37, 126 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
2. They should have binned off Monkey when the first actor who played Pigsy left*
His replacement was dreadful.

*about episode 19/20 I think that was
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:39, Reply)
I really dont like to agree with you
So I won’t.........

I had to work last Friday and a bit of Saturday, I managed to find most of the "Water Margin" on youtube
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)

1. Oral Sex
2. Lost
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
1. People replying to this thread.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:40, Reply)
It's hard to believe, but about 15 years ago 'The Simpsons' was occasionally funny.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)
It still has some very good episodes, you know.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:02, Reply)
More proper TV
less soaps and no "reality" TV whatsoever.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)
Define 'proper TV'
Is this a bit like 'real music' made with 'real instruments'?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:44, Reply)
You know, like Chompy's.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
Anything that needs more than one brain cell to watch.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:01, Reply)
hardcore pornography and full-frontal nudity

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:43, Reply)
why would you need to drag a wounded boar if it was blundering through a wooded glade under its own power, shit makes no sense

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:44, Reply)
I see that now.
I'm sorry.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
unless you were warming up to do the Round The Horne gag

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
woah check 'em

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
I dunno about 1
jonathon creek was fucking awful though
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
you're only saying that because you remember the original Dalziel and Pascoe starring Hale and Pace

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
you're only saying that because you remember the first only fools and horses starring the monkees

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
you're only saying that because you haven't seen the original pilot for the X Files starring the Banana Splits

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
you're only saying that because you should really see the pilot episodes of Torchwood with the cast of waiting For god

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
You're only saying that because you should really see the all-black version of Til Death Us Do Part

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
I'm only saying this because I wanted to join in something something 'allo 'allo

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
tetley tea chimps!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
Clickin dis

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
Fucking hell I saw that on Monday for the first time.
It was so poor African children held a 'bring & buy sale' for it.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
See, I was able to make these judgements without ever watching a single episode.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
it used to be good though right
or did I just used to be twelve?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
I used to think That's Life was hilarious
Does that answer your question?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
I've never found michael aspel funny

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
I genuinely thought both The Young Ones and Ben Elton were funny.
Incredible to believe as it sounds.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
I really enjoyed stuff like the thin blue line and my hero when I was little

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:58, Reply)
I saw about 5 minutes of My Hero once and I instantly wanted to hunt down and murder everyone involved in its production

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)
Young ones had its moments
but it has not ages well
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:12, Reply)
posts about blue-crowned conures

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
Like or loathe him, Gervais was correct in his assertion that you shouldn't make more than two series.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:45, Reply)
I could have done without season 7 of Buffy, just sayin

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:46, Reply)
I was reading the wikipedia pages for a couple of buffy episodes the other day
the level of detail those people put into the articles was terrifying
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
If he'd have stuck to that and killed himself after series 2 of the 11 O'Clock show, the world would be a better place.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)
A lot of people would be looked upon more kindly if they'd had the good sense to die sooner.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:48, Reply)
That's called 'Eric Clapton Syndrome' - one in five musicians over 30 has it, it's very sad.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
Hang on...
I'm a musician over 30 :(
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:51, Reply)
So if Hendrix had lived people might wish him dead by now?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
Ah well at least Cobain had the decency to recognise he was shit at life and do something about it

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
Hendrix in the1980s would have been....upsetting, I suspect.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:53, Reply)
It was a difficult decade to come out of with any dignity
particularly if you made your name in the 60s
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
here's a surprising Frank fact, I do not like and have never liked Hendrix
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
This is getting less surprising each time you post it.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)
would you like to see my new effects pedal, we could have a discussion about it maybe

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:00, Reply)
Go on then
What is it?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:00, Reply)
one of these
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:03, Reply)
Ah yeah....I heard a demo of that a while ago, pretty cool
What other pedals do you have?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:08, Reply)
one of those Roland VG things
and a Quadraverb
and a guitar synth jobby

and I dunno, some other stuff probably
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:58, Reply)
I'd quite like a Moogerfooger
but it looks a bit complicated
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:11, Reply)
sorry, I'm bored of this conversation now, imma start a new thread

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:12, Reply)
You cunt

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:15, Reply)
thank god he's gone, now we can have a proper conversation here

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:44, Reply)
is that for running real-time loops and stuff?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:12, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:17, Reply)
Oh ok.
It's just...well... you know, where it says 'with the inclusion of Loop Record you can quickly create and use loops mid-performance' that meant that it was.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:18, Reply)
well yeah, it does that
but that's a load of useless wank, what it really does is chop up the audio and filter it to make rhythmic pulsating noises
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:27, Reply)
that sounds pretty smart

