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Good morning
How are you?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:08, 111 replies, latest was 12 years ago)
Very well, thank you for asking. Yourself?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:18, Reply)
been worse.
Yesterday, for example
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:42, Reply)
Excessive drinking is neither big nor clever. Hope this helps.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:50, Reply)
What was the problem yesterday?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:15, Reply)
He went out with Stunned the night before

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:18, Reply)
A hangover. No sympathy.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:18, Reply)
3h kip, still pissed at work.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:30, Reply)
Seeing as it's FRIDAY I'm fantastic
your good self?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:37, Reply)
*points to calendar*

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:53, Reply)
FUCK I'm a day ahead again

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:54, Reply)
Morning hippy snd Mr Battered.
Yeah good yourselves? Do you think QOTW will be rubbish again? It's no/calendar I'd it?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:38, Reply)
not so loud I'm a bit delicate
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:40, Reply)
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:49, Reply)
*waves hand in weak stabbing motion before collapsing*

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:51, Reply)
it's Thursday.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:52, Reply)
Distinctly average
and I have a pointless 3 hr meeting this morning :(
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:54, Reply)
I’m now horribly depressed, now that it has been pointed out to me that it’s....
actually Thursday :(

Today is going to be shit
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:55, Reply)
serves you right
I'm going back to bed, as I have the day off. Ner ner ner-ner ner.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:57, Reply)
Yeah well fuck you, I hope your hair grows back GINGER

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:57, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:14, Reply)
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 7:58, Reply)
I could have lived in ignorance all day thinking it was Friday

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:02, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:03, Reply)
Shut up before I go all sholin on you and drop my Kenson Gardens style

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:03, Reply)
Thursday is my night out, so I don't mind so much.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:30, Reply)
alright yer
When are you DJing? Just remember to play something by Liquid Liquid, then conclude your set with Jesus He Loves Me by Genesis.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:03, Reply)
Tomorrow night.
I got almost all my records out last night, just a bit more to sort out later. I shall be on the funk tip but have some 50s rock'n'roll in the bag because Lusty likes it. She doesn't have my experience in this job, though, which tells me not many people do, especially not West End types. I might bung some 88-90 upbeat hip hop in there - no one likes that either but I really don't give a shit. This is why I never quite 'made it'. One should always play records to get the 'chicks' dancing. Where they go, pathetic desperate men will follow. DJing for your own (and your specialist nerd mates') enjoyment just doesn't work. Apart from for you and your specialist nerd mates. Which is where not giving a shit is useful.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:11, Reply)
tl;dr no-one will enjoy it apart from me

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:16, Reply)
What funk tunes you got lined up?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:17, Reply)
I'm playing for about 3-4 hours.
Would you like a list?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:21, Reply)
Nope just interested in the funk
Gap Band "you dropped the bomb" is that in there?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:25, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:30, Reply)
Kool and the Gang "Hollywood swinging"?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:31, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Dazz band "let it whip"?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:45, Reply)
I'm sorry HH I can't spend all of my THURSDAY doing a Q&A on the contents of my boxes.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:47, Reply)
Your funk selection should be like a supermarket and cater for my own particular tastes
and will you kindly stop mentioning THURSDAY please
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:50, Reply)
yeah, the record selection bit is where the hard work goes.
The actual playing them bit is a piece of piss. Getting chicks on the dancefloor is an art all of its own- when I play club sets I go for house records with good basslines that still sound alright pitched up around 132 BPM. Women fucking love bass.

Chicks first, then the boys will follow. Different rules for bar/ backroom sets though, get the hip hop nerds on board first, then the chicks will follow. I personally find club sets much more rewarding though far more stressful. Bar sets where you're just soundtracking things are more 'fun'.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:21, Reply)
I just play what I like. I'm long past giving a toss about other people.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:24, Reply)
got any funky dubstep mate?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Best one I ever had was 'have you got anything.....else?'

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:29, Reply)
when I get requests
I not so politely ask the prick to look through my record box and I hand them the headphones.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:33, Reply)
Much to my shame, there are now TWO dupstep tracks I like.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:34, Reply)
At least it's bassy

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:36, Reply)
I know one is by Knife Party, forgotten who did the other one though.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:37, Reply)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:39, Reply)
Oh god, I can't believe I laughed.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:40, Reply)
Dubstep's alright.
Just like with any other genre you need to ignore the mainstream pop shit and dig a little deeper.

