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Let's have a Sunday thread...
Home Sweet Home
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 9:40, 210 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
The times are wrong on here.
That'll confuse the hungover masses.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 9:42, Reply)
wrong how?
the only time wrong I've seen was on my phone - still an hour ahead.

now i've been awake since 9AM!!! ON A SUNDAY!!!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 9:46, Reply)
It says my post was made at 10.50
But it's only 9.50

Anyway, how are things with you this morning, Flesh?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 9:50, Reply)
Don't complain
I've been up since 7:30. Managed to watch a film and everything. Incidentally, how are we all?

*Offers hugs / pints of tea to those in need*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 9:55, Reply)
Morning Piston
Watched a film already? Impressive. I've been up since 8.30 and have achieved nothing. I have family coming round for coffee at 11am, so I really have to get going.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:00, Reply)
ah then
OK - tis correct.

Being in Spain, the time is correct for me.

And all is well, for an early Sunday morning.

piston, any biscuits to go with that tea?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:02, Reply)
morning all
the sun has come out in Edinburgh! Shock, horror!

How is everyone?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:04, Reply)
Nings to all
Despite my best efforts last night, I find myself with an absence of hurty head syndrome.

Tea is present but tobacco is dwindling and ever increasingly skinny roll ups are being manufactured - May have to bite the bullet and trudge down the shops.

How are we all?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:05, Reply)
morning SV
I may have spoken too soon. The sky is now filling up with dark grey clouds and I fear more wet stuff is about to fall ...

No hurty head sounds good to me.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:11, Reply)
thats why
no one talks about the good weather in Scotland. 'Tis liable to disappear shortly afterwards
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:15, Reply)
Yes flesh
Ginger, digestive, the ALMIGHTY HOBNOB and of course, battenburgs.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:21, Reply)
Hi Tww
I'm trying to summon the fortitude to go out and clean the car but so far weather looks too miserable to brave the elements .... Arse.

On the upside I have spotted a sewing machine in Lidl for £20 which will enable me to make myself a gargantuan beanbag.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:27, Reply)
Sewing machine in Lidl?
I might have to get one of those later in the day.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:28, Reply)
They've also got
a load of machine thread for £2.99
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:31, Reply)
ooooh sewing machine
I'd like to get a new one, but having been raised by a seamstress, I have very high standards in such things....... my mum has promised me her 'old' one when she upgrades her current Husqvarna viking machine. Those are seriously expensive.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 10:37, Reply)
Morning all :D
I am in a great mood today. And I thought I'd slept in till 11 but it was only 10 when I got up so that was nice. Free time! I spent it playing about with my hair...

Ooh look my post has gone back in time!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:11, Reply)
morning TGB
we appear to be time travelling. Without the De Lorean. Or Doc Brown.

Showing my age, there ....

How are you this fine morning?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:13, Reply)
I wanted one of those
hover boards loads when I was a small badger! And the self tying shoes...

I am great thanks :D How's you?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:14, Reply)
I was up at 5am because I forgot to put my clocks back : (

But I now have nice hair : )
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:20, Reply)
Oh, not so bad
just sent my eldest out for Sunday papers. From the look on her face you'd have thought I'd asked her to do a shift in the salt mines. Ah, to be fourteen again .... actually, no. It was bad enough the first time around.

Other than that, nothing exciting happening around here today.

edit: morning BGB. How did the haircut go, then? You didn't have to kill the hairdresser for taking too much off?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:22, Reply)
Someone just parked right outside
my house and I was getting up from the computer as he was getting out the car and looked right at me through the window. I didn't know what to do so I panic waved!

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:25, Reply)
He did chop off more than I would have liked but it looks great and now as it grows it will grow into the style I want.

And he was a lovely lad : )

Edit - GB, I would have just scowled at him.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:28, Reply)
Oh my god
my mate just called me to show me a picture our friend Gary has put on the Marina forum of Ben as a woman.

I am aware these names mean nothing to you but I have never laughed so much in my life! Ben is going to be raging when he sees them *secret glees* I also accidentally made the thread sticky so it won't get accidentally lost in all the other threads *evil glees*

Oh that's made my day, it hurts to laugh now
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:33, Reply)
I'm off to clean my kitchen.
Well, I'm off to stand around in my kitchen and see if by sheer force of will I can get it to clean itself.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:38, Reply)
If you manage it, you can come and do mine after.

