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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Home is where the sweetness lies.

( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 8:59, 139 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Right, I'm off for a walk with my walking-group. Will be back this eve.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 9:56, Reply)

bye then.
*watches spakka ramble off*
*noms tea with piston and beekers*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 10:16, Reply)

I intend to have a relaxing day of making fuzzy things and listening to Prince Buster and the Skatalites.
Will someone bring me food at about 11 o clock?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 10:20, Reply)

Just thought I'd join in and also mention that patiently waiting for a go on the single computer in the house takes me right back to my school days, so thankyou Boss Keloid for making me feel like a kid again! Anyone got a decent recipes?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 10:37, Reply)

sounds like you've all been having a great weekend :)
I'm feeling weird coz of the antibiotics I'm on... and possibly the fact that I mixed them slightly with alcohol last night and I shouldn't have done.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 10:41, Reply)

I drank too much at my work Christmas party last night. I don't think I did anything too stupid though but to be honest I don't remember a great deal after the meal...
I also sent two or three drunken texts to the girl I'm (hopefully still) going on a date with later today.
And finally, for some reason when I woke up this morning there were two pound coins in my glass of water. I wish I could remember why I put them in there.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 11:08, Reply)

I'm writing this in the back of the most luxuriously appointed taxi I've ever been in, on the way to Heathrow and from there to Serbia.
War criminals, anyone?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 12:20, Reply)

And me and Boss Keloid are giving serious consideration to joining an Alpha Course to screw with the people's heads... Too harsh do you think or an evening well spent?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:23, Reply)

But I think it could be quite an interesting thing to do if you're armed with THE POWER OF SCIENCE!
I really should get myself ready for this date. I fear it's not going to go too well as I feel like I've just fallen out of a badgers arse. I knew there was a reason I had planned not to do anything today. Stupid parties..
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:27, Reply)

And a massive fryup to help out with the hangover. I would cook it for you but you have the misfortune not to live near me. Oh well!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:35, Reply)

Coffee! Can't stand the stuff. The bacon sarnie I had helped though. Hopefully if I have a nap on the train that'll help too.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 13:42, Reply)

I'm back home now... and the cat is proving as annoying as ever. Ah well.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 14:10, Reply)

I have a headache for no apparent reason. tHat is all.
how is everyone today? Supposed to be picking up an old computer later this afternoon, but might wait till tomorrow. Don't know really
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 14:52, Reply)

I've had a lovely, if not cold day wandering round the South bank looking at stuff. I forgot Borough market isn't on today, so no tasty foodstuffs for me :(
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 16:41, Reply)

*wipes sweat from brow*
Glad you're back Kaol :o) *waves*
didn't know you'd been away - I've not been around much recently
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:03, Reply)

I've had quite a busy weekend, had a disastrous date on Friday night, then went to a Christmas party with a friend last night.
And spent today with a hangover, despite not being drunk :|
Anyway, how're you doing?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:06, Reply)

Feeling slightly ropey after two microbashes in one day yesterday.
Worth it though, was a bloody top weekend!
Sorry to hear your date didn't go well Kaol.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:08, Reply)

Just got back from my walk. Was a bit cold and muddy, but got chatting to a few people and went to the pub afterwards. The walk passed near where I live and also another place I looked for a flat in.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:22, Reply)

It's ok, I wasn't expecting it to!
I had a rather big "I'm going to Hell" moment on Friday night... I think I'll QOTW it.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:33, Reply)

How do you work out the birthday of a reptile? Is it when it hatched from the egg, when the egg was laid, or when the egg was 'conceived'?
EDIT: @BK: two microbashes in one day? Do tell.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:34, Reply)

Well, I had the lovely miss tulip down visiting me this weekend, and we met up eith Davro and Tourette's yesterday afternoon, and then we went out for a few with Piston_Broke last night. Top day!
And this happened on the way home
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:38, Reply)

You could compare the egg-shell of a reptile to the amniotic sac that a human baby is contained in.
So, by that logic, the "birthday" would be when it hatched out.
P.S. Not all reptiles lay eggs, there are a few that give birth to live young.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:39, Reply)

Nice one! I suspect the taxi-driver was just trying to join in the fun and didn't have a lisp himself. Oh well, glad you enjoyed yourselves. It appears that Leeds is now a more happenin' place for b3tabashes than Lahndan.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:45, Reply)

