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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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As I have to set off for work in about 1/2 an hour I thought that I'd drop this in here before I left.
Is everyone having a glorious start to the weekend or are you trying to cram your brains back in to your heads after imbibing heroic amounts of boozehol?
Tata - May be back around 10ish tonight, have fun in the meantime :)
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 10:54, 72 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Have recovered from last night's drinking session with my workmates. Just thought I'd pop in before I set off to meet some b3tans in Manchester.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 11:06, Reply)

* puts clothes back on *
It's OK. You can come out now.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 11:38, Reply)

Today is the day I get to meet real lives b3tans for the first time!!!!
Multiple exclamation marks!!!!!!
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 11:51, Reply)

I'm actually really tempted to go but I'm very hungpver and should really save the pennies.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 11:59, Reply)

lucky you lot, anyone going to the manc bash have a guinness for me please!
how are we all today?
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:16, Reply)

I didn't realise you weren't going :(
I'll miss you if you're not there *sniff*
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:16, Reply)

*is rubbish*
I have found a car park though *glees*
I should go pack...
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:18, Reply)

I thought I was working today, but the boss phoned to say I didn't have to.
I'm really tempted but I'd probably have to leave early to get back.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:19, Reply)

Where exactly is the bash going to be?
Or starting at least.
I don't really have any reason why I shouldn't go.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:23, Reply)

BK, wtf? You have the chance to meet new b3tans and you're tempted to stay at home? Shame on you!
*wishes she could go*
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:31, Reply)

Is it near a station?
Yeah, think I will after all!
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:32, Reply)

Oxford road station :p
I'm meeting Fuzzy there at 415 and I think everyone else is aiming to arrive for 5
Yo Clendrix!
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:49, Reply)

I am a happy b3tan!
I have Agnostic Antichrist's number for the purposes of finding people, I think one or two others might be there early.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:56, Reply)

Should get there around 4.15.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 12:58, Reply)

In other news I'm downloading music furiously. Not even get a chance to listen to a fraction of what I'm downloading. I fear it's just so I can stick it all on an ipod and gloat to my mates who mostly pay for music. Meanwhile I have the complete works of the Beatles, Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan etc etc etc
Oh and Farcry2 is improving although I was just about to assault about 300 people from afar, and my sniper rifle blew up in my hands (??) without nary a shot - leaving me with a RPG with 2 rockets, silenced pistol and a machete, to kill a fucking army. Needless to say I was promptly detected and destroyed...
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:19, Reply)

Afternoon everyone.
I'm jealous of everyone on their way to the Manchester bash. Wish I was going.
Meanwhile, I'm furiously cleaning my house, as I'm expecting a visit from a special friend later.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:30, Reply)

Shame you can't make it, would be nice to see you again!
Surely your special friend will compensate you:D
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:32, Reply)

I'm all clumsy and nervous, as it's only the second time I'll have met her in person. Fortunately, on the first occasion this didn't seem to put her off - it only made her giggle.
It'd be great to catch up with you again. I'm planning to be at the London bash on the 28th.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:36, Reply)

I have my name back.
I'm jealous of all this bash fun.
Oh well, at least I can finish my bottle of cherry lambrini tonight...
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:38, Reply)

Who'd stolen it?
At least you've got it back though.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:42, Reply)

Stop eating my face! I quite like it being bite mark free.
@Ducky. I hope everything goes well tonight. I'm sure you'll be nothing but the perfect host :)
Edit: I'm not saying who stole it, but I've now stolen that profile *evil laughs*
I know it's not hard for them to get it back, but I enjoyed the tiny victory while it lasted.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:45, Reply)

I'm just praying I don't do anything silly - I'm going to regulate myself to one alcoholic drink. Any more than that and I find myself not stopping, and then invariably end up getting foot-in-mouth syndrome.
Glad you got your name back though - I stole somebody's name once for a giggle, but the b3ta overlords got mobilised and it was given back to its rightful owner before I could even have chance to play with it. Serves me right for being nasty :)
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:52, Reply)

I'm setting off!
I shall wear my coat of many colous so you can recognise me :)
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 13:52, Reply)

Hey, sorry to say I won't be going to the Northern Bash.
My long term gf left me and I've gone home from uni with my tail between my legs to be fed chicken soup and reminded what a psycho she is/was.
I'll do my best to meet you lovelies another time, promise!
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 16:54, Reply)

woo for colds and pillows and whisky
lets see if anything exciting is happening on the internets tonight
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 19:02, Reply)

