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help me pick a porn name.
years ago i did some temp work filming porn and the guys i worked for emailed me asking if i wanted to shoot some more for them. needing cash and knowing it's hilarious, i said yes. i will get a credit on the tape (as all staff now have to be credited for age verification if it's legal), but i need a porn name to work with. please to assign me something crude yet refined. in other sex news: he's in the mood .
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:30,
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MC Thunderpants
Sexy Picard 2000 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:32,
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if it were fart porn, yes.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:34,
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How about 'PostBear'?
Or Lord Manley? ;)
LordManley twitter.com/LordManley ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:34,
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Porn name
I eat @ Arby's
useless7 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:34,
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you do live up to your username, don't you?
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:35,
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0nyx ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:17,
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Marmaduke Rod
Mighty Nibus who dares gins | @nibus ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:38,
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Phill Cannes
Tahkcalb ω∞ for sigs ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:39,
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if i were female, i'd go with chloe aka.
but i'm not.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:53,
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Hank Wangford
HappyToast Groat froth ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:42,
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cactusrob ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 21:02,
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Hankster ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 9:16,
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Edward James Olmos
Sexy Picard 2000 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:43,
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this might just work.
it would be better if i were onscreen, then it would make sense of the pitted texture of my genitals.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:44,
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He sleeps in a box of pineapples!
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:47,
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Fisty McRimjob?
or Cock Plungington
Mr.Ons knows you can hear him, Earthmen. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:46,
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I don't know if you're implying you're going to be having sex in this porn or not
Fistmybutt letmepeeinyourmouth
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:48,
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good god, no.
filming as in operating the videocam. i don't think my vileness would sell many dvds.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:51,
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Dick Harden
(or Biggus Dickus if going for the classical/pythonesque route)
Occulus Swallowed, instead of spat, on ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:51,
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Name of first pet
and the name of the first street you lived in. this is how it is done. /fact Regards, Tom Hazelgrove.
Sir Pigeon Nipples Did you sit in some sugar? ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:53,
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nah, that's a dated formula.
and i don't want to be 'puppy taunton'.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:54,
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"Ze camera man" then.
fucked if I know, All I have for inspiration right now is the lingering taste of ham, cheese and sundried tomatoe jaffles and a bottle of HP sauce sitting beside me.
Sir Pigeon Nipples Did you sit in some sugar? ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:59,
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h.p. soss it is!
i love tamarinds.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:06,
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B.F. Lovecraft
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:24,
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H P Lovesauce
peech ,
Wed 5 Dec 2007, 9:55,
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Rover ParkCliffeRoad?
Occulus Swallowed, instead of spat, on ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:55,
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...which would make mine:
Dippy Jockey. Which is ace. I prefer the "First pet, Mother's Maiden Name" method, though: Dippy Van Cook.
Doctor When May your wife shat and chipper ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:41,
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In the first permutation
mine would be Gobolino Arsenal The Second would be Gobolino Quinlan Awesome!
Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop! Yes, that one! ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:35,
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i am Bobbie EarnHead.
Afrocelt ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:20,
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I like mine too
Tisha Waves
loki lie smith kiss me til I'm in a coma ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 0:29,
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given my birth surname i feel it's fair play to bend the rules slightly
which gives me: silver cox! not many of them to the pound, i think you'll agree.
hubris ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 3:40,
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mine would be....
thumper rhymaun :)
mcgandhi doesn't like flange ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 5:57,
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Tom Mendyk
aint my thing really!
Sir Pigeon Nipples Did you sit in some sugar? ,
Tue 4 Dec 2007, 10:27,
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Moocher Peguara Court?
ClanSoul ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 13:35,
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Woody Ellington!
mediocre ha ha ha, you're reading this ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:43,
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Muffty Trevone !
rabbitz ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:50,
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That would make me
Cheesy Station....hmmm
FredAstaireAteMyTapShoes but he left me this fetching ballgown ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:48,
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I would be Spunky Towne BWAHAHAHA
starvinm1 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 21:11,
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I would be Blackie Plaistow
Snollock Biffer I don't really sniff Bollocks ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 21:25,
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No way...
Max Sport!
