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This is a question Question of the Week suggestions

Each week we ask a question. The idea is to generate material that's:

* interesting to read, i.e. we won't get bored of reading the answers after about 10 of them
* not been asked on this site before
* fun to answer

What would you like to ask? (We've left this question open - so feel free to drop in ideas anytime.)

(, Wed 14 Jan 2004, 13:01)
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Influential songs in your life
and why are they so important to you?
(, Sun 13 Mar 2005, 22:33, Reply)
if you were invisable for one day..
what would you do?

man im on a roll ! 3 question ideas in one hour!
(, Sun 13 Mar 2005, 9:18, Reply)
your most useless peice of information
what piece of knowlage do you know that is so esoteric it it of no use to anyone?

1. tunbridge wells has the highest per capita rate of incest in the uk.

2. Titianium will burn in nitrogen as well as oxygen

3. a dippy-drinking-bird will produce one microwatt of power

4. maidenhair moss is called so because anglo-saxons thought it looked like pubes

5. albanians have 17 diffent words for mustache
(, Sun 13 Mar 2005, 9:17, Reply)
your pet
tell uss about your pets

because im scraping the bottom of the idea barrel
(, Sun 13 Mar 2005, 9:06, Reply)
multiple entendres
Things you've accidentally said that have turned out to be good (ie, not the Graham Norton type) double, triple or even (I'm not sure if this is possible) quadruple entendres.

(, Sat 12 Mar 2005, 0:31, Reply)
a nice follow up to most beautiful moment...
Worst moment ever.
Mine at the moment would be breaking up with my girlfriend of two years. I am so in love with her.
go on, you know you all want to wallow in everyone else's misery
(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 19:52, Reply)
Special Powers!
Apart from getting the odd preminition/ predictable long Deja-vus, apparrently I have healing hands.
My mum picked up a dead bird the cat had brought in when I was younger and I held it for a while, and it came back to life.
(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 15:26, Reply)
run away! run away!
my vote goes to for a "best/worst fight you've had"

whatever type, verbal or physical

anyone who disagrees gets a smack in the face.
(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 12:03, Reply)
how about...
amusing reasons why there is no new question of the week right now?

my answer would involve bumming of some discription
(, Fri 11 Mar 2005, 8:23, Reply)
funny tv
What's the most surreal thing you've seen on tv? Might have been some weird kid's program, or strange channel 4 documentary.

My brother will swear down that, early one morning, he was watching kid's tv (he's 18) and there was this thing teaching you how to count: five children in a car. The car crashed, and it was gently explained that there were only two kids left because the others had died.
(, Thu 10 Mar 2005, 19:33, Reply)
Good Old Days
Best/worst/weirdest moments from school :D
(, Thu 10 Mar 2005, 19:26, Reply)
do you fucking want some?
I agree with kilhap we should have a q.o.t.w on best punch ups , i've had some good ones in my time should be cool to see if any one else have had better fights
(, Thu 10 Mar 2005, 15:24, Reply)
gay-dar malfunctions
gets my vote. seems to happen to me 3-4 times a year
(, Thu 10 Mar 2005, 11:16, Reply)
Not quite dead
What was the most life threatening situation you have even been in?

I was almost run over by a fire engine when I was 8 or so. Very almost...
(, Wed 9 Mar 2005, 21:37, Reply)
What is the most obscure language (or bit of a language) you know?

I know a bit of Polynesian: "Te tupita atomi farani e oe" means "The foreign atomic bomb and you" and two phrases of Urdu, but I don't know how to write those.
(, Wed 9 Mar 2005, 21:33, Reply)
Family get-togethers are can always be a daunting prospect. Embarassing dancing from close relatives, the fruits and vegetables being wheeled out that you try to put lots of geography between you. Having to come to terms with actually being related to these people...

Having to repeat your recent history and life events to about 14 different people, when you wished you could all take it in turns to get up on stage and do a presentation at the beginning of the night, just to get it out of the way so you can get down to getting arseholed.

Or do you get on with your relatives?

