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Sunday evening thread, anyone?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:42, 79 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
I'll respond,
just in case you get lonely.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:46, Reply)
Thanks, Black Pudding
but I don't think that really counts.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:47, Reply)
I hate my portfolio
it's time consuming, boring and I'm not learning anything from doing it other than to hate little boxes that are too small to type legibly in.

On the plus side, I've found a workaround that means I can type it up with all references in the right place without having to cut and paste everything and write references by hand.

/shit Sunday please
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:47, Reply)
I understand most of that...except why are you typing up your portfolio? For what?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:50, Reply)
Ning ppl
We had a cat rescued from a tree in our back garden this afternoon. And we've had curry. And daughter is staying over an extra evening.

Things are good :)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:55, Reply)
Evening No3L
Who rescued the cat?

Today I went into Zone Four on the tube! I needed oxygen and Kendall mint cake, but it was all good.

But here's my most exciting news - I got a new guitar yesterday and I LOVE it! LOVE!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 17:59, Reply)
Ning all
I'm in bed with a bad case of the poorlies.

(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:00, Reply)
There you are, Mrs Bin!
How is school going?

Sorry to hear about the poorliness...
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:03, Reply)
Pics or it didn't happen Clenders :)
It's part of my qualification for work. I think the portfolio accounts for 40% of it and the rest is practical assessments and exams. They don't use regular academic referencing which I'm used to, so all references go in the margin on the left, so as soon as I add something else to that line it's all skewiff which is fucking me off.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:03, Reply)
*hands Mrs Bin honey, lemon and last week's copy of Viz*
It was just a guy with a ladder. I looked out back this morning and there was a large, black unidentifiable ball of fluff at the top of the tree.

We gave it a couple of hours to get down itself... in the meantime a chap knocked on the for door asking if he could go get it down.

That's about as exciting as it gets round here :)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:04, Reply)
School is going well enough I think
I seem to have them under control which is a hard battle with this lot.
I had one boy excluded after 2 days!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:04, Reply)
see if this works:

Mrs Bin - glad it's going OK!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:07, Reply)
Ooh it's pretty
I like :) Maybe a pink guitar strap or plectrums?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:09, Reply)
Sexy semi-acoustic Yammy!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:09, Reply)
Evening all
Nice Guitar Drixy.

Zone four, how did you survive?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:20, Reply)
Evening you bunch of mother fucking, scrotum faces.
Are you well?

I'm taking a break from sorting out stuff I'm going to sell on ebay. It's proving to be harder than I thought as I happen to like quite a lot of my clothes.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:30, Reply)
It sounds lovely!
(Well, if you ignore my crapness...)

I am going to learn some more stuff and progress a bit this year.

Dok, I went to Greenford. I'd never even heard of it before today.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:30, Reply)
You were in Greenford? That's round the corner from me (granted it's a pretty big corner) and you didn't come and say hello. :(
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:37, Reply)
Evening fact fans!
Don't know why I said that, it seemed good at the time. I took my new camera for a test drive today, I wish I could upload the results but I am in serious need of a memory card reader. This could prove tricky.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:38, Reply)
Never heard of it!

Was it good?

Hi Lusty *hugs*
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:43, Reply)
I thought of you! If I wasn't coming to see you so soon, I would have called!

Dok, I was up to secret things :)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:46, Reply)
Evening all
I'm nomming wine and just watched The Departed. It's rather good!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:47, Reply)
Secret things!
Oooooo that sound so mysterious.

Hi Boss, grats on your news but the way.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:53, Reply)
Cheers Dok!
I can't wait to meet the wee fella.

Can't believe anyone would pick me to provide spiritual guidance for their kid, but I'll try:D
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:56, Reply)
I'm so excited about our tea!
nom nom nom
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:57, Reply)
Evening All!
I'm on a coach to Babury before I get the train back to lovely Londontown.

How are you all my lovelies?

In other news I'm now flying of tomorrow night insead of Tuesday.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 18:59, Reply)
Hello everyone.
I've managed to pack Sunday full of exercise, shopping, eating, wanking, sleeping and now I'm having a bath and will soon be drinking.

How do I do it?

*hugs for Mrs Bin*
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:01, Reply)
me too, darling! Lusty, tea, cake...it's perfection!

BGB...that's quite some weekend!
Billeroo - hellooo
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
Someone's picked you for Godfather?
Interesting... welcome to the club :)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:03, Reply)
Evening people
Are you going to be selling yourself on ebay lusty? If so what's the buyout going to be?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:05, Reply)
@ PB
Yups; I wouldn't have thought I was an obvious choice!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:05, Reply)
That was only Sunday. Phew!

I wish I could play the guitar btw. I had drum lessons when I was a teenager but fate decreed I was not destined to be a hot female drummer.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:06, Reply)
G'evening :)
I'm a Godfather too. Haha!

How's everyone doing?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:11, Reply)
Hey Kaol
I feel really chuffed about the whole thing!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:13, Reply)
Excellent stuff BK :)
So... I've got roast chicken for dinner, yay!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:16, Reply)
I'm not a godfather
My sister knew just how bad it would have been if she'd picked me, especialy with my adversion to churches, they give me Teh Fear if I go in them!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:17, Reply)
I haven't been chosen to guide anyone's morals.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:20, Reply)
Seeing as godfathers tend to be
a) Religious
b) Part of the mafia

I don't think I'll ever be one. I've no intention of joining the mafia and I'm about as opposed to religion as one can be without murdering people.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:24, Reply)
@Captain V
I would put myself on ebay but I know no one would bid for me and I couldn't handle the humiliation.
Unless you mean body parts? But I don't think ebay would let me sell a kidney.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:24, Reply)
I'd buy you!
You've got some very valuable assets! For a start you're excellent at baking yummy things.

