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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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How are we on this fine Day of Saturn?

( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:14, 336 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I am hangover free and on my first rest day in 9 days, precious little planned for the day except playstation, tea and lounging.
How're y'all?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:22, Reply)

Okay, okay, I love you.
Now gimme some sugar.
@Swan I very angry at the fact that I have to work one saturday a month now. There should be a law against the over 25s working at the weekend, it's poo, and it was FREEZING out this morning.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:23, Reply)

I currently have to work one weekend in two but will be moving to a more forgiving shift pattern. - Woo!
This said, mid week rest days are the future.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:26, Reply)

i'm feeling pretty chipper. I'm still in bed.
Don't lie to me, I hate it when you lie :(
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:27, Reply)

Should run to plan like a well oiled machine, you've had enough practice moves recently!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:32, Reply)

Have you made the transition from foreign climes to dull old blighty.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:33, Reply)

<img src="http://www.b3tards.com/u/9c3816fdc2ca2d431cce/hsh.jpg">
Cut, Paste, It's all in the mind.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:35, Reply)

Thanks, but this browser cuts hyperlinks down so when you copy them, its not complete.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:36, Reply)

morning all, im staying in bed until I start to smell today.
So about 7pm win!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:38, Reply)

The climate of my old place is pretty much as dull as it is here. It's just that it's the time of year when the temperatures drop and I'm at the critical point for what clothes to wear for the time of year.
That, and working normal hours for a change is also having an effect.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:39, Reply)

Turn up the heat, start sweating, and you'll get up earlier.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:40, Reply)

I do mean it, really I do. I love you more than I love those little pink wafer biscuits, I love you more than I love Samantha from Bewitched, I love you more than I love holding the trigger down too hard when playing Scalectrix, causing the car to shoot off at a corner and smack my little brother in the eye.
Gimme your login details, I'll edit the link for you from here.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:41, Reply)

I used to do two days a week in Rotterdam and was permanantly fucked for a good while although it's what your body and brain adjust to I suppose.
Ethelred, I'll gaz you the html :)
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:43, Reply)

I don't really want to get up (going outside for a smoke does not count) need a cheap couple of weekends and staying in bed costs nothing!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:46, Reply)

May pop on later if I can find an unsecure wifi. See ya's!
EDIT: @Fuzzy: You can take my place if you want.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:52, Reply)

RIGHT. Now I'm ready for some real male bonding.
You're more than welcome to join in, warmfuzzyfeeling.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:54, Reply)

Ethelred - download Opera Mini. Cracking java phone browser.
Unfortunately it only lets you copy and paste from form inputs, but that works for me on photobucket and b3tards.
Off to make pancakes. Talk to you all later.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:54, Reply)

Before I get superglued to anyone's pelvis, I need to go and wash my hair.*
Back soon!
*the two things are not related.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 9:56, Reply)

How goes it? Hope we aren't all horribly, horribly hungover. Well, I met Boss Keloid last night who is a thoroughly nice bloke, and today I have bugger all to do. Suggestions?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:08, Reply)

Just in time to view the time honoured ceremony of the gluing of the pubic bones.
Any more interest in the Howard meet?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:11, Reply)

I think it's a bit far off for people in terms of time, and Sheffield isn't the easiest place to get to. However I am planning an evening bash in Leeds (see profile) on December 1st for anyone who likes comedy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:13, Reply)

I'm gonna see what my shifts say but as all I have to do is hop on a tram I'm nicely placed :)
Why not go down the botanical gardens and grab free chestnuts for roasting?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:17, Reply)

Ok I'm about as girly as an east European shot-putter but you know what I mean.
Up at 6am
Gym at 7am
Food shopping done
Hair cut at 1pm
Collapse at 2pm
My day is done
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:24, Reply)

and a special huggle for bert, since I was mean to him yesterday
I'm sitting at mr tulip's work desk. it's weird.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:26, Reply)

Why aren't you still in bed being fed grapes by your sweetie.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:28, Reply)

Thank goodness you're here, I was feeling lonely.
It's ok tulips, I deserved it, I always do. :D
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:28, Reply)

