Broken Arrow says: Bankers, recruitment consultants, politicians. What professions do you hate and why?
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 12:26)
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You are are a bunch of wankers that have fuck all idea about the countryside.
Control the foxes.. maybe, but shoot them, don't chase them round several acres of fields/forests before sending a terrier down the one hole your terrier man hadn't found, only for it to bolt and then let your dogs rip it to shreds.
And fuck tradition as well, we used to put kids up chimneys and stick pins in their feet, it does not make it right.
so get off your high horses (pun?) and do something useful for the community instead.
It's a barbaric sport, end of!
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:25, 65 replies)

I’m a bit ambivalent about fox hunting. I do know that any method of control with violent death for Mr Fox is going to involve some pain and suffering. I understand that the proponents of fox hunting say the advantage of their method means the fox is either killed or escapes. With other methods there’s always the chance of injury and a slow horrific death.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:32, closed)

one of those people who lives in a town, and has 'fuck all idea about the countryside'.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:36, closed)

That's a complete non-sequitur. I live in the country (always have) and dislike fox-hunting - mostly because I'm not a bloodthirsty mongoloid with a grudge against life in general.
You want to control the fox population, you go fucking lamping. One bloke kills multiple foxes. You want to be a braying cunt who tortures small animals for fun, you go fox hunting - which takes several 'cavalry', multitudinous unwashed paeons on foot, and a *whole fucking pack of dogs* in order to slowly obliterate one small canid. How is this supposed to be a sensible means of population control?
Oh, and the non-argument about the binary nature of fox-hunting (killed/lives happily ever after) is rather undercut by the foxes who essentially turn their muscles to burger-meat in a terrified effort to flee, then procede to slowly hemorrhage and die once they've 'escaped'.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 19:06, closed)

And what would cause you to say that? The 'burgermeat' reference? For the record, I do not think that foxes literally turn into beef-burgers during pursuit; if you prefer, I'll refer to the phenomenon as 'chronic rupture of muscle fibres' instead. I didn't think that was worth labouring unduly, but there's always someone ready to raise the bar on conspicuous stupidity.
As for the more general point of massive muscle damage and subsequent death by cardiopulmonary hemorrhage - this has been repeatedly documented during autopsies on post-hunt fox corpses.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 21:42, closed)

when you could have just typed "I'm an obnoxious cunt" and saved everyone some time?
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 21:57, closed)

furthermore, I couldn't give a tuppeny fuck for your opinion, given that it managed to change from "I’m a bit ambivalent about fox hunting" to "I find fox hunting appalling" in the space a few minutes. You've clearly given the matter a lot of thought...
Still - carry on 'defining who you are as an individual', and be sure not to let random messageboards decide your opinion for you.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 22:06, closed)

yes you got me, I was arsing around on the ambivalent post. Why are you so angry with people who don't toe your line? Being right doesn't mean you have a "behave like a cunt pass"
By the way, what's the evidence for the hamburger muscle death thing?
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 23:08, closed)

but I do tend to have a knee-jerk reaction when accused of being ignorant. Nerd-rage, I suppose. And few people react well to being called an 'obnoxious cunt'.
I'm not saying they necessarily die of direct muscle-hamburgerosis - they can utterly shred their muscle fibres, and can subsequently die from heart/lung hemorrhage, both as a result of stressing their bodies more than they can take.
Evidence? There are a few fox autopsy reports around. Here's one - www.huntinginquiry.gov.uk/mainsections/research/postmortem.htm - haven't checked if it specifically refers to these phenomena, as I'm in the middle of l4d2
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 23:21, closed)

If you are a member of a species whose muscles collapse when you run, then you're probably doomed anyway.
( , Sat 29 May 2010, 11:37, closed)

( , Tue 1 Jun 2010, 23:05, closed)

and I'm not a bloodthirsty mongoloid with a grudge against life. I'm actually (bar the fact I hang out on b3ta) quite normal.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 12:27, closed)

I have no respect for your position, simply because I struggle to find common ground with people who advocate deliberately (and quite avoidably) inflicting pain.
If you're not bloodthirsty, why support the hunting of foxes rather than, say, drag hunting? The suggestion that it represents a valid means of population control is sub-cretinous, and the 'oh, it supports local jobs, blah blah blah' argument could just as easily apply to various other distateful (and illegal) means of potential employment.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 14:11, closed)

