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Anthropomorphisation » Message 5370891
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*giggles like a 5 year old*
From the
Anthropomorphisation challenge. See all
301 entries (closed)
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:16,
archived )
Hahaa yay!
and Woo!
Deus_Ed ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:16,
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haha, pffft
Shiksa ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:17,
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hahaha! woo
Reminds me of a while ago, when a female friend of mine shoved some tampax in my hand (loose, from her handbag) to carry (for some reason I can't remember) - I put them in my pocket. Cue rain start, and 20 mins later my pockets are overflowing with volumised fanny batons. Niiiice!
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:18,
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i always thought about tsunamis prevention
by using one big gigantic tampon
northernwifeb3ta is going to Dubai in December :D for "work" ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:19,
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Hey - it could work!
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:20,
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That's an incredibly good idea.
I bet tampax would be very interested to hear this business plan.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:21,
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Bet you learnt your lesson. Never, EVER trust something that can absorb that much.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:20,
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useful for a nosebleed though
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:21,
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I'd love to see someone walking down the street with tampax stuck up their hooter. "I have a very bad cold" Eeeew.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:23,
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I would be happy to walk up your street with a tampax up my nose
For the fair trade-off of a cup of tea
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:24,
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Consider it done
I'll even throw in jaffa cakes for that.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:25,
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I bet you live twelfty million miles from me
I have no factual information to base that on. You might live just round the corner for all I know! *checks*
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:27,
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Considering there is mention of London in your name
I'm guessing it's quite a way away. I hail from the fair west mids, I'm afraid.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:28,
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ahhh I am going to London, but I do not live there
I'm in 'sunny' Northamptonshire :)
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:29,
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Aaah, even further.
Do it anyway and take photos.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:30,
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Are you sure you're in Northants? ;)
Andy- ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:32,
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mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:34,
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tampons are teh funneh!
northernwifeb3ta is going to Dubai in December :D for "work" ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:18,
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Highly Woo
Kamikaze Stoat £4.09 ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:18,
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Hankster ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:23,
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he he !
exellent stuff
amoebaboy chose for death by unga bunga on ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:23,
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grey matter ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:23,
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Shhhh, don't jinx it!
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:24,
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grey matter ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:26,
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: )
Much better. (And ta!)
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:26,
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it's too wide for FP anyway - needs to be 280 wide ;)
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:28,
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Ho hum. If I make it onto the popular page alone I'd be happy.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:30,
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well, I already voted! :)
mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:31,
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: )
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:34,
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Happy now?
Andy- ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:43,
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Yay, I know!
*dances* I can finally say I've achieved something with my life.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:44,
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You must be very proud. :)
Andy- ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:49,
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I'm even more proud
that I've managed to make someone feel sorry for a tampon.
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:52,
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mugatu ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:27,
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Tee hee.
Poor tampon. Woo!
Andy- ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:24,
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Ha ha ha ha
He'll get used to it!
Baglady ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 15:45,
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Woo Miss Spun! Offers Chunky KitKat :D
Cheeky Boy! loves horses... ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 16:11,
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Calm down dear, it's only a tampon!
Ta : )
SugarSpunSister Yeah, whatever ,
Sun 27 Nov 2005, 16:19,
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I guess i'm not childish enough to get it... I mean, it soaks up the water, right? Then what? Am I missing something here? Is the juxtopisition of menstrual blood and sea water meant to be what's causing the humour here?
Tarhun ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 1:19,
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then what?
then the old gods become enraged and tear the universe apart from fundament to tippy-top. all mere mortals cower in fear for the next dozen millenia and every known cheese becomes molten in shame. what else do you think would happen?
postbear has metal knees ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 5:24,
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postbear has metal knees ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 5:25,
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Go Girl!!! Nice animimimation too!
Mstandot I suppose I should post more often. ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 9:08,
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Aww, poor tampon
nice anim
geetoo ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 9:10,
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wahoo, bazoo, and an
FP for you. Well deserved! *hugz* :)
grey kid is breakdancing to save a community centre ,
Mon 28 Nov 2005, 13:28,
archived )
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