This stems from a discussion we were having at work. In Humans, the birthday is usually the day of vaginal ejection, but were wondering if in fact it should be the date of conception. I then posted a reply saying thank god our resident birthday-boy wasn't a reptile, or the discussion would be even more complex.
Now creatures with cybernetic implants and robots with biological parts ... then things really get complex!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:48, Reply)

Is just a robot.
If you were to have horrific heart-failure, and get a pace-maker implant, you'd still celebrate your birthday?
I assume you would anyway, as opposed to celebrating the day that the factory screwed the battery into your implant...
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:50, Reply)

this is a bit slow, isn't it?
What a top weekend. We were in Leeds on Friday to see the Levellers. Tourette's managed to make the band's weekend by chucking her bra at them - according to ancrenne it's now nestled snugly in their drum kit. Met BK and Tulip on Saturday afternoon, and today I've been out to hunt a Christmas tree. Somewhat successfully, I may say.
And best of all - only four days left at work before I have a whole fortnight and a bit off.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:52, Reply)

* makes Wanderlust come again *
EDIT: Evenin ancrenne. Not seen you around much lately. You were sorely missed.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:56, Reply)

I've had a lovely weekend.
*slumps into chair*
Hello all. Hello to you, Ancrenne!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:56, Reply)

It was a top afternoon DG, nice to see you and the sweary lady again:)
Ooh, and clendrix!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:57, Reply)

How was your party last night? Did you avoid your ex-friend or did tensions rise?
EDIT: @ancrenne: That may be because Tourettes put lots of glue on it.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 17:58, Reply)

The party was really good fun and I managed to a) get pissed on gin and b) behave myself. I left with dignity intact.
Besides, I had wonderful support from two of my favourite friends all night and that was the best thing of all :)
Ancrenne, after a couple of crappy weeks, I'm finally starting to get things together again, I think.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:01, Reply)

Sorry to hear about that. Are you affected by lack of sunlight (eg. Seasonal Affective Disorder)?
Believe me, I did notice your absence. Glad to have you back.
* hugs *
EDIT: @clendrix: Seems like the best possible outcome occured and you had fun too. WOO!!!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:03, Reply)

Hello ancrenne, hello clendrix *snogs*
Hello spak *proffers manly punch on shoulder*
I'm flitting between doing dishes and here so 'scuse me if I'm a bit sporadic.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:04, Reply)

But kinda here on and off 'til then.
Hello to ancrenne, clendrix and DG :)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:05, Reply)

How lovely!
Hey Kaol, hope you're behaving yourself. And Spak, yes, it was good fun, definitely.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:07, Reply)

I suspect I may become sporadic too.
Not sure whether to make my dinner, have a bath, write my two answers for this week's QOTW, or finally get round to finishing installing the software on my laptop I want to install.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:08, Reply)

I've had a fairly horrific weekend of rubbish work that's due tomorrow, and still needs finished tonight, and discovering that my second wrist is becoming as ruined as my first.
At 21, I don't feel this is good for the future.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:10, Reply)

Having to fill out some sodding car-accident form that came in the post.
Waste of my fucking time.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:12, Reply)

do give the Levs Tourette's best, won't you? :-)
And tell them that was a fucking awesome gig on Friday - possibly the best I've seen them for a while. Not that they've ever been crap, but the last couple of times were tainted by the fact that we were late and so only saw part of the set, which left me a bit grumpy.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:17, Reply)

Not being a native and all.
Rest assured that our house will be toasty and warm for your impending visit though!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:24, Reply)

Do the wrists just ache, or is it more permanent? If so, that's not a good sign.
@ancrenne: If it's 'that' anniversary, I suggest you spend the day indulging yourself. Drink as much as you like, smoke as much as you like, and add whatever else to the mix. Make it a day to enjoy. But apart from that, you've built up a very strong personality over the years. I'm sure it can carry you through these hard times. People will let you down - it's an unfortunate fact of life, but you've shown you can be resourceful and self-sufficient when it comes down to it. Just persevere and keep strong.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:25, Reply)

to having you back for a bit longer this time.
Off now, enjoy the gig.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:32, Reply)

Looks like things are getting quieter in here.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 18:43, Reply)

*returns squishy hugs to Kaol way up there^^^*
*waves to everyone*
Aye, what a canny weekend (except for SJ being poorly - hence my sporadicness tonight).
Had a great night on Friday at the Levellers gig (threw my bra at them) then a spiffing pint with Beekers & Tulip yesterday :o)
Everyone else well? How are your legs from the hike Spak?
*offers to rub Spak's legs*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 19:42, Reply)