I'm off too. Bathroom won't clean itself either ....

Oh, my life is just too exciting.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 11:42, Reply)
ah cleaning
I shall be doing none of that today for:

a. I am all of teh lazy


b. 'tis my birthday, and by law, I must be treated as a God*

* may be partly untrue
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 12:29, Reply)
The part about it being your birthday
or being treated like a god?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 12:43, Reply)
That made me smile! Thank you, that has improved my sunday :)

I am about to go and see if my car will start... and if it does I am off to Kwikfit for a new battery :(

I think I should also put a bucket under the worrying wet patch on my ceiling... which is right above my pillow on my bed :(

Noons all, hope your sundays are happy ones!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 12:52, Reply)
I love
how the volume on those videos goes up to 11.

"Well, it's one louder, isn't it? It's not ten"
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 12:53, Reply)
unfortunately TGB
tis the part about me being treated like a god
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 12:57, Reply)
well happy birthday!

I can fan you with palm leaves for a bit if you like *fans*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:00, Reply)
cooling breeze

thank you, much needed indeed
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:09, Reply)
I am going to go see Mama Badger.

See you guys later :)

*feeds flesh some peeled grapes before she goes*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:11, Reply)
My car started! Thank fuck for that!

Happy birthday flesh! *does a naked birthday dance*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:19, Reply)
bye TGB
*noms grapes*

EDIT - thank you fuzzy. Nice dancing :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:19, Reply)
I have to
get dressed now and go to Kwikfit :(
(My car is still ticking over outside!)

Have a lully day!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:34, Reply)
I shall indeed
thank you
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 13:52, Reply)
Is everyone taking afternoon naps?
Happy Birthday, Flesh! Having a good day?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:30, Reply)
thanks clendrix
haven't done anything yet, and watching the Chelsea - Liverpool game, so yes, so far so good.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:35, Reply)
The Tottenham v Bolton game
is due to kick off soon. Ramos has gone and Redknapp's not in charge yet...I don't hold out much hope for success for my team. I may go and do some shopping and assess the damage on my return.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:46, Reply)
and they
are playing one up front. At home. How ridiculous
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:48, Reply)
I've given up.
I swear I'm no fair-weather fan, I'm really not. But it's just bloody depressing; we're bottom because we're shit, not because we're unlucky. Where's the excitement in that?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:53, Reply)
and I was thinking
that I had bad, with Newcastle being my second team (after Celtic). Wouldn't be too surprised to see them both go down tbh
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:56, Reply)
Some stupid procession
was going on at the bottom of town which meant I had to detour loads.


How is everyone else?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:59, Reply)
Hello folks
Full of fresh air and steak and ale pie, after a stroll round Kirkstall Abbey.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 14:59, Reply)
Aah Newcastle...
fond of them myself, although obviously wishing woe upon them at the moment. Things are looking dire though...

Beekers and Badger - hello to both of you!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:03, Reply)
Hey Clendrix and BK

I should eat something. I don't have anything tasty in though. Well I don't have anything in and my housemate doesn't have any thing tasty :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:05, Reply)
*hugs for clenders and TGB*
Lusty is waving hello too!

We've had a lovely weekend full of culture and curry:D
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:09, Reply)
*waves at Lusty*
BK you addict coming on here when you have lovely lusty for company!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:10, Reply)
Lovely Lusty indeed!
And yay, cos I get to see her soon.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:13, Reply)
Well we always talk about B3ta when we're together anyway.

We were walking by the canal and I said,

"Do you think we spnd way too much time talking about B3ta?"She said, "Maybe just a little".

Then a helicopter flew past with a bloke on ladder and this shark jumped out the water at them.

I was all, "Fucksocks! What are the odds?"
Lusty said, "MFOTFABL!"

*is addict*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:14, Reply)
I guess I tend to talk about B3ta a lot when I meet the guys around here as well.

*shakes fist at b3ta* Damn you and your addictingness!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:17, Reply)
my feed has disappeared with 5 minutes left!

Damn internet
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:19, Reply)
Spurs are currently winning.
*heads off to shops in state of shock*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:30, Reply)
G'afternoon all
I'm back from London, had a fantastic brunch of alcohol (white and black Russians).

Now it's time to get on with some design work for various people.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:47, Reply)
I have swapped my harddrives over as I have lost the USB lead for one and realised I have seasons 1&2 of Supernatural so I am off to have a marathon!