Oh, and your tits.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:25, Reply)
I'm not religious either
But as I don't believe in Satan either, I can say that I renounce him and all his works without being a hypocrite.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:28, Reply)
Captain V
You ol' charmer. You know just how to flatter a girl.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:29, Reply)
I'm a Godmother.
Not a fairy Godmother.

I think.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:34, Reply)
Good on ya mate. Must say I'm pleased for you.

I've often wondered what I'd do if I ever fell in love with a girl who's family were really religious (Jewish and Catholic always spring to mind) and would want me to go through the motions of joining their religion before I married their daughter.

I'm not sure I could ever feel strongly enough about somebody not to give their family the finger and tell them to sit on it and swivel. Of course I'd only do that once it became clear that no amount of reasoned discussion would convince them that I can be a moral, upstanding young gentleman without needing an imaginary friend.

Sorry about that tangent.

@Lusty Is it any wonder I'm single =p
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:36, Reply)
V, I'm single too,
Wanna go out for a drink some time?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:37, Reply)
@Captain V.
You think too much.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:37, Reply)
Everybody knows that you are the fairy godmother.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:38, Reply)
@captain v
You gave me a bedroomlol so don't worry!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:38, Reply)
@ Cheers V
Well, my ex wife's parents were Jehovah's and wanted us to get married at the Kingdom Hall. I had no qualms about telling them to fuck themselves!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:39, Reply)
It's a date

@BGB I know but it's the only way I know. Most of the time when I try to switch off I just get headaches.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:41, Reply)
Gosh I can't remember the last time I laughed in the bedroom.

Erm......Just remembered.

@Dok - You've noticed the camp side of me obviously : )
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:41, Reply)
Many points to you good sir!

@Lusty I don't think we're going to have time for toad in the hole and a sponge bath before you go to the land of the moose =[
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:42, Reply)
Thank you V!
They were nuts, quite frankly.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:47, Reply)
@Captain V
Then you'll just have to send me photos of you covering yourself in sausage and gravy, getting all dirty like the naughty man you are. Yeah.
Then send me pictures of yourself in the bath, covered in soap and bubbles.

*rubs thighs*
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:52, Reply)
Camp side, is that the left, right, front, or back side?

V & Kaol you must have already had a date since V is with child.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:53, Reply)

*gets turned on*

:edit: Dok I dont think rohypnol counts as a date...
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:54, Reply)
I'm camp all over.

I've always said I should have been born a drag queen.

Right I'm off for drinkie poos and the telly.

(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:55, Reply)
Yeah, you love it you slag.

(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 19:57, Reply)
Fuck aye do I! It's not fair that you're going to buggering off to the land of the great white north =[

:edit: I've never been a fan of Dire Straights, not because I don't like them but because I've never really listened to any of their music. I've been listening to the Killers' cover of Romeo and Juliet by Dire Straights and it's bloody brilliant. Now I really want to hear the original and some other Dire Straights stuff...
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:03, Reply)
Just come with me.
Problem solved.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:05, Reply)
I hate Dire Straits
But their number on the Desperado soundtrack is pretty fucking good. And the Killers version of Romeo and Juliet I like as well. And their version of Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town.

I other news, I have done fuck all today, and our Christmas decorations are all still up.

/Is a lazy bastard.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:11, Reply)
I wish I could Lusty
I wish I could.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:15, Reply)
Evening bitches
I'm here to save the day, like Mighty Mouse, only more of a man (I hope)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:19, Reply)
You can! I'll hide you in my bag and take you out for sausage/bath shenanigan.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:23, Reply)
Hind you?
Someone has bottoms on the brain.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:34, Reply)
I might regret posting this...
But I've taken up a new hobby- digital photography. There aren't many so far, but it will increase.

Here is the link: www.flickr.com/photos/piston_broke
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 20:58, Reply)
Do you use Photoshop? Auto levels / Adjust levels and Crop work wonders with photos :)
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:07, Reply)
I do, and I have, they're not raw
Why, could they do with a little more work?
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:09, Reply)
Ripping my entire CD collection
Is not fun. 53 albums down. Many more to go =[
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:11, Reply)
Even on jpegs, adjusting the levels can help
and if you don't already know how to use histograms, learn :)

The subject matter is good, but the exposure seems a bit off. Just a personal opinion of course - I'm no expert.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:22, Reply)
Time to figure out the histograms then
See what you can do with them then, wunderkind!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:25, Reply)
The world has gone mad - just sold this!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:26, Reply)
Jebus Crispy Mrs Bin
The world has gone mad, I wou;d have thought that you'd have got more for it.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:36, Reply)
No Shirley not
We were expecting about £30.
The winner has paid already!

*edit* Mr Bin has posted it on Retro gamer magazine forum.
It's going to be in the next issue.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:37, Reply)
Just my thoughts
but I wou;d have expecter £300+. It's a very popular series of games, and things like that you just can't normally get your hands on for love nor money.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:42, Reply)
Goodness me...
That's quite surprising...
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:42, Reply)
Hey PB
I'm getting back into Digital Photography again, be good to share experiences!
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:43, Reply)
But it's just
a couple of bits of paper, a vhs video and a promo copy.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:44, Reply)
Indeed, Ethel
I took it for a go around the fields round the end of the estate earlier today, got what I hope to be a nice bunch of photos. It's a bit depressing at the moment mind, typical winter bollocks. All very stark, but it wasn't even frosty. Hopefully it'll be nicer next week, who knows? I am in serious need of a memory card reader, mind. Ah well.
(, Sun 11 Jan 2009, 21:48, Reply)

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