Glad you had a good weekend.
The walk was pretty short, but would still appreciate a leg-rub.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 19:51, Reply)

Or can anyone join in?
Hello btw.
Ooh, 'L' plates. That's not good...
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:16, Reply)

How has everyone's weekend been?
I am getting fed up with the trolls.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:24, Reply)

I don't want to be rude to a noob, so, er, hello! Fancy a bit of cake?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:38, Reply)

I'm so popular, even though I've only been around for a short while.
Just wait until I tell my boy - he'll be so proud!
*Accepts cake*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:41, Reply)

you only have our word for it that we are ladies.
We might be fat middle-aged men who still live with our mums.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:43, Reply)

The Master Geordie family are adept at sussing these things out.
I know, for example, that you are not fat, lonely, or a virgin.
I can tell these things from the way you type. On the internet.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:45, Reply)

Let's share nicely :o)
Do you make your own mincemeat? MY MUM does Delia's recipe ;o)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:54, Reply)

Tourettes, but I didn't find it any better than shop bought.
And at the speed that Mr Bin puts them away I don't think he'd notice.
*edit* *makes 'Your mum does Delia joke'*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:57, Reply)

"the speed Mr Bin puts them away"
hehehehe ;o)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:58, Reply)

And, erm, Stair.
I've a feeling I won't be here for long this evening...
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 20:59, Reply)

*scampers off to check on soup & find wine*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:01, Reply)

I didn't get much sleep last night (I can see you Tourettes) as I have a shocking cough.
And I've got to go to my new school tomorrow to spend the day with the teacher I'm taking over from. I'm a bit frightened.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:03, Reply)

why are you frightened? A bit apprehensive about taking over the new class? That's understandable, I suppose. But when it's you in charge, it'll feel better, won't it?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:09, Reply)

but it's also the responsibility. And they are a bunch of fuckers. It's going to be a bit of an uphill fight.
I do hope Grammar Badger isn't watching Top Gear. They've just destroyed another Marina.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:13, Reply)

How old are they?
I done a teeny bit of teaching. I preferred it when I was left on my own with them to being with someone else, but yes, there is the responsibility.
But you know the rules, Mrs Bin...go in bloody hard (I do hope Tourettes is busy elsewhere) because you can always ease off later.
Kids eh? Can't live with 'em, can't shoot the little bastards in the head and bury them in Epping Forest.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:16, Reply)

Another b3ta lady drawn to the internet by my awesome presence.
My boy learned everything he knows from me, you know. Except he's not as popular as me. On the internet.
You can tell can't you?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:17, Reply)

I had to take them as a supply teacher about a week ago.
They are not going to know what has hit them next term.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:18, Reply)

there is something familiar and appealing about you.
Can I push your button and watch you go up?
The stairs?
Mrs Bin, that's the bloody spirit! Break them. They'll thank you for it later.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:20, Reply)

Off I go, up and down, up and down, until the maintenance engineer has to come and rescue me.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 21:22, Reply)

Oh my dear God. I've mentioned in the past the website I was working on... the client offered me £250. I was aiming for more like £150. That's not the best part. I would also be getting a cut of the profits, which from what I am told is actually going to be about 5 times the estimate of what I was thinking it was going to be. Oh deary God. I think I've got palpitations just thinking about it.
*Fires up Photoshop and starts furiously designing*
Where the fuck is everyone?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:12, Reply)

We almost enjoyed a pint with you last night...
Had several lovely pints with Beekers & Tulip before you met up with them.
There's red wine on the go here if you fancy a glass?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:41, Reply)

This is the time of the weekend when I have to decide to just give up. It's over. Back to work. Much sadness......
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:44, Reply)

Still, there is always the York bash if Spakka ever gets his arse in gear.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:46, Reply)

@PB: Congratulations on the cash for the website.
EDIT: Re York Bash: It's on the calendar. I have some thoughts on making the bash a bit different from the run of the mill bashes. I just need to put them down.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:48, Reply)

And I've calmed down now, thankfully. A bit miffed with bloody WoW because it keeps on BSODding on me mind.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:55, Reply)

That sucks!
I'm going to see The Mighty Boosh tomorrow night, which I only found out about on Friday, so it's a nice surprise!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:57, Reply)

Try not to throw furniture at the stage mind, I know how you are with gorillas.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:58, Reply)