See you all some time next week :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:58, Reply)
hello Kaol
black and white Russians huh?

there was me thinking brunch involved some kind of food....
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 15:59, Reply)
TGB.... You lucky sod!

Flesh, my brunch was awesome, I'll not hear a word said against it :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:01, Reply)
not a word WAS said against it
all that alcohol has gone to your head...or it will soon enough
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:06, Reply)
Well fine...

The alcohol feeling has been and gone, I've travelled halfway across London since then, and then from London to North Essex.

But now I'm considering cracking open a new bottle of whisky.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:08, Reply)
Season 1 seems
to be corrupted though. Keeps causing windows explorer to crash. Goddamn!!

I don't want to start from season 2 :(
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:09, Reply)
*hugs TGB*

*looks over to Season 1 DVD box*

I went on a bit of a DVD spluge yesterday, got 30 Days Of Night, 3:10 To Yuma, No Country For Old Men, John Carpenter's Vampires, Ghosts Of Mars and The Illusionist.

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:12, Reply)
Ghosts of Mars?

excellent - that's my night's viewing sorted. Nice one.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:15, Reply)
Have you seen "Vampires: Los Muertos"?

The lead actor is Jon Bon Jovi...
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:17, Reply)
I may watch
Ong Bak :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:18, Reply)
refuse to watch anything wiht Jon Bon Jobbee in it
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:22, Reply)
It's so bad that it's good!
He's better than, say, Kevin Bacon in Death Sentence though.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:25, Reply)
Afternoon guys
How are we?

I've been cleaning my flat all day in preparation of the big move and managed to lock myself in the freshly bleached bathroom so things are a bit squiffy at the moment.

I may need to lie down.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:34, Reply)
Didn't you get "locked" in the toilet at work recently too?

There are two explanations to this...

1) You're addicted to sniffing cleaning products.

2) You're into cottaging, but you're awful at it.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:36, Reply)
3) too stupid to figure out locks :p

Aww poor Batman :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:39, Reply)
Afternoon Kaol
Erm yeah I did but somebody locked me in. This time the lock broke, trapping me inside. Which serves me right for locking the door to my bathroom when I live by myself. And there's no window for to climb out of.

Okay all of that is a lie. I actually cottage on a regular basis. But I'm extremely shit at it seeing as I try it at my work and at home. Maybe I should move further afield next time.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:41, Reply)
how do you
lock yourself in a toilet anyway?

I thought they all locked from the inside...
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:43, Reply)
Did you lot
put the clocks back last night?
Ours don't go back for two weeks.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:44, Reply)
but it's one of those handles with the lock built in to it. I must have twisted it too hard when I locked it or something because the mechanism inside snapped. I managed to get out by unscrewing the handle around the plate using the corner of a toilet roll tube and pulling the mechanism back in to place.

I'm like a really shit action man. Who enjoys cottaging.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:47, Reply)
*strolls in*
Afternoon all.

how goes it?

I'm at work, and I don't want to be.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:51, Reply)
Yeah, I woke up this morning to being poked in the back.
"Kaol, Kaol, it's 12 o'clock!"

I kinda made a funny noise and went back to sleep for another hour.
'til it really was 12.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:51, Reply)
I forgot, hence waking at 10 (according to my phone) found me awake at 9 instead. Still, I had been asleep since 7PM last night,

@Batman, that should be your new sig "Is like a really shit Action Man"
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:53, Reply)
Awhy hellloooo


Are you well lovey?

EDIT Done flesh, athank you!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:53, Reply)
'lo batman

m'orlright ta. it's just a pain to have to come in to work at 4pm on a sunday.

and it's getting dark. so it begins, the long dark teatime of the year*

how are you mr batman?

*phrase stolen from Mr D Adams
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:55, Reply)
Ahoy there!!
trips over his own feet


gets up trying to look cool, right in no particular order

ong bak is cool but cheesy and glad your feeling all fluffy again

Kaol what whisky have you got?

its rained all day and i think i tweaked my groin at the gym, oh and i burnt my tongue on a chocolate croissant
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:58, Reply)
Having just re-read my post,
I feel some clarification is needed.

I did not spend the night with anyone, my friend came in and poked me in the back.


Oh, whisky, just Grouse. I'm cheap.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:58, Reply)
nicely done Batman
hello HLT
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:58, Reply)
Hello again from Beekers and Lusty
Having a wee check in here again.
Lusty's off home soon. Boooo!