I have however found some vicks vaporub and now stink!
not that I can smell anything :/
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 20:15, Reply)

but about to go for a bath, for I am captain fun this evening
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:18, Reply)

in spirit listening to the 20/20 crickety thing because im hardcore and live life on the edge!
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:25, Reply)

Oh well.
As for me, I have no booze, but I have a book and a glass of Tizer. We make do.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:25, Reply)

well luckily I have loads of booze, and loads of books also thinking about it
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:31, Reply)

I'm doing better than last night. I was rather drunk, and slightly depressed, considering my mate is planning on marrying my ex. More fool him, I guess.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:32, Reply)

or depressed that he is marrying her?
if that makes sense
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:35, Reply)

Still figuring that one out. I know I think he's barmier than a courageous Frenchman, mind.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:36, Reply)

is a shitty stick whichever end you grasp by the sounds of it.
I would offer you some of my whisky but it broke my laptop last time I tried it
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:40, Reply)

And with that, goodnight. I'm not feeling too hot, so I'm going to bed and watching Indiana Jones.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:51, Reply)

can I join in the moping? I have fallen for an emotionally unavailable man. Also, my back hurts. And it's cold. And raining. And I may have crippling undiagnosed aspergers, though it could just be indigestion.
On the bright side, Enzyme reports that all is going well at the Northern bash.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:53, Reply)

miss band, your tales of woe never cease to amaze me.
edit: night piston.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 21:59, Reply)

Wow - It's bummed out central here tonight.
*Dances about nudey like with googly eyes stuck to his testis and his knob waggling about like a gargantuan nose*
Still morose? Surely not?
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:08, Reply)

how are we tonight?
Tis wet here, has been raining all fucking week
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:09, Reply)

has a man radar almost as rubbish as yours, have you ever considered abstinance?
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:09, Reply)

today, after about 9 months with him, my boyfriend somehow got me to agree that he and I are mates who shag - albeit exclusively and monogamously, forsaking all others, etc. - but we mustn't get sentimental as sentimentality leads to people 'trampling over your heart', hence the fact that he didn't speak to me for several hours last night because I erroneously used the word 'love' when I should have said 'like'.
It wasn't until I got home and thought about this today that I realised how much of a cunt he was being.
Edit: I've done abstinence. It's boring.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:12, Reply)

- he is. I'd like to find the person who made him this way and cunt them in the fuck.
However, as with many emotionally retarded pricks, I am drawn to him like he's flypaper. Can't get enough. Can't bear to be in the same room as him and not tear his clothes off. It will, naturally, end in tears. Mine.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:17, Reply)

cunt him in the fuck for being such a pretentious arse, and then have awesome makeup sex.
Seriously, people like him are an embarrassement to male kind, a trip to A & E to have his testicles dug out of his groin with a spoon would be equilibrium for the guff he has come out with
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:22, Reply)

Well, actually it's currently a 1-step plan, but it goes like this:
Step 1: CHCB, get a fucking life.
And from that, I will have the interesting, fun life I used to have. I will meet interesting people, maybe even men ones without issues. Interestingly, he is only attentive when I am absent from him, so by getting a life he will become attentive and I won't give a rat's ass as I'll be leading an interesting life.
It's that or drugs. And he smokes enough for the both of us.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:30, Reply)

You do seem to have a new tale of woe whenever you appear here CHCB.
I went out for dinner tonight with family. It was muchos good. But it's freezing out now, and I got tres cold.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:33, Reply)

anyway, out of sheer principle
edit: miss band obviously, not PoD, to who I say evening.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:33, Reply)

And hi PoD
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:36, Reply)

where did you go for dinner? And is it worth a visit next time I return?
CHCB - cunting him in the fuck may actualy do some good than harm, you never know.
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 22:46, Reply)

I signed up for that NaNoWriMo thing and have managed 2000 words of my
( , Sat 1 Nov 2008, 23:01, Reply)

You've reminded me about that. That's the sort of thing I need in my life right now - missed it last time round.
I'm having a lovely evening sheltering from the rain. Just a bit stoned.. as opposed to stoned and staggeringly drunk, as I have been every evening for the last 6 months. I might need a whisky to go to sleep on mind.
( , Sun 2 Nov 2008, 0:21, Reply)

It's us! It's me and the Badger!
We came back via Manchester Airport but didn't actually get a plane.
We also have an amazing video to show everyone! *mini glees* (that was TGB)
We am schizophrenic.
( , Sun 2 Nov 2008, 2:47, Reply)
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