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ignoring work, hanging around in today's Home Sweet Home.

( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 7:58, 304 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

I'm the first in the office again today which is good as I was 35 minutes late.
It's my last week in this hell hole! Woop!
Edit: How rude of me. Are you well? Good weekend?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:12, Reply)

Morning lusty!
My office is cold and likewise no company - the gas ran out and all the drivers are keeping warm in their cars!
Good weekend?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:16, Reply)

Did you get snow this morning?
My weekend was ace! I went up to see BK. We drank cider and loads of tea, watched a few films and ate moussaka which was all of them nom.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:20, Reply)

which is a bit pissy - either snow properly or not at all! *shakes fist*
Glad you had a good one. I spent almost the entire weekend playing Fallout 3 - my Freeview box went pop a week before xmas, I've replaced it but now the aerial is falling off the roof, and my landlady's been putting off getting it fixed... so NO TELLY which I thought would be a blessing but its turned out to be a chore :(
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:26, Reply)

I'm very confused at the moment.
Firstly I'm sat at my desk trying to remember what to do and secondly I didn't sleep for more than 20mins at a time last night yet I'm not tired (that could be a sign of bad things to come =[)
Hope you're both well and all that jazz *jazz hands*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:33, Reply)

Morning chap! If you think you could handle it, get some ProPlus. Be careful though, that stuff'll ruin your life :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:35, Reply)

My problem isn't not being able to stay awake it's that not sleeping well can both cause and be a symptom of a manic episode. If I end up having an episode that ruins my skiing holiday (going on the 17th) I'm going to be dead angry!
*proffers beard to lusty*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:39, Reply)

Back at work now, and I've had to hand back the fancy motor I borrowed for the break :(
Got about 2 hours sleep last night - I settled into the pattern of going to bed at 3-4am during the holiday, and my body just wouldn't wind down before then last night. Not good when I have to rise at 5.30. I'm feeling OK now, but I've a feeling it's going to hit me bad later.
Hope everyone has a nice easy start to the year.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:45, Reply)

I hope everything's ok and you get to go be all fancy on your skiing holiday.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:45, Reply)

Thanks =]
It must be said I'm looking forward to the prospect of French women although the way my love life has been lately nothing (good) will happen anyway.
Looks like I've started the year as a moaning git. Ah well!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:47, Reply)

Trust me, in my experience the prospect of French women is nothing to look forward to.
Not unless you find questionable hygiene attractive anyway.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:50, Reply)

Perhaps it's fortunate that I'm having about as much luck with women at the moment as a man with no arms trying to row a boat.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:52, Reply)

It's snowing! I always revert to eight-year old boy mode when it's snowing!
(not that it takes much for me to act like that anyway)
Where's the sledge!?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:55, Reply)

Just let my 8 month old labrador out.... she's never seen it before and is now jumping around like a lunatic! Ahh, snow!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 8:59, Reply)

Just got back from visiting Dad, and I didn't quite realise how bloody noisy Wakefield is. That, and I really prefer being in the country. Not to say that it is without any weirdness, however. For example, have a look at this which I found in Blickling Park:

I would suggest clicking on the picture to get a better view.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:01, Reply)

It looks like a tomb or mausoleum or something..... What is it?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:03, Reply)

Modelled after the tomb of Caius Cestus in Rome who was obsessed with all things Egyptian. It was built in 1793, and is not too far from the coast, in Norfolk.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:11, Reply)

Not that it'd make a great living space, but as a place to hang out in when you're dead, sure :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:12, Reply)

I know I've got a job here, but I can't remember what the hell it is I'm meant to do.
I didn't sleep too well, had the most fucked-up dream that involved AIDs, Satan, my brother and me :|
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:14, Reply)

Where ya been, dog? We missed ya round here, for shizzle.
*throws shapes*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:18, Reply)

Did this dream have a song montage with lots of puppets singing and dancing about the common status of this disease?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:19, Reply)

It reminds me slightly of this bloke www.pyramids.ru/english.html He's this Russian guy, think he was an arms dealer or something. Anyway, he had some sort of epithany and goes round Russia building pyramids to "heal the world". Strange huh?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:19, Reply)

Hi Mr. 31, had a good Jesus-cake-day and stuff?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:22, Reply)

