Lily's had a busy week, hasn't she? I wrote a letter to her, and as a bonus I sang it too.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 1:56, Reply)

is fucking magic. is it a cover of one of her tunes then i take it? i'll assume it's loads better than the original. click.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 2:13, Reply)

I used the instrumental from her song "22". Annoyingly, she announced she was quitting music halfway through the recording of this song, so it's already out of date :(
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 2:21, Reply)

But there are times it sounds like 'stan' both vocally and lyrically
( , Thu 15 Oct 2009, 19:07, Reply)

Have a well-earned clickeroo. \o/
A gold star is also yours for lack of typographical errors and the correct usage of semicolons (my favourite of all the punctuation marks).
Beautiful metaphoric at the end, too! *total glee!* :D
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 3:27, Reply)

Unfortunately there's at least one typo in there, which I didn't notice until it was too late to bother starting over. Can you spot it?
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 3:43, Reply)

When I was sure you sang "that"...
Overall I think I forgive you, though.
( , Mon 28 Sep 2009, 21:51, Reply)

That was cocking marvellous.
I predict that this is going to go viral. 129 views so far. I bet it'll hit 100 000 before a month has passed. And I bet the mainstream music press will pick this up.
I'm off to write to El Reg! - They'll love this.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 5:31, Reply)

It was in The Metro the other day! Here's the online link, was in the actual paper though as well.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 18:26, Reply)

and very well put. she's been gobbling satan's seed for years.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 8:00, Reply)

Metalica and all those other corporate running dogs!
Music is as alive now as it was during the days of punk when we all used to tape music direct from the radio onto our C90s and C60s - but that didn't stop us going out and actually buying the albums and singles - if you like the music you support the group by paying for their music, but you need to know what's out there before you lay out cash.
Top Job
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 8:20, Reply)

Really well put.
Lily probably has much to thank b3ta for, remember when the newsletter was singing her praises?
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 9:25, Reply)

Top stuff, when the music industry can offer a credible answer as to why we were paying anything up to twenty quid for an album, and suddenly can buy them for three or four quid on the internet (even as a physical product), I might consider giving a fucking toss about what these 'artists' are moaning about
It seems like for years we have been taken for a ride, and the internet has suddenly started bringing everything back down to Earth.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 10:34, Reply)

and may I suggest getting it hosted in a few other places in case she throws a hissy fit and tries to get it taken down?
Edit: Possibly try and sell it on iTunes as well. Just as an experiment...
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 10:46, Reply)

Just imagine if we could get it into the top ten. A pro-piracy song.
The music biz would have a fit.
And I would probably die laughing.
If this gets onto ITunes I'm buying it. And I'm going to pester everyone I know to buy it as well.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 11:09, Reply)

I don't even know how to work iTunes, but I'll learn if it means I can buy this.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 11:58, Reply)

Our backward system thinks our actual buying rates should be diluted by the opinions of radio programmers, since they're so cool an' all.
This was the thread for moaning about the music business right?
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 11:57, Reply)

can't believe matt bellamy said that, though. ah well.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 10:52, Reply)

... i thought his point was more along the lines of some sort of subscription/spotify solution:
dunno, might be a bit late to this debate...
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 1:29, Reply)

I am aware of the works of Lily Allen and have oft' tapped my foot to her songs from the hit parade, but I also totally agree with all your song. Marvellous, considered it clicked (and surely on next week's newsletter?!?)
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 10:54, Reply)

i'm quite tempted to try sneak this into my set at barfly tonight...
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 11:28, Reply)

I can only give you 9/10 though, as unfortunately you say you actually quite like her music.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 12:02, Reply)

This is probably the greatest thing I've seen on the internet this year, how do I send you all my monies?
I can't express how fucking amazing this is.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 12:42, Reply)

I'm Right.
Torrentfreak have now picked this up
It might have helped that I emailed a bunch of them but they love it too.
Told you it would go viral
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 13:00, Reply)

Top stuff
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 13:16, Reply)

..... but that really is something special. *Click*
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 14:32, Reply)

( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 15:08, Reply)

that you don't mind i'm pirating your album right now.
Excellent Song too.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 17:32, Reply)

I really think you are far too talented for these parts. But dont go away, I like you here.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 19:04, Reply)

I've been following the Lily fracas through techdirt. You couldn't make this shit up.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 20:35, Reply)

I have never used iTunes, but I too would be willing to learn, if only to promote this superb song, and message it sends.
( , Sat 26 Sep 2009, 23:02, Reply)

and so happy that i can see this beofr it is all over youtube/ tv etc
( , Sun 27 Sep 2009, 3:52, Reply)

but i just have to say again, that this is frighteningly good.
( , Mon 28 Sep 2009, 6:09, Reply)