"I struggle to find common ground with people who advocate deliberately (and quite avoidably) inflicting pain"
So you're a teepee dwelling vegan then? You don't actually *need* to eat meat/live in a house/play golf/drive a car or... well... almost anything. But many of the things that you do/own/eat will have inflicted pain on something directly or indirectly.
"The suggestion that it represents a valid means of population control is sub-cretinous"
That's not an argument. Why is it sub cretinous?
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 14:32, closed)

It's generally accepted that killing for the purposes of consumption is somewhat more understandable than killing for the sheer enjoyment of it. Furthermore, the emphasis is increasingly on humane husbandry and ethical slaughter, rather than having a load of hounds chase a wild animal for a few miles before tearing its guts out. As you're asking about me personally - I always buy meat as ethically as I can, preferably from local farms, who use reputable slaughterhouses. I never buy 'value' crap, or any meat from places with dodgy welfare laws.
Oh, and the argument that hunting is a valid means of population control is sub-cretinous for one simple reason; it's a complete load of made-up, patently-false bullshit, which stands up to no logical scrutiny whatsoever. Lamping is a valid means of population control; gangs of men+horses+dogs charging around the countryside mob-handed in order to eliminate one fox at a time is really quite pathetically uneconomical, in terms of effort expended vs foxes killed.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:11, closed)

I'm not saying that they're equivalent. I'm saying that many of the things that we 'enjoy' (food, water, shelter etc.) result in (either in their setting up or their ongoing operation) the suffering of a number of animals e.g. your house may have been built on a badger sett. The fact that you weren't actually there when the suffering occurred is probably not of much comfort to the animal.
And yes, I think that killing animals for food is more acceptable. More people should try it to see what it's actually like.
"gangs of men+horses+dogs charging around the countryside mob-handed in order to eliminate one fox at a time is really quite pathetically uneconomical, in terms of effort expended vs foxes killed."
I agree with every word of this, but I don't understand why it's an argument against fox hunting. The end result of hunting is a dead fox. If you accept that foxes are vermin and need to be culled then hunting still contributes to population control. The fact that it's inefficient and uneconomical means fuck all because the people who do it do so entirely at their own expense (money, time, effort etc.), AFAIK it's not subsidised. If I want to spend my free time going round my neighbourhood picking up litter by hand, would you try to stop me because it's more efficient to do it with a street-sweeping lorry?
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:23, closed)

as I've made abundantly clear - I mention this purely to dispatch the 'population control' argument put forth by the pro-hunt lobby.
My argument is with the pain caused, and the intent of the participants. I'm not going to indulge your tortured comparison to my house possibly being built on a badger sett, as it's a ridiculous straw-man argument. Though things have died to sustain my life, I take no pleasure in it - and the act of the slaying was not my primary motivation.
I dislike the fact that the foxes have to suffer a needlessly painful and gruesome death. And, alongside this, I feel utter contempt for those who observe this spectacle, and find it an enjoyable experience. Whether or not it matters to the animal if its death was an unfortunate consequence or the intended effect - it matters to me. The intent behind the action matters, to me.
If you like riding horses and running with dogs, go drag hunting. It's not a difficult concept to master. Ripping animals apart for fun should have been consigned to history; the fact fox hunting didn't go with bear-baiting, dog-fighting, cock-fighting and so forth was entirely due to the social position of its adherents, not any inherent merit.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:40, closed)

As I said, I think we're probably better off without it. When you take all the arguments together, they are pretty discomforting, but I'm not 100% convinced that they hang together well enough to pass a law against it.
Also you could argue that it differs from bear-baiting, dog-fighting, cock-fighting and so forth in that (1) it does kill vermin (albeit inefficiently) and so serve some purpose other than entertainment and (2) it involves hunting animals in their wild habitat rather than capturing and/or training an animal specifically to fight for the purposes of entertainment.
Edit: 'Whether or not it matters to the animal if its death was an unfortunate consequence or the intended effect - it matters to me. The intent behind the action matters, to me.'
I find this quite odd. As Ring of Fire said, presumably the aim is a reduction in cruelty. It does sound like what you dislike is not the suffering, but that there are other people out there who think differently.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 16:00, closed)

I dislike both. I have no wish to see an animal die in pain, and question the morality of those who gain pleasure from such. The fact that I dislike the intent of the 'hunters' in no way detracts from my dislike of the unpleasantly-brutal killing of the fox. It's not a dichotomy, it's all part of a whole; if I hate to see an animal suffer, I'm obviously going to have certain conceptual difficulties with those for whom it is a matter of enjoyment.
As to your thoughts on the ban, below - although the legality (or lack thereof) was never really a part of my point - I don't think you need any stronger grounds for a change in law other than a change in what the majority of people deem to be acceptable behaviour within the society they jointly form. There is no transcendental 'right' or 'wrong' against which we can measure our actions; it's all subjective, and decided by common concensus. The strength of feeling on this debate gradually swung towards 'wrong' - and it was consequently banned.
I don't really miss it.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 17:09, closed)

is not going to result in the death of an animal. I have no problem with them being killed humanely as they are vermin and need to be controlled.
So come on be honest it's because you get to see a fox ripped to bits (or any other animal like pet cats that get in the way) and you like dressing up.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:43, closed)

