That too.
but I must emphasise that I have a particular loathing of the seemingly endless Heidi series that infested afternoon kids TV in the late 80s/early 90s.
(tacpprmhas a mmrpcat, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 13:29,
Didn't realise it was an actual thing
(Turtle Power& Knuckles, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 13:43,
It was interminable. A dubbed version of a swiss (i think) production that seemed to be about 90 episodes long.
(tacpprmhas a mmrpcat, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 13:46,
Was it only 90 episodes?
Felt longer.
(Pie of Meat___°¬¯O¯____\o/_____/\_,____Y¯¯Y, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 13:52,
Only 26 according to IMDB
Maybe they just constantly repeated it.
(tacpprmhas a mmrpcat, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 18:35,
There's a BBC version from 1974 with Peter the Goatherd looking like a young Rodney from Peckham (maybe time travelling from WW2)
The 1978 version is different so I suppose if the 1974 BBC version was split up and broadcast across a couple of years you could possibly have ended up with at least four years worth of the Swiss miss.
At least you could relax during the summer knowing that there was the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe to look forward to.
(Mehitabel_Itrang, Wed 12 Jul 2023, 16:38,
Kinda like some of the visual effects of the tea
being served at a squat party I went to near Holloway Road in 2005.....
(beanolabub, Tue 11 Jul 2023, 16:44,
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