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This is a question Scars with history

You've all got scars: they're nature's little reminders not to be so damned stupid next time. My favourite is the 1/4" round hole in the back of my right hand, created when I was 7 by my best friend putting a manure-covered gardening fork "away".

Tell us the stories behind your scars. With photos if possible.

(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 10:00)
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matching scars
A couple of years ago i got ill and needed my spleet removed, causing a moleste 9 inch scar down the middle of my stomach. i just had an operation to remove a lump on my nuts so i have a scar down my sac. if you look straigh on it looks like one moleste scar.

kinda james bond on the wood cutter looking!
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 17:02, Reply)
Sibling rivalry
I have a small scar under my right eye that was caused by my brother swinging a golf club back into my face (which he did deliberatly because I gave him a black eye when I rammed the car seat back into his face) and he has scars all the way up his arm that he said was cuased by scything nettles at smashing a broken bottle that sprayed glass up his arm, but which was actually caused by his mate throwing the bottle at him, my bro hitting it with the scythe and smashing it with hilarious consequences ( and copious amounts of blood loss).
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 17:02, Reply)
I have a multitude of scars, so this post will be long
A moleste one on my chin, hidden by my bottom lip. Caused by falling over when 3.

Scar on left temple. Caused by falling off a bomb shelter and hitting a tree stump

2 scars on the back of my head, from 2 incidents where my friend rob threw a rock at me

2 scars near my TB, caused by vaulting a barb wire fence whilst running away from alsatians.

5 small round scars on left wrist caused by me biting it

Scar on top of head caused by a light switch. yes, a light switch that wisely juts out about 2 inch from the wall, with a sharp metal cover over the top.

Scar on back of head due to playing tug of war with a friends parent whilst 7. She thought itd be funny to let go. I didnt think it was funny when i landed on a bread knife.

I recently got a scar 1 inch long, 1 inch wide and 1cm deep caused by big stone, jumping onto the pavement from the dried river bed. The worst thing is... the stone was round.

You cant see em unless i shave my hair off :/

Best mate has a scar on HIS TONGUE. caused by falling off his bike whilst doing a gene simmons impression, onto broken glass.


Click 'I like this' :D \/
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:59, Reply)
I have a scar in the centre of my left cheek
which is a pefect ring about 6mm in diameter and 1mm thick. I managed to get it when I was about 8 by pressing the launcher for a toy helicopter against my face and pretending it was an electric razor. It was a battery powered device with a small rotating wheel in the centre with plastic hooks on which a spindle on the helicopter clipped to in order to spin the rotors. First of all the skin stung a bit, then the next day it went hard. Next it flaked off and left a perfect ring of bare flesh which then scabbed over. Once I had picked the scab off and it eventually healed I was left with a scar which no girl can ever resist asking about. Which is shit because it's really embarassing to explain how I got it in such a pathetic yet difficult to explain manner.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:56, Reply)
Bakery scars
When i was 16/17 I worked part time in a bakery at a major Northern supermarket behemoth (known as Morrisons) on Sundays my role was doughnut boy, which involved dunking trays of dough into a big fat fryer which turned them into doughnuts, the trays would be covered in hot fat, so obviously we had to use gloves to carry them, anyway these gloves ended at the wrist, and so if you weren't careful you'd catch the skin on you wrist with the edge of the trays, so for about 6 month's I had scars up my arm, very similar to the sort of wounds sustained by trying to slit your wrists, yes I got lots of strange looks and yes people did keep asking me if I'd been trying to kill myself.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:56, Reply)

On two separate occasions I've trodden on nails in planks of wood, because I never look where I'm going, giving me remarkably stigmata-like scars going through my feet.

I have a scar on the back of my ankle where I nearly severed the tendon after playing silly 'pick-up' games on a roundabout in a local park, falling off, and twisting my foot through 180degrees.

And the stupidest one is across the tip of my right index finger, caused by me, aged 15, washing up parts of a Moulinex Multi-chef, and then drying them, not even thinking that a razor-sharp blade might be somehow able to cut through a damp tea-towel...
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:54, Reply)
When I was twelve
I ran through a plate glass window.

I have many scars down my left leg.