That's a very good question. I shall ask him when he gets back from mucking about with fish.
@ bert, you know I didn't mean it really.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:29, Reply)

I just know he's going to cut too much off. I've spent ages bloody growing my hair and I'll end up with nearly the same style as previous because he'll get all artsy-fartsy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:30, Reply)

There's that pub with the brown tiled front down near the station if memory serves - Bed in for the day and get rat arsed :)
edit. Morning hlt & BGB
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:32, Reply)

I'm a loveable rogue really.
BGB, why go if you know they're going to hack too much off? Go somewhere else and just have a trim, you know they'll charge you ridiculous amounts at ladies hairdressers anyway.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:33, Reply)

Darling, just threaten him with physical violence if he so much as dares to even think of snipping off too much.
Most hairdressers will err on the side of caution if you make it clear you are growing it!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:35, Reply)

I might pass through on my way to Barnsley later on.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:36, Reply)

They all chop too much off.
My hair is too long to go to the barbers now. My local barber get sniffy if he has to cut women's hair. It was ok when I was getting a number 4 every month but he'd have a fit now if I went in.
This is a new guy who comes to your home and cuts your hair. I shall see what happens.
I can always cunt him in the fuck and he won't do it again.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:37, Reply)

on the right as you come out of the station - I've been told it's not bad at all.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:37, Reply)

It's grey, cold and raining. I've had to cancel taking the clan away tomorrow to see the grandfolks (and avoid doing any cooking) as I don't know when I start the new job until Monday.
Pure Dead Brilliant. Can't get the smile off my face. Even the prospect of scraping up cat poo (in the rain) from the back yard, thoughtfully deposited by next door's furry shitmachine does not depress me.
Zippedeedoodah Zippedeeday etc.
C'mon cheerful chaps and chapesses, there must be someone out there in B3taland who isn't working or hungover?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:39, Reply)

I think I qualify for the post of B3tan who is not working or hungover.
I am very happy for you. Weeeeeeeeeeee!
I would be in a good mood but I'm missing my fella so I can't be too cheerful today.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:42, Reply)

while playing worms ...... and indulging in the sin of sloth. Off out for lunch at some friends later though
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:45, Reply)

Does not apply at the weekend.
The Pope said so.
(while laid in the Papal Wanking Chariot scratching his arse and thinking vaguely about getting up)
Ta BGB. Just politely inform the hairdresser that if he cocks up, you will disembowel him with his own scissors and fill his gaping abdomen with hungry rats.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:48, Reply)

im neither working or hungover, im on call but won't have to worry about that until tomorrow
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:52, Reply)

as I had made myself a duvet cocoon but I am up and dressed and may even be productive later! :p
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:52, Reply)

I'm going to drink a cup of coffee and read my book about mushrooms.
I may as well just throw myself into this middle aged persona and start knitting and cutting coupons from magazines.
I shall report later on the haircut.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:56, Reply)

We have lots of mushrooms (maybe toadstools I dunno the difference) growing in our lawn :(
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 10:57, Reply)

What's wrong with mushrooms and toadstools?
I like kicking them over and pretending I'm a giant. Raaargh.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:00, Reply)

Ta muchly.
Your badgerness - as far as I know there is no exact definition of the difference 'tween the 'nice' mushroom and the 'nasty' toadstool: get yourself a field guide and start scoffing like a true badger!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:00, Reply)

And that is fun Bert :p
Osok I don't think I'd want to eat them, they don't look tasty
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:03, Reply)

is to have sex with children, or midgets.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:05, Reply)

You'd be surprised - some of the really bizarre ones taste the best.
Oh dear, I've gone all Hugh Fearnley-Whittenstall.
Mind you, some will also send you tripping off your tits, and a few will kill you, maybe even fatally.
Besides, as a true badger, you should be out disembowelling hedgehogs.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:08, Reply)

*puts 'Do the Locomotion' on the stereo*
*chugga-chugga-chuggas like a railway train now*
C'mon baby, do the locomotion.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:23, Reply)

