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» Jan 2009 «

We're QOTW, we're having a bash, and it's in York. What more needs to be said?
UPDATE: I've finally settled on a venue - the Ackhorne in St. Martins Lane. It's close to the main bus-station and close-ish to the train-station. Beware: There's another pub in York called the Ackhorne as well but that's slightly further out.
The Ackhorne [map]
York QOTW bash
Going: mistaspakkaman, dozers, do fuck off, LordMatthius, Bear Pookie The Frankly Challenged., misspiggy, UXB, warmfuzzies, Halfy, Watney Heckbulb uhnnnnnnnn, Bert Monkeysex2, c3lia (11 people).

One place I thought would be a possibile venue was the Judges Cellar Bar. It's a cosy place (it was the last time I viited which was ages ago, but then again, it was part of the Judges' Lodgings Hotel), but our bashes are beginning to have a track-record for becoming a bit rowdy so I'm not sure if this venue would work. Know of a few other possible places near-ish the centre/train and bus stations.
( , Wed 25 Jun 2008, 12:57, Reply)

Sounds like a good place for a Bash.
( , Wed 25 Jun 2008, 13:00, Reply)

is actually quite cosy. Perhaps that could be a possibility.
There's also plenty of pubs round the bus-station.
( , Wed 25 Jun 2008, 13:10, Reply)

The King's arms.
Located right in the centre (but not as close to the train-station). Also located near many other pubs and also on the bank of a river, so it may be prone to flooding.
( , Wed 25 Jun 2008, 13:44, Reply)

is a great pub, very cheap (Sam Smith's) with a nice atmosphere, but it is quite small.
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 23:30, Reply)

Pros: Has stuff, is quite big
Cons: Pricey, not much atmosphere
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 23:31, Reply)

The Lowther as the initial venue? It's central, thoiugh slightly off the beaten track, is very close to a clutch of other pubs and is sizeable. Studenty though, but there's a jukebox.
OK with you?
( , Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:40, Reply)

The Lowther. Decent size. Cheap beer. Jukey. Central.
Not my local, but a good meeting point. Could go into town for VJs, Judges Lodging and Evil Eye via the Stone Roses.
( , Wed 14 Jan 2009, 19:58, Reply)

If I sign up for any more bashes I may explode with excitement.
( , Wed 25 Jun 2008, 13:01, Reply)

I'll have to host this one.
I also know all the best pubs, so leave this to me. Will have to leave at 9.00pm though to get the last bus home.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 14:20, Reply)

Blimey- I can finally meet you crazy people. I live in York, i can put up one person on my sofa if need be.
Che- I am wack at remembering stuff like this, would you mind sending me a reminder at work closer to the time?
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 17:25, Reply)

Your not bloody leaving at 9pm. You can sleep in the gutter with the rest of us.
( , Fri 18 Jul 2008, 18:04, Reply)

count me in for this bash :o)
*gives up on Tena ladies and opts for Kanga pants*
( , Sun 24 Aug 2008, 22:12, Reply)

this sounds like a cunning plan! As a first timer, anything I need to do to prepare for one of these? Any shots I need to have/special equipment I need to bring?
( , Tue 2 Sep 2008, 11:40, Reply)

Penicillin, Dettol and a wire brush.And a note from your mum.
( , Fri 12 Sep 2008, 14:23, Reply)

I might just have to sign up for this one, never been to a qotw bash before!
( , Tue 2 Sep 2008, 18:04, Reply)

Don't forget to bring a grappling-hook, a gyroscope, an Apollo Lunar Module and a spare pair of underpants.
( , Sat 13 Sep 2008, 18:46, Reply)

I'm hoping to get to Manchester, though quite nervous about actually meeting folks for real. If I survive that then I will try for a double.
( , Wed 17 Sep 2008, 14:39, Reply)

It's going to be weird meeting a load of people I feel like I already know, only to have to get know you all again.
Not worry, I've ordered my grappling hook from the Army Surplus store, and I'm ready for action...
( , Mon 6 Oct 2008, 23:32, Reply)

Tulip is coming, Tulip is coming......throws up with excitement.
( , Mon 17 Nov 2008, 21:51, Reply)