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 16:58, Reply)
hello flesh
hey beekers and lusty!

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:00, Reply)
Burnt tongues
suck the boabenstein.

Kaol I was about to ask you about that...you should have just kept quiet and let us all think you had.

Why do you have to be in work at 4 on a Sunday hlt? That sucks.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:01, Reply)
onk bak is awesome
Am I feeling fluffy again? *checks*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:02, Reply)
poked in the back
with what?

grouse is bleugh sorry for an extra £5 buy something nice please

you lucky devil boss, I suggest locking the doors and hiding the keys!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:03, Reply)
*waves at tulip*

Hope everyone's ok today!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:04, Reply)
Prepare yourselves folks...
I'M BACK!! :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:04, Reply)
So one of todays American Football
games is being played at Wembley. This I know. This has been common knowledge and everyone at the bar has mentioned it to me several times over the course of the week.
So why am I getting phone calls asking if I know it's being played at Wembley? And no, I don't want to watch it, thanks.

/mini rant
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:04, Reply)
ouchies! burnt tongues!
we have a show on tonight mr man of bat, and yours truly drew the short straw to come and play DM* for the evening.

*Duty Manager, although I wish it really stood for DangerMouse
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:04, Reply)
Poked in the back
With her hand, I guess.
I was asleep.

Also, I could've got something better for a fiver more, but I had to get cigarettes :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:05, Reply)
Danger Mouse would be much cooler!
Well good luck tonight hlt, break a leg.

Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey DiT, long time no see?

Hello clendrix

*is psychic*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:06, Reply)
Hello you gorgeous thing - are you a gillionaire?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:06, Reply)
Hey DiT!
Had a good time?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:09, Reply)

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:10, Reply)
Hey Dit
and clendrix and Hlt :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:12, Reply)
Had a great time thank you... Vegas is an absolutely mad place.

Sadly, I didn't make my millions. But I had a great time nonetheless. Now, though, my fingers don't work properly and I have a lot of jetlag... :(

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:12, Reply)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:14, Reply)
hey DiT
you a poker, roulette or blackjack man?

sorry Cowl, im a bit of a whisky ponce
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:15, Reply)
Yeah, I'd heard...

Haha, I appreciate good whisky, but I appreciate the powers of cheap alcohol too.

Was drinking Polish no-label vodka last night, mighty fine stuff.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:25, Reply)
Poker, really...
But I don't like playing it in Casinos. In a Casino, I play Blackjack. Won a bit o' money too.

Had a really good run on the Roulette table too... Excellent!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:25, Reply)
I dont get roulette
but am very good at winning money at blackjack


but not knowing when to stop and losing. phut

im also pony at poker
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:27, Reply)
nowt wrong with cheap alcohol
dont get me wrong, Glenmorangie is thoroughly drinkable, but id rather have a Bunnahabhain or Brockladdich.

also can drink stoly until the cows come home and kick me in the head. well thats what it feels like in the morning
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:29, Reply)
Ah Stoly...
I seem to have built up a resistance to that.

Well, to vodka in general.

If I want to get wrecked, the best drink for the job seems to be Red Diesel.
Cider and Black with two shots of vodka per pint.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:34, Reply)
Kaol + cider + black + vodka =
much amusement.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:37, Reply)
And face licking.
Don't forget the face licking!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:39, Reply)
Ah, DiT...
You missed "Kaol's Drunken Antics: Mark II", when you were away...

Also, I'm gonna watch a film in a bit, after I've eaten dinner.
My options are:

3:10 To Yuma
No Country For Old Men
John Carpenter's Vampires
Ghosts Of Mars

Which should I watch?
I've never seen any of them.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:44, Reply)
ghosts of mars
is shittier than a shit on a stick thrown into a big pile of shit.

3:10 to yuma is ok, the original is better, no country is fucking ace.

haven't seen tother one.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:46, Reply)

FIFA 09 followed by Saw 2 for me tonight

Work tomorrow :(

Also failed to pull a nice girl last night. She will be mine....
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:51, Reply)
I've seen 3:10 to Yuma
It's all right. HAven't seen any of the others.

Watched Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid the other day. Mmm. Paul Newman. Mmm. Robert Redford.

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:51, Reply)
Who was using the W word!

Oh wait.. I can officially piss about at work now. WOOHOO
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:55, Reply)
No county
if you haven't seen then it's a must.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 17:58, Reply)
No Country For Old Men it is.