Naked is the only way to do the locomotion, them's the rules.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:25, Reply)

Off to brave the shambling zombies which plague our local Morrison's to get beer for mein host and jaffa cakes for his kids.
Out to lunch - Have fun, catch y'all later
edit. Not going to be able to listen to a particular Radio 4 production without thinking of Bert experiencing 'Cock flail'.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:26, Reply)

*leads the naked locomotion all the way to Mornington Crescent*
*cock flails from side to side* YEAH
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:27, Reply)

Bye swan! -you should naked locomotion through your lunch.
TGB, which dance shall we do next?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:29, Reply)

Ay, Macarena.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:32, Reply)

The Funky Chicken, but seeing as MiniBert has made himself known, it'll have to be The Shag...
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:34, Reply)

Ay, Macarena, AAAIIIII.
The Shag? 'asplain the movements, please.
EDIT *Ooops up, side your heads*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:36, Reply)

*throws hula hoops at Bert*
If I get one on little bert do I win a prize?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:39, Reply)

Damn, I'm good.
*continues to do the Whigfield Saturday Night dance in the nude*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:50, Reply)

This sucks. I am so bored I just agreed to help decorate a house. I must be fucking crazy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:52, Reply)

You should have just joined in with the naked dancing.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:53, Reply)

I seem to have a lot of random songs so am getting the whole albums.
I also have a lot of really shocking stuff that I have no recollection of getting!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:53, Reply)

You do of course realise that since having discovered this board my business is going down the pan because I spend all my time here and do no work.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:55, Reply)

Shocking like Pogo the Clown by Dog Fashion Disco?
@MadDog That's your own fault.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:58, Reply)

Off to brave the hordes and their shrieking hellspawn in the search for a new pair of earphones for the Doris' iPod. Sez her lugs are all hurtie. Poof.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:58, Reply)

And yup, this board will consume all your free time and leave you feeling dirty and used *cries*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:58, Reply)

Absolutely my own fault. Just stating a fact. Not pointing fingers.
EDIT: @TGB It's been a long time since I've felt used and dirty. *sighs* How I miss those days
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 11:59, Reply)

or else, why would you keep coming back?
@maddog It's not a bad thing though, business just gets in the way of pleasure.
EDIT You're right, TGB, I can.
MadBouncyDog, have you ever been wolfbagged?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:02, Reply)

I come here every day just on the hope I may get to talk to you
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:04, Reply)

Me too badger! I feel like we have a sisterly connection.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:06, Reply)

not gonna take it,
not going to take it ANYMORE!!!
*poodle metals*
*remembers the scene in Flight of The Navigator where they show Twisted Sister*
That was such a cool film.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:10, Reply)

You truly rock Mrs Badger, hats off to you.
What would you say was the best gig you've ever been to and why?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:20, Reply)

SOAD are top quality, which year was that? After the disappoinment of Hypnotise/Mesmerise?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:27, Reply)

Once must have been before, the other may have been just after? The first time they were on pretty early in the day maybe 2003ish?
Oh 2001 was the first one, 2003 was the second time
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:37, Reply)

Daron Malakian's whiney little voice started to ruin their songs. Excellent.
...and were you bouncing around like a proper loon to 'Pogo'?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:40, Reply)

Looking back on it 2001 was a good year! The Cult were pretty good as well actually.
I did go and laugh at So Solid Crew as well
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:42, Reply)

poor Harvey, and Romeo, and Oxide and Neutrino, and the others. They were special.
I don't really do festivals, I prefer being shoved around by big enormous men indoors.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:43, Reply)

an unhealthy obsession for "A" so I ended up seeing them about 5 times, but I only went for the support groups. Fenix TX were awesome and as it was such a small gig I was chatting to them after. The bassist is about 9 feet tall!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:47, Reply)

Sorry, only working a half day today, nice chatting with you though.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend Mrs GrammarBadger!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:50, Reply)

I call everyone Mrs, as a sign of respect, regardless of your marital status.
So, I say again, goodbye Mrs Badger...!

( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 12:52, Reply)

My hair is a lot shorter than I wanted it but..........it looks the dogs bollox : )
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 14:24, Reply)

Pix or we don't believe you.
Which reminds me,I am due for my normal Number-One-and-a-Polish which as close to hair styling as I get. Idly considering shaving the bonce completely but I've got too many lumps & bumps to avoid massive and unsightly blood-loss.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 14:44, Reply)

But I am poor! I dunno if I trust any of the people I know with scissors near my face though
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 14:46, Reply)

There may be a pic or two of me posted.
We shall see.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 14:51, Reply)

I know how you are, we have a telepathic bond.
I'm not at liberty to say which DVD for fear of incriminating myself.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:17, Reply)

And I assume by plum you mean chocolate? *nom nom*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:17, Reply)

maybe, chocloate plums are all the rage down our way
Ethel, its a high school musical or other such satanic disney fillum isn't it?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:19, Reply)

Nope, it has shootings, bombs and other forms of death.
Its just, erm, pre-release.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:25, Reply)

ok then
quantum of solace or Max Payne?
or kinky latex donkey porn?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:28, Reply)

haven't seen the right films then badge!
is it too early to start drinking at home?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:35, Reply)

listening to 5live
A horse in the last race was called skanky biscuit!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:40, Reply)

is evil! Although you're not doing much better than me :p
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 15:50, Reply)

PPD has me playing
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 16:09, Reply)

I just punched a wall.
Level 6 you start off up high on a platform with another one ahead off....I don't want to explain, thinking about it makes me angrrrrryyyyyy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 16:38, Reply)

yeah I think I may give up on it as well.
So are we back to talking about clown porn? *cries* I really think I am scared for life
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 16:40, Reply)

How are we all?
Had a lovely afternoon showing Lusty around Leeds and having a lovely pint of Sam Smiths cider:D
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 16:43, Reply)

He's a Thread Killer!
A HA Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:08, Reply)

I've put some newspaper down so we won't make a mess.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:16, Reply)

This place is already covered in bits of whale meat and small pools of jizz.
It's a wonder none of us have contracted anything fatal yet.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:20, Reply)

yes, scientist recently discovered that you can indeed get ear cancer from both jizzy whale meat and toilet seats that have been used by teh gays.
How are you my dear, did you have a good night out last night?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:25, Reply)

we tidied the house this morning then we cut down some bits of tree and tidied the garden then we had tea and discussed what car Mrs al would like to get when she gets a new job and now she's upstairs doing something. Possibly putting her clothes away, i'm not sure.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:33, Reply)

I'm making fairy cakes!
Al, have we discussed living in Fallowfield/ Withington before?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:34, Reply)

errr, no don't think so. Do you live in Fallowfield/Withington too then?
@ancrenne, who is your third favourite bond?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:38, Reply)

I used to live just off Derby Road, near the McDonald's Drive Through and the 24hour garage.
I was there in about 1995-6
Found the conversation in my Gaz box. Wasn't you Al
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:40, Reply)

on Lausanne Road and the Rippingham Road, opposite the Natwest Bank in Withington.
I was there from 1999-2002.
We went back a few weeks ago and went to 5th Avenue. I felt sooooooo old.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:43, Reply)

Roger Moore is much better than Pierce.
I would go Daniel Craig, Roger Moore, Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan, Timothy Dalton and George Lazenby. But in defence of George Lazenby, I have never actually watched O.H.M.S.S so he might be really good and I wouldn't know. I've heard it's underated as it's a pretty faithful adaptation of the book.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:46, Reply)

It was a long time ago I was there, there was a Rumbalows when I lived there!
We used to drink in Severe or the Withington Ale House which was nextdoor to the cinema.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:47, Reply)

have your nipples warmed up?
5th Ave was a student-tastic indie club. We used to go to Solomon Grundies whihc was on the other side of the road to the cinema, and the Red and White Lions.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:50, Reply)

I have lots of layers on today and a blanket as well.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:51, Reply)

But I think Solomon Grundies might have been after I left.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:51, Reply)

