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( , Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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No, not those of you who like a ramble through a furry glen, or a mossy cleft but Walkers. The Crisps.
I feel that having now sampled the 6 new flavours, it is my duty to report my findings for those unable to do so, or those with tastebud malfunctions.
See thread for more...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:15, 25 replies, latest was 16 years ago)

Onion Bhaji - Not completely dissimilar to the taste of a Bhaji but a little bland. The taste does not suit the texture of a crisp. 6.5/10
Cajun Squirrel - Difficult to know where to start here. I've never eaten squirrel so cannot compare the tastes, only comment. To me, this wasn't a particularly 'meaty' flavour and was far too herby for my liking. Tasted like cheap pasta sauce and could have done with a little toning down.4/10
Chilli & Chocolate - I have to admit, I was looking forward to this one the least. It turns out, rightly so. Chocolate, whist marvellous in A Chilli, abosolutely, categorically does not work as a crisp flavour. Yes, there was a 'kick' from the chilli but nothing overly pleasant - the whole thing bizarrely reminding me of the taste of tinned sweetcorn. Avoid like the plaugue.0/10
Fish and Chips - Now this is more like it! Vaguely remeniscent of Scampi & lemon Nik-Naks, these left a pleasant taste and were enjoyable to the bottom of the bag. I would actually go as far as saying I could taste the chips (funny that, what with it being a potato product)! Lacking mushy peas and gravy however, I can only give this 8.5/10
Duck & Hoi sin Sauce - Fuck me! All this needs is the pancake and you're there! Perfect recreation of both Duck and Hoi sin flavours, they seem very well suited to the medium of crisps. I could eat these all day and will definitely buy these again. Nom nom nom... 10/10
...and finally;
Builder's Breakfast - I only thought about this after I started to eat them but effectively, these were an egg-tainted version of walkers smokey bacon. That put me off somewhat. Egg taint. Bleugh. However, I was surprised once again as these are magnificent crisps! Take a little time and you can identify ALL the ingredients of a breakfast. Despite this, the flavour isn't overly complicated/muddled and works well. Another winner in my eyes!9.5/10
So. Have you tried them? Do you agree/disagree? Discuss.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:15, Reply)

Chocolate is a stupid flavour for a crisp.
I haven't tried any of the others.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:18, Reply)

I feel it's my duty to draw your attention to this:
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:23, Reply)

I have sampled thre of said flavours.
Fish and Chips - odd.
Duck and Hoi Sin Sauce - odd.
Cajun Squirrel - slightly less odd than the others, and surprisingly didn't taste of nuts.
Wacky flavours have been done better, I think.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:23, Reply)

walkers did some fish and chips flavour crisps a while back, salt and vinegar french fries with prawn cocktail flavour fish things.
really good.
best part of that charlie brooker column: "Since the squirrel flavour doesn't actually contain any squirrel, they could unleash other tastes you're vaguely curious about, but would never actually eat, like Cyanide and Lemon, or The Late Marilyn Monroe"
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:23, Reply)

If I wanted something tasting of Hoisin duck then I'll go to the Chinese restaurant and order Hoisin duck.
Is vegetarian so wouldn't actually do that.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:28, Reply)

also, by being vegetarian and not eating duck with hoisin sauce you are missing out on one of the greatest pleasures a human can experience.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:30, Reply)

when Seabrook tried sweetcorn flavour for a while? They were vile.
Can you still get ketchup flavour Seabrook? They were yum. Indian Tandoori used to by favourite but they stopped making them.
Sorry for lack of Walkers related opinions, I'm a Seabrook whore.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:31, Reply)

I wasn't always a vegetarian. I've tried it and still thought letting the little duckies live was a better idea.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:32, Reply)

I'd not actually seen that - in fact I didn't look for any other reviews before mine. Had I done so, I fear I would have realised how futile my attempt was.
Whilst I'm never going to have the wit/eloquance of Mr Brooker, it's good to know that on the whole we agreed!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:33, Reply)

Brannagans extra thick Beef and Mustard (or Ham and pickle).
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:34, Reply)

Right in the ass.
It's like drinking a fucking vat of ketchup you filthy thing...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:40, Reply)

nothing that delicious deserves to live ;-)
Dirty Weeker: are those Brannagans ones the ones that actually have the power of mustard (tm) in them?
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:41, Reply)

and I had been happily munching on some ham flavoured crisps, when at the bottom of the pack I discovered a mighty flavour ball!
I gently lifted free of the packet and examined it, it was about the large of a large grape, delicate to the touch and made of purest ham flavouring.
I was bewitched; this was going to be the most amazing culinary experience anyone had ever had on coach!
I dropped the nugget of joy into my mouth and bit down to release it's pungent flavours.
Holy wanking christ, it was and still is the most disgusting thing I have ever put in my mouth!
If someone dried the Dead Sea, mixed the salt with pig shit and then mixed in some silica gel as a drying agent and shovelled the entire mixture into my mouth through the corpse of Jo Brand it would have tasted better.
This thing was like the Devil's piles dipped in salt, it sucked all of the moisture out of my mouth and then my body, leaving me shrivelled up in the corner until the next fuel stop where I could buy some water an try and flush some of the shit out of me.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:42, Reply)

Thanks old bean, sorry to hi-jack your thread with that Brooker link, but it did make me laugh!
If bert sees me post another link he might just face fuck me with a Double Decker.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:46, Reply)

I refer to these magnificant beasts:
They used to have paper bags which were even more wonderous. Do they have the "power of mustard"? As a mustard connoisseur I would have to say a resounding yes!
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:47, Reply)

I'd gladly administer a face fucking by double decker upon myself.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:51, Reply)

I'm a purist, and I've had enough excitement in my life without having to resort to silly flavoured crisps.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 14:59, Reply)

chocolate covered pretzels, but they took them away so now I have to make do with eating half a bag of ready salted, then some Galaxy, then the other half.
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 15:52, Reply)

Are without a shadow of doubt the King of 'Normal' Crisps. (i.e. not hand selected by olde worlde artisans, dusted with rare flavourings and spices, just to shatter into savoury gum-lacerating shrapnel once inserted into face)
Seabrooks come a close second, but are a tad greasy, and can be used as candle substitutes in the right circumstances.
Now, pork scratchings, however...
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 16:18, Reply)

pork scratching flavour pork scratchings, preferable ones with hair still on, and healthy collection of congealed fat attached
i've just made myself salivate
( , Wed 18 Feb 2009, 20:54, Reply)
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