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:36, Reply)
syncs to MIDI clock too
so that's a lot of fun
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:44, Reply)
when you press it does your sewing machine go really fast?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:13, Reply)
also: NO
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:44, Reply)
I'm gonna level with you here Frank
and tell you that this means your opinions on every subject ever are immediately discoutned as ludicrous. I wish it were not so, but I don't make the rules. I'm going to have to ask you to clear your desk and have security escort you from the internet. We shall send your P45 and final payslip in the post.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:03, Reply)
yes, but his songs were shit
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:06, Reply)
yes but no.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:08, Reply)
Season 3 of loads of shows has been great
of the top of my head, The Wire, Breaking Bad, Battlestar Galactica, The Sopranos
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)
Breaking WIND more like!!!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:04, Reply)
Just finished series 3 of Breaking Bad
It really is excellent
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:05, Reply)
I disagree
Series 8 of Scrubs was the best, although that was quite different to the other series.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:06, Reply)
1. Fawlty Towers.
2. The Comic Strip Presents. Some of them were excellent, the last ones not so.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:47, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:50, Reply)
Your heart wasn't really in that was it?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:50, Reply)
Nope. Not at all.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:52, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:54, Reply)
I have no idea what the plan for beers tomorrow is. I am meeting the incredibly tall one at 5pm near Liverpool St as it is.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
Not sure if WP is even coming

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:55, Reply)
If he is who I think he is on facebook, he isn't.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:49, Reply)
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:50, Reply)
1 wheel of fortune
2 fawlty towers
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
With which glamorous assistant though?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:56, Reply)
Manuel hahaha lololol

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:02, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:57, Reply)
whoah just an opinion no need to get personal

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:59, Reply)
police squad
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 14:58, Reply)
1 - There should be more Sherlock
I'm aware they're filming the series currently, but they should have done it sooner. I'd rather watch that than any of the Hobbit or Star Trek films.

2 - Chuck absolutely divebombed in quality in the last series.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:01, Reply)
Sherlock is a good call

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:05, Reply)
Sherlock is a load of fucking wank
because seriously, if anyone said "oh hi, my name's Sherlock Holmes" you'd just say oh right, like the fictional detective

and at that point I find myself unable willingly to suspend disbelief
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:05, Reply)
If you say so.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:06, Reply)
I'm fairly sure it's not a documentary you know

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:09, Reply)
I'm fairly sure that it's supposing a world
in which, not only did Conan Doyle not write any stories about a fictional detective with that name, but a real person with those qualities existed in the modern world as opposed to Victorian London.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:12, Reply)
You know what I reckon you're onto something here

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:24, Reply)

1: Perhaps not more of, but a conclusion would help, some great shows are killed by the US keeping them dragging out till the ratings fall, β€œDeadwood” being a prime example.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:01, Reply)
Stunned is taller than me, for those still on tenterhooks for first hand confirmation.
You know, since we're talking about wounded boars blundering through wooded glades, and all. We can't all be lithe roe deer, like what I am.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:06, Reply)
More like oh dear. ..

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:09, Reply)
Hey Monty
There's a band you should go and see playing at your local next week.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:08, Reply)
oh aye?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:09, Reply)
I think Vippers(4EVAINRHARTS) recommended them to you a while back and all
Wolf People - they are rather good.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:10, Reply)
They sound shit

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:11, Reply)
Not like the excellently-named 'Pearl Jam' and their spinoff band 'knob cheese'

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:13, Reply)
I hate Eddie Vedder

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:16, Reply)
Yeah, I hate ALL of Fairground Attraction.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:22, Reply)
Its got to beeeeeeeeeee ginger

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:23, Reply)
I get this

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:31, Reply)
where are they playing?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:12, Reply)
The Sebright Arms a week today.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:13, Reply)
Oh right you are, that's good to know, ta

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:19, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:16, Reply)
Other than having to open a second browser to view every thread Frank posts in, yes.

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:20, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:22, Reply)
For some reason he's put me on ignore.
not even the courtesy to say why. annoying.

Just use a second phone browser to view not logged in.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:25, Reply)
He may have a wheat intolerance

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:30, Reply)
Not a gluten for punishment, then?

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:33, Reply)

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:21, Reply)

Mothers in law
Little Britain
Big Bang Theory
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:21, Reply)
well hello there!

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:23, Reply)
Hello Monty!
How the hell are you?
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:24, Reply)
Bit rough today but generally OK
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:35, Reply)
Big Bang Theory really is fucking dire

(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:28, Reply)
I liked it...
...for a while. But once I started the second DVD the rot set in.

Should have been a twelve episode cult classic. But then so should Little Britain, Lost, Vicar of Dibbley and Eastenders.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:30, Reply)
The other half loves it, we have an agreement that she'll never try to make me watch it.
That works.
(, Wed 3 Apr 2013, 15:32, Reply)

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