Mrs al is up to, I can hear thumping from upstairs so I don't know what she's doing.
edit - bye everyone.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:52, Reply)

I hope you all have wonderful evenings. My day is just beginning, and it's another beautiful, sunny and warm day.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:53, Reply)

It's cold and dark here now :(
I'm in a stupid "what if" mood. *drinks more*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:54, Reply)

I needed that :)
I don't want to let stuff get to me, it's just everything seems to be going wrong recently.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:58, Reply)

Well after this conversation with Al I went onto google maps to have a look at my old house. Well it looks like they are demolishing it!
Look, you can see right inside!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 17:59, Reply)

He's doing good! He's holding up well and gets spoiled daily with new toys.
TGB, when everything goes wrong, things can only get better. After the first 3 months of this year I thought I would never be happy ever again, but over the last 6 months things have taken a turn and I'm happier than I have been in a long time.
Trust in your friends, and trust in yourself and you'll make it through :)
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:01, Reply)

they may find in the walls Mrs L? :p
And I know WBM it's just all a bit crap. But yay for you *hugs*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:02, Reply)

I used to live in the attic!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:05, Reply)

Sod it *cuddles cat* Thanks!
What if moods are when you think of something shit that's happened and then go what if I had done that instead of this would I be happier now?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:06, Reply)

which is why I am going to drink until questions become irrelevant.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:13, Reply)

The ones with the cherries on top are fruit and the others are lemon.
(oh and there are two vegan ones for Ancrenne, just don't ask how I made them).
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:20, Reply)

and had a veggie full English this morning so we aren't going to have dinner!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:28, Reply)

texting an ex because you are sad and lonely, good idea or bad idea?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:31, Reply)

have now I would say GB.
Don't be sad and lonely. You have us!
On the whole I would say bad idea if they are likely to take it too mean that you want to get back together.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:33, Reply)

I've slept with said ex after we broke up and it was just fun and no strings.
And you guys are awesome of course.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:37, Reply)

I just got home so I'm now watching Friends and waiting for X-Factor. I am sad.
TGB, bad. :(
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:37, Reply)

The ex hubby who was a complete fucktard to me when he found out I was dating my new guy, did a complete turnaround after I came back from England. He's now quite nice about everything in general.
He just called me to say he found some more of my stuff, and he can either run it by my place or run it by the boyfriends place. "I haven't seen G in ages, it'd be good to catch up".
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:38, Reply)

Mr Bin is good friends with his ex, as am I. In fact she is a friend on Facebook (for all that's worth) and part of out Christmas tradition is meeting up for coffee when we are back in their home town.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:38, Reply)

at least WBM!
Batman I am waiting for the xfactor too :(
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:39, Reply)

just read your post on Off Topic. Go Hull!
EDIT TGB Don't be sad. X-Factor is awesome and you know it. And don't be sad *hugs*
I owe you cakey huggles remember :D
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:39, Reply)

my head is all confuzzly.
It would be nice to feel wanted though. I know it's a stupid idea. He does only live round the corner though.,...
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:41, Reply)

TGB, I wish I had some sage advice for you, but I don't. So have another hug
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:43, Reply)

I know why I feel like this and it's stupid, but I kind of feel trapped inside doing what I know is best for someone else, because it is best overall. There is a small part of me screaming and begging to just say what I feel rather than what I know is best. Sorry that's all rather cryptic and rubbish!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:48, Reply)

and *hugs*
Badgie, I've found that all the decisions I've made when drinking have been ones I've regretted afterwards.
That said, I don't have to have been drinking to make a bad decision! There have been plenty of times in the last few months I would have got in touch with my ex when I was feeling lonely and I'm pretty sure no good would have come of it... :( But that's just me and him, I'm not assuming you guys are the same.
Join adult friend finder instead and laugh at all the pics of cocks you get sent :)
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:50, Reply)

don't be sad TGB, we all think your lully.
I think calling an ex for a comfort shag would probably lead to you feeling worse in the long run.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:52, Reply)

here have some cakey hugs.
*cake goes everywhere*
If you have something to say to him then I'd say be upfront and honest about it but then that's just me. Guys are shit aren't they?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:52, Reply)

we are pretty crap, it's a wonder women ever put up with us.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:54, Reply)

the thing about exes is that they're familiar. You get comfort from it. But it doesn't last, and then when you're feeling the lack of it again afterwards you feel wretched.
And Badgie I think you're lully too, and if I was there we'd snuggle up in bed and laugh at cocks together.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:56, Reply)