The rest of me remained unscathed, otherwise I would look like Simon Weston.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:46, Reply)
Tit scar
About 7 years ago, I found a lump in my right tit. Being the sensible type, I went to the doctor the next day and said "I have a lump". Doctor took a look at boob, realised the lump was bigger than the night before and covered in red veins and promptly gave me antibiotics to stave off the infection.
Antibiotics didn't work. A week later, I can't wear a bra, I have a 3rd tit growing and I'm in PAIN! So off I go to casualty thinking they'll just drain it.
Oh no, I had to have emergency surgery - it was apparently one of the biggest abcesses they'd seen. I now have a nice smile shaped 1" long by 1/2" wide scar right next to my nipple.
The best bit was the nurse coming to my house to measure the open wound (to let the infection drain) and sticking a metal spike directly into it. At that point, husband fainted :D
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:46, Reply)
I have two identical circular scars two inches apart on my right leg, bang on my shin bone, each 1/3" in diameter.

The first was caused by falling off a v.high wall when I was 11 and I just missed being impailed on a pointed metal railing on the way down. I supposed I must of just managed to twist out of the way and my shin glanced of the point.

The second, however, was caused by some spacker pushing me into the path of an on coming bus!
We were waiting at the bus stop outside secondary school and just as the bus was pulling up, some wanker deliberately pushed me off the kerb! Using what felt like superhuman strength I sort of leaped, cat like, backwards almost out of the way. The bus was V old and had sort of protruding door sill where the pneumatic doors open and closed.
It was the edge of this sill that neatly took a clean divet out of my leg as the bus continued on to the front of que.

To say I was in shock, was an understatement, and it bled like a stuck pig for days. But of course I was too hard/scared of mum to say anything and it healed eventually (no stitches!!). Strangely enough my trousers did not rip! My scars do not tan, they feel as if they are both right down to the bone and people have remarked that it looks like I have had external pinning at some point.

Never did find out who tried to kill me. Cnut!
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:46, Reply)
I have a
3 inch scar on the inside of my left wrist. The cause?

A rather angry tom cat who was about to recieve his pre-med for a castration. Lovely!
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:43, Reply)
Damn things
I have an inibility to get cool scars. I have one scar caused by injury. I've never particularly hurt myself before mind, crashed into a parked car before now (i was 6 and on bike, just to annihilate any thread of coolness in the statement). I've had a car door slammed on my hand and ran into glass doors, shattering them, nothing. I've slashed my hands on glass a few times, nothing. I have one, that's on my little finger. And I got it from crashing my bike
...into a wheelie bin

I was only turning my bike on the spot as well, wasn't even peddling the fucker.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:33, Reply)
Many, many alcohol related scars!
Like the perfectly round one under my right thumb - caused when tryign to shotgun a can and MISSING the feckin' can and stabbing myself forcefully in the hand with the pen....

Of course I was so arse-faced that it didn't hurt: at the time that is...

Then there was the time we were sitting outside the pub on campus (the Sack of Potatos at Aston Uni for any fellow Aston inebriates out there) ... so - I was nine tenths gone and I decide to sit back and thrust my arms out behind me to take my weight, when one of them finds a wine glass: crunch! tinkle! gush! - and a short walk to casualty and a nice scar on the right palm edge.

Ah! - Happy carefree days of alcohol abuse!!
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:31, Reply)
Playing football
Somebody tried to tackle me, and their foot got me straight in the knee. This was back in the day of proper studs, not those silly plastic blades they all have nowadays, and he hit me with such force that my knee had a hole in it which was the exact shape and depth of the stud in question. That bled a lot, I can tell you. Have a lovely circular scar now.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:29, Reply)
not exactly a scar, but...
i cut the very tip of my right index finger off when attempting to align my disk brake rotor on my bike. it fucking hurt, but it didn't quite reach the bone so not as bad as it could have been.

now, however, it means the skin grew back differently so my fingertip feels flatter, and the skin is also prone to dying and coming off like a callous.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:29, Reply)
Human patchwork - you decide!
Aged eleven, fell off pushbike and gouged neat 1 1/2 incher in right hip. Nothing for a long time, and then I got knocked off my Honda. The subsequent bone graft left a 4" zipper in my left shin, and a footlong slash on my left hip. Subsequent knee ops have left it looking like a doily.

Then in 2002 I went climbing and screwed up. Exposed tibial fracture, repaired thusly (NSFW and very large): homepage.ntlworld.com/john.bramwells/legwound4.jpg

There's also the 2" scar on my right knee where they pushed in the steel pin. And the scars on my ankle where they put in the bolts.

