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(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:17, 91 replies, latest was 11 years ago)
I've got tea. I've got cake. I've got a pasty.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:42, Reply)
I've got an onion 3 feet wide at home

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:53, Reply)
I now have the Wizbit theme in my head.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:09, Reply)
I hope you choke on bear cock
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:11, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:38, Reply)
Jeff choked on a bear cock, bear cock, bear cock
Jeff chocked on a bear cock eight feet long
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:42, Reply)
gags-gags this a-way
Choke-choke that a-way.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:45, Reply)
Swall-ows this-a-way,
Jeff likes cock.
Good morning gents.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:58, Reply)
That doesn't even scan.
What sort of crap-doc-publican are you?
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:14, Reply)

Lucky Jeff!
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:11, Reply)
I've got a bastard behind the eyes.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:31, Reply)
I hope, via the medium of torture, the skin is removed from your face
3p1c fl@il
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:48, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:54, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 7:55, Reply)
fuck off dozers

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:02, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:06, Reply)
Good morning. Another day of witty chat, anecdotes and informative debate then?
Or fat shut-ins discussing food and insulting each other? Cunts,.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:20, Reply)
I hope you die tomorrow.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:31, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:12, Reply)
even better

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:23, Reply)
Haha yes it is isn't it

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:52, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 8:59, Reply)
Good morning
Last run done last night. A mere 4 miles in the fog. All sorted for Sunday. I now get to eat massive amounts of pasta, rice, bread and potato \o/
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:03, Reply)
Fatty.Booze is carbs too, albeit empty ones, so I prescribe morning desk cans.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:07, Reply)
As you are our resident Doc, I'll have to take this medical advice
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:14, Reply)
The launch for thw GNR looked spectacular
I was well proud
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:12, Reply)
I didn't see it
I had a free ticket too
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:13, Reply)

Loads of vids on facebook. Canny.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:22, Reply)
Will check it out
I have a soft spot for that Halfpenny
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:23, Reply)
Jaysum has a special soft spot for you cow, A chocolate starfish one.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:33, Reply)
Don't be jelly of my friendship dear, being the most reviled on here

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:55, Reply)
Ha, all the big names of the north were there: Sting, Mark Knopfler, Tim Healy, Jill Halfpenny, The Unthanks

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:44, Reply)
No Donna Air :(

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:55, Reply)
Have you got your finishing line celebration worked out yet?
We need some sort of 'Mo-Bot' type thing.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:12, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:13, Reply)
Sounds good.
No idea what the associated action would be though.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:15, Reply)
Spraying milk at the crowds from prosthetic udders I hope.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:16, Reply)
Probably a bit late to organise a prosthetic udder.
Might be easier for him to just have a wank as he starts the vinegar sprint.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:17, Reply)
Done and Done

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:17, Reply)
#sexhorn #sportshorn

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:18, Reply)
I dont like to brag

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:22, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:24, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:44, Reply)
He probably already has one.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:33, Reply)
Maaarning Mr Regular
There's a live feed of Abbey Road crossing that has made my morning.
Im on my phone though so cant link it. It's on my Twatter though.
Probably bindun
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:10, Reply)

Abbey Road crossing a bush on Hampstead heath
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:31, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:35, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:37, Reply)
I am determined that today should not conk out post-wise
I am about to unleash fire and brimstone upon Asda as they are fucking incapable of delivering a full shop, ever. The sheer amount of unavailable items is fucking stupid. Its not like I'm ordering Unicorn steaks ffs
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:47, Reply)
You should, they've just go them back in stock.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:48, Reply)
They failed to deliver carrots last week
Carrots. Are you seriously telling me that if I go to the shop there wont be a single on in there?
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:50, Reply)
Cancel your online shopping if you're going to check, you can just buy the rest of the stuff while you're there

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:51, Reply)
*smacks head*
Why didn't I think of this?
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:04, Reply)
*Updates CV*
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:06, Reply)
They probably only have monthly deliveries up north.
There isn't much call for healthy food up there. If you'd have stuck with offal, you would have been fine.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:55, Reply)
Last nights was missing lamb chops, chicken legs, sausages, plums and strawberries
Fucking useless cunts
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:07, Reply)
I'm surprised that they didn't do their like for like replacement thing
and give you five black puddings.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:10, Reply)
I've never done that
My mate once had a lemon replaced with lemon dishwasher tablets
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:18, Reply)
Mine have always been fairly mundane, although I was a bit pissed off when they replaced a special offer 90 wash box of detergent with a 28 wash box and charged the same price. They couldn't understand why I wasn't happy.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:20, Reply)
alright Battered, nice to have you back

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:56, Reply)
Good evening.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:04, Reply)
I've got loads of work to do, that apparently had to be sorted by today.
So you'll have to fill in for me a bit on here.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:49, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:50, Reply)
Our Harrod's deliveries seem to be ok, trythem?

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:50, Reply)
Replacement items are always a laugh.
we had no beef steaks, so here's a bottle of bleach.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:41, Reply)
No, just walking the dog.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:47, Reply)
Take it in the car

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:48, Reply)
in the RED car

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:49, Reply)
I do have a red car
Not sure what colour Peej's is
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:50, Reply)
You should have a race!
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:57, Reply)
But all I want to do is stuff my face

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:03, Reply)
You should have followed good ol' blues example.
he took the Milky Way.
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:08, Reply)
Congratulations PJ. Duncan would be so proud
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:50, Reply)
is it?

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 9:52, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:04, Reply)
no, hungover

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:07, Reply)
Where were you last night and what were you drinking?

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:08, Reply)
pub with boss and his partner and a few other work things
voddie of course
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:24, Reply)
I can sympathise with this.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:44, Reply)
Don't you start.

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:06, Reply)
I hope you looked sternly at her this morning after she came in pissed

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:08, Reply)
She was all noisy and bolshie, I went to bed :(

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:09, Reply)
You must spend a lot of time in bed. :-(

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:12, Reply)
You say that like its a bad thing

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:18, Reply)
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:24, Reply)
No need to be so noisy and bolshie about it. :-(

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:28, Reply)

went to bed snored on the sofa then crashed off to snore in bed
(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:25, Reply)

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:29, Reply)
Can someone please start a new thread?

(, Fri 5 Sep 2014, 10:39, Reply)

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