And a Happy New Year to you all.
Did you all have a good break?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:22, Reply)

is half an hour late on her first day. Tisk tisk.
What's the betting our fucking useless HR department didn't even tell her she was meant to be starting today?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:23, Reply)

I was 5 minutes late.
But I got stuck behind a tractor, and it was really icy out there.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:26, Reply)

And happy new year. I will say that only once, unlike the other people in my office who will be saying it well into March..
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:27, Reply)

And a very happy new year to you all! I went away on holiday/work for a few days over new year, and am now having to find new ways to avoid studying. Stupid studying.
Are all you lovely people well? Am I going to be jealous of the car you borrowed Mr Duck?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:27, Reply)

was the usual combination of family gathering and hanging out with the 'little' one - quite nice all round :)
NYE was just another day.
How about yourself?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:29, Reply)

I don't know how, but I managed to get into work 10 minutes early today, despite the tiny amount of snow which did bad things to the traffic
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:30, Reply)

how much folks laugh here when newspapers proclaim that Britain has come to a halt because it snowed two inches in the night :)
Then again, I think the mocking is unfair because brits dont have spiky tires and stuff.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:32, Reply)

Just had a car that was really icy. And that I therefore had to scrape muchly. Stupid ice. The roads weren't even slippery and fun to drive on :(
You back in Scandinavia-land now Darras?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:33, Reply)

You should see how much the Scots laugh at the folks from the South of England when we have a little tiny bit of snow!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:34, Reply)

We're expected to get a shovel and dig a path to work if the snow gets that bad :D
Still, good work on the space hopper injury! I myself will have to get to the chemist soon and find some gauze to put over my steam burn that popped while I was drunk and got all gooey and yellow and red and hatey.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:35, Reply)

and a wonderful crunchie filled week it was I had in england! I do love the snow, but I dont really appreciate the muscle power it takes to wade through knee deep snow for work. Ive never seen it so bad here! Perhaps that means the snow storm is on its way over there to you guys :D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:36, Reply)

I managed to escape the holiday-time with no injuries other than a bruise on my elbow.
I'm sure that's a drunken-related-injury.
But I quit drinking now, so we'll see...
It's so cold in my office that I can see my breath when I breathe out :|
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:38, Reply)

I can do with another week or so off work!
EDIT Kaol, you should invoke H&S, you'r not supposed to work in an office below 16C.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:38, Reply)

you need some brandy to sort out your office heating there. Boo to not drinking!
On other news, I have monster munch!! I looked like a fat pie stocking up on my english goodies :D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:40, Reply)

But I'm here now, and I'd rather be paid than sit at home.
Plus it's warmer here than at my house :p
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:41, Reply)

And a HNY to those I haven't wished it to...
Suffering a bit of a system shock at the moment... HALP!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:46, Reply)

I suppose that money is better than warm. :)
I got Fallout 3 and Bioshock for xmas. Finished Bioshock real quick, and I'm going to start Fallout soon.
EDIT HNY DiT, did you have a good one?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:47, Reply)

I am rubish at console games however, but I did greatly enjoy watching my boyfriend play them.. (does that make me a voyeur?) Prince of Persia is a veeeery pretty game btw
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:49, Reply)

My pitiful attempts to reset my bodyclock to work time failed utterly. Therefore, I am tired and easily distracted, neither good when I have court tomorrow!
Did everyone have good Xmas/NYE celebrations?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:55, Reply)

Looked great, I think I'll have to play it again one a very hard level though.
Really looking forward to Fallout though!
EDIT Yup I had a great one Lab, sucks on the bodyclock thing though.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:55, Reply)

Fallout3 kind of dropped off my radar... It just seems to take so long to do anything of note - I feel like I'm wasting my time. So to combat this I go and waste time doing something else like reading forums or playing Football Manager....
Happy New Year etc. Back at work - not that I had anything more than public holidays :(
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:59, Reply)

Just as long as you can't see your breath when you breath in...
I managed to fall over in one of those shower-in-a-bath things on new years day and came wihin about an inch of what I would class as bad bleedy bleedy head and death.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:01, Reply)

Still, it was a great one, so well worth it.
Santa was very kind to me, I now have more socks than I know what to do with!
EDIT: I liked BioShock very much indeed. I haven't played fallout yet though, I know not if it will appeal to me...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:02, Reply)