I said "I don't go fox hunting, I never have, and I don't really want it reintroduced."
I think that on balance I'm happier with a ban in place, but the way it came about made me feel uncomfortable. I don't think that any of the arguments against fox hunting are totally conclusive:
Cruel: maybe, but battery farming affects more animals.
Inefficient: yes, but so what, see above.
Unnecessary: so are golf, high heels, eating meat, Pokemon and Jedward.
If you want to pass a law that denies somebody a right that they currently have you'd better be pretty fucking sure that you're doing the right thing otherwise we risk turning into a horribly illiberal society. Given (what I see as) the holes in the argument against hunting and that most of the population don't really care (and certainly don't demonstrate a particular vehemence for animal rights), I can only conclude that it was done to get one over on the toffs, which is pathetic, illiberal and incorrect.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:47, closed)

I think that the way the ban was introduced does make it seem that the purpose was to get at the Hoo-rays, regardless of all the Countryside Alliance protests about the "ordinary" working-class hunting folk, and even if it was introduced for all the right reasons (ie. to consign hunting with packs of dogs to history along with bear-baiting, cock-fighting etc etc in the interests of animal welfare and progressive civilised behaviour).
The fact that there are holes in the ban wide enough to drive a truck through, let alone a pack of hounds following quarry flushed out by a bird of prey, is the worst thing about the whole business. Had the ban been thought out properly, all the loopholes would be closed, it really would have been the end of the line for the Hunts, and by this time down the line, most of them would be quaint memories of a bygone age.
Instead, the Hunts have been treading water, trying to stay afloat till the Labour Govt croaked, their mates got back into power, and the ban lifted. As with any knee-jerk law introduced with undue haste by those who apparently used it to get one over on people they don't like, rather than to benefit society, it will never be watertight enough to see the Hunts dissolved permanently. I doubt David Cameron and Oddbod Jnr Clegg will have it high on their priority lists to revise it either, so it will continue to fester.
If the issues for banning were kept to basics, ie. the way that a fox, a useless, inedible, creature is killed after a protracted chase FOR PLEASURE, then that should be enough, a ban is absolutely justified and anyone associated would surely hang their head in shame.
Instead, the Countryside Alliance cunningly turned it into a "Town vs Countryside" issue, and that's why most Britons haven't really got an opinion on it, because most of us don't live in the Inner City nor on a country estate where we work for the Squire, we're sort of in the middle of it all. If anything, people dream of the rural idyll, the country cottage they will one day buy in which to enjoy the peace and quiet, so would be reluctant to be seen as destroying "traditional" country pursuits. The fact that this idyll is fantasy anyway is neither here nor there, but surely there's no place for pointless barbarism like foxhunting in the UK today?
I strongly believe that a large section of the anti-ban protesters are people who actually DON'T support foxhunting, but have been convinced, by the CA, that the ban is part of a concerted campaign by the evil townie to tarmac the Green Belt, put a disabled access ramp in every pleasant green field, turn cricket clubhouses into Multicultural Drop-in Centres or Mosques, basically change the British countryside to fit in with a New Labour dream, where "British traditions" are to be looked back at with shame. I must say cunts like Blair,Brown,Harman etc and their "diverse" quangoes did a pretty good job of making that seem like a credible theory.
Oh, and yes, battery farmed animals suffer in greater numbers, but not to provide anyone with amusement.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 17:36, closed)

I was going to leave this, because I think most points have been made, but I'm not sure why you think that 'anyone associated [with hunting] would surely hang their head in shame' just because it got banned. I'm sure hunters knew what was happening in a hunt, that wouldn't change just because it was illegal and neither would the morality of it. If they didn't care before the ban, they wouldn't care after.
'battery farmed animals suffer in greater numbers, but not to provide anyone with amusement.'
No, just to provide them with terrible quality meat that they don't actually need. Although public opinion probably has gradually swung against hunting I suspect that the majority of people still don't really care and that the swing is due more to a reduction in deference to the upper class rather than a sudden surge in animal rights activism (as evidenced by our appalling treatment of animals for needless cheap food).
( , Tue 1 Jun 2010, 15:14, closed)

