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# ...
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:42, archived)
# Bit hard to aim that thing.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:43, archived)
# vampires are stoopid
and slow
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:46, archived)
# I wouldn't let Dracula hear you talking like that.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:51, archived)
# yeah, he's a sensitive soul... Poor guy, he'd be in a sulk for MONTHS.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:14, archived)
# No way man
I saw this documentary where this great white shark was killed by stabbing it with the front of a sailing boat. I think it was called Jaws 4: The Quest for Peace.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:16, archived)
# "I got no sprit".
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:20, archived)
# And they make a sonic device* to piss off jaws with
*a torch taped to a radio
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:23, archived)
# All they needed was one of those jabby compressed air gizmos.
*Stab* *hiss* *shark asplode*
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:28, archived)
# I reckon the shark from Jaws 4 was used in the shark-bridge-helicopter "Is it real?" photo
that's what I reckon
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:30, archived)
# but boy when you're on target...
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:21, archived)
# britannia class?
/way out of practice
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:44, archived)
# Better idea than Joss Whedon's
I mean that. The guy's a geeky douche
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:49, archived)
# i like firefly though
i hate everything else he does
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:05, archived)
# Firefly was AWESOME.
what pisses me off is the SciFi channel, which has teh budget to, and is happy to produce shit like the Flash Gordon series, and all those crappy made-for-tv movies, has not yet secured rights to make a new series of FF. Either they haven't tried, or Fox are being arseholes (although Serenity was a Universal release...hmmm...) Granted, now it's probably too late, but still...

(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:11, archived)
# was firefly really that good?
I saw serenity and it was one of the most average things I can recall seeing. It also felt cliched and like it had been put together from parts harvested from other films. I couldn't help but feel I'd seen it all before in various places.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:17, archived)
# aaah... I thought a similar thing - i saw the movie and thought "meh - not bad I guess..."
I then picked up the series on the cheap, and it was brilliant... I then re-watched the movie and appreciated it a whole lot more.

if anyone hasn't seen either, they HAVE to see the series first, I think
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:20, archived)
# Seen the film, meh-ed it, going to try the series now
thanks for the tip
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 15:00, archived)
# I started watching Firefly. Got about 2/3 of the way through.
It just didn't really grip me enough to finish it.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:21, archived)
# The Summer Glau curse
Everything she's been in fails to keep my attention. Serenity was boring, Sarah Connor Chronicals tanked, but that episode of the Big Bang Theory was okay-sih though.

I think it's her name. Glau... meh
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:27, archived)
# *spang*
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:49, archived)
# Ahhh, original Buffy! You were so much hotter than regular Buffy.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:07, archived)
# Why thank you.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:10, archived)
# Original buffy was better
A good, light hearted comedy romp.

Then the TV version came out. Should have lasted just a few seasons tops.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:14, archived)
# ^ALL this^
Kirsty Swanson!

Plus Donald Sutherland, Rutger hauer and Paul Reaubens... th eTV series was better, how?
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:17, archived)
# Wasn't
But a lot of goths and geeks thought so.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:19, archived)
# I said this at the time and i wasn't cool
is it cool to say it now?
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:31, archived)
# It was always cool to say that.
The fans were uncool for being whiny spike and angel fan slash fantards.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:34, archived)
# Yes.
Original Buffy is by far better.
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:35, archived)
# what about the friends version: "Buffé the vampire Layer"
"Are you going to plunge your shaft into my dark places?"
"I was hoping it would be the other way round,"
ahhhh, Vampire porn.... always willing for a shafting :D
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:43, archived)
# needs more Bindy
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:52, archived)
# hahahahahhaha, i can just imagine it, she meets a band of daemons/vampires, and rather than a kick-arse fight sequence, they all break into song and dance :D
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:54, archived)
# I think it was for a bollywood image challenge
not sure
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:57, archived)
# & the volume gets turned up to 19
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 14:17, archived)
# ahahahahahah!
(, Wed 5 Aug 2009, 13:56, archived)