( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 1:23, Reply)

it's harassment. The fact that he's a coward and has had to outsource that harassment is neither here nor there.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 10:40, Reply)

It just so happens that the offender in question is male.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 12:51, Reply)

after prufrock called star wars "her" below I had a quick check of star wars qotw output to establish gender for my own curiosity. Just the first three pages showed him as a paragon at defending other from abuse.
this is his response to someone who was trying to console a b3tan who was going through a divorce. you can read the full thread for context: b3ta.com/questions/socialnetworking/post245410
then there's this b3ta.com/questions/darwin/post371134
and this:b3ta.com/questions/gullible/post226635
and the revealing : b3ta.com/questions/hypocrisy/post376075
You get the picture. People like this take to being sanctimonious like a new set of clothes, it's not motivated by their own values or morality about how people should be treated or giving two shits about toxic masculinity. It's a convenience
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 5:15, Reply)

English isn't really you're strong suit, is it? You can't even articulate your sexist insults correctly. Women are so whiny, aren't they? It'd be awful to be one, isn't that right Prufock? That's what makes referring to me as a she such a powerful insult.
Anyway, things are the opposite of what you say. B3TA literally calls itself a peurile digital arts community on the tin, I post a funny link about a girl getting chewbacca sounds on her phone and have to deal with this little cadre of unfunny complaining clowns going on about toxic masculinity, or doing nothing but sniping pathetically like yourself. just what the fuck you're doing here is your own business, but Ill damn well have some fun with you if you pipe up in my posts. Most of you are awful hypocrites anyway.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 9:17, Reply)

nothing on the messageboard. 8000 posts on links but very few of them his own links. nothing creative, nothing particularly funny, five years on b3ta just hoping some might be equally slow enough to confuse his vacuous acerbity as wit. but that's ok. like a fart the bad smell goes away after a while and you soon forget it was ever there. but since he went all stalky the smells been lingering
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 13:00, Reply)

Also has never heard of 'get her' as a common English phrase.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 14:17, Reply)

it's not a common phrase, it's a "carry on" era twee catchphrase hardly spoken except by old shut-ins, and when it is, it's aimed at women, like the rhetorical "what is she like?". Employed at a man it's a construction that functions because of misogynistic ideas about women that prufrock still entertains from about the same era. And because my comment was about star wars, it was ambiguous whether it was directed at me or star wars, as it employs the third person. My error was to assume that prufock wasn't an old woman-hating misogynist and therefore it must be directed at star wars who was therefore a woman. Looking up star wars spiteful qotw contributions, I quickly realised it was a false assumption
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 23:32, Reply)

I've happened to have created training around harassment and inappropriate workplace behaviour for nurses, so unlike you I happen to know what the fuck I'm talking about, and harassment is a specific term that in order to qualify needs to be repeated. so if he was repeatedly doing pranks on her that would be harassment, not some one off. In the workplace, if some guy ask a girl out, that might be inappropriate under the circumstances, but it's not harassment. If he kept asking her even after she told him to fuck off then it well could be.
Toxic masculinity was originally a term used by feminists to denote a kind of macho male bonding culture, like rugby clubs or gangs or groups of stockbrokers, and it's tendency toward misogyny, but it's since been appropriated by empty virtue signallers such as yourself to describe pretty much any male behaviour they disapprove of, and hence has become somewhat meaningless except as some general epithet employed in the hope of appearing 'woke' to their pc baby peers who are just as petrified as themselves of saying anything outside their narrow orthodoxy and being ostracised for it
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 15:32, Reply)

Someone can always suck the poison out if they're quick. Anyway, it seemed a light hearted, funny and fairly harmless prank. Perhaps Star Wars has some sort of Jedi religious objection to using Chewbacca in vain
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:18, Reply)

But that really takes the erm... biscuit.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:21, Reply)

But I'm the closeted one
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:30, Reply)

( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:10, Reply)

But I’m sure you’ll change your mind if he asks often enough
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 21:14, Reply)

If he made her car horn play the dukes of hazard theme, it's not harassment either even though she has to put up with it until she can go to the mechanic.
I'd hate to sit through watching trigger happy tv, beadles about, jackass,etc with any of you humourless pc wowsers while you list the various unforgivable transgressions and human rights abuses you imagine are taking place.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:04, Reply)

I must have missed that episode.
And lord knows that Beadle's About was abysmally unfunny and deeply cruel, but even that wasn't - y'know - real.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:37, Reply)

those people who he non-consensually held up by blocking a road dressed as a snail may have lost their jobs for lateness and are now a suicide risk, or been too late to visit a loved one dying of terminal cancer. That's what you like ,is it?
do you see how easy it is to bring everybody down by being a humourless PC wowser with little sense of perspective?
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 23:46, Reply)