Mr. Bell Division ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:08,
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Zebedee Cambridge (male)
Florence Cambridge (female)
DeSpong currently knitting your suggestions - see profile ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 1:32,
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Admiral Walnut
no joke.
intesvensk can't recall when I last checked the newsletter ,
Wed 5 Dec 2007, 1:30,
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Orson Drills
Jen-Luc Gotthard Lickmore Bird,men Buggerme Bruskly Or check your local sex offender registry. SOMEWHERE at SOME POINT your credit will make it into a college thesis paper.
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:58,
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orson drills ftw!
although rob manual would be hilarious ...
deodar ant trois minutes douche compris ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 22:11,
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Ringo Peircing
electric cocksmoke ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 7:59,
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Peter Dongshaft.
Ttssattsr ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:00,
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Meatus Meetass
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:01,
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mister meatus would be good.
i might use that.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:05,
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Lemmy Fuckyourass
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:05,
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Boar Pest
electric cocksmoke ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:05,
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i use rapebots elsewhere in the internet.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:07,
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Breast Op
Bra Poets Paste Bro Pat Sober A Sob Pert ?
Ttssattsr ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:08,
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Paste Bro ftw
electric cocksmoke ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:09,
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Cloey Ackadrip
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:07,
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Third Eye Kind
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:08,
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Jason Vorhese
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:11,
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jason whore fees would be fun
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:15,
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I like my idea
because it was fun to think about him hanging around the porn set of the video you were watching. Your wank would be so filled with uncertainty and excitement. You could be getting ready to come and all of a sudden he pops out from behind the camera and kills the stars. And it would be the ultimate cock block for him, to distribute this movie and keep all the people he doesn't have time to kill from successfully completing a sex act as well. This is the kind of porn storyline I could get into.
hanke murphy, I'm a mess ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:22,
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heh, i need to find an old style goalie mask.
damn, now i want to be in the stupid film.
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:25,
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You gotta use that
Jason Whore Fees = Genius
Roodie Doodie 's got wood ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:22,
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i am tempted now.
thanks hanke and all who added input. i'm off to bed now. 'night!
postbear has metal knees ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:26,
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Lance Spoogemonster
Green Spanner and his magical lack of activity ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:14,
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Lance Von Spoogemeister
Ttssattsr ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:16,
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Karl Hungus
guess the film ?
OneTonTesti master of rubbish kung fu ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:14,
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Samuel L Jackson
he's in everything
Joe Scaramanga with a G-double-O-D vibration ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:15,
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Troy Sertent
Bent Ericsson
Carlossus ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:21,
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Don Swank
The Sisko I hate the whole world ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:24,
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Roger Inferno
fuscous ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:26,
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Lance Miass.
Aenesis ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:27,
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Fellatio Nelson
Or 'Inspector Twat'
mutster101 fell over ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:28,
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Oh marvelous!
I always say good porn names should go one syllable - two syllable, and the first name for a man should be something unlikely but manly, like Brad or Jock, the second should have some hint of sexual or prowess suggestive pun about it, like Shagger or Harder, and it helps if the first and second name start with the same letter. Oh, and you can break the 'one syllable' rule if it ends in 'y' like Joey or Rocky. Dirk Diggler (altho fictional) is still my fave male porn star name, but Jeff Stryker comes a close second. For you, The Bear, hmmm, lets see... Rocky Reamer, Chuck Balou (as in the bear), Brad Breaker, Hank Hursute, Grizzly Heman, Hugh J Bollocks, Chad Chunky, Growl Gonads, Zak Zemen, Bear Baiter, Girth Gargantuan... I could go on. Do let us know, (and bear in mind, we may refer to you as it from then on!) ;)
..wil ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:51,
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True story
A girl I used to work with was called Leanne Irene Mary Peacock (or something close to that). So her credit card reads L.I.M Peacock
DrCJBoduma ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 8:59,
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try QOTW
Geoff the Clownfish You know Myra, some people might think you're cute ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 13:39,
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it happened
I was there and everything
DrCJBoduma ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 13:37,
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Chuck Enlovre
Gorat Tse Hank Gwell Richard Polisher
Crap Little Monkey Deathstar, so good they built it twice ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 9:03,
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Stabba the Butt
@RBFesquire Good luck b3ta, was nice knowing you. So long. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 9:12,
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Spartacus Biggerstaff
Droog is too orangey for crows ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 9:25,
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Mr Splashy Pants
Sunburnt Tiger Herbie goes Piranhas! ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 9:53,
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Ooh! Topical!
collapsibletank procreates ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:10,
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Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 10:04,
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Oh! Good one!