A minor addition is the 7" appendectomy scar, collected last year. Got a right bollocking for taking myself to hospital on the bus, along with half a dozen paperbacks but no clean underwear.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:23, Reply)
Man whore loses ear
I fell off a bicycle in Brighton after a weekend of drinking, and the bottom of my ear came off.
I cycled to the hospital to have it sewn back on, which the lovely Doctor did very well but she accidentally stuck the needle in her hand, which they hate apparantly. She asked me my job and I said I was a high class male prostitute. The Doctor flipped out saying I could have given her the AIDS, and I told her I was only joking, that I worked in an office.
She got her revenge though - when I returned 2 weeks later to have my stitches out the nurse read my medical records and asked sympathetically "so how long have you been working the streets?". Those records are with me for life.
To cap it off my bike was nicked from outside casualty.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:14, Reply)
My Housefire Scar
When I was 19 I had an operation on my leg to remove a piece of bone about the size and shape of an egg from behind my knee. The surgeon sliced my calf in half from the back of my knee to halfway down my leg. He did a great job of stitching it up using dissolvable stiches. However after a couple of days my leg started to reject the stiches and the almost invisible scar became a bloody infected mess. When totally healed the resulting (foot long) scar looks like a watermeloning shark bite!

So after this I start uni late, and in order to make friends I use my lightening fast wit. Whenever asked about the angry scar on my leg I would launch into the story of when I was passing a house in a council estate which was on fire. And that when I heard the screams of kids from inside I dashed in, grabbed them and jumped out the front door, only to be hit on the back of the leg by a falling beam...like in the movies you know. Obvious bullshit - and most people realised this. Some didn't however, and I would take great pleasure in pointing out how foolish they were being.

Fastforward 10 years to the wedding of one of my best friends. A girl I had hung around with all through uni. Imagine my embarrassment when she told everyone that one of the reasons she initially made friends with me was because I had saved kids from a fire once, that I was a REAL hero - not like the movies and to "go on Bigfella, show them where the beam hit you".

I took her to one side, admitted the truth.

She was not amused...

Apologies for the usual.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:08, Reply)
I was about 5 years old
and I was going to a party. The excitement and energy I derived from this fact was channeled into doing laps of the dining table at high speed. Unfortunately, I was in the habit of letting my socks dangle over the ends of my feet. I tripped over and landed on my elbow, badly breaking it. The end :D
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:06, Reply)
Wanking Nightmare.
I posted this months ago... I now re-post with more scar detail.

I never realised that the 'cock rings' that I regularly saw in magazines (as a teenager) were adjustable so that they could be RELEASED.
You learn these things by experimenting...
Or as you could say: the hard way.

I was a Teenage lad (shortly after the blissfull discovery of the "orgasm") and as you do (tell me I'n not the only one) I slipped a napkin ring around my todger. You just gotta find out how it feels.... right?

Mid session, the stand-in napkin suddenly became too big for its ring... Being the smart lad I was, I reasoned "It'll go down if I get turned off".. so, 10 minutes of mentally picturing my grandmother naked should do the trick... but No! I was infact increasing in size.

I was HORRIFIED: I obviously harboured disturbing subconcious thoughts for my Gran. Subsequently I took no pleasure in the sudden and painful understanding of the bio-mechanics behind my now monsterous and painful hardon: so long as the napkin ring stayed... so would this monstrosity..

You know how a love-bite/hickey causes surface capilaries to burst, and make your skin go a blotchy red/purple? well... my Dick was VERY much like that... ALL OVER.

I was terrified, and in my moment of need turned to my trusty Minicraft Drill... Two cutting disks later, the pewter napkin ring was only HALF off!!

Cutting disks cause HEAT. Pewter is a fairly soft metal, so it doesn't actually cut well.
HEAT. did I mention that? HEAT!!! Heat in a metal ring, Painfully tight around my best friend.


so... Water. More water. cut. Water. CUT. JEEEEZ.

You KNOW something's SERIOUSLY wrong when you're naked, on your knees with your cock in one hand, an electric cutting tool in the other, and wearing goggles.

So... cutting bit by bit I manage to make decent cut, gently working it until its wafer thin... progress. sweeet progress. And then it happened. The disk snagged, and bit in.

