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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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stuff you've unexpectedly found in your pockets

(, Thu 1 Jul 2004, 17:45, Reply)
I Can't Believe Its Not Butter.
My friend confided that his flat mate is going a bit weird.

The other morning he awoke to find 'blobs of butter' smeared on the living room window.

Having just got up and wearing only his boxer shorts, he went to get a tissue and promptly returned to wipe it off.

A man in his pants clutching a tissue didn't look good to the shirtless builders on the otherside of the window.

Suspicious Stain Stories anyone?
(, Thu 1 Jul 2004, 12:49, Reply)
Awww go on
do holiday disasters
(, Wed 30 Jun 2004, 21:35, Reply)
I don't know...
...but a different one every week would be good?

As in where is the latest one???
(, Wed 30 Jun 2004, 16:07, Reply)
What is your name?
What is your quest?
What is your favourite colour?

blue, no yelooooooooow!!!!
(, Wed 30 Jun 2004, 14:35, Reply)
Worst boss you've ever had, and why
probably s/he's a cunt, and only that
(, Wed 30 Jun 2004, 14:32, Reply)
What's the worst incident you've had with neighbours?
Mine got in to my flat and got in to bed with me last week.

Oh and when Harold Bishop turned up again.
(, Wed 30 Jun 2004, 11:56, Reply)
rob can you post the question soon...
...its tuesday so its not really the question of the WEEK is it...its more of the question of wednesday to saturday.i mean in the spectacular dumping there were 8 pages but in the started a fire one there were 13...notice the big slip?
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 23:23, Reply)
software you have stolen?
im not a cop...honest...
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 23:13, Reply)
Sexual Experiments Gone Wrong
Well it kinda speacks for itself....
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 17:38, Reply)
I reckon...
...'when were you the most scared you've ever been?' ought to throw up some interesting answers.
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 12:19, Reply)
Oh it's got to be the
Most painful/gruesome accident you've ever had, ie I ran into the roof of a shed whilst hiding on some potato boxes. Took off my cap to see a whole strip of skin stuck to the inside of it. Urk.
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 11:28, Reply)
Dumb stories
Everybody's done at least one stupid thing when they were in primary school. Even if you don't like the idea, just vote for it. This has gone on too long with no question.
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 4:24, Reply)
In reply to lardtastic...
...yes i did cry.i cried because my role model(rob) is too lazy to post the question of the week!and now i am sad again because it is still not up!Rob you just lost a big fan*.

*the repo-depot guys are coming to get your fan.
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 2:27, Reply)
worst chores you have ever done?
me well i cleaned the bathrooms vacuumed the house and mowed the lawn*!

*using a pair of clippers.
(, Tue 29 Jun 2004, 2:21, Reply)
have you ever started a fire?
i know its been done but i liked it!
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 23:10, Reply)
worst joke ever?
my bro said out of the blue why did the homosexual elephant cross the road?

the answer was...ASS!?!?!?
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 23:08, Reply)
easy fit actually mean EASY TO FCKIN FIT!
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 22:02, Reply)
I ask you what is the most interesting thing you've seen...over a fence.

Your's someone elses, in a park, in a car, out yer window the list goes on.

Please none about the discarded porn mag we've all seen now and again.
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 15:12, Reply)
something philosophical and yet amusing...

If a Kitten meets another Kitten, and yet this Kitten isnt the same Kitten as beforehand. When does the Cheesecake arrive at table three?
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 13:44, Reply)
Best Justification for
Eugenics and or Malthusian techniques - people who are so odd or simply fucked up that they should be taken out of the Gene Pool. Full Stop.
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 12:04, Reply)
Practical jokes and japery at workies...
I work in quite a busy pre-press office. Work is often driven by piles of paper with post it notes on them instructing you what to do with them. The post it notes contain instructions that are specific to that job.

I have been collecting these notes for some time now. At some point in the future I can wreak complete havoc on my cow-orkers, by instructing them to make completely spurious changes to large (40-page plus) documents, then email PDFs to client.

mwah ha ha!

(I reckon it'd be funny anyhow) So, work jokes as QOTW anybod?
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 10:59, Reply)
What is........
the most surreal moment of your life so far. A situation so weird or bizarre to this day you don't know if it happened.

Now that is a question for ya!!
(, Mon 28 Jun 2004, 10:44, Reply)
How upset were you when there was no question of the week?
did you cry?
(, Sun 27 Jun 2004, 16:41, Reply)
most painful memory attached to a song

(, Sun 27 Jun 2004, 8:47, Reply)
Is there going to be a question of the week, this week?
Come on people work is shite! And this was my last safe laugh.
(, Sun 27 Jun 2004, 1:18, Reply)
Most you've ever eaten
in one day

/edit/ Im tired, so im gonna lie down and think up some more crap questions
(, Sat 26 Jun 2004, 20:33, Reply)
Most pointless...
and/or expensive thing you have bought.
I tend to buy lots of pointless, and sadly expensive things therefore wasting my cash, like a water cooler when I have a fridge. And selling a GBA, buying a new one, selling it again, then buying another NEW one......Damn my money sense
(, Sat 26 Jun 2004, 20:32, Reply)
Weirdest thing
You've ever been asked.
(, Sat 26 Jun 2004, 20:30, Reply)

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