I too have all the socks in scandinavia! Looks like we asked for similar things..
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:05, Reply)

I was on time for work this morning. On fucking time! It's a miracle.
Who's gonna give me some love?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:06, Reply)

I managed to get away with getting only one pair this year, but they have bells on them.
Still way better than the Dalek slippers I got last year, they say "EXTERMINATE" when I walk!
Hi Drixy, good break?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:07, Reply)

Dok, it was really bloody good. Best in ages.
How was your break? Hmmm?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:09, Reply)

*loves her from various different angles*
*realises that sounds rude*
*remembers that's the point*
*continues loving*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:14, Reply)

It had its ups, and then more ups. It was great really!
Hi Lusty.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:15, Reply)

glad to hear it :)
Lusty, I think this is the year we should go cottaging.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:22, Reply)

I can't think of anything interesting to say :(
Edit: Oh clendrix! I thought you'd never ask!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:24, Reply)

You saying that you have nothing interesting to say reminded me that you owe me a sponge bath before you bugger off and leave us.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:27, Reply)

For a moment there I thought I was going to end up wearing the hat...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:34, Reply)

Tea is the spawn of santa!
Drink lots of coffee, it's good for you!
Hi V, how's tricks?
Lusty, you can't think of anyhing interesting to say? What's wrong?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:35, Reply)

Until I went to bed last night. Since then they've been full of arse. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight and feel saner tomorrow or something.
Did you get up to anything exciting over the "Holiday Season"?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:39, Reply)

Would you mind awfully? :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:41, Reply)

As long as it's warm, I'll have it.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:41, Reply)

Why did that make me think of tomatoes?!
I've lost my mind and I've not even had elevenses yet ='[
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:42, Reply)

I am with you there, my dear. I'll have a Fucking Awesome Coffee please and I reckon the same for Kaol.
*sits back*
*enjoys the awesomeness*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:44, Reply)

would love a coffee.
Drixy, and she's never seen me, yet still knows I'm a thing.
V I got up to lots of 'interesting things' in the last week of the break. ;)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:44, Reply)

Kaol, you have to see what I wrote about Spak's.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:45, Reply)

@Dok If I'm interpreting what you've just said correctly I'm jealous.
@Drixy "of all the beardies" got me good =D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:45, Reply)

I prefer tea usualy.... It's good cos I have a cold so I'm sat in drinking tea and listening to music and such. Seems to have stopped snowing, and it's all started to mealt though :(
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:49, Reply)

This morning's trip in was exciting.
I was driving along a wide country road, and thought
"ooh, its' really icy today, lets have a play"
I clicked the handbrake one click, sent the car into a slide and slid it along for a good few hundred yards.
Then a car came the other way, I dabbed the brakes to realign, but it spun instead. 180 degrees (to my intended course) later, I'm driving back down the road, only to confuse a colleague going the other way!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:50, Reply)

With your hot teas and coffees. Orange juice is where it's at.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:53, Reply)

"a collection of midget beards" is my Post Of The Day so far.
Have a toffee.
Also, I forgot to put my feeble-beard-attempt on there.
Ah well, I'd've been last :p
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:55, Reply)

You might have, I was away in a place near Dorchester last week!
Drixy, you forgot my beard, I'm all sad now, and anyway I've got my Goatee back now.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:56, Reply)

And you owe me a big portion of toad in the hole.
I would have said you owe me a portion of your sausage instead of toad in the hole, but that would have made it sound like I was talking about your penis
The new woman is here. Christ she talks a lot!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:58, Reply)

Kaol, I didn't need a picture of your beard. It has already been closely inspected.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 10:58, Reply)

If she talks a lot, according to you, then she must be talking people to death!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:03, Reply)

I like that, made me laugh it did.
Just wait till you see what it is now though, much more friendly and smiley!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:04, Reply)

I forgot about the beardy compo!
I mean, I forgot to enter and now it's too late and argh! Oh well, there's always next year!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:06, Reply)

Even if I grew mine for a year, it'd be rubbish!
So... Everyone ready for the next episode of Kaol Black?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:07, Reply)