My throwaway observation has started a debate.
I hunt - it's good exercise, a great social event, and the fact that in 7 years of proper hunting (before the ban came in, we drag hunt now) we never caught a damn thing hasn't detracted from my enjoyment of it.
I also shoot - for the same reasons as above (except I'm a good shot so do actually bag some), plus the fact that there's the bonus of lovely, delicious pheasants/grouse afterwards.
I know that there are many people out there who don't agree with hunting/shooting/fishing. There are also many people who do. I happen to fall into the latter category.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 17:22, closed)

I have two pheasants in the freezer. I'm wholly behind shooting, as your dinner is more or less as free-range as it gets. Likewise, I can see the appeal of drag hunting - riding horses through the countryside, with a pack od mutts, having a pint and a catch-up afterward - all lovely. It's the whole 'messy and pointless killing of a wild creature' aspect that I struggle with.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 17:46, closed)

I now live in the country, but my grandfather was always heavily involved in shooting and hunting. I think you're about the CA projecting the issue that it was "townies" who didn't know the countryside ruining things. I'm a firm beleiver in in shooting - but as you say, birds are not just tossed to the hounds after they have been shot.
Your right though, drag hunting is a perfectly viable alterntive, and though this doesn't aleviate the whole "odd cat" being caught up in things, at least the object isn't to watch a cat/fox/animal be torn to shreds. Bullfighting/badger baiting/dog fighting etc, really have no place in the 21st centuary. Spain have their own cross to bare, and given they haave a penchant for chucking goats from churches etc, don't think things will change there. The fact that fox hunting has ben banned should not be reversed because it is barbaric... furhermore because it would only stir up the hunt sabatuer fuckwits who planted traps for the hounds and horses. I remember being appaulled that anyone who claimed to love animals cold set out to maim animals (not to mention people using the fence after) - but I suppose they beleive their course is greater than anything else.
( , Tue 1 Jun 2010, 23:44, closed)

Actual rural village with ties to local industry and agriculture, or former rural village owned by city folk commuting to work each day.
Make no bones to me, just encouraging discussion...
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 0:31, closed)

Cuddington, Cheshire if you want to check it out.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 9:02, closed)

Animals are animals and they kill each other.
Of all the things to care about this is just moronic.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:39, closed)

I'm not saying we should torture all foxes to death but nature is always painful and cruel.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 19:11, closed)

in which people who don't like foxhunting aren't just worried about the animals, but are also worried about being of the same species as the sort of people who think foxhunting is a good idea.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 19:16, closed)

though given that I'm not fond of foxes I should support your efforts to make them die in agony over several days rather than have a quick if messy end.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:41, closed)

if you can't pull the trigger and kill, don't pull the trigger!
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 19:14, closed)

When I got my first gun, no, before I got my first gun, it was drummed into me: Don't take the shot unless you are SURE you are going to make the kill, it's not clever to be taking pot-shots at anything that comes across your line of sight.
Lamping with a rifle is a pretty precise way of culling foxes,and anyone who has a Section 1 FAC won't be shooting like Rambo, spraying shots around. One man can quietly and efficiently remove all foxes in an area over a couple of nights, no need for a circus of cunts to run around with a pack of dogs. And don't think that a fox being hunted by a pack has a sporting chance of getting away, that's why they find the boltholes and net them, or dig the fox out with terriers.
Anyone who thinks that toying with any animal for a couple of hours before despatching it is a cunt, pure and simple. If you have to kill something, kill it, don't toy with it, that's the realm of the serial killer.
Hunters are cunts, they need to come into the 21st Century. If they are going to make a fuss about repealing the ban on foxhunting, I might start a campaign to reintroduce (legal) badger baiting - it's traditional country practice isn't it? Why the difference?
It also fucks me off the way they assume everyone who enjoys field sports to be on their side, that we're all one big happy country community fighting the evil townie.
Well, fuck them, I'm no tree-hugging animal rights freak, I love rough shooting, enjoy days out hawking with a Harris Hawk, but there's no way I'll put my name to anything for the good of foxhunters, they are just arrogant, braying fucktards.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 20:00, closed)

every word of it. I find fox hunting appalling.
Edit. I do a fair bit of shooting, but wouldn't ever shoot a fox. They taste bloody awful.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 20:15, closed)

I'm a townie, so I know fuck all, but I can't understand the appeal of deliberately inflicting unnecessary cruelty on an animal for the purposes of entertainment.
I have no problem with farmers protecting their livestock and their livelihoods from predation, but lets not turn it into a social event.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 22:26, closed)