I like gorillas!
It's pandas that I can't stand...
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 22:59, Reply)

I took Sweary Junior to see the Boosh the other week - top notch show. However, I did find perving at Noel Fielding whilst out with my son more than a tad incongruous
Enjoy it petal!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:02, Reply)

It's been a long, long weekend, but it's nearly done now. I'm counting down the days to the holidays. Roll on Thursday afternoon!
Also, if you are still about 'spakka, in answer to your much, much earlier question, it's RSI in my wrists. Lucky me.
So anyway, how are we all in here?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:07, Reply)

Thanks Tourettes!
Enjoy it I shall, going with my mate from work, gonna sneak off a bit early :D
AND I found out at the weekend that a wonderful friend of mine and I are going to see AC/DC next year :D
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:15, Reply)

I won't give too much away, but they do cunt the Honey Monster in the fuck for ripping off their crimping ;o)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:25, Reply)

*looks forward to it*
I'll have to gaz you afterwards :D
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:28, Reply)

Which hat?
His kinky boots do it for me.
*thinks juicy thoughts*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:28, Reply)

Please do!
And remind me about the various shades of brown in Howard's attire - I can only remember his "angry nutmeg" cord jacket ;o)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:31, Reply)

I'll make a special effort to remember for you :p
*looks around*
I think it's time for me to sneak out for a smoke.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:33, Reply)

Sorry to hear about your wrists. Will you still be able to play the guitar?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:34, Reply)

The one he seemed to wear a lot when he was in Buzzcocks. Probably wouldn't suit me, but oh well.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:35, Reply)

I has just been in the bike shed ;)
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:36, Reply)

*squeals like a pig*
I'm hanging on the left, thanks!
How the devil are you sweetheart?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:37, Reply)

I may have gone out for an end of term drink.
I may have discovered that my screamingly gay tutor is not, in fact gay, but bisexual.
I may have responded to this news by flirting outrageously with him.
EDIT: oh, and *mahoosivelezzersnogs*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:39, Reply)

Did you do any of that with an outrageous French accent?????
*even sloppier likewise snogs back atcha*
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:41, Reply)

He was off his face too, and I do recall some reciprocation.
How the fuck he isn't gay is anyone's guess
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:43, Reply)

( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:44, Reply)

I'm sneaking off to join Kaol for a smoke.
Back in 5 x
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:46, Reply)

And he's called Dallas...
In other news, I'm eating birthday cake. It's awesome!
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:46, Reply)

I claim that as my excuse.
Dear fucking god was I drunk.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:51, Reply)

So was that a while ago, or have you rapidly sobered?
I've spent most of today with a hangover. But I didn't get drunk last night. Stupid moderation.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:54, Reply)

I have just about recovered. I did my usual of going on somewhere else and not getting in until stupid oclock though.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:55, Reply)

She has obviously heard how awesome I am and has come running from the kitchen, abandoning her dishes as fast as her small feet would carry her!
I am awesome and never do housework, for that is the job of internet wimmin. When they are not having sex.
Except that if they are on the internet, they obviously don't have sex.
It's true, especially if they are fat. If they are fat, they watch Jeremy Kyle and wonder what it would be like to have a paternity test.
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:56, Reply)

The idea occurs we should get you a V8-powered stairlift. What say you to this awesome idea?
( , Sun 14 Dec 2008, 23:58, Reply)

Right, on that note I'm going to have another smoke and then go
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:11, Reply)

Where did you come from, and why has it taken you so long to get here?
You has saved teh internet with your words of wisdom wot you spurted from your keyboard. Even baldmonkey doesn't hold a candle to you.
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:14, Reply)

You caught me as I have to leave.
The dog is doing that thing with her lead again.
kissy kissy poos xxxxx
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:17, Reply)

And why did you feel the need to kiss your poo? That's a bit gross isn't it?
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:19, Reply)

Baldmonkey. Another /talker, and is even weirder in real life. He makes Woodside look depressingly normal, which in fact he is. Apart from being freakishly tall.
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:28, Reply)

And they are "normal"...?
I find that *hard* to believe.
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:31, Reply)

I do, and they are. Well, baldmonkey isn't, but the sight of him grinning with a sledgehammer in his hand happily smashing up a keyboard will stay with me for a very very long time. And on that bombshell, goodnight. I have work tomorrow, but so do we all. Night!
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 0:50, Reply)
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