This one I like! Mind, they have to be original, and if that hasn't been done yet...
..wil ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 10:15,
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Actually I stole it from Seinfeld :/
It's George's chosen porn name
Dixipoos Bye Bye Blackbird ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:36,
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and they stole it from Steve Purcell
it's in an old Sam n Max comic. Sam refers to himself as Buck Naked, Texas Ranger.
Mockingbird Practitioner of SCIENCE ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 13:26,
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Philip McCrevice
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 10:05,
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ClanSoul ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 13:37,
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Chick Dicken
Zank Frappa Who let the lefties in? ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 14:55,
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There was a Victorian porn names thread on /talk a while back.
The best was "Jismbard Kingdom Brunel".
Newington ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:30,
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I genuinely just lol'd! :D
Rainbow Dave needs to remember theres a space in my name ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:38,
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lol x 2
noGDM ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:51,
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I am in tears.
This and Rob Manuel both have my vote.
Grampa ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 2:33,
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Brapp Sturgeon
mofaha ┐( ˘_˘)┌ ʅ(́◡◝)ʃ ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:37,
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Dirk Yorkiebar
cumquat may will not be commenting further on the allegations ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:38,
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Quincy Jets
Pierce Hymen
prodigy69 broke b3ta and made everyone leave ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:41,
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Rob Manuel.
It sounds a bit porny and it'd give us all LOLZ.
grey kid is breakdancing to save a community centre ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:45,
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Dick Hertz
from Holden
StinkyCheeseMan ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:48,
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Porn Names
There's a recipe for those... Name of first Pet in childhood=first name Street Name of your first childhood Home=Last name So I would be Cindy Kildare What's your porn name using this rather bland method?
Brenda O ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:51,
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I thought the formula was name of first pet followed by mothers maiden name, mine is Jerry King,
moriarty ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:02,
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Titch Vicarage Score, I think.
clumsyeloquence is a girl ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:44,
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Chico Leese
which kinda works, though disturbingly it means me and my sister have the same porn name...
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 0:13,
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Sven Eleveninch
Go for the old russian charm? ;-)
once_upon_a_time ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:55,
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is name of first pet's name followed by mothers maiden name, mine is Jerry King, which does sound like a porn name to me
moriarty ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:59,
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knob manuel quentin smoothly ray pugh david hasselspoff ivor biggun eric tumpenetrator
Spunky McPunk not dead yet ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 16:59,
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Hue G Rection
Using the tried and tested method of pets and maiden names, my own porn name is 'Major Wood'. Appropriate to the industry and very distinguished - even if I do say so myself.
lastagain ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:02,
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Sod your name!
I want friends who casually ask me to film porn!
The Glum Reaper cannot solve your problem because he has no jam ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:03,
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My suggestion
Cecil Gurkensticks.
Dr. Benway used to lead an amen warfare. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:06,
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Stolen from a poor american sit com
Mustapha Bindun, but may I suggest Joe Stalin...
Neostenine's maker ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:07,
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And can I suggest Mustapha Bindun?
clumsyeloquence is a girl ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:46,
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Harry Hunter?
aliteration - check surname rhymes with rude word for ladybits - check
Orkran Mild Euphoria Ensues ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:08,
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How about Stu Kaka
or Gus Tardchucker
Scat Tevens ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:22,
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Buck Fitch
charliedontsurf ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:36,
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crude yet refined...
Queen Elizabeth Vagina?
mmmkay ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:38,
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postman pat
manpat post MANPOST!
