the mother did not. It's the fucking fault of the press that some parents are STILL concerned about having the jab.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:20, Reply)

There are kids permanently damaged in the UK because of an entirely ficticious health-scare so some parts of the press could get a dig in at the last government.
Should be made compulsory to provide annually a fully up-to-date vaccination record before a kid can go to school
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:23, Reply)

Either give your kids the vaccinations necessary to protect their health and the health of those around them, or you don't get to send them to school
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:34, Reply)

at the cost of injecting toxic chemicals into a child.
but with all the arguments and disimformation that is around from both sides shouldnt the parents be the ones who ultimatly make that choice?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:41, Reply)

With arguments and disinformation like that, the parents should probably be the last ones to make the choice.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:46, Reply)

It's not a finely balanced debate. It's not a debate at all. There's no evidence for MMR being dangerous, and certainly not more dangerous than the illnesses against which it protects.
Google is not a reliable academic source, fluff.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:47, Reply)

A level of immunisation is necessary to provide protection for all - in all of the areas where there were outbreaks earlier this year all of a sudden those parents decided that they perhaps should get their kids immunised - shame it took some serious illnesses and permanent damage to occur before they got round to it.
There never was any credible peer-reviewed evidence of any link between the MMR jab and autism. Plenty of evidence that the (now former) doctor who claimed the link was in the pay of some lawyers who were suing drug-companies though
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:49, Reply)

For doing overly invasive tests on kids, some of them without informed parental consent?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:52, Reply)

Apparently he's a bit of a hero for the right wing conspiraloons in the US now
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:54, Reply)

You do him too much credit though; someone clearly pissed in his mum.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:59, Reply)

There is a whole battery of information out there demonstrating that they're perfectly safe to use for the vast, vast majority of people, and that the odds of you being harmed by the jab are orders of magnitude lower than the odds of you being seriously harmed by the disease.
I'm all for freedom of choice, but freedom of choice based upon incomplete, biased, or willfully misleading information is no choice at all.
Calling them "toxic" just shows your ignorance of the issues involved.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:54, Reply)

one camps calls it safe one camp calls it toxic who to believe?
studys conducted by biased studdy groups funded by the very companys that they are trialing or the fear mongers who want any and all vacinations to be provved safe by independant and transparent means?
to many times the industry influences the out come of studys in there favour is it any wonder people dont trust what the goverment and says?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 17:18, Reply)

If you're just going to airily dismiss any evidence of safety as evidence of conspiracy then you're just wasting everyone's time here.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 17:43, Reply)

I mean proper trolling, not briefing. The Beeb consistently conflates these.
It would explain why "ignore" is in purple for that guy.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 22:47, Reply)

( , Sun 13 Oct 2013, 19:53, Reply)

I'm available for one-to-one tuition, i can't guarantee they'll learn anything but after the first lesson they'll be begging you to let them have the shots so they can go to school.
D.O.T.B, because education matters.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:42, Reply)

( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:45, Reply)

( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:43, Reply)

but i think that is asking far too much of most people.
'common sense' is not that common anymore i am afraid.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:46, Reply)

( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:52, Reply)

Hate agreeing with Pissflaps. Even a stopped clock, etc.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 18:22, Reply)

As far as the law is concerned, children under sixteen lack competence to make moral decisions for themselves. As such, the responsibility passes to others, who have a duty to act in the child's best medical interests.
Usually, that other is the parent; and it's usually assumed that the parent will act in the child's best interest. But that assumption is rebuttable - in which case, a suboptimal decision can be overruled. That's what happened here.
It's got nothing to do with rights or choice. It's about duties to those in your care.
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:46, Reply)

now cn you use shorter words so that it makes sense?
or is a that the parent/s coculd have been scummy low lifes not fit to have kids let alone raise them?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:48, Reply)

If I promise to explain Enzyme's arguments for you, will you promise to proof read your own?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:50, Reply)

not a chance
etc etc and so on
wouldnt be right if it was all correct
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:53, Reply)

who believed the lies the papers printed about MMR all those years ago
prior to submitting his paper to The Lancet, Wakefield had received £55,000 from Legal Aid Board solicitors seeking evidence to use against vaccine manufacturers, that several of the parents quoted as saying that MMR had damaged their children were also litigants, and that Wakefield did not inform colleagues or medical authorities of the conflict of interest
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 16:56, Reply)

Or did some of the more reputable ones push that crap too?
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 17:03, Reply)

edit - lmgtfy.com/?q=daily+mail+mmr+autism
( , Sat 12 Oct 2013, 17:10, Reply)