Being back at work is not cool. Having a minging chest infection from weeks of hard partying and smoking 1000 fags a day is even less cool.
How are we all? Can't be arsed to read the thread.
Anyone made any entertaining resolutions?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:10, Reply)

Assuming you never sleep you were smoking a cigarette every 86.4 seconds! That's pretty impressive shit.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:14, Reply)

I have to admit to a small amount of poetic license...!
I wasn't really counting, but I've nailed two sleeves of duty frees since getting them for a present on Christmas Day (damn friends seeing you have foreign fags and cadging them...)
I have been coughing up black shit for days now and strangely the only thing that stops me coughing is smoking more :(
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:15, Reply)

He can smoke 50 at once.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:16, Reply)

Yes please, my comic addiction needs to be satisfied!
I've actually smoked less over Xmas and NY than I normally do, and I've only had four cans of beer! What's wrong with me?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:18, Reply)

I may not even be a judge, but so what. I'm like a force of nature me, just online and that.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:20, Reply)

I cheated - had a spreadsheet open at the time. Wish I could do maths like that in my head though. I guess I could probably have gotten to an answer of approx' 90 seconds without too much straining.
Anyway, on the subject of smoking stopping you coughing; doesn't smoking have an effect of semi paralysing (or maybe anesthetising) bits and bobs in your throat?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:21, Reply)

If you're a force of nature, you can be "mist".
I'll be "drizzle".
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:24, Reply)

*shovels some into an envelope for england* I regret not wearing my hat when I went to the shop.. Now I cant feel my ears.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:26, Reply)

Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! We were being so good yesterday!
I even bought some apples.
Force of nature? I am the tide.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:26, Reply)

and dashes in to rescue ancrenne* *heroic pose TM*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:28, Reply)

Your sig is fucking excellent, even if it does just illustrate Kaol's rudeness.
Lightening? Like hair?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:29, Reply)

*passes Ancrenne a lovely G&T*
We have new people starting at work. I've forgotten their names already, so I might make badges with numbers on for them to wear.
I really ought to be trying to pull together one of the gargantuan cases I'm working on, but I'm tired and capricious.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:30, Reply)

Apples suck. Suck bigly.
*looks at apples*
*rolls smoke*
Kaol thinks he's quick, but he aint that quick.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:32, Reply)

Seems my sig is delightfully appropriate too.
Freeze-thaw weathering? That's so boring, slow and repetitive =[
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:32, Reply)

You mean, I burn off when the sun comes up?
I think I'd rather be fog. Or maybe one of those little tornadoes that occasionally rips through somewhere ghastly, like Witham, making it look marginally better.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:33, Reply)

I think I'd have to be a glacier. Slow but still going to kill the world again!
Hi Miss crenne, but no, this year has to be better than last year, you can trust me on that!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:35, Reply)

I feel my healthy living is going to be ruined by b3ta, along with my lungs, my work ethic, my booze-unit control and my laugh muscles.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:38, Reply)

so I'd have to be miserable pissing rain, which is about the only weather we get.
So what's everyone's resolutions then? Nobody answered me above!
Mine is to have more adventures. Plotting the first one at the moment...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:38, Reply)

*ruffles hair*
Oi loikes aaples, oi does! Not a big fan o'coider, though, dunno woi! *west countries*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:39, Reply)

But not the soft ones, I like the hard, almost sour ones that you have to really bite in to.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:39, Reply)

Yep, thanks Ms. A :)
Just the "first day back at work" crap-ness.
But, on the plus side, 2009 is gonna be a good one. Things really started improving in 2008, but this year is gonna be good. *determined*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:40, Reply)

So I'm hoping 2009 will be better!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:41, Reply)

But it did got a lot better in the second half.
This year I want to have guitar lessons and be more creative generally. I'm getting a new guitar VERY soon! Yay!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:42, Reply)

looking like a cripple that can't go half an hour without doing damage to myself.
Its hard wrapping a bandage around an arm on your own!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:43, Reply)

Er... My resolutions are "take less crap from people", "stay off the drugs", "don't get sectioned" and "see how long I can go without alcohol for".
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:43, Reply)

is a worthy resolution! My friend woke up in an asylum after a heavy night on the town once. It's my favourite story :D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:45, Reply)

Last year was, apart from a few awesome moments, fucking shit.
This year will be better, or I'll start making other people's lives a misery in order to make mine seem positively blessed in comparison.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:45, Reply)

