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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Underage Misdemeanours
C'mon, we've all done it. From underage drinking, sex, smoking and driving to that time you sneaked into an 18 when you were really only 14!

It's got a wide scope, and everybody's done it at one point or another. Plus, there's the potential for hilarity in its purest form: laughing at the inexperienced!
(, Mon 8 Nov 2004, 19:49, Reply)
TV personalities you fancy or fancied....
Just a thought… My cousin and I were down the pub the other night and he said he used to have a crush on Michela Strachan from The Really Wild Show. I thought that was kind of weird and a bit sick, However, I always liked Phillipa Forrester. What bods from TV or film make you go ‘Mmmmmmm’?
(, Mon 8 Nov 2004, 15:43, Reply)
With the onset of winter in the northern hemisphere,
hows about what were our worst cases of sunburn?
(, Mon 8 Nov 2004, 14:37, Reply)

i agree with crayongirl!
(, Mon 8 Nov 2004, 2:44, Reply)
best practical joke ever!
nuff said
(, Sun 7 Nov 2004, 23:16, Reply)
After This Break!
Maybe more of a Photoshop this...
Than a Q of the week but,

With all the current restrictions placed on advertisers I wondered how the world would be seduced into consumer lust if those barriers were lifted?
Booze ads could suddenly brag of boosting attractiveness and your driving skills.
Slagging off of competitors products would also be allowed, Live human product testing,
Sponsorship of sporting events by drug companies.

Well whad'yathink?
(, Sun 7 Nov 2004, 20:51, Reply)
how did you get hooked on b3ta
the first one is allways free, but who got you into b3ta?
I just followed the link on www.rathergood.com but how were you drawn into its dark kitteny folds?
(, Sun 7 Nov 2004, 14:01, Reply)
Please use my one.
I need reassurance badly.
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 23:33, Reply)
Family habits.
My mum uses her old pairs of handmade airtex knickers as dusters. Don't pull that face!! They're CLEAN (haha you nearly got my real name, but let's say) AUDREEE!!
My dad had a brewery instead of a laundry, comlete and resplendant with 7 different kinds of alcohol on the go at any one time. From rhubarb wine to elderflower schnapps*.
Theywe the owiginal ordd couple...

How eccentric is your family?

*both delicious, but may remove stomach lining if ingested.
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 23:30, Reply)
Discovered Sex
What's the most embarrasing place and/or situation you've been caught having sex?
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 15:12, Reply)
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 14:46, Reply)
How about
Stupidest Thing you ever ate/drank?
(, Fri 5 Nov 2004, 11:47, Reply)
oooh heres a good one
Who do you secretly fancy and why?
Bet that would yeild some interesting results
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 18:42, Reply)
2: What have you been putting off doing for ages? And why?
I blocked my internet banking some time ago and it tells me to phone 0845 xxx xxxx to reset my security number - but I've been putting off calling it (for at least six months now) because local rate calls cost money on my mobile and aren't included on my phone bill. Stupid I know!
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 15:41, Reply)
1: What have you been planning to do - and seriously planning, not just "I'd like to do that one day" and never got around to?
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 15:41, Reply)
Crap you've paid money for
or alternatively most annoying celebrities
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 14:12, Reply)
thats sick
What your friend dus. omg
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 8:13, Reply)
most disgusting habits
People you know with habits that make you feel ill.
Like my former housemate. I love to have a bath at least once a day. Our shower is above the bath. One drunken night he revealed that he shits in the shower on a regular basis and pushes it down the drain with his toe... I had been splashing away in his shitty leftovers for months!
(, Thu 4 Nov 2004, 1:07, Reply)
Whats the biggest load of shit uve ever seen on tv.
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 21:00, Reply)
Best Chav stories!
Simple as that
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 19:59, Reply)
How have you abused your position?
When I was at uni I worked for the union at one of the bigger bars. On my 21st birthday I got so drunk that I threw up on an unsuspecting (and totally innocent) couple. Before the bloke could give me the sound thrashing I deserved 2 bouncers picked him and his girlfriend up and ejected them from the property...before coming back and buying me a drink I did not need!

When has your position allowed you to get away with something you simply shouldn't have?
(, Wed 3 Nov 2004, 13:33, Reply)
whats the crappest excuse a teacher has given to punish you
i once looked at a friend of mine whilst the teacher was talking and i got raped. lol joke not that worse
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 22:04, Reply)
Most embarrasing moment
whats ur most embarrasin moment ( i dont give a shit if anyones already sed it cos im a cunt :_) )
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 22:02, Reply)
A question?
(ho ho ho)

anywheeee... I say we a good question would be:

what is the oddest place you have ever fallen asleep....

you freaks would probly have some good ones...
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 19:55, Reply)
Kelly Osbourne
Well she does look like a bloke
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:49, Reply)
Who's the weirdest person you've ever been attracted to? Celebrity or otherwise. Mine is Kelly Osbourne.
And I'm a hetrosexual female.
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 16:26, Reply)
Why do you visit b3ta?
Well in my case, it's a lot bloody cheaper than visiting e-Bay!
(, Tue 2 Nov 2004, 15:10, Reply)
Things teacher made you do
Without going into naughtyness or sicko
(, Mon 1 Nov 2004, 20:14, Reply)
Why do you come to B3TA
(, Mon 1 Nov 2004, 15:31, Reply)
near death experiences. like the time when i was three years old, growing up on the farm, and my dad ran me over with a tractor.
(, Mon 1 Nov 2004, 10:45, Reply)

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