You should avoid posting on the internet while being so upset.
I understand that you like to project yourself as an intellectually superior expert on everything, but when you have a tantrum you come across as an ignorant manchild. HTH!
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 14:24, Reply)

Your disparaging remarks about 'empty virtue signallers,' 'pc babies' and so on, exposes a certain blinkered hypocrisy and lack of awareness.
Complaining about virtue signalling is virtue signalling at its worst.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:39, Reply)

there's a reason why people ignore most of what you say, brb: because it's inessential dross. I guess if you blather enough banal verbiage you'll get the odd person to engage but the sheer tedium of it will get to them in the end. why don't you attempt to hold back until you've actually got something worth saying, as a suggestion?
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:41, Reply)

a definition to be regarded as separate from a pretentious political arsehole?
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:01, Reply)

though it's unclear if that's due to any eloquence on my part or just that they're fans of confrontation. I do them mostly for my own amusement, and try to direct them at people who manage to be both condescending and wrong, such as yourself on several occasions, and people who begin sentences with "Just in case you need it breaking(sic) down". Or people like brb who likes to insert himself in every discussion and whose appraisal of his own opinion far exceeds its worth. Though to be fair, Prufrock, our exchanges have mostly been about grammatical pedantry, rather than dealing with the kind of histrionic internet sanctimony that seems endemic these days.
Anyway, it's not like b3ta is some hive of activity I'm distracting people from.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 3:03, Reply)

( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 9:46, Reply)

what was it yesterday, finding a typo? It's so pathetic, but I guess someone who had the self awareness to realise this wouldn't do it
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 12:12, Reply)

And as for whining about me 'inserting myself' into conversations, you are aware that this is a public forum, right? You are aware that you can private message people if you want to, right?
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 14:31, Reply)

you're like one of those charity muggers around train stations. don't make eye contact or respond, once he gets your attention he'll never let up.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 23:53, Reply)

and I fear I may have pushed brb over the edge, and he'll turn all stalky like prufock, haunting my threads from now on. Probably not worth it for a bit of sport
( , Thu 30 Jul 2020, 1:01, Reply)

Imagine having harassment policies created by this prick.
CM: Professional codes and related documents mean next to nothing. They're an attempt to capture certain moral intuitions, subject to not doing too much to scare the horses and not really having to think all that hard... as you've demonstrated here.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:31, Reply)

I'm a prick who's not good at my job and teaching nurses how to respond to bullying, harrassment and inappropriate behaviour is a worthless activity, is it?
You've really taken the moral high ground after whiteknighting about toxic masculinity and harassment. Im sure this passive-aggressive side of your nature never quickly surfaces in your relationships when challenged, and your sanctimony isn't some hypocritical virtue-signalling veneer for the thrill being condemnatory gives you, rather than genuinely caring about people
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:35, Reply)

you talk a lot of shit using a lot of words that expose you as an unthinking right wing culture warrior clown.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 14:33, Reply)

Section 474.17 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Commonwealth) criminalises the use of a phone or the internet to threaten, harass or seriously offend somebody.
The Offence of Use Carriage Service To Menace, Harass, Offend
The offence of use carriage service to menace, harass or offend is contained in section 474.17 of the Criminal Code contained in schedule one of the Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) and states that a person commits an offence if:
• the person uses a carriage service; and
• the person does so in a way (whether by the method of use or the content of a communication, or both) that reasonable persons would regard as being, in all the circumstances, menacing, harassing or offensive.
What Actions Might Constitute Using A Carriage Service to Menace, Harass Or Cause Offence?
Examples of using a carriage service to menace, harass or offend include:
• calling random phone numbers and yelling insults or threats at the person who picks up;
• posting a Facebook status calling someone ugly and stupid;
• sending dozens of text messages each day to a woman who doesn’t want to go on a second date with you; and
• posting a photograph of your ex-girlfriend on Reddit with the caption “roast me” and posting the link to her social media accounts.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 20:01, Reply)

posting a photograph of your ex-girlfriend on Reddit with the caption “roast me” and posting the link to her social media accounts.
This would seem to fit that criterion. It would seem the random strangers were 'a carriage service'
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 23:59, Reply)

it lists some examples of what might be "Menace, Harass Or Cause Offence" which is a rather large bucket, but neither distinguishes which of the examples relate to which ("or" being the operative word), or defines the meaning, so for our argument is not a particularly helpful addition despite your googling
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 0:35, Reply)

it does seem to make the bloke's actions an offence, that being whatever offence this particular ruling applies to.
They seem to have quite clearly performed the actions described in the quoted statute.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 0:59, Reply)

