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Any teachers here?
It looks well paid for little work and mega hols. Or are I denigrating the profession? Teachers I know seem quite well off.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 11:52, 56 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
It looks fucking soul destroying, to me.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 11:56, Reply)
The good ones get shat on by poor management and the bad ones take the piss.
Not that different to other jobs in a lot of ways.
Dealing with the parents would put me off for a start, a lot of them are the cause of the problems.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:00, Reply)
Children that don't know how to behave thanks to shitty parenting
unrealistic targets and intense pressure to meet them.

There are upsides to the job, but thye don't out-weigh the horror stories, in my opinion. I do know a bunch of teachers and they love it, for the most part. It's a vocation, I think.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:02, Reply)
A teacher friend of mine explained it as the shit bits are really shit, but the good bits are brilliant and outweigh them.
She reckoned she'd rather have the two extremes than maintain an even keel of dullness.
It's totally a vocation.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:06, Reply)
One rather charming parent told me it was my job to teach her son manners.
God, I hate 'people'.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:06, Reply)
Well, you WERE offering a 'how to bring up well-mannered children' book on Ebay.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:08, Reply)
It was.
You were with him all day. What chance have the parents got?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:08, Reply)
I know you're winding me up
but seriously, if your eleven year old son hasn't learned the rudimentary skills of 'listening' and 'not spitting at others', you're doing something seriously wrong as a parent.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:10, Reply)
These people are popping kids out to increase their income.
They're already a business asset, you can't seriously except them to take on YET MORE child care work? The government's not going to up their comfortable public sector pay package for the extra hours, so why would they?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:11, Reply)
The problem now is that we're on the second or third generation of kids being brought up by kids.
They didn't receive any good parentling themselves, so I suppose they don't have a good example to follow.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:14, Reply)
The problem is that scum breeds on scum and they get paid per child.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:16, Reply)
It's the only way.

And forced sterilisation.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:17, Reply)
And a decent advertising campaign for human skin lampshades.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 14:12, Reply)
^this, so much this.
I actually enjoyed the process of teaching. I just wasn't getting to do any. Even taking aside for a minute all the paperwork you have to do these days, what teachers do is largely glorified babysitting.
Or it was in the chav comprehensive on the sink estate where I worked.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:05, Reply)
Its bad enough having the odd middle-aged child in an office. I don't want to surround myself with 30 of the fuckers.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 13:44, Reply)
Flamewar in 3....2....1.....

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 11:56, Reply)
Not during term time there won't be.
Not sure about the 'little work' bit, but I imagine most teachers are well off compared with job seekers.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:03, Reply)
They are in the same scrounging social category for me.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:07, Reply)
They cost you more.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:08, Reply)
Feckless bastards.
How difficult can it be? And don't tell me infant a junior teachers are spending endless hours lesson planning and marking homework?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:05, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:06, Reply)
It's broken.
About to commence noncing on an industrial scale.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:07, Reply)
Teachers you say?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:09, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:10, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:12, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:12, Reply)
QOTW is full of attention seekers?
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:18, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:14, Reply)
It's the Friz animation that marks it out as a Classic.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:16, Reply)
I do worry about which school I will send my daughter to.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:17, Reply)
This is still one of my all time Favs.
Just for Chompy getting stepped
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:19, Reply)
Yet Chompy gets all pious when other people (mainly me & Rory) get stepped.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:20, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:22, Reply)
Yeah like Rob gives a shit about this place any longer...

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:23, Reply)
Probably just as well he was stepped when he was.
As there was a potentially job-costing image in that thread.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:25, Reply)
Even funnier when you consider that he was making a comment about boobs.
Nowadays whenever someone makes a comment about tits in his presence he reminds all that Umbrage is his middle name,
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:32, Reply)
Comments about pound coins in pint glasses have a similar effect.

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:34, Reply)
I'm not sure why pub raffles rile him so.
Much less a discussion about young ladies storing paper paper in their underwear.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:36, Reply)
Perhaps the stepping has scarred him to such an extent
than any such implications about women having lesser moral standards cause him to exhibit classic symptoms of stress flashbacks.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:43, Reply)
Can't imagine why.
(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:35, Reply)

(, Tue 25 Jun 2013, 12:18, Reply)

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