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# :)
although Spitting Image run by todays ITV would be appalling

'nings folks
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:22, archived)
# it's Ok
I'll put it on Dave +2.3
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:24, archived)
# It'll never work
you need at least some kind of character to make a caricature out of.

The entire cast would be like the John Major puppet...
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:29, archived)
# I'm sure they could do something
with alastair darling's eyebrows as a minimum. Hazel Blears would be quite easy...

I can't remember anymore after that
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:42, archived)
# Mornin' Toastie!
Can I have a go on your new laptop when you win it? ;)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:24, archived)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:28, archived)
# honestly, please shut up, I've woken up to Camel having a go
and I don't like the attention. I drew two pictures, lots of other people have done likewise. Why pick on me?
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:32, archived)
# not picking on you
It's just that you're bloody awesome you are

(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:37, archived)
# to be fair toasty, if you don't want attention, don't draw pictures/makes photoshops
after all, it is a site which actively encourages people to comment on all the stuff posted,
and that can be both good and bad / rough and smooth.
Different people, different views, horses for courses and all that

/and other ying/yang sayings as well ;)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:40, archived)
# Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum, What might be right for you, may not be right for some.
A man is born, he's a man of means.
Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans.

But they got, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.

Everybody's got a special kind of story
Everybody finds a way to shine,
It don't matter that you got not alot
So what,
They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.
And together we'll be fine....

Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
Yes it does.
It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:43, archived)
# mmmmm.........................
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:43, archived)
# Whatchoo talkin' bout Dyllis?
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:44, archived)
# *pout pout googly eyes googly eyes*
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:45, archived)
# pffh you said strokes
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:46, archived)
# Why should I be hounded for posting pictures?
other people aren't
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:46, archived)
# hounded?
that's an exceptionally harsh term having read back through the replies to both your drawings. People don't like them for a personal reason and state why, it's hardly 'hounding' you fella, it happens all the time on b3ta, mainly with noobs messing up.
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Like Kate Bush was
uff uff uff uff uff uffffffooooooooo
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:49, archived)
# You not seen Camel's rip off of my animation then?
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:51, archived)
# can't say I have fella,
I just read back through the replies to your drawings,
I thought this was all based upon those, apologies if it's gone further,
didn't spot those :)

/edit: ah, just spotted it. I would reiterate fella, it hardly seems 'hounding' with just one chap taking the piss with a few replies to it.
You can't be loved by everyone on here you know ;)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:52, archived)
# Is that counted as being hounded these days?
I thought it was one person taking the piss...
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:52, archived)
# People are jealous
That is all
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Confucius say:
Higher man fly, easier target make man.

He also said Man who go to sleep with itchy bum wake up with smelly finger.
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:48, archived)
# He's wrong there
the higher you fly, the smaller target you make

unless the person aiming at you also has a hot air ballon/jetpack/small plane and is keeping up with your altitude

for you to present a bigger target, they'd have to gain on you
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:50, archived)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:53, archived)
# To be fair
Beau Bo D'Or has received a similar amount of grief

you're just unusually sensitive
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:49, archived)
# I can't help that bit
its the mentals in me head

I just don't get why people have to go on after the post. But then here I am dragging it along in my mental attempt to tyr and apologise for something I haven't done and to get people to stop talking about me. By talking and causing replies. hahaha I'm mental. But if I took the pills I'd not draw as much so I don't
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:53, archived)
# *sedates*
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:56, archived)
# "Nurse, the screens"!
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:58, archived)
# Everyone's a critic
Hey, that's politics.
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 11:02, archived)
# then I'd advise you stop trying so hard then...just look at my fine specimen on the front page :D

not one person has said I'm going to win yet..hehe :D
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:45, archived)
# Yes they have and you know it :P
but no one's said your images are sickening and ripped off your work saying b3ta sucks your cock
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:47, archived)
# I think they ment your 'sickening talent' as a good thing
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:51, archived)
# haha, no, my heavy handed stereotypes (which aren't the point)
caused Camel to vomit it seemed
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:54, archived)
# bless 'im...never you mind the bad boys
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 11:01, archived)
# You're not going to win because nobody likes you :P
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:47, archived)
# haha fair point...I'll learn to live with it :)
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:48, archived)
# Because you smell.
Morning, Mr Toast.

Lovely day for a front page, sir, what what..
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:58, archived)
# ^this with huge fecking bells
'nings HT
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:27, archived)
# Mate of mine has got some of the DVDs
to be fair, some of it was appalling.

But when it hit it was pure fried gold!
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:29, archived)
# I still remember the Moonies advert frmo right at the start
makes me chuckle thinking about it
(, Thu 13 Aug 2009, 10:33, archived)