nice facework though, maybe leslie ash could have given you a call
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:18,

she done to her lips? They're only supposed to use a tiny bit of arse fat, not an entire cheek's worth per lip! She looks like a spitting image cariacature of herself now.....daft bint.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:33,

now become a double-bagger as far as I'm concerned; I can't watch old homebase adverts any more without a small tear coming to my eye. have I mentioned I've only got one eye? :) ©ronnie corbett
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:44,

ok ok
that is good
deserves a brand new
Edit by Mod - Woo!
norman here
are you just going to delete every image i post? i admit, they are hit and miss, but isn't most of the stuff here ? and lets not go round in circles on that entire 'linking' issue - it is not illegal, the cops will not be banging down my door anytime soon. except i dont have a TV licence and i haven't paid hackney council any tax in about 3 years, but that is because thay are a bunch of incompetant leftie corrupt fucking cnuts who give away my money to bloody beggars. that is all.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:18,
that is good
deserves a brand new
Edit by Mod - Woo!
norman here
are you just going to delete every image i post? i admit, they are hit and miss, but isn't most of the stuff here ? and lets not go round in circles on that entire 'linking' issue - it is not illegal, the cops will not be banging down my door anytime soon. except i dont have a TV licence and i haven't paid hackney council any tax in about 3 years, but that is because thay are a bunch of incompetant leftie corrupt fucking cnuts who give away my money to bloody beggars. that is all.

images you've made yourself.
Edit: and woo to the pic!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:20,
Edit: and woo to the pic!

what do you think this board is about?
The pictures you post get deleted because you did not make them, and you are not hosting them yourself. No it's not illegal, but it's bloody rude.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:31,
what do you think this board is about?
The pictures you post get deleted because you did not make them, and you are not hosting them yourself. No it's not illegal, but it's bloody rude.

don't waste it on the troll. I'll have a bacon sarnie. With tommy k if possible?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:38,

the FAQs !!!!
james randi will give you $1 million if you can prove they are true.
i am listening to david grey now. final cut is finshed. i might burn a copy a copy of the final cut. a good driving CD. OFF A BLOODY CLIFF. depressing crap. i like it though.
normans quote for today
we all slow down for a car crash, but we never stop to admire the beauty of the country side
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:34,
james randi will give you $1 million if you can prove they are true.
i am listening to david grey now. final cut is finshed. i might burn a copy a copy of the final cut. a good driving CD. OFF A BLOODY CLIFF. depressing crap. i like it though.
normans quote for today
we all slow down for a car crash, but we never stop to admire the beauty of the country side

his email address? I have proof that at least most of them are frequently asked by retarded fuckmuppets
And I could do with a few quid
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:39,
And I could do with a few quid

i'm listening to 'lately' by stevie wonder now. possibly the greatest song ever written.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:43,

to the sound of a thousand dark horsemen dragging the flaming skeletons of their foes through the gravel.
but you don't hear me making a comment about it every time.
and would you like some bacon?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:49,
but you don't hear me making a comment about it every time.
and would you like some bacon?

because we want to see things that other board members have made, why don't you try that, OR if you really want to link to others pictures, find a board where they'll think that's really clever, instead of getting annoyed, ignoring or editing your posts?
(I'm not trying to get rid of you or owt bit at www.fark.com they don't seem to mind)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:39,
(I'm not trying to get rid of you or owt bit at www.fark.com they don't seem to mind)

would you like some bacon?
(before wifey eats it with what sounds like an obnoxious sauce).
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:40,
(before wifey eats it with what sounds like an obnoxious sauce).

Mr Heinz Tomato Ketchup to you then :-)
Has to be done with bacon.
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:03,
Has to be done with bacon.

Everyone elses hit and miss stuff has been done by themselves. Yours is copied. Until you get that through you skull they'll be deleted.
So ner.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:33,
So ner.

To be obnoxious and at the same time so wanting to be liked. Interesting...
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:36,

sweetheart, read the faq. We don't encourage remote linking to pictures other people have made as this site gets alot of traffic and eats peoples bandwidth. Please feel free to test this by creating something of your own, hosting it, posting it here and checking your stats. It's not hard to do. Even i have managed it, on occasion.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:37,

I finally replied to your mail earlier. Nice to see you too :)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:42,

I haven't replied - wrong 'puter I'm on..
Fuck - new blode. back later
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:49,
Fuck - new blode. back later

rereading yer message 3 times then wasn't it :)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:46,

well done on spotting the repost.
in the words of arnie...
"you must be very proud of yourself"
(cant find the wav link only this arnie quote wav)
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:24,
in the words of arnie...
"you must be very proud of yourself"
(cant find the wav link only this arnie quote wav)

not as proud as someone who spends 20 minutes digging through old posts just to prove that something might be a repost. that seems a litle SAD to me. and i am a HAPPY guy.
did you know there is a new female viagra that helps with female sexual disfunction. i might give some to my momma
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:45,
did you know there is a new female viagra that helps with female sexual disfunction. i might give some to my momma

I a reposting my OWN work, not someone elses... I am flagrantly spamming that I too have done a Les Dennis pic, and am adding it to this thread to further people's enjoyment of the Late Dustin Gee's comedic partner's woes.
You understand this term? "Made"?
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:48,
You understand this term? "Made"?

said Late Dustin and a certain Mr.Lawrence Trudeau as a response to Pickle's mini challenge the other day, but I couldn't be arsed.
G and T, geddit? No? Curses. <slopes off>
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:01,
G and T, geddit? No? Curses. <slopes off>

because it was one of his own previous posts. It's standard etiquette on this board to mention that something is a re-post; everyone assumes that it's your own work unless you state otherwise.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:49,

Why is someone who lives in Hackney talking all American ?
( ,
Mon 6 Jan 2003, 0:10,

Congrats on cleaning up at the Tattyshop Oscars!!
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:22,

like to thank my mum, wacom, google and everyone i bribed to vote for me.
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:24,

a national treasure
*manipulates Holden voodoo doll*
( ,
Sun 5 Jan 2003, 23:25,
*manipulates Holden voodoo doll*