The queensland police didn't charge or caution the man in that pesky thing called reality despite it being on the news, though they did help in taking down the posters which was nice, showing that they have more of a sense of proportion and grasp of the legal aspects than most of the amateur lawyers here. Did I mention I also taught the MET police in London, including powers of arrest?
I imagine after having to do numerous domestic violence call outs, having a woman who's been slightly inconvenienced by getting some wookie calls on her mobile for a couple of days was an amusing diversion
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:15, Reply)

we can agree that there are toxic people out there, both men and women, and to fixate on just one section of that group perpetuates a divisive gender war that helps nobody?
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 10:59, Reply)

Though I was born, and continue to identify as male. Just doing my bit for equality.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 12:41, Reply)

Some are not even on my body.
Also, when did this place turn into 'bitch about things' central?
Why can't we have more crab bloke and silly videos?
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:16, Reply)

To fixate on one aspect to the detriment of the whole is one thing. To pretend that toxic masculinity isn't a real phenomenon is another.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 16:32, Reply)

( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:38, Reply)

My t-shirt says "I'm sorry, your opinion means very little to me".
Meaning of course that if all you have is an opinion, that is almost worthless. If you have a position that can be formulated into a cogent argument, that can be respected far more. More importantly, that argument facilitates a legitimate conversation from which there could be some sort of resolution.
If it matters, I very much support BLM. But I also have views on a wide variety of topics that are based on the merits of those topics individually. I do not engage in groupthink, because that is the antithesis of thinking.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 23:47, Reply)

Is a subset of toxicity.
Subsets of things are great:
Maybe 'toxic masculinity' has certain features that it doesn't share with toxic waste, or masculinity in general, and when discussing those particular features, the distinction is useful in helping people understand you.
It doesn't mean that 'only the masculine is toxic'.
Nor does it mean that 'all that is masculine is toxic'.
The term "Flying fish" doesn't mean all fish can fly, and it doesn't imply that helicopters don't fly.
But it's quite useful if you want to talk about flying fish.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 0:20, Reply)

does not mean that just because some bloke is an asshole they are a good example of toxic masculinity.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:05, Reply)

And I suspect what is and isn't a good example varies depending on who you ask.
I also reckon that even just considering what might or might not be a good example is valuable if it helps people to empathise and think about their own interactions.
I like to think that could outweigh the down side of seeming divisive.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 8:01, Reply)

That I don't think it qualifies as 'Toxic Masculinity' just because it was a bloke targeting his ex girlfriend. Would it still be Toxic Masculinity if it was a bloke targeting his ex-boyfriend? Would it be Toxic Femininity if it was a woman targeting her ex-boyfriend?
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 14:58, Reply)

I just liked how the phrase sounded.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 15:02, Reply)

I agree 100% that it is harassment.
But I utterly fail to see how encouraging people to phone a number and impersonate a fictional hairy alien perpetuates rape culture or encourages men to display less emotion or whatever.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 15:20, Reply)

But, still, "whiny entitled socialised to think that he's entitled to make women's lives that bit less pleasant" is pretty high up my list of explanations for his behaviour.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:33, Reply)

... does not reduce the woman to being “helpless”; she could react with anything from an eye roll to a panic attack and the unreasonableness of the prank would still exist.
Here’s the crucial bit for the idiots; when your partner dumps you, prank time is over, and any person who isn’t a fully paid up moron can see that inviting unwanted attention onto your ex is creepy abusive shit, and that doing so in a way that’s funny to other creep shits and idiots doesn’t make it more lighthearted, it just means that the creepy abusive dick is still convincing himself he’s a funny guy.
Always funny to see the knots people will twist themselves in to avoid saying anything as mundane as “that’s not on”
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 22:21, Reply)

A convincing argument.
I still think that reducing this to toxic masculinity is missing a wider point, but I see now that I may have missed a finer point or two myself.
Good internetting, cheers.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 15:56, Reply)

( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 18:37, Reply)

Is that how you spell masculinity when you are too eager to be the first to appear 'woke'?
Why not just say the guy who put up the poster was an asshole?
That much seems certain. He couldn't hold a relationship together for a start.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 23:51, Reply)

( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 17:02, Reply)

VPN, Tor, Doxx his workplace with a similar prank, remove evidence where possible, enjoy.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 18:28, Reply)

but that sure sounds like fun.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 19:22, Reply)

Too much of a hermit these days.
( , Tue 28 Jul 2020, 21:39, Reply)

it won't solve anything.
But when did righteous revenge ever solve anything?
You don't do it to feel good, you do it to make them feel bad.
( , Wed 29 Jul 2020, 1:09, Reply)

That's the one I left.
( , Thu 30 Jul 2020, 0:51, Reply)