Thanks to you all :)

As an aside, anyone else looking forward to "Dead Set" tomorrow night?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:00, Reply)
It looks awesome. Plus Davina McCall apparently gets mauled by a zombie which is only a good thing.

Enjoy No County, let me know what you think.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:05, Reply)
Good stuff!
I'm going to my drummers, where we've got our practice-shed, we'll have a bit of a rock-out, then go watch it.
Maybe with pizza though.

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:08, Reply)
I always meant to ask
what do you play in your band?

And what kind of music is it?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:10, Reply)
I've just sprained my ankle. It's sore. I wanted to go dancing this evening and now I can't. My boyfriend won't answer his phone because either a) he's in a strop with me, b) he's fishing, or c) both of the above.

Ah, yes, I only come on here with tales of woe. And some cunt kicked off my wing mirror last night.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:13, Reply)
What do I play?
I sing and play bass.
Then we've got a drummer and a guitarist.

It's really hard for me to describe what we sound like without sounding like I'm talking crap.

Other people have said that we sound like a variety of other stuff like Queens Of The Stone Age, Therapy?, Nick Cave and Early Nirvana.

I dunno if I agree with any of that though.

EDIT: I think I sprained my ankle last night too, I was kicking the wing-mirror off some old-looking car.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:15, Reply)
You are full of woe. If you ever post something chipper and upbeat, we'll all assume you're lying.

Sorry to hear about the foot/bloke/mirror.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:15, Reply)
fear not
the likelihood of me posting something upbeat is minimal, though I did get half of my roofspace insulated before I sprained my ankle.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:17, Reply)
Were your roofspace activites
and your subsequent sprain somehow connected?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:19, Reply)
tentatively -
I was walking downstairs en route to the bin with a piece of old carpet I'd found in the roofspace and I missed the bottom step and landed on my ankle. I am still amazed I didn't put my leg through the ceiling at any point so a sprained ankle seems perfectly reasonable.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:22, Reply)
Gotta say
No Country For Old Men & John Carpenter's Vampires are fucking awesome. Wanted to see 3:10 but never got around to it ... I may make a list of films to watch on Tv links while I'm on leave.

Afer my sluggish start to the day I've been uber productive and cleared my (albeit tiny) garden. I've been giving it arsonist glees by burning a cockload of wood to clear out my potting shed.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 18:32, Reply)
hello anybody
that's still around.

My missus is taking me out for a birthday meal to my favourite restaurant, once she finishes on the phone to her parents.

Anyone else anything interesting planned for the night?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:22, Reply)
It's pretty much dead here...

I'm ten minutes into No Country For Old Men, t'is rather good so far.

Have fun with your meal!
Happy Birthday, btw :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:28, Reply)
im gonna
change my sheets and then stick a fillum on.

or dick around on here all night, not sure yet
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:28, Reply)
i'm about to head off too
but happy birthday flesh
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:30, Reply)
well thank you
Kaol and Batman,

As long as it's usual high quality, I shall enjoy.

What you watching Kaol? (BTW - Tomahawk? Not my thing. Monster Magnet on the other hand...)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:32, Reply)
Like I said, I'm here watchin' a film, so feel free to keep chattin'

No Country For Old Men :p

And fair enough on Tomahawk, but glad you like Monster Magnet, fuckin' awesome!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:32, Reply)
what kind of restaurant is it anyway?

kaol, if you get a chance read the book as well. not at the same time as the film obviously. But it's bloody magic.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:34, Reply)
I'll look out for it!

I'm reading a book about an investigation into a serial killer in Japan, just after they surrendered in WWII.

Pretty cool!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:44, Reply)
It's Italian
my favourite in the city.

There's two of them on the same street, but the one I'm going to is better - staff are nicer and make the experience that much warmer. A tad expensive over the course of a meal, but they give you fresh made bread, and butter and everything is authentic Italian. Marvellous.

Kaol, just couldn't get into Tomahawk at all. Monster Magnet is more my type of thing
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:44, Reply)
im pretty sure there is only one kind of restaurant?

more of what type hehehe ;)

edit: flesh, I do like italian food so your a lucky bugger, enjoy. and happy birthday
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:45, Reply)
This talk of Italian food
is getting me hungry.

I had a cheese bagel half an hour ago, but I'm still hungry. Damn it.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:51, Reply)
Thanks Halfy
I most certainly will.

