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» Nov 2009 «
Ok, I've had a few people comment on this idea, and it looks like it *might* have legs, so thought I'd update with a few more details and suggestions to help get the ball rolling. First of all, please note the date change, now to November 5th, which gives just over 2 months for people to get together and create something to post on the day. I've moved it back now that the idea seems to have legs, and it allows more time for people to hook up and get things underway.
The idea is for b3tans to get together and create something between them to post on any applicable board on Nov. 5th. Whether it be a group Image, Video, Song, Animation, Comic, Game etc etc.
No restrictions and no limits. (other than the standard b3ta FAQ guidelines) You can work with as many (or as few) pairings/groups as you wish.
Hopefully it'll be an opportunity for people to share ideas come up with some great stuff and have a bit of fun.
Example: Happytoast has suggested a 'b3ta quilt' idea whereby interested people can submit an image on a 3" square to be put together at the end to post on the day, and available for printing. See in the replies below for the entire idea.
No rules, no restrictions. Just purely what you all come up with together. Whether you work as a pair, or a group, and whether you work in several groups. It's up to you.
Perhaps you have crazy and funny ideas, but don't know how to bring them to life, or vice versa and you have the talent, but lack a little inspiration. Well maybe someone here can help. Perhaps you love another b3tan's style of work, and you'd like to work with them to produce something in that style. This is an opportunity to do just that :)
No formal way of selecting who you want to work with, but if your name is down here, then consider yourself available for a gaz from someone else here seeing if you're interested in working together.
Or, take the lead and ask someone to combine talents with you.
To perhaps give other people an idea of what you can do, maybe link a few examples of what you consider to be your 'best work' in your replies below.
Finally, for those a little bit shy to approach someone else to work with, I'll also suggest a Random Group/Pairing option which will literally be picking names out of a hat and matching them together in either pairs or small groups, and then you can take pot luck and see where you go with it. If you're interested in being put down for this option, please edit (or put in) your subject line 'RANDOM' so I can then jot down the names of those interested in doing this as well. I'll suggest a cut off date for this option on Thursday 17th September, and I'll draw and let people know on the Friday.
Any questions or suggestions to streamline this, just reply to this thread, and if it's possible, it'll be taken on board. Cheers.
For anyone struggling for an idea, the date may give you a start on somewhere to go with it. (Bonfire Night)
Ok, now get Gazzing :)
B3ta Collaboration 2009
Going: The Great Architect, Mu, bilbobarneybobs, barryheadwound, elbow, Zak McFlimby, Mighty Nibus, Victor Meldrew, Monty Propps, fannycradock, drbroon, Rev. Jesse., awallafashagba, enceladus, ClanSoul, Tahkcalb, kfk, Redsushi! Whoop! Whoop!, Nathanial Hornblower, HappyToast, Puromycin, b3th, Bryan Damage, Cockweasle, The Coast Of Yemen, Uhmfhshhghd, Captn Hood-Butter, gronkpan, k3b/-\b, theoriginalsteve, Joe Scaramanga, arrangedletters, Floppy Donkey, An Eagle in Your Mind, Walrus Man, The Hedgehog From Hell, - D -, grey kid, jim_bob, Tyronne, Titan Po, Steerable_forehead, KittyVomit, alwayslostinsmoke, Thor_sonofodin, mr horrible, Richard Earl of Cambridge, The magic of chutney, Smallbrainfield, Bela Lugosi's Dad, unsey, Lexachu, The Twisted Omentum, Zuowan, Captain Howdy, Smash Monkey, zoldergoose, gspgirl, Bionic Goose, gingerfreak, @><|= w0nu!), Captain Pilchard, Peter_G, Bob the mul, Angry Boss Bee, DaveExclamationMark, Dr Scunner, Barbarossa, ms morbo (69 people).
Very fast F5 finger
Rubbish at flash
Photoshop CS3 Master Level
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:44, Reply)
Jack of all trades
master of none
is me.
( , Wed 24 Jun 2009, 9:09, Reply)
I can bring to the mix my TouchpadHero skills in mspaint, little to no skill in ps but I do a courageous, if unexceptional, attempt with a pencil.
Perhaps us "untalented lot" could band together to contribute something interesting. :)
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:45, Reply)
more cartoony then anything
once pencilled a Judge Dredd when i was 13 or 14 - had it framed and sold at a fundraiser :) pleased with that.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:45, Reply)
Open for offers. Still images, - nothing flashy, 2 FPs - more by luck than judgment, 1 image nicked by NME and The Sun.
WLTM similar for fun and maybe more...
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:46, Reply)
also gives an extra week for those b3tans who can only access at work .
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:48, Reply)
Only modestly capable with photoshop CS3 and basic animation in Imageready as far as computer based skills go.