I'm so honoured that you vomited at the mention of me!
*does a mutual excitement sick*
( , Mon 15 Dec 2008, 11:30, Reply)

maybe I will*
*I currently have a 33% record of saying yes to actually turning up to these things, so don't expect me!
( , Wed 10 Dec 2008, 17:27, Reply)

Just thought we could try something different for a change.
Usually, we spend the entire time in the pub and after 9:30 or so, end up forgetting half of what happened unless it was something pretty intense. So here's an idea.
As York is a nice city with a good vibe, we could meet up somewhere and spend some time just wandering around the city in the afternoon. One of the things York is famous for is it's tea-rooms, so around 4:30-ish, we could head off for some tea and cakes. Around 6-ish, we head off to a pub (venue to be decided).
And then, here's the interesting bit. One of York's best kept secrets is a Chinese restauraunt called The Willow. The Chinese Reaustauraunt s just a front. After 11pm-ish, it turns into a disco. It's hard to describe unless you've been there before, bit IMO, t's bloody fantastic! They play all soerts of songs from the 50s to the present day that just make you want to get up and dance! This goes on until 2am, and the bar stays open until 1:30am (IIRC).
Let me know what you think.
( , Wed 17 Dec 2008, 9:20, Reply)

do you think the other patrons would enjoy b3tan humour?
At least in a pub, you can get drunk and ignore the oddballs in the corner.
( , Wed 17 Dec 2008, 9:49, Reply)

or we could just hire a boat and get roaringly squiffy on the river
( , Wed 17 Dec 2008, 10:25, Reply)

Pros: Open till 2am
Cons: Shite food, expensive drinks, flooded toilets
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 23:33, Reply)

Any mention of cucumber sandwiches and I'm pulling out :)p
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 12:20, Reply)

Well, I may not be able to make it now, but still willing to stick my oar in. It all depends what you're after - a stroll around the town can be nice (unless you need to use the bank and it's lunchtime), but if you're less of the culture vulture and more of the pure vulture, why not try the York Brewery? Their beers are bloody good - Centurian's Ghost is far too strong to be that drinkable and Yorkshire Terrier is a good glugger. Plenty of others to try if you have the time/inclination and you can even buy four pint kegs for the train home in the morning. Take a look:
If you don't want to prove that b3ta can organise etc. etc. the brewery also have several pubs round the town and you could crawl round them (I'm not on commission btw, just a fan). I've not tried the Willow so won't comment on that. If it's tea you're after, you could go to Betty's
Nice food and the waitresses wear frilly aprons.
Anyway, I'll have to see nearer the time.
( , Wed 17 Dec 2008, 9:59, Reply)

But can anyone help with a place to stay? Am a bit stuck otherwise!
( , Thu 18 Dec 2008, 13:12, Reply)

Would anyone be able to offer a tiny square of floor? With perhaps an old newspaper for cover?
I'm very nicely house trained and I'll do your washing up.
I could probably get back to Manchester that night, but it looks to take three or four hours once you try and leave after 9pm and it's probably not worth it.
( , Fri 19 Dec 2008, 14:03, Reply)

Which is funny.
( , Mon 22 Dec 2008, 15:21, Reply)

I'll see how I'm sorted for funds, and if it's a day one I can always show up for that then leave at half 8 or so. I'm far too cheapskate to shell out for a room somewhere, so I may just wait for the next Manchester bash!
( , Tue 23 Dec 2008, 15:03, Reply)

A friend of mine is having his birthday then, so I'm going to Sheffield instead.
I hope you all have a lovely time though!
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 10:16, Reply)

And I can confirm that the Willow, whilst undeniably compelling, is actually terrible. Their food is dreadful too. It's good for cheap, late drinking but a night in there and I'd be eating my own teeth.
I have a couple of couches in my lounge. Could perhaps put someone up for the night.
I can also advise re. pubs & bars as long as people let me know what their preferences are.
Gaz me and I'll draw up some plans.
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 16:15, Reply)

anyone able to name a decent, cheap York-type hotel / hostel to crash in at all please?
I would rather not travelodge unless I have to :(
ps i can get a room with 2 singles is someone wants to go halves (no name puns please)
( , Tue 23 Dec 2008, 17:08, Reply)

