And, I feel quite bad about it.
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 18:59,

Idon't really care, I just wanted an excuse for that tired old gag . . . but if you wanna tell me, I can spare 15 seconds . . .

( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:01,

the spacing on the apostrophe is really shonky.
what a wonderful font it is.
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:05,
what a wonderful font it is.

I wish that was something I could actually buy and use for the rest of my life.
/powerpoint presentation angst
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 23:44,
/powerpoint presentation angst

comic sans.
Top idea though - I think there might be a market there...
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 18:46,
Top idea though - I think there might be a market there...

Just this week I was trying to talk my boss out of using clip art in a Powerpoint she was doing... Professionals should NOT use clip art. Anyone over the age of 13 should NOT use clip art.
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 18:53,

are the ones with sound effects. WOOOOOOOSH!!
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 18:54,

because he is a cuddly italian grandaddy type person
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:09,

I made it so all the pictures spiral and then come up*
*May be a lie
Edit: There is a good part to that story. It's that by talking her out of it and taking over making it less boring I got to fiddle around with my tablet all week :)
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:00,
*May be a lie
Edit: There is a good part to that story. It's that by talking her out of it and taking over making it less boring I got to fiddle around with my tablet all week :)

im currently going through a loooooad of old files at work and one of them had a companies portfolio - all of it using badly chosen clip art, random fonts and bad photographs from random photo gallery sites. i laughed a lot, then threw it in the bin
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 21:01,

scanned it for us.
I love that kind of thing too.
( ,
Mon 23 May 2005, 15:51,
I love that kind of thing too.

Can't see it with FireFox.
Can see it with Internet Exploder.
What gives?
edit: it's probably adblock having issues.
edit 2: The filename's "advert" which is a vere nawwty word according to adblock
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 18:58,
Can see it with Internet Exploder.
What gives?
edit: it's probably adblock having issues.
edit 2: The filename's "advert" which is a vere nawwty word according to adblock

that's my word!
It's a good job I like you or I'd have to remove your insides through your nipples.
You like my word then?
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:08,
It's a good job I like you or I'd have to remove your insides through your nipples.
You like my word then?

(I'm sorry, I really am)
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:17,

you don't own me maaaaaan
p.s. i am red!
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:12,
p.s. i am red!

will destroy these capatalist pigs! Then mother Russia will once again restore normal competitions.
So now all we need to do is get you a camera...
Did it turn out well?
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:13,
So now all we need to do is get you a camera...
Did it turn out well?

its very very dark, which is what i intended, but it didn't take very well to the ends of my hair (previously dyed dark brown y'see).
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:19,

Looks like an advert from our local free paper, or pinned up on a chip shop noticeboard
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:05,

uh-oh ... i5.photobucket cannot be found.
Maybe you should put it on b3tapix or somewhere.
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 19:24,
Maybe you should put it on b3tapix or somewhere.

That looks almost EXACTLY like an advert placed in the spoof paper "The Framley Examiner".... Was that your influence i wonder?
( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 23:02,

( ,
Fri 20 May 2005, 23:21,

... Loathe and detest it. I've noticed a recent decline in favour of stock-photo images, which are only marginaly better. They both suffer from the same problems of blandness, inapropriate use and repetativeness. (Less of a problem with stock photos, where at least it is a different woman on the phone each time.)
Still, not as bad as unecessary animated gifs, java/javascript applets, midi music, tiled background textures (Especialy high contrast ones) frames (Especialy those retaining borders), webpages that tell me to 'upgrade' to Internet Explorer.
But one thing I do like is your picture, which is one of the best things I've seen in a while. I reckon you should try and get it in the classifides section of your local paper.
( ,
Sun 22 May 2005, 0:51,
Still, not as bad as unecessary animated gifs, java/javascript applets, midi music, tiled background textures (Especialy high contrast ones) frames (Especialy those retaining borders), webpages that tell me to 'upgrade' to Internet Explorer.
But one thing I do like is your picture, which is one of the best things I've seen in a while. I reckon you should try and get it in the classifides section of your local paper.