Only have to decide on whether to go with the tried and trusted Spaghetti Bolognese (everytime I get it) or try a pizza for a change
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:52, Reply)
Hey duck!
You back from your trip?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:53, Reply)
Not yet :-)
I'm still in the land of 90-degree heat, and it's lunchtime here. Just taking an hour or so out before we finish off our tests this afternoon.

I'm on the plane home tomorrow - to spend that long in the air only to spend 48 hours here seems a fucking waste, but at least I'm not paying...
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:55, Reply)
Sounds a lot of fun!

Well, better that "designing a brochure about chairs" :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:57, Reply)
Is anybody
watching the NFL on BBC 3? What the fuck is that sport all about?!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 19:59, Reply)
I am most certainly not
It's a load of crap, isn't it?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:01, Reply)
iI just turned it on
and this fat guy "sacked" a skinny guy but apparently thats good for the skinny guy? Fucking mental!

It's quite cool though how the ref is connected to the PA system though.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:02, Reply)
"Not Football League"?

Nope, don't understand it, only ever watch the Superbowl.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:03, Reply)
I luv my flat

Moved into my new flat yesterday, and have spent the weekend buying things for it and exploring the area. The local bus-services can be best described as "Fuck me! That's convenient!".

When I was shown round by the estate agent, I believed my bed would come with bed-clothes, but had to spend my first night on a bare bed. The flat is a bit small, but not too small. It's cheap, includes bills, got everything I need and I like what's there.

There's currently no Internet access, and I can't connect to a local wifi-hotspot, but hopefully, I should get BT on my case soon.

If humans and flats could make babies, I would!!!

(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:05, Reply)
It's the slowest game in the world
I thought Rugby was quite bad for stop staring but bloody hell.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:06, Reply)
people only watch
for the cheerleaders.

And the ref is connected to the PA so people know whats happening, otherwise no one would have a clue.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:08, Reply)
Yeah they should do that in football
or not actually. Imagine an old firm game with that over the PA?

That's great news spakka, congratulations!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:10, Reply)
Has the landlord tried to make babies with you yet, as per the agreement? :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:13, Reply)
That already happened. And to add insult to injury, there's no comfy chairs.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:17, Reply)
ah yes,
I see it now spakka, your future is becoming clearer.

I foresee, in the very near future...a journey....to.....



*vanishes with a loud bang and some smoke*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:37, Reply)
Funnily enough
my flat already looks like a room from an Ikea catalogue (minus the furnature).
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 20:53, Reply)
It's gone all quiet here
and for some strange reason, this Internet cafe has also gone a lot quieter.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:02, Reply)
well it is
9PM(or 10 here).

My birthday restaurant meal has been changed to a chinese takeaway. My missus is till on the phone to her family, and its a bit late to get all dressed and go out to eat.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:04, Reply)
Is it your birthday flesh?
If so, have a happy one.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:13, Reply)
it is
and thank you.

I am now a full quarter of a century.

Still quiet in here though. and I'm off out to collect my chinese. back soonish maybe.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:17, Reply)
No Country For Old Men was excellent, although I didn't think much of the ending.

I'm watching some awful film called The Mist now, I'm less than two minutes in, and I know that it's gonna be terrible, haha!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:23, Reply)
The Mist
with Thmoas Jane?

I saw that in the cinema in June.

Won't ruin it for ya
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:26, Reply)
I didn't like it at first either but the more I thought about it the more I did. Typical Coen brothers though, some loved it, some hated it.

How much do you want one of those cattle killing things though!?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:29, Reply)
A captive bolt?
I'd rather use a sledgehammer.

Flesh, yeah, the Thomas Jane one.
It's not great so far.

I thought he was awesome in The Punisher though.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:32, Reply)
indeed he was
the ending is a bit meh

like with Burn After Reading, it's a rather abrupt ending.

And it does get better (I thought so anyway)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:37, Reply)
The ending was...
Kinda how it had to be (in The Punisher, I mean)

You hear they're "re-booting" The Punisher.
Comes out in March or something.
Punisher: Warzone.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:41, Reply)
I meant
the ending in The Mist.

Couldn't agree more about The Punisher ending though.

I was thinking about that film the other day "Why do you bring a knife to a gun fight" *whoosh* *is dead* :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:49, Reply)
That flick knife is awesome!

