im american are we supposed to spell it right
im american are we supposed to spell it right
j/k no there is a special type calle dthe crescent it shaped lieka kid likes them and the wife finds them easy to make
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:18,
j/k no there is a special type calle dthe crescent it shaped lieka kid likes them and the wife finds them easy to make
in america do you say everything twice?
in america do you say everything twice?
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:19,
im american do you typo everything twice
im american do you typo everything twice
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:22,
he he
arf! i didnt notice that!
hi im an America are you England?
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:26,
hi im an America are you England?
im in englander
but I understand the lingo the other side of the pond. Went to uni there.
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:28,
The Pond!?!??!
I like to think of it as The Atlantic Ocean. Ponds have nice ducks. The Atlantic Ocean is cold, smelly and dangerous, like my bedroom
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:34,
so they're not just croissant?
I don't know, I've never had that much experience with Pilsbury dough products
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:20,
the link
shows that americans arent stupid
just american companies
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:23,
just american companies
During the second world war
the American soldiers re-name sauerkraut as Liberty Cabbage
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:25,
you've gone too far with your so-called facts, this time!
i refuse to believe that! it's too funny!
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:33,
do you think
that americans could actually be arsed to
try and say croissant?
they call yorkshire puddings "pop overs"
for gods sake!
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:18,
try and say croissant?
they call yorkshire puddings "pop overs"
for gods sake!
is that what a pop over is?
I wondered. Last time I was over there my mother-in-law asked if I wanted some...I hadn't a clue what she was going on about, I thought it had something to do with socks
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:21,
if your mother in law did cook socks and offer you some
would you accept it?
You don't see that one in etiquette books!
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:25,
You don't see that one in etiquette books!
I would politely refuse
saying that unfortunatly I have an alergy to socks
I had to say much the same thing when she made some chicken curry with rice...obviously I replaced the word 'socks' with 'rice'
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:27,
I had to say much the same thing when she made some chicken curry with rice...obviously I replaced the word 'socks' with 'rice'
that's a lovely name for them
i will call them pop overs from now on
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:28,
I think croissants are more butter filled
also they have to be made by a shrugging French baker with a chip on his shoulder smoking a Gitanes Blondes
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:20,
As part of the recipe
yes... but it's not a filling, there's a bit of a difference.
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Tue 6 Jan 2004, 21:24,