Depends on the cost. I'm of the 'cheap and cheerful' accommodation school and I'd happily sleep on a park bench if it was warm enough.
I'm thinking about hitch-hiking up from Buckinghamshire - it's a trek but a relatively easy one. Anyone going up the M1 could help me out immensely :)
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 10:10, Reply)

tons of nice little B&Bs. They may be a bit far from the city center, but anywhere on the South Bank is quite good.
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 23:35, Reply)

Stayed in a Pub B&B about 2 miles out from the city centre (I drove). It wasn't very expensive and there were loads on the road out of town.
There was a pub with Michelin stars or something (at least an insane menu of haute cuisine) that I ate in often in the town centre. The Golden Fleece I think it was.
( , Tue 6 Jan 2009, 18:30, Reply)

but most of them are about half an hour's walking-distance from the centre. If you do leave the accommodation to the last minute, the tourist-information at the train-station should sort you out with something.
I just looked up some youth hostels but the two closest to the centre have closed down.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 0:24, Reply)

having lived there for four years.
Best bar: Evil Eye cafe. Really well made cocktails, great atmosphere, amazing building etc
Best restaurant: Fiesta Mehicana: Mexican place which does great authentic food and it has a wall of tequila. I've been to lots of Mexican places up North, and this is easily the best.
Best pub (although there are lots): Handsome Cab: Sam Smith's real old time pub. Cheap, very cosy, very friendly.
Another nice thing about York is the lack of Wetherspoon's in the city walls.
( , Thu 1 Jan 2009, 23:42, Reply)

I'm probably going to regret this but I've signed up, and will make every effort to get to this bash.
So I'll see you's lot there :)
( , Fri 2 Jan 2009, 16:40, Reply)

Due to festive overspend ans impending nuptials, the credit card has taken a hammering :o(
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 13:49, Reply)

Which is a bugger, but December cost a bloody fortune and it's going to take a while to get back on an even keel.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 13:55, Reply)

I've found a cheap hotel, £49 for either a single or double room. I don't snore, so if anyone wants to share gaz me asap and I'll book it.
It's the Park Inn if anyone's interested.
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 19:35, Reply)

I'm booked at the Park Inn. It got good reviews at
We can prop each other up as we stumble back after the evenings festivities.
Bad Tourettes and Davros. *smacks hand*
( , Sat 3 Jan 2009, 20:16, Reply)

In some financial straits at the mo and simply can't justify it :(
( , Sun 4 Jan 2009, 17:57, Reply)

Is anyone driving over from Manchester/North West?
If so, could I blag a lift?
Ta ever so.
( , Mon 5 Jan 2009, 9:14, Reply)

A proper pub, with excellent ales, heated smoking area (if that's your thing) and fairly central to everything.
( , Tue 13 Jan 2009, 17:15, Reply)

I may go through in the morning and make a day of it.
( , Tue 13 Jan 2009, 20:17, Reply)

are at home to Stevenage?
im doing the worlds laziest 92 club and conference ground visit and haven't been there yet
( , Wed 14 Jan 2009, 11:26, Reply)

Brekkies anyone?
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 2:45, Reply)

My last idea hasn't gone down with much enthusiasm. I'm not that bothered about not going to the tea-rooms, but was hoping we'd get to sample the delights of the Willow and it's amazing disco. It's hard to describe - I guess you have to have been there to experience it.
As for the venue. I've not been pubbing in York for some time, so I'll let the natives and Che Grimsdale suggest something. Some of the suggestions seem familiar to me. To start off, a venue where there's no background music would be ideal (most of the venues of the London bashes have satisfied this criterion). Also, it would be nice if the pub served food as well (most of the venues of the London bashes failed to satisfy this criterion). Then, once we get drunk enough to forget most of the conversation, we could move on to somewhere more intense - that is, somewhere where we can get up and dance (I seem to remember this happening at the Manchester bash). Perhaps we could even turn it into a Karaoke bash. So we basically just need to suggest a venue that everyone gravitates towards and pick that.
So let's have a show of hands.
Who wants an early start?
Who just wants to stay in the same place all night?
Who wants to continue drinking past 11pm?
Who else wants to brave the Willow despite what others have said.
Once I've gathered enough votes, I'll pick a venue (or a venue will be picked for me if enough people flock to someone else's suggestion).
As for an early arrival, my train gets in at 13:56, but was thinking of spending some time just wandering around the city until it gets dark (or at least dropping my stuff off at wherever I'll be staying). So would any other early arrivals want to join me for a wander-round or do you all just want to head off straight to the pub?
Come to think of it, having done a bit of research, the Ackhorne seems to be a good venue. I've been there myself a few times back in the day, and having read the reviews, it seems like a suitable venue. It's away from the crowds, is centrally located and close-ish to the train-station and main bus-station, and also stays open past 11:30 in case we go for the one-venue solution.
So if enough people vote for The Ackhorne, I'll pick that for the venue.
( , Wed 14 Jan 2009, 23:54, Reply)