Thanks guys, you all rock *hugs*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:58, Reply)

on the sofa, eating fairy cakes.
Who wants in?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 18:58, Reply)

I'd get my cock out for you to laugh at.
I agree with fuzzy though, every time I get drunk and a bit lonely I text my ex and often don't hear back from her, she does the same to me. We both know things wouldn't work despite several attempts at making it do so, we were honest with each other though so at least we know where we stand. Still hurts like a bitch though. And if you're thinking "what if"...then perhaps you should be totally honest with him? No regrets and all that. But then I know every situation is different.
And al yes, we are incredibly shit. But at least we can pee standing up which is a saving grace.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:01, Reply)

for peeing standing up. You women don't know what your missing.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:03, Reply)

Just takes a bit of practice,
And NO I don't have photos
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:04, Reply)

these may help
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:06, Reply)

can you actually do it?
I've seen the website, it looks really funny.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:07, Reply)

Adultfriendfnder says my perfect match is a 61 yr old from Birmingham! *cries*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:07, Reply)

Yeah, the "matchmaking" is somewhat dubious.
Al and Batman, you're lully, so men aren't crap.
*says so definitively*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:12, Reply)

Actually, fair point.
I frequently eat children. And my belly button fluff.
I'm baaaaad.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:14, Reply)

Eating children I can live with.
But belly button fluff?
*is too grossed out to ever speak to Batman again*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:16, Reply)

nothing quite like children gravy and mashed potato.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:16, Reply)

mrs bin, you are weak, I have been in bed all day (going outside for smokes and beer not included)
hello all
Badge, being in a maudlin drinking mood and texting ex partners is never a good idea, trust me on this, find a film that makes you blubber / or laugh so hard you cry and swear a lot.
You will feel better in the morning, and remember, when your sad faced you use more muscles so its goos exercise ;)
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:18, Reply)

used to have a race every month to see who could collect the most belly button fluff in a jar. The loser then had to eat the other persons. I always won.
Because I used to top it up with bum fluff.
Have you ever noticed it's always Grey though? I only own one Grey shirt which I rarely wear.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:19, Reply)

I would happily stay in bed all day but Mr Bin won't let me.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:20, Reply)

you have disgusted me. And I make jokes about madeline mcann and teh AIDS, so well done.
I'm off to fry some duck and drink some wine with Mrs al.
Night all, oh shit she's watching the X factor. Someone kill me now.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:23, Reply)

you love it.
*proffers bellybum fluff*
Tastes like dangle berries.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:29, Reply)

I can lower any conversation to that sort of level, not sure if its a gift or a curse
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:34, Reply)

"so you have to look if you have an air guitar?"
"No... you have to actually have an air guitar"
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:38, Reply)

nah im tucked up with you guys, the radio and a crate of beer
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:38, Reply)

at the place where they stick bodies in wood and bins and stuff and watch how they rot!
*edit* yes Batman.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:38, Reply)

I do love Stephen Fry. You should listen to his podcast. It's brilliant.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:41, Reply)

more to the point I have got his alarm clock!
That is where my signature came from, it's something the clock said to me one morning.
I had read about that place in a very interesting book about what happens to your body when you die. I wasn't ready for the body in the bin though.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:43, Reply)

but risotto takes ages to make aghghghghghghghghg
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:44, Reply)

My neighbor was playing her rap music full blast, so much so that my walls were rattling. After banging on the walls, the door, and several neighbors stood on their patios/balconies yelling "turn that fuckign shit down", she still wouldn't turn it off.
Me + laptop + appalling taste in music: I went on the patio with my laptop, put on one of my Carpenters CDs and everytime there was a lull between songs, she got accosted by the melodic tones of the Carpenters. After 3 of these, she turned her music down to an acceptable level and asked me (yelled at me) to "turn that fucking shit off".
I played one more song.
Sorry for length, but it made me laugh.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:45, Reply)

