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Mother Superior just needed a little more practice...
...and she'd have the moonwalk nailed.
From the
Nuns challenge. See all
654 entries (closed)
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:28,
archived )
that's class! good to see you 'shopping again :)
zerolicious ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:28,
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hahaha! you utter mentalist!
spacefish bong! ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:29,
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being called "mentalist" by spacefish...
...is a profound compliment! Thanky!
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:30,
archived )
that is
ace. and i wanted to add to the edinburgh contingent.
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:30,
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... YAY...
Lord_Floaty Hooting gladly. ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:33,
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but fortunately
trash isn't here. the cunt.
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:40,
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haven't seen that fucker for while.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:41,
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.. was online earlier. I expect he is relaxing in a gentleman's way.
Lord_Floaty Hooting gladly. ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:42,
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in a big leather armchair...
...smoking a pipe and wearing a velvet jacket. With his cock hanging out.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:43,
archived )
i saw him from a taxi yesterday... *fact*acually it might not be a fact as i've only met him once and he was at the other end of the table... oh and i shopped him into a monkey once... but i'm pretty sure it was... and fab piccy btw :-)
eclectech is older but no wiser ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:46,
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what's so bad
about him?
evil pixie ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:43,
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we love him. He's just the foulest man we've ever met.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:44,
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by a long long way
he's the only person i know that you should never ask to bring a glass of piss back from the toilet because he will actually do it. ah, good times...
zerolicious ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:46,
archived )
and fuck yourself. prick.
trashcanglam ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:48,
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haha ha
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 21:03,
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munkt0n ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:30,
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is truly fantastic.
?! ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:30,
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kitty meow meow ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:31,
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Ha ha ha ha!
Y'know I thought I'd die without ever seeing a Moonwalking nun - you've saved my life.
helmetcream ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:32,
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so did i.
so i pushed a few nuns onto some ice. this is not true.
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:33,
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It's a pity.
If it was, you could have videod it and made us all laugh.
?! ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:35,
archived )
That would have been a dead cert for the newsletter...
..go on. Do it.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:37,
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i do know
where there's a nunnery, but there is no ice at the moment. perhaps i could just grease their shoes.
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:39,
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or grease their driveway.
or make a big sheet of ice and put it outside their front door. or drop a sack of marbles there.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:40,
archived )
or dress
up as jesus and command them to moonwalk.
stouffer ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:41,
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even funnier.
I like it.
chaotic_illuminator proud spacehopperist ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:41,
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I'm thinking of making a TV show, myself.
Attempting to answer stupid questions like "if you drop a 2p from the top of the Eiffel Tower, will it crack someone's head open?" and similar things.
?! ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:44,
archived )
is perfect
Dr. Kitteny Berk almost certainly drunk ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:32,
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rebonuk ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:32,
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Squid Bunty ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:34,
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Needs a new hip.
Tart Monkey ,
Sun 27 Apr 2003, 20:35,
archived )
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