I have made no resolutions, never do.
2008 was just like 2007, 2006, and 2005, Shite!
2009 is looking good so far, I just hope it lasts.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:46, Reply)

I'd really like to achieve two things this year.
1) Move back out from my parents' house.
2) Work out what my long term ambitions are.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:49, Reply)

I've only just noticed your sig darras, a badger in your head eh?!
I am trying to perform the first stages of planning an overland trip to the other side of the world but Google Maps won't do directions :(
(note: I am going to plan this slightly more extensively, not just print a map out and set off!)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:50, Reply)

It felt that way on new years day.. Darn badgers!
And. Where ya goin?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:51, Reply)

first time I've had a gigging band that was any good.
Got my new board too.
this year however, promises to be shit. too much work, too much responsibility. and Mrs V is being threatened with a company wide temporary pay cut of 10%. not an insignificant amount....
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:52, Reply)

There is one thing I want to do this year.
That's learn to play my Bass properly.
Other than that, just have a good time!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:53, Reply)

Although it seems quite difficult to get there without driving through several war zones!
I have got so fucked off with my life and this country and everything in general over the last few months that I'm going to drop out of society and become a dirty hippy. Probably set aside 5 years or so to bumble round the world, just need to raise some cash first...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:54, Reply)

and a Happy New Year to everyone.
Just reading the new years resolutions now.
Poor ancrenne - ouchy!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:55, Reply)

good grief! That's impressive. Poor thing. Still, you could get a parrot and put it on your shoulder and say 'YARR' then you'll look cool rather than crippled ;)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:56, Reply)

sounds awesome that does! How hard would it be to gain cash as you go? It's always best to just go on these things rather than wait to save monies.. Or life gets in the way.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:57, Reply)

Kaol's American Road Trip.
I've got as far as the title. And getting my friend to agree to come with me. And deciding that I'm going in "The Fall". And that I wanna hire an old Mustang.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 11:57, Reply)

This year I aim to get abroad, as I failed in 2008. The plans:
* a long weekend in Liege to get my sleeve finished by Dan DiMattia
* possible roadtrip Stateside, visiting a few friends along the way
* friend's stag do, which is currently firearm training in Geneva!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:00, Reply)

This year I'm going to Prague in two weeks time, then England again at easter (to stock up on salt and vinegar crisps and crunchie bars.. oh yes!) And in september Im going to Malaysia/Singapore for two and a half weeks! Honeymooning rock on :D
Ancrenne you have a good point there about the balance.. Perhaps a stick would be helpful too?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:02, Reply)

It's booked and paid for!
Can't wait.
Oh and I have this amazing friend who's travelling to North America sometime soon, so perhaps I can go and visit her later in the year. Perhaps :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:02, Reply)

It was great!
If you want any info, feel free to gaz me :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:04, Reply)

Going skiing (France) later this month and then I'll go somewhere in Europe that I've not been to before in the summer to fulfil my travelling obligations (Visit a country I've never been to before each year of my life).
I'm thinking either Spain or Italy at the moment.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:04, Reply)

- Get married. OK, not so much of a resolution, but she has time to change her mind yet!
- Learn something new, like guitar. even if it's only a few chords.
- Go snowboarding. Yes.
Resolutions, I think, should be about stuff you want to do, rather than things you think you should be doing. This is why January is littered with people who have failed to give up smoking. ;)
EDIT: With any luck, my travels this year will take me to Canada and America, and maybe somewhere in Yoorup! :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:05, Reply)

and she popped a baby out a couple of days ago, so I'm off to see her and meet him. Yay!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:05, Reply)

Definitely planning to acquire money as we go, sort of see where the wind takes us...
We do however need cash to buy a bus, as that's what we're planning to do it in (it's like 1969 never ended isn't it?), and a bit of cash in the bank for emergencies! Should hopefully set off by the end of this summer though.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:06, Reply)

Don't you just wish people would be considerate and throw the failed quitters in the bin rather than dropping them in the streets?
I don't like what society is becoming!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:07, Reply)

you'll have to keep some kind of internet photo diary with documentation of the humiliating hilarity that goes on :D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:08, Reply)

and have a blog...
I'm not really one for taking photos normally but I will make an effort on this occasion!
Just looking at prices for a C driving licence, best part of a grand! :S
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:10, Reply)