However, keen to bring ideas out, and have a few ideas for stuff involving video editing, sound editing, mashing them all together
Keen on a bit of wordplay, and I like re-writing song lyrics if that helps anyone.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:50, Reply)
if that's what you consider your details, then mine will extend to CAN PRES BUTONS AND LOOK AT SCREEN
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:51, Reply)
I can play A Eb Min 7th Chord on the Electric Trombone
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:53, Reply)
I'm liking the rewriting of song lyrics idea a lot.
Oh, I also have a nice mic and Adobe Audition expertise (though not music-mixing whatchimathingamies)
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:04, Reply)
can also do Photoshop things like disguising shambles with Outer Glow
also, I like to stick things together Gilliam-style, but lack animation skillz
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:53, Reply)
this is relevant to my interests.
the gilliam bit, I mean, rather than musicmashing... wouldn't know how.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:00, Reply)
for immature / childish /puerile joint venture (+walks on the beach.)
No Belgians please.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:53, Reply)
I really should think before spouting drivel :)
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:54, Reply)
my turn-ons include tramps and bacon.
Most of my FPs have been a bit toapy.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:53, Reply)
Pretty noob with ani gifs, but I know my way around PS ok.
Great idea!
Edit: I'm also fluent with Propellerhead Reason.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:54, Reply)
My attributes include:
My manners.
AV synchronisation (Adobe Premiere mostly, but a little bit of experience with After Effects too)
Mediocre at animation, assuming it's a film-mash of some sort.
Can do a few things on photoshop, but wouldn't say I'm anywhere near an expert.
Find discussion a good way of coming up with jokes on a subject.
Winning smile.
I smell nice.
Edit: I can sort of sing, and sort of play guitar, and I also like rewriting song lyrics. *gets excited*
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 14:58, Reply)
I'd like to do a video as they're my pet projects at the mo, and I need inspiration and something to stretch my limits, so to speak.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:00, Reply)
I need the sound of lots of daleks singing a particular naff 80's jingle,
and someone else to use source video I have and splice particular video footage together to match.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:01, Reply)
I was thinking of playing with some sliders and effects, but a modified vocoder would be better.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:15, Reply)
( , Mon 29 Jun 2009, 22:59, Reply)
Can we do a Doctor Who title sequence rework using Orbital's version of the theme and lots of clips from the Ecclestone/Piper era? Maybe mashed up into an 80s style intro with a bunch of visual effects? Can we? Please?
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:11, Reply)
I are a scribbler, immature, bit rude, silly. Can't do much other than scrawl but willing to bang heads and sing and dance and that.
EDIT: I'm also a bit crafty, if anyone has any puppet needs, I'm your Fanny. Quite.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:02, Reply)
I am joining if only to be a nosey sod and get to see all of your magicry and flumbits..
I have marketing skills and a likkle bit of tatty as skills to help. Although if anything webby needs doing i may also be able to help with that also..
bring on the trumpets
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 15:39, Reply)
I can offer: intermittent flashes of hummus and an ability to cut things out and make them move a bit.
Ideally, I would like to work with someone who can do these things better than me so I can bask in reflected glory.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 16:07, Reply)
I'll draw people silly characters if they like I dunno
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 19:16, Reply)
This is the stuff of legends. Get your epic shoes on, folks!
Depending on the workload (this and real) I'm cool with
assisting anyone's group. Drop me a gaz if you wish.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 19:39, Reply)
I have a great half-formed idea, but don't knnow where to go with it to make a finished, um, thing.
I'm no good at PS, ok at video editing, just learning after effects, but good at singing, voices and audition! Pretty good for ideas too.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 20:01, Reply)
wanna work together on some new unmentionable disease?
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 14:19, Reply)
but I've never done anything to warrant an FP thus far in my B3TA career
( , Sun 6 Sep 2009, 0:54, Reply)
I'll draw and vector a little at a push, CALL ME!
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 20:33, Reply)
as I know I could lose a lot of valuable time getting carried away here.
Err, I can draw people with short legs, a bit of 3d, 2d, animation, video, stop motion, whatever really.
I'd like to do small things rather than a massive time eater, but then again, if someone suggests something utterly awesome then I may not be able to resist.
Given the choice I'd probably like to take some sound clips (no more than 10 seconds) and animate those. Any kind of audio will do, music or effects. Feel free to Gaz me if you're up for this and send mp3s along with suggestions for animating - which I may well ignore and draw a flapping willy instead.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 21:44, Reply)
with people needing to work etc etc. This day could be extended, but three months seemed a good a start as any
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 21:49, Reply)
I may be available for tea-making and scone-buttering.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 22:00, Reply)
Up until then I can offer my services as well-below-average 3D animator and if you spend too much time staring at your computer I am qualified to mend your eyeballs too.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 22:31, Reply)
I actually have no discernable talent when it comes to photoshop, and even less when it comes to animations.