If something needs to be done then hand it over to the appropriate people even if they are total psychos.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 0:10, closed)

you are assuming, (sadly incorrectly), that every one shooting foxes will be both as good a shot as you and more to the point as sane as you.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 0:13, closed)

yes, I accept that point. There are many people out there who have no clue of the effective range of their weapon (oo-er)and will pull the trigger anyway. In any area of life, there will always be cretins who either are reckless or enjoy tormenting animals, it's up to responsible shooters to pull them up and put them right whenever possible. It's the responsible ones, the quiet unassuming guys who can teach you a hell of a lot about your place in the natural world and great order of things, who are the REAL representatives of field sports, not Otis fucking Ferry.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 13:18, closed)

I've been out several times rabbiting with people and had to pull them up about correctly dispatching a bunny, taking aim at 70yrds with a .22 Air rifle.... Err no, I don't think so!
(I used to shoot for the British Army shooting team, so think I qualify to train people on weapon handling)
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 14:41, closed)

They claim they need to hunt to protect farmers' chickens - which are in cages in barns.
They also shoot/trap/poison rabbits to protect crops - foxes eat rabbits.
No need for it, cruelty for pleasure, should be banned - oh, it is, good.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:44, closed)

of professional fox-hunters. Dozens. I took a course in it at university
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 18:47, closed)

does anyone who hunts think anyone else truly believes it is about controlling the fox population? only if you are so inbred and braying arrogant and dumb that you either can't think or don't care.
it is nothing more than a gang of bullies chasing a terrified animal and then subjecting it to an utterly inhumane death. it should only be legal if the foxes were replaced with politicians, liverpool fans etc etc.
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 23:03, closed)

couldn't hear you over the sound of your lips being glued to my ass
( , Thu 27 May 2010, 23:20, closed)

someone wants to shoot that smug suit wearing fox bastard
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 10:09, closed)

'end of'? Fuck....right....off
I *despise* that as a way of ending a diatribe. Do you think that your own musings (rantings) on an entirely subjective topic constitute some sort of irrefutable, absolute, concrete moral conclusion? Do you honestly think that you've considered every single possible argument that has been, or could ever be, put forward on this issue?
I don't go fox hunting, I never have, and I don't really want it reintroduced. But the ban on it was really obviously put forward because it was a soft target. If you want to deal with animal cruelty, try targeting the 50-odd million people in this country who enjoy the cheap, tasty reward of confining chickens to cramped filthy living conditions for the whole of their miserable lives so they can get cheap protein. No? That would be a bit more tricky wouldn't it, and you can't really portray almost everyone in the country as sick, twisted and probably inbred because that would lose you votes.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 13:09, closed)

but I would say that I'm fairly well versed in the debate, living about 1.5 miles from where the Cheshire hunt resides, I regularly get to talk/argue with people on the subject...
Unfortunately most are so set in their barbarian ways there is little that I can do to get my opinion across, but it does make a good afternoon beer garden discussion.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 14:47, closed)

"so you're saying it's not barbaric?"
Nope, I'm saying that it's a matter of opinion and so 'end of' is a ridiculous thing to say.
'Unfortunately most [ignorant townies] are so set in their [sentimental, tree hugging] ways there is little that I can do to get my opinion across, but it does make a good afternoon beer garden discussion.'
Fixed that for you. Obviously, that's not what I actually think, but it seems to me that subjective allegations of barbarism are not a good basis for government policy.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 14:55, closed)

'End of' - right, your grasp on the English language is obvoiusly better than mine, so will take your word for it.
'Unfortunately most [ignorant townies] are so set in their [sentimental, tree hugging] ways there is little that I can do to get my opinion across, but it does make a good afternoon beer garden discussion.'
I'm no townie!
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:21, closed)

"I'm no townie!"
I know, you said. You're probably not sentimental or tree-hugging either. It just goes to show that name calling doesn't really add much to a debate.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:27, closed)

not particularly a tree hugger either although I would rather see a load of fields than a load of roads.
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 15:31, closed)

Not a big fan of the rich twunts who go hunting, but one of the best guys I ever knew used to work as a huntsman and got turfed out (nothing to do with the ban; the hunt just got merged with another local one by the landowners who ran it all).
BUT it did make me laugh* to hear all the blether about wasting parliamentary time getting the ban through in the first place from red-faced Tory squires, only to read in every Tory manifesto since then that they pledge to overturn the ban (thus wasting even more parliamentary time).
*"Hahahahahah! Cunts"
( , Fri 28 May 2010, 16:06, closed)
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