That cunt Roulé
I asking for it, why doesn't he pull the trigger and blow his swede off. Save us a fortune in keeping the sorry selfish cunt. While they are at it they can pull the plug on that loafing whore of an ex.
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Fri 9 Jul 2010, 23:52,
Not really
Though for some reason photoshopping Hitler seems positively charming compared to describing someone as "that loafing whore of an ex."
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 1:28,
Nah that would be
But I don't have a picture for that one :(
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:02,
But I don't have a picture for that one :(
Have they shot him yet?
I do hope they shoot him. Preferably right in the feckin cock!
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:02,
I think they should remove his arms and legs and make him into a tourist attraction as a torso you can visit and the piss on or maybe shit over depending how you like it.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:04,
That would work too, I just want pain and disfigurement,
you give it out, ya should get it back 3 fold, IMO, man's a cunt of the highest order, requires major macuntishness right back at it.
Even better when you're a vain steroid-injecting brow-pluckin mirror-loving closet queen, just physically fuck him up n give him a full length mirror and watch the cunt cry.
If I was one of his surviving victims, I'd feel much better!
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:10,
Even better when you're a vain steroid-injecting brow-pluckin mirror-loving closet queen, just physically fuck him up n give him a full length mirror and watch the cunt cry.
If I was one of his surviving victims, I'd feel much better!
I think we should smother him with love and kindness
until he breaks down with remorse for what he's done, and spends his life trying to atone for his crimes, a changed man. With added kittens.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:12,
^ this - although I'm not volunteering to smother him with love and kindness :D
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:15,
"Ok Raoul this will be your home for a while until you recover from the stress,
you can bunk down in the coal-shed - it's got extra ammo just in case you're surrounded by fucking pig scum!"
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:23,
I say get the cunt addicted to heroin then make him go cold turkey till he's clean.
Rinse/repeat in his prison cell until he decides to remove himself from our plane of existence.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:24,
What about the person who admisiters this punishment?
Should they then go on to receive that punishment 3 fold?
Should we have government appointed rapists delivering justice in our prisons?
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 1:24,
Should we have government appointed rapists delivering justice in our prisons?
No, we shouldn't,
What a government administers as punishment is always needing to be seen as above those we punish, but lets face it, it needs to be as bad as.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 1:40,
I'm beginning to feel sorry for him:(
maybe I shouldn't,but it seems he's been pushed to the brink somehow
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:05,
I reckon that copper's got a difficult decision ahead of him. Either a) tell his superiors that he just looks that way under stress or b) admit he was gurning for the camera and possibly earn a bollocking for clowning around in the middle of a stand off.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:17,
He could claim constipation from poor diet and having the hang around woods for a week.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:21,
That's fucking hilarious.
Do you think that's also his sex face?
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:15,
I tried to find a picture of a vet with his arm up a cow,
but couldn't get one with the right angle to sub him in...
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:30,
Well in as much as his ex aye,
she may be a typical chav but she don't deserve this poor cunt!
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:16,
Yeah but please justify to me the point of harming someone because they've done harm.
Be gentle.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:18,
I think the OP was advocating the OG do it himself.
Which would of course be his own choice.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:21,
I believe that some people will do whatever they think they can do without come back just 'cos they can,
if you don't give consequences to them that instill fear or loss, these people without empathy just feel they are better than everyone else and will NEVER learn, they will simply lie and do and say whatever they feel is needed to achieve their goal, I truly believe this man is one of those, conscience free he feels might is right so long as he gets away with it, as such I don't think he should!
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 0:36,
Wouldn't that be prison?
But that's assuming this man hasn't got deep seated mental issues. Personally I think Monkeon said it best above, although I don't think by "no easy answers" as he put it one should consider a simple one such as capital punishment.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 1:07,
Prison is good, but I don't personally believe in human rights extending into the realm of those who absolve themselves of normal law, empathy and social respect,
but we all know this case will anyway, it is given to all. I don't know, in all seriousness, eye for an eye, would it be so wrong here? It would deter! But would it work!? It might? Is that question so wrong? TBH I just don't know, but from personal experience, I do know, if someone has absolved themselves from empathy, conscience and consequence, maybe we need to intervene and change that? And that would mean what!? I know the answer...
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 1:28,
I tend to look at the lack of deterrence that capital punishment provides abroad to doubt its effectiveness.
And then I defer to Gandhi on occasion too. Additionally it's kind of offensive on a level where the state has the ability to take away your life, moreover I don't like the idea of a legal fuck up, sending a wrongly convicted man to death row.
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Sat 10 Jul 2010, 2:02,