Remarkably silly.
I may spend much of tomorrow shouting "Bridge Power!" at people. At work.
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:04,
I got a kitten yesterday.
He's 10 weeks old.
I just thought I'd share.
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:18,
Good to know!
(timoncheeseMEDIBOT, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:19,
Take lots of video and pictures so I can see PLEEEASSEE!!!
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:47,
He keeps moving, so there're all a bit Monet.
This is the best so far:
My camera is something I found in a bin a few years ago, which is another explanation for the low quality of the pic.
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:58,
Not quite.
It's more of a shelter the walls of which are made from them.
(Enzymeis powered by sunlight, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:08,
Best bit of advice we got (from Herbs, actually):
DO NOT WASTE A PENNY ON CAT TOYS: They will play with everything, apart from said cat toys.
(Tab HunterMake this useless process end and so, begin again, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:17,
Everything you say?
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:26,
The best cat toys
are plastic bags, boxes, and string. Anything else is redundant.
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:27,
A laser pen is a good bet.
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:31,
Actually, now that I think about it
an indoor remote control helicopter is pretty good too.
Until they figure out the controls that is...
(evil_andyStick stick stick stick sticky sticky stick stick, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:33,
My cat ignores lasers
I think she's defective
(LP, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 22:15,
Trade it in for a newer model then
(wheresthefishPartly filled with wrong, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 22:18,
String, olives, boxes, frying pans
balls of silver foil and cat nip wrapped in an old sock. :D
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:57,
The feeling is probably mutual btw
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:21,
Let him speak for himself, he most probably loves me btw
(pissflaps.FSPW, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:36,
Yes it's love
And to be fair I do slightly hate myself for putting a cat video on YouTube. It's not even the first I've done.
(timoncheeseMEDIBOT, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:47,
It always makes me laugh
When they do that sideways crab thing when all bushy and stupid looking.
(Firkinfeduplast shat on your wife's tits at, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:22,
They do this all day
And all day they are mostly stupid looking
(timoncheeseMEDIBOT, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:34,
This is a far better use of my time than doing interview prep. Jump clap! Double jump clap! Jump high five!
Love it :D
(maidenis filmed before a live studio audience, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:49,
Right that's it
I'm trading my 2 old ones in for kittens.
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 20:50,
Wish I could do this.
He just eats sleeps and farts on everyone now. Fuck trying to get him to do anything else.
(FadgebadgerSweaty sumo wanks for everyone!, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:28,
Get rid of the horrible cats and get a dog, you won't regret it.
(pissflaps.FSPW, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:52,
I WANT A KITTEN!! *throws self on floor* *screams*
(Herb Alpert's Taxi DriverI have very beautiful lips, Wed 17 Jul 2013, 21:58,
I expect this will prove
that videos with kittens are most likely to get the "like" button touched more often than others.
(drwonk, Sat 20 Jul 2013, 9:32,
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