*hugs everyone*
My new years resolution to to cover a mountie in maple syrup and lick it off him.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:11, Reply)

I too am going to Scotland for the first time this year. I wish I was going with a nicer bunch of people, but I can always move away from them when they annoy me :)
And I can always find solace with Ancrenne :)
Lusty, do you need any help with that?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:11, Reply)

Nice mental image!
*enquires about the cost of Mountie Uniform hire*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:13, Reply)

drixy. I'm actually a bit miffed that my family will be requiring me to be in southern england at the time of the b3ta drinkage in scotland this easter!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:16, Reply)

One of my ancestors was a famous mountie.
They made a film about him and named a town after him too!
So... I'm part mountie... *shrugs*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:17, Reply)

Does indeed Rock, but how and why is another question.
Not that I've been there in the last eight years.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:19, Reply)

First day back at work and i've gone from having a relatively free January, to a January that sees my diary almost completely blocked out for the first 2 weeks in about 2 hours flat.
How am I expected to actually get any improtant stuff done? like work, for example???
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:20, Reply)

Well, I'm not gonna protest.
Although I now have an epic craving for waffles...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:36, Reply)

I've been outside for a smoke and now my boobs are cold. Where's that Lusty?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:44, Reply)

Shame that the exciting town that I work in has no waffle-shops.
*shakes fist*
I'll have to smoke lots at lunchtime instead...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:44, Reply)

It is a bit nippy outside, I've just been out and now one of my hands are cold!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:46, Reply)

The snow didn't amount to much around here, but it managed to confuse my two dogs, which was fun. I dropped the mrs off at work this morning, got out of the car, and promptly slipped on some ice. It was hilarious, I was waving my arms about like a mong on E.
This afternoon, I am back at work at 3pm, after a week off with the flu... Looking forward to all the 'hilarious' bird flu jokes from my colleagues...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:51, Reply)

but they're mittens.
Good for warmth but crap for smoking/typing.
Hello Bentalls. You used the word 'mong'.
Welcome. Welcome indeed.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:51, Reply)

no just a bloody cold one, and my office is bloody cold too.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:53, Reply)

I see... *gibbers*
I think my idea was funnier, but at least you didn't get frost bite on yer nips
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:54, Reply)

Why would you put your gloves on your boobs? That'd be silly!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:55, Reply)

Now we are all talking about boobs, and I have to go and get ready for work!!
*mutters darkly*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:56, Reply)

I hate mine, but they can be used for fun.
*points them at Lusty for warming*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 12:58, Reply)

*warms up clendrix's boobs*
Just found out the overseer isn't in tomorrow. I asked her to do my personal reference for my visa two weeks ago and now I'm going to have to wait longer for it.
I just want to get it sent off so I can fuck off.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:18, Reply)

When's she coming in next? Is it soon? I hope she's bloody done it.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:19, Reply)

Which is annoying. I know she can't help being ill but I feel like I've been
Also this new woman talks so much I think my ears might drop off.
Someone who talks more than the overseer...I never thought I'd see the day!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:36, Reply)

but is her chatter as mingey as the overseers? Surely not!
These people, fucking with our plans and our lives. How dare they. Don't they know who we are?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:41, Reply)

And I'm waaaarm!
Also, the trainee is looking rather fine today.
So... This afternoon is good thus-far.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:55, Reply)

Which is very decent of her. Oh god, now I'm thinking about old lady fanny.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 13:55, Reply)

May as well be consistent, I suppose.
I am warm also. But now I've gone and got all unsettled and restless.
Lusty, think about our white picket fence with roses growing on it.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:01, Reply)

She's older than me though :p
Oh... Lunch! I had a BLT, a can of Relentless, several cigarettes and an espresso.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:06, Reply)

Besides, you don't look as young as you are.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:07, Reply)

I don't mind looking a bit older.
I think I might do in ten years...
EDIT: Woo, the trainee is making me coffee :D
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:09, Reply)

a silent but deadly.
Happily I have my own office so I can be quietly proud of the toxicity!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:12, Reply)

She's making you coffee?
That means she wants to have sex with you.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:14, Reply)

