I was lying in bed, alone, not stoned or anything. I was lying on my bed and I felt something pushing down on me. I thought, 'the cat's just jumped on the bed'. Then I realised that my cat lived at my mum's house not at my college house. As I thought this I felt someone hugging me really tightly, but not in an evil way. It was pitch black, and I was too terrified to move or scream or anything. A year or so later I saw a psychic and he said, 'do you realise there is a spirit of a child in your house and they spend time in your room because they really like you?'
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:17,

But have you ever heard of "Old Hag" or sleep apnea?
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:20,

but don't scare me too much cos I'm going to bed soon.
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:21,

It's a medical condition. The majority of New Zealanders have it. Basically, your entire body and mind wake up yet you cannot move.
read this:
then read the explanation
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:27,
read this:
then read the explanation

I think I've had that on other occasions, although on that particular occasion I wasn't paralysed because I remember moving my hand to pull the duvet up. (Duvets can protect you from ghosts, burgulars, and everything). I was just too scared to walk across the room and turn the light on.
However, I am now too scared to go to bed. I have convinced myself it will now happen again tonight. Does anyone living in Brighton want to deliver me some speed to keep me awake or valium so I don't give a monkeys, please?
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:33,
However, I am now too scared to go to bed. I have convinced myself it will now happen again tonight. Does anyone living in Brighton want to deliver me some speed to keep me awake or valium so I don't give a monkeys, please?

is far more effective against burglars
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:47,

Wake up in the middle of the night screaming bloody murder, fall back asleep, and I never remember a thing in the morning. My family doesn't particularily notice it anymore. Of course, that means I'm screwed if someone sneaks in and murders me.
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 19:24,

Gah! I still get night terrors too - they suck! I also get into these really annoying sleep states where i'm awake enough to react, but not awake enough to realise that the people in my room are dreams!!! It can be veeeery scary! Stupid brains...:(
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 22:11,

I have sat in my bed, too terrified to move for NO good reason, after waking up (supposedly) to a room full of dead cats. Disturbing, didn't dare to get up to the toilet till I wet myself. Strange?
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Wed 29 Oct 2003, 1:36,

I have these too and it's friggerty scary. But it's cooler in the morning to pretend that you are like the kid in the 6th Sense.
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Thu 30 Oct 2003, 9:39,

have fallen victim to such an experience...
Most frightful
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 10:46,
Most frightful

i get sometimes up to 5 times a week. after a while you get used to it. I tend to start itching sometimes and i can't scratch. I had it this morning. pot smoking often helps to stop it happening. the closest i've ever seen to a ghost was this really old woman in this black dress walking through thhe woods. (this was when i was about 15 and used to live in the country. iwas walking my dog, mango) She was wearing this long black dress and was walking really slowly. i overtook her easily, and about 40 secsonds later I heard this voice shouting behind me. it sounded more like an old man than a woman and it sounded like it said "the dead man's grave". Iturned round only to see no-one there. it was elly spooky
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Wed 29 Oct 2003, 21:31,

Hi get it all the time, Not so bad now but It used to happen to me sometimes 3 times a night (your body is totally paralysed but eyes are open and you can look around)
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Sun 2 Nov 2003, 14:24,

I suffer from sleep apnea/paralysis.
I can sometimes feel as though I am falling downards in a clockwise movement... really shits me up, and I have to force myself awake, which is very hard and draining, feel really exhausted after an episode. Really shits me up. {-s
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:36,
I can sometimes feel as though I am falling downards in a clockwise movement... really shits me up, and I have to force myself awake, which is very hard and draining, feel really exhausted after an episode. Really shits me up. {-s

Had it for years. I "wake" up but cannot move. Unfortunately I can still see and hear things in the real world, mixed with odd bits of dreams. ie, ticking of my clock manifests into heavy breathing. It's really fucking scary. Even after the 900th time. In fact scarier each time. Lately been hearing "voice chatter". It all happens within 2 mins of falling asleep AND even when I'm fully awake after an episode I can "feel" the noises/visions coming on again.
Also as steponfrog says, it's hard keeping yourself awake to stop them.
I have a tip though. Even though you cannot move, you can still control your breathing right? (well I can) So breathe really heavy and you'll either wake yourself up with the noise or your partner will wake you for you. 100% fact!
And as for ghosts, my ex claimed she used to talk to a little girl who went in her room. I never believed her.
Sorry for going on a bit about my sleep disorder :)
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 9:36,
Also as steponfrog says, it's hard keeping yourself awake to stop them.
I have a tip though. Even though you cannot move, you can still control your breathing right? (well I can) So breathe really heavy and you'll either wake yourself up with the noise or your partner will wake you for you. 100% fact!
And as for ghosts, my ex claimed she used to talk to a little girl who went in her room. I never believed her.
Sorry for going on a bit about my sleep disorder :)