And that car... I want one of them, just a shame it gets fucked up so easily.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:51, Reply)
Evenings all
It's raining here, unsurprisingly, and I've finished my essay for tomorrow, which is helpful.

Are we well?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:53, Reply)
We're ok
I think...

It's a bit quiet though!
Especially for a Sunday night, where is everyone?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:54, Reply)
Did anybody see
Welcome to the Jungle the other night? With the Rock. It was brilliant. I'm easily impressed by the way.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:56, Reply)
I certainly didn't see that film, and I don't want to.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:56, Reply)
evenig PoD
'tis my birthday (shameless attempt at gaining congratulations...) and I am going out to pick up my Chinese food.

@Kaol - I'm sure if you could have only one knife, it would be one of those. Shame he's not going to be in the "sequel".

edit @Batman: I have that on DVD. Rocky was a favourite of mine in WWF, and that film was quite fun, suited his character. Her, have a kumquat :)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:57, Reply)
I've seen the film before
I thought it was really fairly poor. Really fairly indeed.

Maybe people are out living actual lives with actual people. But it's unlikely really.

No-ones gone and broken anything major or the such in the last couple of days?

Edits - Many congratulations indeed Flesh. Hope you've had a good day.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:57, Reply)
well that's me told then :(

EDIT Thank you flesh! It's nonsense but very enjoyable nonsense, and the Rock is fantastically awesome.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 21:59, Reply)
*pats Batman on the head*
It's ok, just because I don't wanna see it, doesn't mean that you're wrong :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:01, Reply)
I've done absolutely nothing all day.

Watched some old wrestling PPV, Chelsea-Liverpool (yay), spoke to my parents, and now (this time I mean it) going for Chinese
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:03, Reply)
Bye Flesh,
Have a good eat!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:03, Reply)
I am back
and eating here.

Chicken in sauce of some kind, chips and rice. Nom nom nom (they screwed us on the rice, only sent one portion instead of two, but they didn't charge so it's all good)
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:24, Reply)
All good indeed, Flesh
I haven't had a chinese takeaway in ages. I could go one now, but I'm in bed. What a life I lead.

In other news, I discovered earlier on that my guitar strings are turning green. Eugh.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:27, Reply)
Heh thanks Kaol
*feels loved*
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:28, Reply)
you could phone for one
and get it delivered.

And thanks for that lovely piece of information while I'm eating.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:29, Reply)

I'm about half-way through The Mist, it's actually not so bad.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:32, Reply)
told you it gets better
ansd need something to fill my plate, the chicken and rice isn't enough. Also have chinese bread, which I believe they don't have in the UK. it's like really sweet bread, and fantastic when freshly warm
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:37, Reply)
I have rum
and a couple of spliff ends..

going to hell in style..
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 22:58, Reply)
Mr Reynolds,
I don't believe we've had the pleasure of introduction.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:01, Reply)
I mirror Kaol's sentiments
Mr Reynolds. How do?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:01, Reply)
I was "lost" in a previous, more confesseional, more medicated incarnation..
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:06, Reply)
hello all
Mr Reynold's, how do?

I am flesh, and ain't hiding nothing
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:08, Reply)
I'm rather thinking I've been a cunt..
on this other forum as "lost":


click through to the forum and I've been threatening someone on the "other music" bit..

he did wind me up but..?

shit.. I need a life!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:10, Reply)
Ah, Lost is a name
That I recognise!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:11, Reply)
The name lost means nothing to me

Right, bed calls. Catch up with y'all through the week.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:12, Reply)
going alright on balance
3 moths to this last week that I cut my antipsychotic dose by a third.. and I feel better!

even being getting on better with my parents.. those tablets give you another kind of anxiety..

I know you have a similar diagnosis to me and have come off this fucking bullshit psychiatry shit that I "have to take" according to my psychiatrist.. and she has legal rights to hospitalise me if I don't take what she says..

but seriously.. I'm feeling a lot better.. and more alive for not having my dopamine receptors blocked.. in fact I'm more positive about getting a job or at least having an honest chat with my parents and moving out somehow..

hello kaol!

btw wtf do you do for a living? I've never met another schizo with a job before..
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:15, Reply)
Fucking good job man,
Those fuckin' antipsychotics are pretty much evil incarnate.

I work as a graphic designer, but I'm what's described as "high functioning", and as such I don't really have an issue with keeping a job or any of that.