That really is stunningly, awesomely good. Shame i can only *click* once!
( , Mon 28 Sep 2009, 16:18, Reply)

After searching for the right place to plonk it in... Plonk!
This is fantastic stuff. Good luck with getting the message across.
- Ooh feels like i've just lost my virginity, hope nothing dribbles out in a couple seconds..
( , Mon 28 Sep 2009, 16:43, Reply)

Beautifully argued, excellently rhymed and almost perfectly typed. Quality!
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 16:32, Reply)

Bloody hell, you've just been and gone and done a work of proper genius and endless merit. Thank you very much indeed.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 16:33, Reply)

That was brilliant, I think my brain had a minor aneurysm because this made me feel great today!
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 17:33, Reply)

So I'm afraid you'll have to settle with a rather pedestrian 'bloody fab'.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 18:08, Reply)

...although I can't say I really understand this populist pro-piracy uprising. I've been a proverbial Long John Silver in my time, but I've never been under any illusion that what I do isn't fundamentally theft. *shrugs*
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 18:22, Reply)

People will download stuff, but they'll feel guilty for it and pay for what they like.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 21:49, Reply)

Copyright cannot be stolen. It can be infringed. There's a difference.
Grabbing a hooky copy of something might well be illegal, and morally dodgy as well, but it is not, can never be, and will never be theft.
I wish the pro-copyright lobby hadn't abused the English language to make its point. I'd have more respect for the cunts if they were more honest, instead of blatantly lying about what theft is. You know, something along the lines of, "You know all those musicians who made all that great music you like? Well, they've got to eat, too, so why not pony up a few quid instead of getting copies off your mates?"
I buy most of my music these days from CD Baby, out in Oregon. Everything they sell is independent, and isn't poisoned by those cunts at the major labels. Plus, they're usually a fuckload cheaper than the crap from the major labels, even when factoring in international postage. Independent, and costs less. How could I refuse?
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 0:35, Reply)

Regardless of how you dress it up, surely the point is that there's a infringment/crime/whatever being committed in the first place? How does deflecting the argument on a technicality make the original action acceptable?
It's like deflecting an accusation of shitting in someone's lunchbox with "actually, it's not my shit, it's my dog's! I just put it in there. You twunt. How dare you accuse *me* of shitting in it!"
Not squaring up for a fight, honest! It just fascinates me!
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 9:42, Reply)

Well, I think it's more to do with deprivement.
If I come to your house, and steal your telly - you've been deprived of a telly. If I download Lily's latest bop-fantastic from the Interwebz, nobody is actually deprived of anything. Those people who bought it, still have it. No actual thieving has occurred, just sweet digital information flowing through the pipes.
( , Sun 4 Oct 2009, 15:15, Reply)

...but here's a question. Quite a few posters on here have set up Cafepress shops selling t-shirts etc emblazened with their work. Do you think it's morally OK for people to dubiously download hi-res versions of that work and put it into their own t-shirts rather than rewarding the original creativity shown?
PS - leave my telly alone, dammit! :)
( , Sun 4 Oct 2009, 23:53, Reply)

Usually she loves posting stuff that gives her more exposure. Only time will tell :)
Totally awesome btw :)
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 19:35, Reply)

some of the attacks on her are needlessly personal and beneath contempt, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if the majority of them turned out to be the work of the BNP sock-puppeting squad*, for reasons that should be obvious:
(*You may have seen these multi-faced champions of truth at work under comments at the Daily Mail site etc., especially during the recent EU elections.)
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 22:08, Reply)

think of anything else to say but
Bloody wonderful.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 21:27, Reply)

my thanks for this, it's a bit late and yes I did see it a week late in the newsletter (I'm just out of touch!)
I don't believe this. Piss off you overrated cunt.
( , Fri 2 Oct 2009, 22:04, Reply)

So did I... as it was a work of absolute sublime genius.
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 19:12, Reply)

A real message in a song, now THAT'S why I love you B3TAns so much.
Have a big, fat, juicy, splendid click!
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 4:14, Reply)

This is one of the most intelligent creations I've ever seen on b3ta.
I'm especially a fan of the last line.
The ironic thing is, I think this would do well on MP3.
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 10:28, Reply)

can you do a video featuring scantily clad dancing girls for it, i'm dyslexic.
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 11:31, Reply)

The most superest of duperist thing I have seen in a long time. Absolutely brilliant! Well done!!
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 13:16, Reply)

This is exactly why I subscribe to and recommend B3ta :)
( , Sat 3 Oct 2009, 16:00, Reply)

but clicky clicky click; this was (is) fantastic!
( , Fri 23 Oct 2009, 8:05, Reply)