It's also 0.2 miles from my hotel, according to Google maps. As a lazy sod, I approve.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 6:18, Reply)

but im not driving 150 miles to stand in a pub where I have to shout at someone standing next to me to be able to communicate, so no discos for me
/bah humbugs
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 8:35, Reply)

I suggested we start off with a quiet venue first and then move somewhere else later.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 9:03, Reply)

Is fine with me. I do want to visit a few pubs though, so move on to Judges, VJs etc later. Maybe even the Willow. Even though I hate it.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 9:02, Reply)

I'm not that bothered really. As long as there is drinking involved.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 9:31, Reply)

is fine by me. It's quite tucked away though, so make sure a map is available for those who aren't familiar with York's nooks and crannies. You need to look out for the crannies.
Do b3tards eat? No one has mentioned food yet, apart from the Willow, which is awful, to be fair.
Booking a big table at Fiesta is always a laugh, but it is quite pricey and you have to get in early.
York also has a decent amount of curry houses. My favourite was always Lal Quila, but it is a little out of the way.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 11:00, Reply)

I live in York- I'll be out and about from 12ish. I suggest VJs (for their nachos), Dusk (for their burgers) or even Oscar's (for the mahoosive helpings) for food. Depending on people's cultural persuasions we can do a whistle stop tour of the York hostelries to satisfy all tastes before deciding on a late venue to see in the morning. Dusk stays open until about 3 these days and the Willow (for Spakka) is just around the corner should you find the need to dance to a soundtrack of Now That's What I Call Music compilations with gay men doing over the top expressive dancing.
I know I've been a few times.
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 21:18, Reply)

I never went to VJs and I can't quite figure out why. I don't remember Dusk, but I've looked it up and it appears to be a bit poncy.
I can't believe I haven't mentioned Oscar's! It was an institution for us when we lived there! I was a veggie at the time, and I loved their sunshine platter. I disagree with how they do burgers though, they don't melt the cheese.
Anyone fancy a brewery tour?
( , Thu 15 Jan 2009, 22:45, Reply)

Is not poncy these days. Started out like that, now it's a bit grubby and has regular live music/ DJs on in the top room. I'm playing there on Feb 13th.
Scuzzy, not poncy. One night I was there they closed early as there was piss leaking through the ceiling from the Gents.
( , Fri 16 Jan 2009, 19:20, Reply)

they do food there, but whether or not it means they actually serve food or not is uncertain (many of the venues in London that claim to serve food don't on a Saturday).
( , Tue 27 Jan 2009, 9:38, Reply)

I could do this one but I'm on shift change weekend - finish 06.00 Friday, start again 06.00 Sunday - so if there's a possibility of some civilised afternoon drinking I'm all ears.
I'd be needing to head back to the cesspit (Bradford) at 18.00 - 19.00 ish.
( , Mon 26 Jan 2009, 22:05, Reply)

as opposed to stand and shout.
*is clinging on to the edge of his youth by the tips of his fingers*
( , Fri 16 Jan 2009, 8:54, Reply)

My possibility of a sofa to sleep on has turned into absolutely nowhere to sleep, so if anyone would sacrifice a me-spaced hole on the floor in exchange for four or five drinks, I'd really appreciate it.
Alternatively, if you know of a good, cheap hostel, let me know.
All gazzes welcome. Even if you want to call me a sponging cunt :)
( , Mon 19 Jan 2009, 18:58, Reply)

