If they're making money for charity, does it reallllly matter that much if people buy them for fashion statements?
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:12,

(Rough guess)
But it's pretty shit

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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:16,
But it's pretty shit

Tis a bit of a swizz if true. But still; if a scallie buys a band and indirectly donates 3p, its better than him donating nothing at all.
/trying to stay positive about armbands.
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:19,
/trying to stay positive about armbands.

it's about 70% of the price, you cynical cunt. What are you doing to help eliminate poverty?
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Thu 2 Jun 2005, 11:26,

I'm not buying armbands that discourage governments to actually help their people by throwing pitty money at them. I thought those poverty bands were made in Chinese sweatshops anyway...
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Thu 2 Jun 2005, 17:02,

buy them off that dodgy geezer in the market
and I doubt he gives much cash to charity
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Thu 2 Jun 2005, 7:37,
and I doubt he gives much cash to charity


much much more of this sort of thing.
Cunting armbands should be band (or is that banned?)
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Thu 2 Jun 2005, 19:05,
Cunting armbands should be band (or is that banned?)

nearly everyone who buys them doesn't know what they are supporting
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:07,

and I do. Livestrong - the Lance Armstrong Foundation, a cancer research charity and Breast Cancer Care, as if the title didn't spell it out already, a breast cancer research charity. Two people in my family have died in recent years because of cancer, and my boyfriends mum has just beaten for the the second time around.
A lot of people may only buy them because they're fashionable at the moment, but at least some of the money goes to worthy causes.
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:11,
A lot of people may only buy them because they're fashionable at the moment, but at least some of the money goes to worthy causes.

unfortunately the cheap knock-offs are available next to the burberry caps and fake nikes down the market
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:14,

I've seen the knock-offs. Shame someone was smart enough to realise they could make a quick buck out of it.
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Wed 1 Jun 2005, 19:16,

loving the skull & crossbones.
Ps: ebay is cheap for em, probably knock off but meh
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Thu 2 Jun 2005, 11:40,
loving the skull & crossbones.
Ps: ebay is cheap for em, probably knock off but meh

Wear a handmade armband with 'I gave 30p more to my chosen charity than you" written on it.
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 9:14,

sadly now they have become a fashion item and shops are selling them with words on them like love and peace, replica charity bands. some people will cash in on anything
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Fri 3 Jun 2005, 16:48,