You heard any Benga tracks? He's good. As is Martyn, he bridges the dubstep/techno crossover thing. Also check out Shackleton and Kode 9.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:37, Reply)
They all have frightfully gay names.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:39, Reply)
such is life in electronic music, old boy.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:42, Reply)
All music really
Although 'extreme' metal has the stupidest names of any of them.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:44, Reply)
There aren't many artists I know tbh
My friend talks about Savant quite a bit, might have to give that a listen. Just a shame I've only got one system that can deliver half-decent bass, but I don't tend to use it much, as housemate below me hates it.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:39, Reply)
see, dubstep is ostensibly club music
But I find it far too slow. It's alright for headphone listening (especially the more garagey stuff like Burial). It's way past its creative peak as well, people like Mt Kimbie, and to a lesser extent, James Blake, are doing some interesting stuff with the template.

It's pretty much done what Drum n Bass did back in the day- been assimilated into pop tracks and cheap & nasty Ministry of Sound compilations. Like I said, dig a bit deeper than Magnetic Man and Skrillex.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:47, Reply)
Can't fucking stand Skrillex, his old music was even worse.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:51, Reply)
"chicks first, then the boys will follow"
Is this your coming out speech?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:29, Reply)
It's the preamble to my 'no fat chicks' speech. So, you know, shit off, yeah?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:30, Reply)
No need to be a pissy little queen about it
Stay butch, you'll get more cock that way
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:31, Reply)
ah, the secret of your 'success' with men.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:34, Reply)
...with 'men', you mean

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:35, Reply)
I think you need to get laid old chap
Your balls are cutting off the circulation to your brain.

Maybe get a second hamster to spice it up a bit?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:35, Reply)
He has 'blue balls'.

Turquoise blue.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:36, Reply)
And a tiny pink shrivelled cock to co-ordinate
With a downward facing stripe
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:37, Reply)
I get plenty, but thanks for taking an interest.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:40, Reply)
Plenty of hamster.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:42, Reply)
Chicks do dig a guy with a rodent

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:47, Reply)
Obvious question, how much of your stuff would the rest of us have heard?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:22, Reply)
that has nothing to do with anything.
It's about what people enjoy at the time.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:23, Reply)
It's a perfectly reasonable question, and it has to do with AA wanting to know the answer to his question.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Somewhere between 'not much' and 'none' I suspect. I am wilfuly obscurist.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:26, Reply)
Fair enough!

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:27, Reply)
Fuck off, cunt.

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:05, Reply)
Ohhhh man, the day is getting worse
I have just realised I don't even have any chicken for lunch
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:09, Reply)
I have. I have two juicy pieces of home-cooked tandoori chicken.
Man, this THURSDAY is great!
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:12, Reply)
I really hate you :(

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:14, Reply)
back in a mo, just gonna grab a coffee.
I'm really Thursday - sorry, I mean thirsty this morning.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:15, Reply)
How old are you?
Thursday something?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:21, Reply)
I had chicken and rice for dinner last night
I'm sorry HH, I forgot about CHICKEN THURSDAY.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:21, Reply)
:( Fucking Bullying bastards
I may go all Wilf and flounce at this rate
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:26, Reply)
That was actually a genuine apology...

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:30, Reply)
ohhhhh well in that case :)

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:33, Reply)
Slightly hungover
Work drinks then a date. He was nice enough.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:13, Reply)
His FB status this morning
'Eurgh. She was GINGER. And northern. And fat. I think she might have turned me gay. Never again'.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:17, Reply)
I shall never add him on fb
He might see you on my friends list and - well. Most people aren't as open minded as I am, you know??
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:20, Reply)
I don't have a Facepage
Is it not supposed to be like a Nigella Lawson TV party where you have a token black, Chinese, Gay and Mong friend?

If so it could be easily explained why you have him on Facepage
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:23, Reply)
He is my token circus freak, ai

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:26, Reply)
You have Dozer on Facepage?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:29, Reply)
Urgh Jesus no
Battered is my bit for charidee
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:32, Reply)
'Now where's my company hat?
It looks really sunny out and I don't want to get dazzled on my day off.'
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:29, Reply)
Doing well thanks
Despite a heavy night last night, no sign of a hangover whatsoever, I slept well, and I've just picked up 12 cans of Diet Coke for £3.65.

NVQ today, yay(!)
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:20, Reply)
Very well, I thank you.
Are you in good voice?
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:36, Reply)
I sure am, Dave Glover!

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:38, Reply)
You off to the Jay-Zee album launch today then?

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:52, Reply)
I sure am!
He's great and in no way resembles a horse.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:53, Reply)
Should be a doozy!

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:53, Reply)
actually he's on one of the best hip hop records ever

But that was a looong time ago
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:55, Reply)
Not bad, I s'pose.
Can't be bothered to read the rest of this thread, so I'll assume everyone else is ok too.
(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:53, Reply)
I started a new one

(, Thu 4 Jul 2013, 8:57, Reply)

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