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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Got a call at 7am from some binmen who'd just found my little cat Meep by the side of the road.
Some callous bastard had run her down and left her. They didn't even call us.
When I got there (about 25 yards away) Miss Meep was cold and stiff. I only pray that she was killed instantly.
Me and the missus are driving out to the banks of the Yarra later to bury her.
And this fucking hurts.
EDIT: This is Meeps website : meep.daftdoggy.com/
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 7:29, 26 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Same thing happened to my mum's cats... two different cats in two weeks. They were descendants of my lovely Ozwas. I feel for you.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 7:43, Reply)

It was probably quick though as she hadn't been able to slink off to die, as cats are wont to do.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 8:17, Reply)

Sorry for your loss mate. It's not nice when that happens.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:06, Reply)

I'm so sorry to read that, something similar happened to my much loved cat Leonard five years back.
It does fucking hurt and it sucks big time.
*manly hug*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 9:18, Reply)

But :(
That's put a downer on my day on your behalf.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:16, Reply)

Just finished burying Meep. First time the Mrs has seen me cry. Not a pretty sight.
In the end we buried her in the backyard, close to her favorite tree. I didn't want her buried too far away. So we gave her a Tesco Value funeral.
She was wrapped in a pillow case with a rolled up sock clutched between her paws. She was a bastard for stealing socks. That's when I broke.
But she's at peace now and has a wee candle on her grave to light her towards heaven.
I believe that heaven is a place you go to when you die and every animal you ever loved is waiting there to greet you.
Gods rest Meep. I love you.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:30, Reply)

I can't understand why people don't stop if they hit a cat, but they will for a dog.
If I had one run over, I'd rather the person who did it come to my door and tell me.
I'd be grateful for that, rather than getting angry with them.
Weirdly though, the name 'Meep' still lives on, allbeit in ferret form.
Even though they have their own names, 'The Meeps' is my collective name for them, as in 'I'm going to feed the meeps'.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 10:37, Reply)

That account of the burial was sadder than the original post. I can see why it was the sock that got you.
*swallows back lump in throat*
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:19, Reply)

It's awful. As a fellow kitty-lover and owner, I feel your pain.
I'm sure she's got looooads of socks now wherever she is (good people get their fave stuff)
I won't tell you chin up, cos I know you can't right now, but know that a lot of strangers are feeling for you both.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:30, Reply)

that sucks mate. Dunno what we'd do if we lost Mildew.
(Who is as mental as ever, I must add).
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 11:35, Reply)

are few things worse than losing a little bag of purr that loves you because it likes you rather than conditioning.
I have lost a few cats in my time and its never pleasant.
that sock comment makes me sad.
im sorry :(
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 12:53, Reply)

There is no problem with crying, especially over a lost pet.
I lost my first cat, Brummy, to a car, someone rang us up to tell us she'd found him, she even brought him round.
Thats the first time I saw my dad cry, and in 24 years, it was one of 2, the other when my mum and dad's divorce was official.
My last cat, Meatloaf, has been missing for over 4 years, presumed hit by a car, he was 13.
He was the one thing that kept me going through my parents divorce, and only last night I found copies of the only 4 photos I have of him that I thought I'd lost after a hard drive died.
I even had a website like Meep's for Meatloaf, but that was lost many moons ago. I might well resurrect it now.
You have a man-hug here, thats for sure.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:37, Reply)

Poor Meep. And poor you & Mrs Legless.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 13:48, Reply)

I don't think I've ever buried a pet without bawling like a child. I've had cats run over, my old dog died because Nurse Ratched couldn't be arsed to give him thyroid pills and take care of him, and I've had cats die of old age- and I've wept for each and every one.
Have a drink in her memory and be thankful that you knew her.
(When the day comes that I lose the Big Black Hissy Thing, I will likely be emotionally wrecked for a very long time.)
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:23, Reply)

to have lost such a sweet kitty. Her website is too cute..
My thoughts are with you.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 14:54, Reply)

I have a little tear escaping from my eye.
Meep is frolicking in kitty heaven under an orange tree with lots of other kitties.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:20, Reply)

I'm so sorry, that's awful. We always cry over lost pets, even the bloody hamster that bit everyone in the family one by one.
As others have said, it must have been instant. Poor wee thing, and poor you and Mrs Legless.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 16:31, Reply)

I lost my first cat like that but never got him back so I could bury him.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 17:51, Reply)

Unfortunately I see this sort of thing on a regular basis and it never gets any easier. *hugs* to you.
( , Fri 24 Oct 2008, 22:25, Reply)
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