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(, Sun 1 Apr 2001, 1:00)
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Fuck me!
I get married on Wednesday.

That came around quickly. I only proposed 15 months 2 years ago.

I raise a glass to all b3tans.

(, Sun 5 Apr 2009, 23:48, 35 replies, latest was 16 years ago)
don't you want anyone to come? :)

congrats, here's to many years of happiness together, and may you come to realise you didn't like sex much anyway :)
(, Sun 5 Apr 2009, 23:52, Reply)
Way to go!
Here's to you and Tourettes and many many happy years together!
(, Sun 5 Apr 2009, 23:56, Reply)
Wednesday, apparently, is the luckiest day of the week to get married on. And there will be at least one b3tan in attendance.

Since the last wedding day I had was a Saturday and ended in divorce, I'm up for anything!
(, Sun 5 Apr 2009, 23:57, Reply)
One day I hope
to meet the two of you in person. Hopefully coming over in September, but I WILL be thinking of you on Wednesday :)
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 0:09, Reply)
Congrats guys - have some of my literary nonsense.
When talking about something like marriage,
The multiple views are just baggage,
It's a just a few lines
You've said millions of times,
Just never forget the old Adage....

"If a couple puts a jellybean into a jar everytime they have sex in their first year of marriage - they'll never run out of jelly beans"

I am so sorry for typing out nonsense such as that. Peace, happiness and strength to you both. Cheers mate!

truly - I am sorry for it, I just got a little too excited...
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 0:32, Reply)
It's mere hours away now!
I'll congratulate you both properly in Scotland, till then I'll just say Woo Hoo!

See you guys soon.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 8:24, Reply)
Glass raised back, DG.
Hope you & Tourettes carry on as you are, and I do wish you all the happiness in the world. After reading yours and Ts posts about your previous lives, if anyone deserves it, you two do. And don't forget- I want a "Braaaahn baby". ;)
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 8:26, Reply)
Getting married? On a Wednesday?
Hope the ceremony isn't around 4 o'clock, you may find yourselves otherwise occupied. Then again it won't hurt to miss it for once.

Anyway, health wealth and happiness to you both.

PS: Did you get a new coat then?
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 8:56, Reply)
If the ceremony's at 4pm, you may find a lot of people will be thinking about the two of you at the time.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 9:11, Reply)
At least one b3tan in attendance?!
I'm hoping that there'll be at least two else there could be some awkward pauses during the vows!

Hope it all goes well for you both.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 9:40, Reply)
Oh I am jealous
I've been pining after a new frock for quite some time now but just haven't seen one that takes my fancy.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:10, Reply)
You don't deserve a new one V.
Just stick with drawing on a cat-face and wearing cheap aviators :p
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:12, Reply)
I'm very pleased with those aviators
but I miss my catface =[
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:25, Reply)
Can't wait to see you and Mrs Davros on Friday.
My wedding gift to you will be the sight of a 43 years old women weaving down a road in Edinburgh on a Saturday night, pished as a fart and trying to chat up random men : )

Don't forget your camera to record this for posterity.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:32, Reply)
/thats it.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:36, Reply)
Wishing you both a very long and happy marriage.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 10:39, Reply)
How appropriate....
Ceremony is at 4pm!
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 11:14, Reply)
Erm, I meant
at least one b3tan guest. So that makes 3.

We should have done our own b3ta vows - promising not to cunt each other in the fuck etc.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 11:28, Reply)
Good luck and congrats you's two
I can't make it this weekend as it clashes with me being skint as buggery, but I'll be there in spirit, and hopefully in person at the next bash.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 12:01, Reply)
congrats guys I shall ask lots of questions on Friday about how it went and if Tourette's went for the traditional "I do" or the lesser heard "fuck yeah!"
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 12:02, Reply)
Good to see you chose my Birthday as a good day to marry.

Recently celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary. Hope you guys are as happy as we are.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 13:00, Reply)
Congrats to you both

(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 14:30, Reply)
Huge congrats to you both and I'm sorry I can't make it

(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 14:44, Reply)
aw, thanks everyone :o)
I am now in heavily soiled pants mode. The florist rang this morning - I'd forgotten to give her numbers for button holes. And the favours haven't arrived yet. And I have 48 hours to lose a stone, develop a six-pack and banish the dinner lady arms. EEK!
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 15:45, Reply)
What's so special
about Wednesday at 4 o'clock?
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 18:40, Reply)
It's commonly known as
Wanking Wednesday, and is all down to CHCB.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 18:50, Reply)
Congratulations from the other side of the Atlantic.
Cheers to a lifetime of happiness together!

I will refrain from making any comments about thinking of you both at 4pm on Wednesday because as I'm sure you are all aware, such crudeness would be completely out of character and not reflect my true, delicate sensibilities.
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 19:35, Reply)
Well, quite.
I expect nothing but decorum and decency from you Lusty - you know that!
(, Mon 6 Apr 2009, 19:41, Reply)
Good luck for tomorrow!
I hope it all goes well, and you have a really lovely day!

May you both live the rest of your lives in blissful matrimony, and only occasionally have to sleep on the couch when the Mrs gets her visit from the Blood Fairies.
(, Tue 7 Apr 2009, 8:09, Reply)
Congratulations mate
I would raise a glass, but I'll be at work at the time. I shall definitely get trollied at the weekend in your honour.
(, Tue 7 Apr 2009, 9:34, Reply)

I so wish I could be there.

Have a quite phenomenal day and fantastic future - you guys rock, and you deserve the very best.

I will raise a glass and drink in your honour...quickly followed by another...and then another - you get the idea.

Squidgy puddles of love to the pair of you...

(and by 'pair' I mean Tourettes and DG, not Tourettes' jubbly department)
(, Tue 7 Apr 2009, 12:24, Reply)
Cheers all
And Bert, you almost made me cry, ya big softy!
(, Tue 7 Apr 2009, 12:35, Reply)
You can raise anything you like to my jubblies bonny lad ;o)

Thank you all for the lovely messages and good wishes. We're off to Gretna in an hour to be sure I'm there on time. Wank o'clock on Wanking Wednesday....can't wait!

Lots of smushy love 'n' squishy hugs,

(, Tue 7 Apr 2009, 12:47, Reply)
Lots of
Love and luck and happiness and .. everything!
(, Wed 8 Apr 2009, 11:46, Reply)

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