VampireMonkeyOnSpeed a super sexy sexual sex terrorist sex ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:39,
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Chock Nurris Andrew Quimbatter HRH The Queen Mother's Corpse The Artist Formerly Known as <deleted on legal advice>
Glis ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:40,
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Brian Peppers
Beanhead McGinty ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:44,
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Cleo Toris
TN ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:49,
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Mort the Ostrich
I won't charge royalties.
giant_squid ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 17:55,
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Jonny Wad
should be your name
JonnyWad ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:05,
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Busta Hymen
but don't suppose porn actresses have intact hymens
Stunt slug If God existed I'd want to fight him ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:08,
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Best keep it simple
gingerwizard ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:09,
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Mohammed Laydees
(get it, Mo hammered Ladies?!?!?)
rhyswynne - on every social network mullarkey known to man ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:09,
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The Great Architect is still waiting for his account to be deleted on ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:09,
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Roger More?
el_meerkat ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:18,
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Wetwang Whiteley
(it's not in use anymore)
finnbar has officially retired ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:18,
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Mucky Lenscap III
or how about 'I get paid to do this' :)
0nyx ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:19,
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Flopsy pocock
SickRik float like a camembert sting like a brie ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 18:33,
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lothario jones
hugh manley-richard
Lynxkitten ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:03,
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Seymour Pussy
Cool as f*ck!
neonpinkish ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:14,
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Doktor Quim
It's important that you spell doktor with a k.
Daveybaby ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:16,
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Richard Staines
Got to be done
Sir Tainley Barking Ezekiel 23:20 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:37,
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I think you should go with
Beef Dingleberry or Sir Lengthalot
Eggbound Distinctly Minty Munty ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:36,
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Teddy Fuckspin
Calqhoon ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:38,
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Rape Bear
Google it :)
ubersheep is a musical sheep, and will sing on ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:41,
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Scary Mary The D'oh Fairy ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:45,
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Christopher Bigguns
Or what about J'Anus Dick-in-Son
jimbobaggins ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:46,
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Dee Agostini.
And you have a website to go with it
Foxglove -- it all ends in tears anyway... ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 19:53,
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Fabio Cockrockington
is a great name to put onto GNER tickets:
StrongBad =! strong% AND StrongBad =! bad%: StrongBad = 1/0 ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:01,
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magenta jizzard
Heyzeus ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:36,
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Mr Splashypants.
(you'd be famous before you started!
edjogs Collared doves are shit. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:37,
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Arf. And,
Button Man ...a right bottom feeder. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:47,
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Yes! Yes!
Yes, yes and yes again!
StrongBad =! strong% AND StrongBad =! bad%: StrongBad = 1/0 ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 23:31,
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Wilma Fingerdeaux!
My fave! I guess that's a laaadeeeee's name. I do favor Buck Naked, I can't remember who suggested it.
TDub Nunc id vides, nunc ne vides on ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:41,
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Go Foreign
Juan Nafahq Louvre Lacoque Heidi Bishop
Le Branleur Formidable vous tend la main droite ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:42,
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Dink Bonkus
Button Man ...a right bottom feeder. ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:47,
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Cole Coolbody?
Ricky Boombuns, Jezz Torrent (a la vice city), Hugo von Stafframmer.... nah i suck at these
Lovefist233 Bothering Sheep since... ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 20:54,
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Iona Klitt or Skip Foreplay
Dewmie Moore Oliver Clozoff
DrBukk ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 21:12,
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Hugh Jackman.
Digeridude Lord Wellington's Beef Trapeze ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:01,
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"Crude yet refined?"
Dr. Rupert Clunge
Strikethrough bold italic underline ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:28,
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Call yourself
Thundersausage the Conquerer
Uhmfhshhghd ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:37,
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Chunk Hardshaft
The Fretful Porpentine ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 22:39,
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Garth Girth ?
Grindstaff ,
Fri 30 Nov 2007, 23:40,
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Brazen Thrust
Shunt Wilder Crank Snapper
Black Moon Not cracked, I'm all up to be. ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 0:08,
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Pedestrian Sanchos
Randy Tangent Aaron Jumper
emvee cruor deo cruoris ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 0:10,
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Phil McCock
It's the only one I can think of right now.