Erm yes, just a bit.
Careful Darras. Someone might come in.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:15, Reply)

I think you might've solved my problems - I need to start drinking coffee!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:15, Reply)

when I get round to it I'm writing a song called The Rohypnotist
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:23, Reply)

Sorry, I just found myself half-naked, under my desk.
Dunno why I'm so sleepy.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:24, Reply)

according to the Sun, Stonehenge was built to be a rave venue. *blink*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:25, Reply)

That song title is brilliant.
In other news I've found a representation of me in comic form: xkcd.com/314/
:edit: You what darras?! *raves*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:25, Reply)

cheers for getting me started!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:27, Reply)

A rave venue? The druids hardly strike me as having their own Whistle Posse who throw the big fish, little fish dance...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:27, Reply)

Sounds good!
I wrote a song called "The Organ Donor".
It's about keeping someone alive in a basement and removing bits from them to order, as and when you can make a sale.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:29, Reply)

I visit my parents I'm absolutely popping by Stonehenge to do Big Fish Little Fish!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:29, Reply)

*cracks open the glow sticks*
*cuts some serious shapes*
*blows whistle*
I haven't been raving in ages :( my friend Verity and I even have a routine we like to bust out every now and then. Ohhh and the car dance! I haven't done the car dance in a long time.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:37, Reply)

:edit: I've never been raving. Not too fussed though as I don't think I'd like it.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:39, Reply)

I've not been. And I think I'd just end up getting The Fear.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:42, Reply)

Bless 'em, the little tykes!
I wonder if I'll be remanded in custody before I get married...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:44, Reply)

Sorry to hear about your gay ice dancing ex boyfriend but frankly it made me officelol.
@Kaol I think if I went raving I'd suffer from sensory overload and have a seizure or something.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:45, Reply)

That is very sweet.
I've often though I'd like to elope the first time I get married.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:46, Reply)

yes it is me, but I can go *cries, sulks off*
*hugs V and Darras*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:50, Reply)

My girlfriend at that age is now divorced with two kids. A bit like me but I don't have any kids.
Hi Badger, how was xmas?
Oh bugger it I forgot earlier.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:52, Reply)

really Kaol, the 57 text messages and 23 letters you sent me proved how much you were thinking of me over the festive period.
The human heart and the note "I said your name when I ripped it out" you sent was a little OTT though.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:53, Reply)

Hey Dok *huggles* my scarf is still keeping me nice and snuggly :p
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:56, Reply)

I'm tired, and time feels like it's taking the scenic route today.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:56, Reply)

I was a little drunk when I did the heart-thing... Sorry... What did you do with it, you of interest?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:56, Reply)

Well, that accounts for a fifth of them then, K.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:57, Reply)

That sounds like a plan!
Who wants to run away with me and get married then?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 14:58, Reply)

I hate to think how many texts I sent over xmas, and how muck time I spent on the phone!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:00, Reply)

I would but frankly I'm feeling to apathetic to do anything much at the moment. Perhaps if you bring Canada to me or something.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:01, Reply)

If we get married, we can can call each other 'wifey' when we're at home listening to Radio Four. How fucking cute are we?
*grabs Badger*
*snogs her and snogs her good*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:01, Reply)

That would blow my cuteometer up, that's how cute that would be.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:07, Reply)

Lusty and I are going to run a special guest house next to our cottage for b3tans in need of special care and attention.
This differs from Kaol's idea of special care and attention, btw.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:08, Reply)

Could we eat cakes off each other as well?
I know that's more rude than cute, but it would make me happy.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:08, Reply)

I think some daily rudery is necessary to temper the cuteness.
So yes. Let there be cake.
Dok - it depends on the needs. It's not necessarily that sort.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:10, Reply)

But you'll have to fill in a form first and give us time to assess you and decide on treatment.
Erm, we also need to buy our cottage, furnish it and get married. So you'll have to suffer in silence for now.
I think it'll be called The Lusty and Clendrix Home of Practical Sympathy.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:18, Reply)

Hello again.
Sorry, I had to do proper-work-stuff.
I'm kinda back now.
What's all this about cottaging?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:21, Reply)

I need lots of hugs and tea and cake and boob hugs
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:23, Reply)

you know Lusty and I have been discussing cottaging for ages.
You're getting your own plastic-coated guest room, remember?
ALL needy b3tans are welcome.
Well, nearly all...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:23, Reply)