As if the cutting disk shattering and forcing wafer-thin shards of metal into my tadger wasn't enough, I then panicked and used pliers to rip the rest of the napkin ring open.

Firstly pinching skin between plier and inside of ring, and THEN badly cutting myself with the sharp edges.

Compounding my misery, pain and horror, my MUM came up to see why I was "making toys" at 2:00am on a school night.


LMAO. let's just say "ribbed for her pleasure"

Apologies for bumps.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:04, Reply)
Multiple Scars
Racing my sister down hill and stop at wall at the bottom, she doesn't, hey presto me falling face first in to wall, still have a nice t shaped scar in the middle of my forehead 18 years later.

That seems to be the only permanent scar i've acquired but i'm still trying, most recently being run over by a car has left several fairly deep gouges that are scarring up nicely.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 16:01, Reply)
When I was 15...
I was on work experience at our local Aquarium, which also had a large reptile section. My job was to clean the cages and feed the snakes, lizards, etc. One of the bigger cages housed 7 Indian pythons, and I'd clambered in with a bucket of dead rats and a "grab handle" type device with which to feed them. Having fed 6 of them I was just trying to locate the 7th snake from amongst the pile when the 7th snake located me. My right foot to be precise. The bastard managed to bite right through my trendy 80's deck shoe and white sock and would only stop trying to swallow my whole foot when I hit him repeatedly with the bucket.
The management paid me £20 to keep quiet about it, but bollocks to them - it was nearly 19 years ago.
Still got the scar too.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:58, Reply)
Should have lived on the coast..
At about the age of 6, decided i didn't need to go to the seaside for a good splash about. Decided to fill the bath with about 3 inches of water and have a good ole kickabout.

I slipped and my head hit the bottom shower curtain rail running along the side of the side of the bath.

My tooth went through my lip.

Can still see it if i pull the right face.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:58, Reply)
Corfu souvenir...
...got jumped from behind in Corfu in 1987 by an English guy who mistook me for someone who did some bad thing to a friend of his. Ended up with a small but permanent scar under my chin. I'm really just posting this in the remotest hope that said assailant - a certain Queens Guardsman from Oswestry reads it so I can tell him "I bet you still sound like a fucking Welshman."
He hated being told that.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:57, Reply)
Human patchwork - you decide!
Aged eleven, fell off pushbike and gouged neat 1 1/2 incher in right hip. Nothing for a long time, and then
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:57, Reply)
I've a nice scar on my stomach. Got into a fight when i was 18 and got knifed. Thankfully nothing major hit
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:56, Reply)
Buster kneecap
I have an amusing little scar on my knee due to a tussle with a greenhouse I had when aged about 5-ish.
Exploring my grandparents' garden in search of hidden treasures I decided to enter the extremely dangerous-looking rotten wooden greenhouse. Cue the entire thing collapsing, leaving me standing in the doorway -still holding the door by its handle - where the frontage had collapsed around me like that scene in the Buster Keaton silent film. I was completely unharmed. That is until my mum came out to investigate the noise, saw the devastation and screamed. That made me jump, losing grip of the door handle and a pane of glass came free and sheared off the top of my left knee. Cheers mum.

People are always complaining about my length.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:53, Reply)
French Windows
When I was 8, I had spent most of the day running into the front door of our house, out through the (plate glass) French windows, and back round again..

That evening, we had a babysitter, and my parents went out. She said it was bed time, and I tried to leg it through the (unfortunately now shut) french windows.

I still remember it clearly now, crashing noise and all. I hit the windows, they smashed, all these shards of very thick heavy glass fell everywhere. I stood there laughing, until I felt warm stuff running down my face. I lost about 3 pints of blood apparently. I was cut to ribbons.

I still have a scar above and beneath my left eye, one right across my left hand, and loads down my legs. The eye one looks kind of cool. It makes me look like action man. Or a pirate or something.
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:53, Reply)
Dogs are Satan's minions
Dog's and I don't see eye to eye, but when I was even smaller one particular Great Dane took exception to me. Unfortunately I was seeing eye to eye with it, as I was only four foot nothing at the time. What I remember is the dog barking and my head ending up in its mouth. I'm left with a hole in my nasal septum and a centimeter-square scar in my temple. The German doctors treated me by filling the hole in my head with Iodine. Now that stings...
(, Fri 4 Feb 2005, 15:52, Reply)

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