The Entity Remembered his login details on ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 1:00,
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Porn Name
Dick Insider Yank McGroyn Stan Ding-Hampton
thanatos ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 4:43,
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cunt-master kev
or,, lick-master luke tit-master terry jizz-master john sex-master steve etc...
softporn 70's sink fixer ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 5:17,
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boob-master bob twat-master tom arse-master andy clit-master clayton dick-master dave fuck-master frank muff-master mike prick-master pat vag-master vince wank-master wayne (ok, so maybe that last one is not so good)
softporn 70's sink fixer ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 5:25,
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Feel free to use mine as I probably never will. Horatio Gurley
lord turkey boy and the cleft of venus ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 7:07,
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Longrod Von Hugendong
godimhungover ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 10:23,
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I has to have a chicken.
Cleo Toris? Buck Naked? No subtlety! Foghorn Leghorn! El Gallo! Peter DeGallo! You can't have mine!
CapnChkn I would rather be flying elephants. ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 10:38,
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Rod Hull
Cocodaye Miasere likes chips and peas ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 12:28,
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Rod Stroker
caldini Have you seen my polar bear? ,
Tue 4 Dec 2007, 23:54,
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Commander Tits,
King Explosion, Lord Majestic, Sebastian Faggot, Pissy John Hamster, Claw, Celibate Rapist, Sexy Shit Man, Cock of Glee, Poofish McDanger, Ruggedo Von Manly (actually, you can't have that last one, it's staying my intellectual property)
Slurpy The Frog ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 13:25,
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Lord Manley of Venn
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 14:37,
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Chad Hungwell........
……was the name of my geography teacher?
Cob ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 16:57,
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How about
Ham Toucher?
fantomex ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 17:32,
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Captain Spuff
Max Strap
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sat 1 Dec 2007, 21:27,
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Easy Peasy!
Bruce Stallion !!!!!
The Blackmachine I Don't Like Bananas You C**t ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 0:01,
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porn name
Dirk Baldwin is such a horrible name... but not crude. How about Cum Hither? Roger Well Bang-bang Lipsmack Slinky Fucknut
titihood ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 2:11,
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As in "Glint Thrust" Or Glint someone.
Legless Mister Stabby - shanks for the memory ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 3:39,
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Mr. Goodwang
If anyone asks, your first name is Harvey.
monkey explosion ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 4:45,
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Pat Mycock
Lawrence of a Labia Mike Hunt (obviously)
ShockerMocker ,
Sun 2 Dec 2007, 20:29,
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Jonny Thrustwood
Or Mohammed Al Mingeburgular just to be topical.
Mr. Ploppy ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 9:35,
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There is only one choice, and that choice is Lambchop Mugabe.
gronkpan @vomitinglarry.bsky.social ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 10:41,
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mr_wicksy is.... old. ,
Thu 6 Dec 2007, 8:58,
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mr splashy pants?
doktored ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 13:26,
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John Thomas?
Peter Nile? (P. Nile) Paco Lotte? Biggy Smalls?
Penile ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 15:45,
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felchy macfelchme
felch ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 18:19,
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Mr Splashy Pants
i find it amazing that in the same newsletter we're attempting to name both a whale and a porn videographer. two birds, one stone. go with Mr Splashy Pants. this way you can say you were named after a sperm whale.
crazytalk ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 18:39,
archived )
Schlongy McSchlong-Schlong
Jinxy13 is hating the S key, right about now. ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 20:35,
archived )
P.B. Koos...
or Mos Zibbi (koos is arabic for cunt and mos zibbi means suck my dick)
christopher monkey ,
Mon 3 Dec 2007, 23:04,
archived )
how about STIFFY POKIN
skullbuggery uh huh! kissed a cow! ,
Tue 4 Dec 2007, 13:06,
archived )
If you were the navy type
Seaman Staines Seaman Shooter Seaman Swallows........ or just keep it simple with "Bob the camera man"
Wed 5 Dec 2007, 1:25,
archived )
Chunderbunny Thunderfuck
Admiral Drew Peacock is back ,
Wed 5 Dec 2007, 17:17,
archived )
how about.. ..
Studley Mcmuffin Tex Soy Trevor Nyanal
manwiddicombe is thinking of something witty to add here ,
Thu 6 Dec 2007, 0:37,
archived )
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