His debate on whether we should pay a license fee was immense. I found myself thinking "Yes Stephen you are correct, we should pay it" then "No Stephen you are indeed correct, we shouldn't pay it" and then I just ended up confused.
I don't like swing music, gah!
EDIT Mrs L, yeah the bin body took me a bit by surprise too but it's clearly a worthwhile study. Still a bit grim though!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:46, Reply)

that has been causing you trouble before?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:47, Reply)

so I haven't heard that one yet.
Get the alarm clock, or at least put it on you Christmas list.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:49, Reply)

No - I think you're thinking of the lesbians with the dogs. This one is an older lady who has bizarre music playing at all hours of the day and drives everyone in my building nuts.
The guy next door on my left is really cool. Gay as fuck, and loves my taste in music. We occassionally have Evita nights.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:49, Reply)

I really hope that is just a coincidence 0_o
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:51, Reply)

the Carpenters! You'll be saying he likes Judy Garland next.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:51, Reply)

MSN, now!
Mrs L...I would like a Stephen Fry alarm clock for Christmas please.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)

that we could place a b3ta order and get a discount for a bulk order?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:01, Reply)

if the discount was like 100%
*puts on birthday list*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:02, Reply)

birdsong first, the Stephen coughs politely before saying what he does.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:04, Reply)

I are back. Had a fantastic afternoon with old friends and spent a load of it entertaining their 2 & 3 olds by blowing raspberries on my arm at them so they ran around like giddy kippers.
The best part of this afternoon is that Aldi has Spitfire, Bishop's Finger and Hobgoblin for £1 a bottle ..... I have a case.
*Basks in beery glory*
*Indulges in sloth*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:30, Reply)

that sounds magic!
I have tennents, trade you for a finger of the bishop?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 20:48, Reply)

It was a mad day - I've no idea how my mates with kids do it.
The Bishop's finger is on its way to you ..... Christ, they're tasty.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:01, Reply)

Boheme, cheap czech lager
has anyone seen my Hellboy dvd please?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:18, Reply)

kids scare the fuck out of me.
halfy...fraid not, if you find my porn collection let me know :(
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:22, Reply)

how did it get there?
am having a bit of a harrumph sulk, quite wanted to chill out and watch that. phut
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:25, Reply)

Halfy. Just ask St Anthony for help.
You'll find it straight away then!
(St Anthony is the patron saint of lost things)
*edit* I do not have God, but this does work.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:27, Reply)

He is going to be very busy then, loads of my stuff has gone *missing* over the last few years.
I'll give it a bash and let you know
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:31, Reply)

you'll feel like a pillock standing in the middle of your living room asking thin air where something is, but I find it works.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:34, Reply)

Back when we used to inhabit a pokey flat my grumble material was scattered to the four corners of the Band A abode.
I used to have to deporn the flat before the outlaws came round, I managed to do this with surprising success until my friend bought back "Anal sex" playing cards as a present which was spotted by my future father in law.
Nowadays I have my filth better hidden but still within easy access. All is well as long as the future FIL doesn't look on top of the fridge ...... There lies a plethora of Private DVD's.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:38, Reply)

Someone else who knows about boggarts. I mentioned them at work a while back and was looked upon like I had sprouted a third head.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:41, Reply)

but then I do have a subscription to Fortean Times.
Any joy Halfy?
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:43, Reply)

Yeah, that's generally the response I get!
Mrs L, I'm waaaay past the feeling like a pillock stage. I talk to myself, inanimate objects, deities, non-existent anthropomorphic personifications... Side effect of going mentally mad with control freak ex, but it made me realise that sanity is overrated anyway :)
EDIT: ooh, and Mrs L, I get FT too, I've kept every copy for about the last ten years or so. Found out not long ago that one of my mum's exes had archived his FTs since they actually began - and sold them. I was fucking gutted!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:45, Reply)

