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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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How about
'Recalling the moment you became scarred for life'

When you were six, and a dog humped your leg, etc.
(, Wed 5 Jan 2005, 8:55, Reply)
Most money lost / won on a bet.

Stupidiest bet you ever accepted.
(, Tue 4 Jan 2005, 21:50, Reply)
Work blags
Having just managed to get a new job with a semi made-up CV, I think b3ta should ask people what their biggest work blags have been. :)

I bet there’s a lot of people out there who’ve got away with massive porkies in the office. Go on, it’s a New Year -‘fess up!
(, Tue 4 Jan 2005, 14:17, Reply)
(, Mon 3 Jan 2005, 23:31, Reply)
Knock Knock
Who's there?
(, Mon 3 Jan 2005, 19:05, Reply)
I'm not really Aidan I'm just logged in as him
Why is there no light in the freezer?
(, Mon 3 Jan 2005, 18:02, Reply)
Lord Monkey.....

it gets brighter

a waste of space


the ride of your life

yes, the one down the back of my settee is teeming with it



course they do, they got people giving them handouts while they sit on their ar$e

no it doesnt, it is actually very ungrateful

no - you only have the one voice? - poor you
(, Sun 2 Jan 2005, 23:35, Reply)
future Q of week
How did you find out what tits feel like?
(, Sun 2 Jan 2005, 21:50, Reply)
Why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near?

What happens to the light in the fridge when you shut the door?

Is a Cat?

Has anyone seen my trousers?

If you crossed a sheep with a kangaroo what would you get?

Is there life on mars?

Have you seen your mother baby?

Do you wanna dance?

Do they know its christmas time?

If you feed a donkey milk does it turn into a paper mache machine made of chocolate?

Is the voice in my head the one that all the voices in your head listen to?
(, Sun 2 Jan 2005, 14:01, Reply)
have you ever stolen anyones 2 digit user ID?
(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 14:14, Reply)
how lazy are you?
on some days can you not even be bothered to read teh B3ta?, do you piss in a pint glass by your bed so you dont have to get up?, do you causually type f-u-c-k to avoid spelling watermellon?,

cthonic finsh this for me I cant be arsed
(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 11:47, Reply)
have you ever successfully put the blame on someone else?
and how bad had you been?
(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 8:14, Reply)
what is the best legal high you've encountered?
big points for those not involving drugs
(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 8:13, Reply)
are any parts of your body more famous than the whole of you?

(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 8:12, Reply)
when did you realise you couldn't sink any lower?

(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 8:11, Reply)
what's your most pathetic phobia?

(, Fri 31 Dec 2004, 8:09, Reply)
Ingenious ways to kill an ex-wife
And get away with it. Current ex-wife (no kids at home) costs my HB £12,000 of his salary a year. Stupid bitch is so much into debt through financial mis-management and needs 5 holidays a year, she keeps taking us back to court for more money. Still, she's not stupid enough to re-marry, else she loses it, but who'd marry her anyway, fat old ugly cow. My HB, apparently, in a previous life. So ?? b3ta, are you going to ask it ???
(, Thu 30 Dec 2004, 17:43, Reply)
Worst thing done as a child
Following on from Declan_m's . .

Let's see . . we put my friends little brother in a tractor tyre and rolled him down a hill, forgetting about the traffic at the end until he was well out of reach. Luckily he crossed the road without any collisions and bounced off into a field, where we found him dizzy and covered in puke :)

Then we . . stuffed newspaper in drainpipes and lit it. It got sucked up the drainpipe as it created its own vacuum or something. Made a flipping great noise too - like a very angry ghost sucking on a milkshake. And it melted the dainpipes after a while :) The council changed them all from open spouts to buried spouts not long after.

Apparently, the big boys threw tractor tyres over lampposts and used them to stabilise upside down gas canisters, then lit a fire under them or hammered the end off or something. I heard that the things shot straight up and smacked the tops off the lampposts. Never saw it though - anyone know if it's feasible? I've always wanted to try . .

Oh yeah, and I set my little brothers hand on fire with dripping molten plastic.
(, Wed 29 Dec 2004, 20:26, Reply)
Have you ever killed/injured anyone by accident?


Weirdest situation you have ever been in?
(, Wed 29 Dec 2004, 1:26, Reply)
do b3ta even read our suggestions for question of the week? the question is always posted by chthonic. i feel so unloved :(
(, Fri 24 Dec 2004, 2:20, Reply)
craziest thing you've managed to list this week on there - you have to post a listing on ebay and attract bids, as well as not getting it pulled by them for their bullshit rules....
(, Thu 23 Dec 2004, 1:11, Reply)
What answer would b3ta want for "What should we ask for a question of a week?"?
That way you can kill 2 stones with one bird.

Not only do you get a crackin question - but you get the answer too!

Save loads of time and money!

(, Wed 22 Dec 2004, 13:07, Reply)
2 possible questions...
Irrational Hates?

Things you've done to people when there asleep?

Sorry if these have already been sugested.
(, Wed 22 Dec 2004, 12:47, Reply)
When was the last time you saw a dwarf
and laughed so hard you shat yourself.
at work?
(, Tue 21 Dec 2004, 19:36, Reply)
Most annoying peron(s) where you work
In my office we have the "Witches of EastWick" - 3 women who sit in the partition opposite who do nothing but spout drivel at high volume for 8 hours a day. I swear they barely stop to breath.
(, Tue 21 Dec 2004, 11:15, Reply)
have you ever....
.....ever walked into a big pane of glass not knowing it was there?? and what hilarious outcome occured from that?
(, Tue 21 Dec 2004, 10:24, Reply)
When was the last time you got an inappropiate erection?

(, Tue 21 Dec 2004, 9:30, Reply)
Just in time
for saturdays inevitable pile of crap....

Worst present you received this christmas.....
(, Mon 20 Dec 2004, 15:45, Reply)
Inspired by Miss Krankie,
embarrasing on-stage moments.
(, Sun 19 Dec 2004, 19:03, Reply)
Have you ever killed anyone?

(, Sun 19 Dec 2004, 0:19, Reply)

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