Just checked traind back to Leeds is 10pm which is blatantly fucking rubbish!
I would be most grateful!
( , Wed 21 Jan 2009, 18:49, Reply)

I am in the wrong York. The 'New' one.
Wish I could join and enjoy a decent pint. Any suggestions as to how I can convince my company chairman to lend me the jet? Nah, don't think it would happen.
Enjoy your night out & raise a glass for this stranded septic who hasn't been to Blighty in ages.
( , Sat 24 Jan 2009, 20:08, Reply)

You won't be stuck for people to visit : )
( , Sun 25 Jan 2009, 17:25, Reply)

hopefully I will jump across the pond soon. now that I have less ballast it's time to get traveling. bah to this financial crisis, though.
( , Sun 25 Jan 2009, 17:38, Reply)

The dollar's much stronger against the pound than it was a year or so ago :)
( , Sun 25 Jan 2009, 20:00, Reply)

The venue is in the Ackhorne in St. Martins Lane.
What time are most people arriving? There's a few making a day of it, and my train arrives at 13:56. The long-term weather-forecast indicates rain, so I'll just dump my stuff off at wherever I'm staying and head off straight to the pub.
If we like it there, we could stay there the whole night. In fact, we could even stay there forever and create our own little b3ta colony.
( , Tue 27 Jan 2009, 9:31, Reply)

Just in case anyone needs my mobile # (in case you get lost, etc), could you Gaz me, and I'll Gaz it to you. I recently got myself a new phone so if you think you have it, you need to update my number.
( , Tue 27 Jan 2009, 9:33, Reply)

Nowhere to stay in York and my brother's 30th this weekend conspire against me.
I'll definitely make it to another one soon.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 10:03, Reply)

My long-time buddy and music collaborator is also back from China for the first time since Reading '07 too, so I've got a great excuse for being lame.
What's your excuse? :)
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:13, Reply)

so the vet has suggested sugar lumps, carrots and a week stable bound
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 18:38, Reply)

Seriously though, bearpookie never got back to me, two others I asked to go halves on cheap rooms have bailed, subsequently my ride has pulled out, so I feel completely justified bailing on this one.
Catch ya next time.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 19:00, Reply)

Mum needs my help moving house! Family comes first and all...
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 15:35, Reply)

And I'm sure it will, but I can't get out of an 06.00 start in Chavford on Sunday, and my usual emergency dog walker has a set in Leeds on Friday so can't guarantee that he'll be fit to take them out on Saturday.
Mind you, had I come I'd have just lurked quietly in a corner anyway which is my usual approach to B3TA.
( , Wed 28 Jan 2009, 21:10, Reply)

of those that are still going, myself and c3lia should get to the pub around 1:30.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 9:06, Reply)

we will be going straight to Oscars for a late lunch immediately after dropping our stuff off at a B&B to meet up with an old friend. Gaz me if fancy it.
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 20:15, Reply)

So are enough people arriving earlier to make it worth changing the start-time?
( , Thu 29 Jan 2009, 21:07, Reply)

PJM is moving tomorrow - I've got to be on hand with a large car to cart stuff.
And we've got to go to the dreaded Ikea to purchase a bed.
Oh joy.
Have a cracking time - we need to organise a York bash later in the year - I like York and haven't been up there in ages.
( , Fri 30 Jan 2009, 14:31, Reply)

If we're having another York bash, the spring (early may) or summer (late July/August) would be a good time for one as the nice weather makes it very pleasant (the bit in between is usually filled with crap weather). I originally chose this date for the bash because it was roughly halfway between the other two bashes that were on the calendar at the time.
Also, if doing it after the university breaks up for the summer, some of the pubs near the university can be very pleasant when not overcrowded with students. Of course, if we can't wait for those studious little buggers to leave, we could always sneak into the halls of residence and place degree-certificates under their doors so that they think they've graduated and fuck off.
( , Fri 30 Jan 2009, 22:30, Reply)

What time are people arriving? I expect to arrive at 3pm.
( , Fri 30 Jan 2009, 22:32, Reply)

I'll be wearing a yellow tshirt with a monkey being shot on it.
( , Fri 30 Jan 2009, 22:42, Reply)
» Jan 2009 «