I'm pretty fucking lucky, to be honest, I know that a lot of people have it far, far worse than me.

My advice is:
1) Don't get sectioned.
2) Come off the antipsychotics slowly and smoothly
3) Don't be afraid to ask people if you need to talk. That includes me.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:23, Reply)
Aaaaaaaannnd I've killed the thread...

Right, I've seen the end of The Mist now, and I don't think I've laughed so hard at the end of a film in a long, long time!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:48, Reply)
a good way or a bad way?
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:51, Reply)
What happened was bad...
As in, terrible for the main character.

Then the "twist" made me laugh my arse off.
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:52, Reply)
Would you recommend it?
Although I don't know why I'm asking, I never watch anything these days!
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:54, Reply)
I'd not particularly recommend it, no.
It was brainless Sunday-night entertainment for a semi-drunk Mr. Kaol :p
(, Sun 26 Oct 2008, 23:57, Reply)
I wouldn't have watched it even if you had recommended it.

I can smell gas. I don't have gas. It's strange.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 0:05, Reply)
Maybe your lighter has a leak?
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 0:07, Reply)
I figured it out. I sprayed bleach stuff in the bathroom before and forgot about it. I suspect I have sprayed it on an unsuitable surface. Wups.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 0:30, Reply)
Sweet, delicious bleach...

*pours glass*
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 0:44, Reply)
*clinks glass*
Cheers, up yours!

How does bathroom dirt happen anyway? It's not logical.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:05, Reply)
I have no idea...
I think it's all things that feed on human skin, then shit all over your bathroom.

Like silverfish.
Speedy bastards!
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:08, Reply)
hurrah for bleach then. Eurgh.

I do have silverfish. But surely they poo liquid silver?
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:15, Reply)
They crap out dead bacteria and urea-based crystals, I think.

Silverfish are creepy...

The favorite food of silverfish includes glue, book bindings, paper, photos, sugar, hair, and dandruff.

Silverfish will commonly graze in and around showers, baths, and sinks on the cellulose present in many shampoos, shaving foams and so on.

In extreme cases, silverfish may live for a year without eating.

Silverfish can be found anywhere in homes including, but not limited to, garages, closets, underneath beds, couches, electrical appliances such as keyboards and generally preferring dark areas.

(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:20, Reply)
Dear god
I wish I hadn't read that.

Really? They eat all that? And live in keyboards?

Well, you're the biologist... I believe you... but I wish I didn't :(
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:33, Reply)
So when you go to bed, they could crawl from under your "F12" key and munch your hair :(

I don't like them!
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:36, Reply)
Neither do I
any more :(

And to think, I used to see them and go "ooh shiny" and think they were wondrous things.

What else is as weird as silverfish?

Were you there when I asked what was wrong with my cheeseplant? He had little spherical green balls in his soil, and now they have erupted into large green mushrooms o_0
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:43, Reply)
I don't really know much about fungi, but I think the mushrooms'll be fine, just don't eat them, and throw them away as soon as you can, don't want 'em sporing!

Animal weirdness...
There's a parasitic worm that gets into snails.
Now this worm has to spend adult life in a bird to reproduce.
To ensure that it makes it from the snail to the bird, it alters the chemistry of the snail's brain, over-riding it's desire to hide by day.
It "makes" the snail go and sit in plain view of predators, and the snail gets eaten by a hungry bird.
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 1:52, Reply)
Well the shrooms are on their second wind now. The first lot grew, flourished and shrivelled and a second lot are just in the flourishing stage. I suspect spore prevention may be too late :(

I got as much of it out of the soil as I could when they were little spheres... and I did try to get antifungal stuff but couldn't find any for houseplants. They grew remarkably quickly...

The snail parasite is evil. Evil evil evil.

Reminds me of those ants that get invaded by fungus on Life In The Undergrowth. Which I think got a mention in the newsletter, funnily enough. I saw it ages ago and it traumatised me, shan't be watching it again, and b3ta can't persuade me. Ergh.

(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 2:02, Reply)
Parasites are awesome
I did a big chunk of my degree on them!
I find them fascinating, not "evil", just a perfect example of evolution :)

Anyway, time for bed!
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 2:09, Reply)
No, I know
"Evil" is anthropomorphising.

And I do admire the inventiveness. But still... *shivers*

G'night Kaol, sleep well! (Use the anti-silverfish balm).
(, Mon 27 Oct 2008, 2:14, Reply)

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