La Salle En Plastique.
I've had to cancel my band practice tonight, because the two miles of country lanes that lead to my drummer's house are iced up pretty badly, and I don't fancy driving that tonight, when it's colder, in a rear-wheel-drive automatic.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:28, Reply)

it'll be worth it.
Lusty, I didn't discuss the name with you but it just popped into my head, inspired by a conversation I had on Saturday. Glad you like it :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:29, Reply)

That sucks you having to cancel your band practice.
I'm sure it will Drixy, I'm sure it will :)
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:31, Reply)

Pass the hat please I appear to have killed this thread!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:42, Reply)

Everyone post something immediately!
Stop lurking and watching this thread die!
This counts as my post.
*wanders off*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:58, Reply)

I'm not lurking oh, oh
oh no
I'm not lurking!
*stops singing*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 15:59, Reply)

*runs in*
*does spacky clap*
*runs back out again*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:04, Reply)

If you wanna read, you might as well post.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:07, Reply)

but this new woman WON'T STOP TALKING TO ME!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:10, Reply)

I have been dying for an excuse to use this...
Cunt her in the fuck!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:12, Reply)

Get one of these and just stick it in front of her. She'll soon shut up.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:13, Reply)

I don't think it's correct office etiquette.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:14, Reply)

Loud sex is not something that should be done in an office, at least not during the day!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:15, Reply)

Although that might stop her talking but she could be loud in bed too so you'd be taking a risk.
*pre-emptively hands lusty the mind bleach*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:18, Reply)

I'll be taking this to the corner with me while I have a little cry.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:20, Reply)

I'll not be having loud sex in your office. I promise.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:21, Reply)

You made Lusty cry, you are a bad man, so no biscuits for you!
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:23, Reply)

That's nothing we didn't already know. *slaps own wrist*
I shall make it up to her with lovely food and by whoring my beard out to her.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:24, Reply)

@Captain V, that would be lovely. I'll go get the sponge now.
@Dok, umm I'd rather you didn't have sex loud or otherwise in my office. You might leave a mark on my desk!
Ohhh home time now. Yay!
*hugs everyone*
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:25, Reply)

If that isn't a reason to go "WOOO" I don't know what is
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:34, Reply)

So how's the exciting romatic life of V? Have you heard from girl 2 again?
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:39, Reply)

Sorry for delay - computer started fucking around and I had try with all my might not to hurt it.
I did find myself laughing whilst turning it off mid-freeze, and saying, 'I will always fucking win, you stupid cunt.'
I think it might be time for me to step away from the keyboard...
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:45, Reply)

Is neither exciting nor romantic. I've spoken to girl number 2 and let her know that something just wasn't there for me. Since then there have been no developments in my love life.
I've decided to give up on meeting people in pubs/bars at that's never worked for me before and nothing has suggested that's going to change.
Bit grumpy about it all at the moment. Trying to work out how I might meet more people - I've met all my previous (serious) girlfriends through mutual friends. That doesn't really seem to happen at the moment what with most of my friends scattered around the country at uni these days.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:46, Reply)

Frankly, if someone as gorgeous as you can't find a gf, I'm giving up now.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:48, Reply)

Either they are too far away or nuts.
Or both.
Edit: Clendrix, don't shout at it, they don't like it:
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 16:57, Reply)

I can't even get a one night stand at the moment.
I'm off home. Laters folks.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 17:01, Reply)

That's rubbish, meeting people in pubs is always very hit and miss.
I recommend going to more b3ta bashes :p
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 17:07, Reply)

how are they?
*I tried once and it turned into a 2 and a half year relationship
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 17:13, Reply)

are ok. If all you want is a bit of sexehtiem.
Although the morning after is ocassionally a fun game of "how quickly can I get this person out of my house/how quickly can I escape their house"
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 17:19, Reply)

Well I survived my first day, but there weren't any children so it wasn't hard.
How was it here?
JMG is making a tit of himself again I see.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 17:53, Reply)

Hit the nail on the head. I've also had a couple of one night stands turn into excellent relationships.
Sleeping with somebody before you get to know them really makes getting to know them a lot easier.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 18:08, Reply)
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