What's your best experience of a family wedding / funeral / anniversary?
(, Wed 9 Mar 2005, 16:31, Reply)
what is the most disapointing thing that has ever happened ever in your life

(, Wed 9 Mar 2005, 11:49, Reply)
What's the one thing that fucked up your life the most?
Just one for all the angst ridden people out there.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2005, 22:25, Reply)
Will there ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark ??

What would you rather be ? A horse or a fish

What's best ? massive knobbly ears or a massive knobbly nose

Not original I know, but it's my first post
(, Tue 8 Mar 2005, 18:26, Reply)
Do you fucking want some?
Whats the best punch up you ever had? ever knocked someone out or been knocked out? Or gone to kick someone and just twisted your ankle and ended up looking like a knob? Someone I know actually 'gets wood' in a fight. Crap and spectacular fights please.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2005, 12:57, Reply)
You know that feeling
where you wake up the morning after and cant quite put your finger on the reason you suspect your world is about to cave in?

The answer will usually start with the phrase:
"You were so wasted last night! Do you remember doing *insert baaaaaaaaad drunken thing here*?"

Share, and b3ta will make it all better.
(, Tue 8 Mar 2005, 1:33, Reply)
winging bastrds
having watched channel 4's tv they tried to ban i think b3ta should get its loyal minions to report who is "the winge-ey est person they know?"

nothing better to do than complain some people
(, Mon 7 Mar 2005, 17:12, Reply)
surreal connections...

this chrismas day we spent travelling to cornwall while listening to lionel ritchie hosting a show on bbc2 (don't ask).

when i see or hear lionel ritchie i have to think of salisbury and the A30 (?)...

what weird connections do you have in your brain and why?
(, Fri 4 Mar 2005, 13:50, Reply)
Do you hate something everyone else loves?
Just between you and me, I cannot stand the movies "Breakfast Club" or "Heathers." The song "Unchained Melody" makes me want to barf and don't even mention Pink Floyd! And just give me regular coffee, none of this mocha raspberry caramel latte crap-a-chino junk.

But let's just keep this to ourselves...
(, Thu 3 Mar 2005, 20:10, Reply)
Do you have and special talents/abilities?
I can *almost* always tell you which way is north, and I can usually tell you what time it is (within 15 minutes - and yes, that's without a watch!).
(, Thu 3 Mar 2005, 20:06, Reply)
What offensive jokes have you told that actually offended someone?
An example:
"How many Vietnam veterans does it take to screw in a lightbulb?"
"You don't know, man, you weren't there!"
There was a Vietnam vet sitting at the table. Can you do better?
(, Thu 3 Mar 2005, 18:46, Reply)
bad kissing/first go at the ol french kiss
I admit I havent had tons of experiance, proberly because most were awful!
My first time of tongue wangalage was I thought the worst ever (till recently) when a friend and ex of my mate was trying to match us up (which I didnt want but I was kinda forced in to it *lasted about 2 weeks*). It/he was vile tongue just going like a washing machine around and around. The only kick I got was i had my bum purched on the vibrating tumble dryer. He was Ginger, but had really nice big hands (and was good at using them with direction!)
The mate that matched us up actually appolojised when I told her later he was my first kiss because he was so bad!

The worst that happened last year was when I was very very out of it with someone I didnt know. I was drunk in a bar and he was spitty and missing my mouth totally! EWWWWW!
Worse thing is he wouldnt leave me alone for months! Still bothers me when Im out but I now have a mate thats willing to punch his lights out if he get too near for comfort.
(, Thu 3 Mar 2005, 16:56, Reply)
Gay-dar malfunctions
Has anyone ever thought you were gay (or if you're gay, has anyone thought you were strait) with sit-com-esque results?

I could get a Brian!
(, Wed 2 Mar 2005, 17:38, Reply)
Carrying a torch
Good grief, Charlie Brown! Still in love with the little redheaded girl? Does that girl still lean on your toy piano while you pound out Beethoven? Will that geeky Marcie girl just NOT leave you alone, you don't swing that way (that you admit to)?

How about stories of pursuing/being pursued?
(, Wed 2 Mar 2005, 17:21, Reply)

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