Yes you are right I will try the breathing more except my hubby bloody snores so can't hear me anyway. I have tried to scream to get myself awake but it just comes out as a wisper. The other night I saw a cap (not dutch) floating around my room while I was half asleep - I am sure it was the sleeping pills or the being awake and asleep at the same time thing
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Tue 28 Oct 2003, 13:01,

A band called 'dredg' did an album all about sleep paralysis called 'el cielo' (the skies) its a really excellent art rock album, the booklet has letters from sleep paralysis sufferers from which most of the lyrics are drawn... might be an interesting purchase for someone suffering from this...
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Sun 2 Nov 2003, 12:09,

But mainly when I was younger. I'd also see yellow lightning when that happens.
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Sat 1 Nov 2003, 20:09,

Have I got the 'Old Hag' syndrome?
I'm not absolutley positive I'm awake at the time, in fact i didn't give it a thought until reading these stories, but sometimes whilst asleep i am unable to move and fully aware of this fact. It's almost like I want to wake up, but can't move. I've tried to shout and wriggle etc. etc. but no joy. In the end i try so hard to physically get out of this state that I do wake and with an almighty jolt. It scares the crap out of my girlfriend. Its so terrifying though, all i do is panic and think that I'm not gonna be able to get out of it, the paralysis is something so hard to accept - its like you are no longer in control of your own body and there is nothing you can do about it. I dont recall feeling like someone was straddling me though.
Its wierd, horrible, and like someone said - the most scariest thing ever, even after its happened loads of times before - I dont like it at all.
I'm so glad others are suffering too. I thought it was only me. Its a relief to know others feel this too and now I feel like I'm part of some sort of mysterious group - like the X-Men or soemthing !!
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Sun 2 Nov 2003, 20:10,
I'm not absolutley positive I'm awake at the time, in fact i didn't give it a thought until reading these stories, but sometimes whilst asleep i am unable to move and fully aware of this fact. It's almost like I want to wake up, but can't move. I've tried to shout and wriggle etc. etc. but no joy. In the end i try so hard to physically get out of this state that I do wake and with an almighty jolt. It scares the crap out of my girlfriend. Its so terrifying though, all i do is panic and think that I'm not gonna be able to get out of it, the paralysis is something so hard to accept - its like you are no longer in control of your own body and there is nothing you can do about it. I dont recall feeling like someone was straddling me though.
Its wierd, horrible, and like someone said - the most scariest thing ever, even after its happened loads of times before - I dont like it at all.
I'm so glad others are suffering too. I thought it was only me. Its a relief to know others feel this too and now I feel like I'm part of some sort of mysterious group - like the X-Men or soemthing !!

"I was lying in bed, alone, not stoned or anything" - Quote of the day

As in it wasn't the person next to me hugging me or on top of me cos there was nobody next to me at the time.
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:22,

She see's all sorts of thing floating around the room as she's nodding off to sleep. They even sit on the bed and talk and all that.
She's not mad. It's a medical fact.
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:24,
She's not mad. It's a medical fact.

and when I've tried to fully wake up I can't move. Even though I thought I was awake at the time, I can't be sure, and I probably was stoned. Still scared me though. I'm such a poof.
Edit: Have now read old hag syndrome above. Fucking go and hassle someone else in their sleep, old hag. pretty please
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Mon 27 Oct 2003, 22:28,
Edit: Have now read old hag syndrome above. Fucking go and hassle someone else in their sleep, old hag. pretty please

I often stay in a 17th Century house in Gloucestershire and twice have had this experience.
It happens in the morning at around 7am, I will be in bed and I will "feel" the bedroom door open and someone come into the room, I "feel" it is a middle aged, motherly woman.
When I try and raise my head to look up, I can not nor can I move my arms or legs, I just feel paralysed.
(That is the only scary bit, I would not be able to cope with being paralysed!)
The person walks to the window and then walks back out of the room.
Once the person has left the room, I am able to move.
It is a very strange feeling, very unthreatening, benign and almost motherly. I am looking forward to going back so that it may happen again!
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Wed 29 Oct 2003, 19:47,
It happens in the morning at around 7am, I will be in bed and I will "feel" the bedroom door open and someone come into the room, I "feel" it is a middle aged, motherly woman.
When I try and raise my head to look up, I can not nor can I move my arms or legs, I just feel paralysed.
(That is the only scary bit, I would not be able to cope with being paralysed!)
The person walks to the window and then walks back out of the room.
Once the person has left the room, I am able to move.
It is a very strange feeling, very unthreatening, benign and almost motherly. I am looking forward to going back so that it may happen again!