However, I am very good at making pictures from shapes. I don't entirely suck at jokes and poems etc. I also have a very posh voice which could be useful in voiceovers and stuff. And I can act.
I also like animals and am licenced to work with children.
( , Tue 23 Jun 2009, 22:34, Reply)
and I'd rather not do anything serious and arty.
( , Wed 24 Jun 2009, 6:28, Reply)
But with a fair bit of free time for a while, so I thought I'd like to join in if anyone will have me.
I have a little bit (But I like to think: improving) knowledge of Photoshop and Flash. I once opened After Effects too but I got scared and closed it again immediately.
If there's a group of "We're shit, lets see what we can cobble together" then I guess I'd most likely belong with them.
( , Thu 25 Jun 2009, 11:23, Reply)
But im not sure its the style of b3ta,
Can you gaz me on more info, would it be like one massive b3ta day?
( , Fri 26 Jun 2009, 23:27, Reply)
i'm a male b3tan, into photoshop, freehand, and drawing cocks on stuff
i'm open and gentle, with good source image finding skills.
i'm looking to work with someone who likes drawing cocks on things, and who is willing to come up with funny ideas or do all the work, ideally either but not both.
i won't rape you.
EDIT: gaz me, cos everyone i've gazzed has blanked me
( , Sat 27 Jun 2009, 23:08, Reply)
We have a professional recording studio so if anyone wants to do something with music or sfx gaz me. (Cambs area)
( , Sun 28 Jun 2009, 14:12, Reply)
I can't really do images in any way that'd compete with the /board regulars, but I can do words... Dunno if that's any use.
( , Sat 4 Jul 2009, 8:35, Reply)
I've got no idea what to do or who to work with though
shopping, or simple video shopping
( , Fri 10 Jul 2009, 12:07, Reply)
I guess I can draw a bit (pics in my profile), I can use PS, illustrator etc... I know only a little flash - not really enough to do anything worth while....
( , Fri 10 Jul 2009, 12:07, Reply)
I am of the animating and the video editing and the shopping of the photos.
this soundsh likes fun :)
( , Fri 10 Jul 2009, 12:08, Reply)
Rather than having people just gazing people they want to work with, to save HappyToast and other such talented people, you could allocate people into small teams randomly after a period of entry is finished. That way, no one who wants to join in gets left out as well.
Then the teams get to brainstorm and create something and submit it on some sort of deadline day where all the teams storm the board with their epic creations.
( , Fri 10 Jul 2009, 12:52, Reply)
I can draw pictures of things with pens and pencils but I can't colour or animate or vector or do noises or anything like that.
Also I like working with source photos of people/buildings/vehicles etc., so it might be nice to team up with a photographer.
( , Sat 11 Jul 2009, 15:46, Reply)
I've got the day of work but was sure there was something I should be doing...oh yeah, getting married. I wonder if I can rearrange?
( , Sun 12 Jul 2009, 14:58, Reply)
I set tenuous and unfunny wordplay to pictures and draw lasses. I can also a knock up a few bits of Flash if you're after it. My coding is fairly rubbish but I tend to get by via making it look nice. What a fucking charlatan.
Full, clean driving licence. Awesome hangovers a speciality.
( , Mon 20 Jul 2009, 10:25, Reply)
i'll try anything ...never know till you try i guess:)simple animation skills
( , Tue 28 Jul 2009, 21:36, Reply)
but only because he knows where I live, and I'm scared of him.
Also, I'll happily whore myself out to anyone else who wants to collaborate, but my main skill is being shit at GIMP and you don't need to be told how in-demand people like me are.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2009, 23:49, Reply)
I have a basic grasp of photoshop, and i can hack the odd animation together in Fireworks.
Most popular.
Also: FEAR MY FLASH SKILLZ! (Epilepsy warning! contains flashing images)
( , Sat 1 Aug 2009, 12:56, Reply)
to an alarmingly low standard.
( , Sun 2 Aug 2009, 13:13, Reply)
Erm... that's it really. So I'm in need of an ideas man (women won't for some reason come near me)! So if you want a well executed idea, I'm your person.
Oh, and if JJ or HappyToast want to work with me (and teach me a little) I'd probably die of happiness.
Finally, I'm good at braindumping, annoying /talkers, getting annoyed at the slightest thing, and being obsessed with badgers.