I only started to worry when I was on my own in the evening and gabbling away so happily that I made two cups of tea. One for myself and one for whoever I was talking to.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:49, Reply)

I've got copies going back about 6 years or so.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:50, Reply)

I did however get 3 numbers on the lottery
will wait for the second one to come out and buy a boxset I guess.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:54, Reply)

on their behalf? :)
I've posted once or twice on the forum. I'm sort of overwhelmed by it, there's so much I want to talk about that I don't know where to start!
Ooh lottery. I need enough money for a new battery for my car, please!
*checks numbers*
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:58, Reply)

Halfy. Now you've asked, it'll turn up.
Go and make a cuppa, when you come back you'll have a sudden flash of inspiration.
*edit* the problem with the forums is that you can get a few mentalists there.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:58, Reply)

it was very different from the first and strays away from the graphic novels more.
imagine Pans Labyrinth crossed with Neverwhere set in America with a big red hero
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 21:58, Reply)

Is it the perennial problem of having the box but no DVD?
We have to go through about 10 DVDs before we hit gold ..... If only I were more tidy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:00, Reply)

I have checked every film I have watched in the last 6 months and hasn't turned up.
might just go through the whole lot tomorrow
odd because I always leave the case by the dvd player to put away afterwards
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:05, Reply)

explanation is that you have a portal into another world in your DVD player.
Ooh someone just got arrested outside my house. My neighbourhood is so classy.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:08, Reply)

in my cd player once so would not be surprised if its in a cd case in my car!!
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:13, Reply)

I has beer. It is nice.
Anyone still about? It's gone affy quiet.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:24, Reply)

Don't tell me that the rest of 'em have gotten social lives?
So .... How you doin'? :)
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:33, Reply)

but it would seem that most people do!
*edit* See! All of you have something better to do.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:36, Reply)

My social life is non existant, and I'm listening to Razorlight.
I doesn't get much worse.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:52, Reply)

I'm spazzing it up playing playsatan - Hardly a replacement for stimulating conversation
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 22:56, Reply)

that this 'going out on a Saturday night' thing is something put about to make us feel bad?
*edit* TV is so shit on a Saturday night because society dictates you must go out.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:03, Reply)

being rubbish the radio is too.
Because I'm old and dull I listen to Radio 4 a lot.
Turn it on at any point during the day and there will be something really interesting on.
Turn it on during the weekend and you will find "Gardeners Fucking Question Time".
Stephen Fry series about the history of language? We'll put that on when you're at work so you've got no chance of hearing it.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:13, Reply)

Soil. Because I likes me obscure rock :p
Also I am chatting to my Norwegian friend on MSN which fucking rocks because I haven't spoke to her in ages.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:15, Reply)

thing, but the rest of it is nonsense.
I'm assuming the 'killer' is the hospital orderly.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:37, Reply)

I think they did a good enough job of tha by themselves
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:43, Reply)

fucking obvious.
It's not getting much better.
*edit* that said, they may have put something of a twist in.
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:47, Reply)

but ou are like "STUPID TWISTS!!!"
Well I was. I made my mate spill his pint with my screaming
( , Sat 25 Oct 2008, 23:55, Reply)

it's good, finish watching it before you dismiss it :) The sequels are a bit rubbish, but I rather liked the first one.
( , Sun 26 Oct 2008, 0:02, Reply)

This is a good point.
I am being too quick to rubbish it.
( , Sun 26 Oct 2008, 0:03, Reply)

by a long shot, but the way it's put together is pretty cool.
I've just got back from a long long day, so I'm off to bed. Night all
( , Sun 26 Oct 2008, 0:09, Reply)

I am off to bed soon as well. Talking to my mate was awesome though. I am in an awesome mood now :D She is so lovely.
( , Sun 26 Oct 2008, 0:13, Reply)

Glad to hear you're feeling OK now Miss Badger.
Just finished work for the day now. This strange schedule is really fucking about with my body clock. Gaah.
( , Sun 26 Oct 2008, 0:29, Reply)
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