( , Mon 3 Aug 2009, 22:18, Reply)
Done Covers & Originals
Over 150 Songs In The Catalouge - Use Nuendo Well, Know Audio Well
( , Fri 7 Aug 2009, 21:05, Reply)
Scenery and bunnies preferred =) Anything at all really though =)
( , Tue 11 Aug 2009, 21:35, Reply)
In case the collab is fizzling a bit, I was wondering about a backup plan of people submitting a picture roughly 3" square to be part of a B3ta quilt. All it needs is one brave soul to receive the images and carefully stick them together, which I suppose I should take the role of seeing as I'm suggesting it.
I think 3" of anything at all that people want to be remembered for. PNG format on a transparent background if they want overhang (no more than 0.5" in any direction) at 300 DPi so it can be super shiny and printable. Then once its stuck together we can chuck it up as a free download on Lulu or any B3tan who runs a print service can take orders.
Template here
Illustration of how it works
If you're taking part just gaz me your picture and I'll do the rest, hopefully the final quilt will be more than 6 inches square :)
Include your username inside the 3" so we can remember who did what.
If you want to send a few options that would be good as it will make the quilt bigger and help avoid anyone being dropped completely to make the final Poster shape.
Probably should have a closing date to give me a chance to stick them all together, er, the Saturday before shoudl do, 26th Sept
( , Mon 24 Aug 2009, 13:22, Reply)
is it like...happening?
EDIT: It looks like you've got a 1" overhang there.. or am I missing something?
( , Tue 8 Sep 2009, 11:42, Reply)
fruits, photography, croaking seals, sexiness, lego, meals on wheels
Anyone feels this is what's missing in your field of skills, gaz me.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 14:20, Reply)
Have a tablet.
Passable at Photoshop.
Passably cack at drawing.
Have the tedious level of patience and lack of social life required to do 200 frame imageready gifs.
Have done video song mashups before.
Musical ability is slim to none unless you want something slowed down to a hundrenth speed and sounds like a cave being raped.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 14:38, Reply)
Main tools,
Corel Photo Paint (when it isn't fucking frozen, why did I ever upgrade etc,)
That's it.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 14:53, Reply)
No drawing talents other than stickmen (even they aren't brilliant), but still a dab hand at Macromedia Flash.
RANDOM it is.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 15:55, Reply)
Bit of a lurker, but i have some real life skillzorz/kit and that.
- Ok at PS but don't have it anymore.
- Have 3CCD camera with cool lense for any filmy peeps.
- Have lots of professional disco lights and a smoke machine :) could look cool or something or nothing.
- Everyone says i'm weird so i guess thats a plus.
- Love satire and political jokes.
- Bad at english.
Edit: I'm an robotic engineer so can make cool shit.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 16:23, Reply)
I eat weird food.
I mix music
I make timelapses and music vids.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 20:39, Reply)
and i can't do anything with tattyshop, but if you need ideas, i'm only too happy to help!
i can manage a bit in mspaint, but it's hardly picasso at his finest
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 21:10, Reply)
I can do a bit of tattyshopping, manipulations and so forth, and some Illustrator vector things. I can't draw particularly well, but I can do extraordinarily laborious & disappointing gif animations. I can gaz you a photo of a cup of tea every half hour so it feels a bit like I'm contributing even if I'm not.
Check my profile for some stuff. We should totally hang out some time. On the internet. And make something.
( , Tue 1 Sep 2009, 21:19, Reply)
I can do all the programming etc but if someone has a good idea or wants to do some visuals that could be fun. Anyway gaz me if your up for it. Remember we only hvae two months though... keep it simple!
( , Wed 2 Sep 2009, 10:40, Reply)
Shite with anything else, but hey! this looks fun
( , Wed 2 Sep 2009, 12:19, Reply)
but Im good with Photoshop and Illustrator with a dark sense of humour- makes for some interesting imagery.
( , Wed 2 Sep 2009, 22:29, Reply)
but also consider myself quite dark.
Let's draw a picture and make each other sick..
( , Tue 8 Sep 2009, 11:41, Reply)
Average at Paint.NET
OK on Fruityloops for choons
Can sing, play guitar, keyboard, trumpet
Have no job/bird/life/money
Have an idea for a short humourous/possibly-libellous vid/song
( , Fri 4 Sep 2009, 18:14, Reply)
tea and cakes. with regards to pictures and music and videos, im shit.
( , Mon 7 Sep 2009, 0:23, Reply)
if you like this, please can I be your best friend thank you
( , Tue 8 Sep 2009, 11:49, Reply)
can someone host ALL the links for this day and host them on there server?
( , Sat 17 Oct 2009, 0:01, Reply)
I ain't so good at drawing but I can shop two things together like nobody's business
( , Thu 22 Oct 2009, 13:04, Reply)
» Nov 2009 «