"I'd like to give that dodo off the 5 Alive adverts a good kicking," says tom.joad. And luckily, there's tasty, tasty Cillit Bang to clean up the blood stains when you've finished. Tell us about TV adverts.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:17)
This question is now closed.

Noone ever seems to remember the Crunchie advert with Marcus Brigstock. What happens if you eat a Crunchie when you already have that Friday Feeling?
This geeze eats a Crunchie at a football match and ends up cheering on Anglers and the woman in the cafe was she puts sugar in his tea.
Cant find any evidence of this online, and the only person I've mentioned it to who remembered it is the kind of guy who would probably claim to remember the falling of London Bridge if you told him it'd happened.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:19, 2 replies)

brilliant :D
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:16, 1 reply)

Check how you mix them.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:15, 4 replies)

New Halifax ads of a load of their 'employees' in a radio studio. Please just all crawl away and die. I am so glad I have nothing to do with said building society so my money is in no way contributing to this utter shite. Bleeee.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:15, 6 replies)

always made me giggle this one. Didn't make me buy the cigars though.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:15, Reply)

That something as mundane and adult as insurance is always, and I do mean always, represented in advertisements by the most "whacky" (irritating) "zany" (annoying) "Hilarious" (soul crushingly irritating) spectacles you have ever seen.
Confused.com. Gocompare.com. The worst has to be "Bakawk! Admiral multicar! Kawww!"
Why do they insist on worsening the dull experience of choosing insurance by forcing poorly concieved cartoon characters through our eyes?
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:13, 3 replies)

I'm sure it's Visa (it's some kind of Credit Card anyway) where the fat guy is watching footy on TV and celebrates a goal.
Then he runs out the house and there's loads of cut scenes of him running through different countries losing weight, before finally running into a stadium, onto the pitch and scoring. Then tops it off with the same celebration he'd done at home.
Love it
EDIT: Oooh and an advert I hate. A Munch Bunch advert with that animated cow (imaginatively called 'Munch'). It is annoying simply because 'Munch' has an English accent right the way through the advert until the last line in which she says "You've grown into quite an artist" in a thick Scottish accent.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:12, 1 reply)

I dunno. I rather liked this one - www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFo9nnmOU_4
due purely to some advertising chap having the front to include the lyric 'ningmingningmingningamanoo' in a national advertising campaign. I merely puzzled by their progression into apparently rifling through the nearest mental hospital to give us such greats as Scary Mary, some chap who could only say 'YEAH', and so forth.
The advert that elicited nothing but apopleptic rage was the Skills Centre, I think - two charmless gurning fuckwits musing about how it had been two years since they'd worked together on 'the site', who go on to have by far the most stilted and irrelevent exchange ever caught on camera.
EDIT: this one. Just look at them... www.youtube.com/watch?v=gnNh4iYTJxM&feature=related
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:11, 1 reply)

Do you? Good for you, now fuck off and do it and stop telling me about it in your shitty song that makes me want to burn your dodgy car warehouses to the ground..... seethe...
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:10, 4 replies)

I love those ones for Old spice too, "look at your man, now look at me, now back to him, now back to me"
I've never come across anyone who likes the Go Compare adverts either, but I think the latest irritating advert is the "We buy any car" advert ARGH, its on the radio too.
Why do companies think that making shit adverts will make us want to use their product/service. Take Confused.com with its stupid fucking "tadaaaaa" in it. I'll go to one of the other sites instead just because their adverts are so shit. I know the more stupid the advert the more likely it is we will remember the company when we might want the service, but I'd much rather see adverts with red telephones with with wheels than Mr and Mrs joe bloggs of crapville in their average home with fluffy fairy lights or random student digs comparing their insurance quotes on their average car. Life is average, I don't want average adverts.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:09, 2 replies)

Does anyone really care what happens to them?
Can we get them disconnected please.
I blame bloody Gold blend.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:05, 5 replies)

but there's something about the new spec-savers advert.
You know the one.
I think it's the incisive parody of modern sex-obsessed advertising that does it for me, or perhaps it's the hilariously chunky sex-god main character who I find amusing. I don't know, but I like it.
It's definitely not the lady in the black bikini's arse at the end. Definitely not.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:05, 5 replies)

With the attractive lady sucking off a chocolate bar! At that age, it was definately an advert for the wank bank.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:05, Reply)

If I so much as look at a washing machine, or someone says a sentence including the words "washing" and "machine"... and I'm cringing and my brain is overheating as I type this... but immediately in my head I hear:
"Washiiiiing machiiiines work betttttter with Calgon!"
It's like they've raped my subconscious.
I'd like to find the composer of that jingle, tie him up and make him listen to it on a fucking loop until his ears bleed.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:03, 4 replies)

The old Dime bar ad, when they were actually called Dime bars (what the fuck is a Daim, anyway?)
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:03, 4 replies)

This one is clever and irritating at the same time
It's clever for puncturing the "lifestyle-isation" of commodity products that all such ads seem to have adopted.
And it's irritating because it's Tesco - an all-consuming retail leviathan with fewer scruples than Emperor Palpatine's slightly more sinister elder brother - that thought of doing it (or, more likely, their agency).
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:02, Reply)

That Opera cunt. I recently used a comparison website and purposefully avoided that one because of the fat fuck - how's that for the power of advertising?
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 16:01, 1 reply)

I am well over 12 years old. All that crap about racoons and dolphins makes me want to savage the people in your stores. I want the best service for the lowest price, I do not want to buy into your marketing department's bullshit lifestyle.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:56, Reply)

Honda cog advert. A classic my boy wants to watch even now.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:55, Reply)

Those crummy ads for chatlines that appear on Five and pretty much all the digital-only channels after midnight.
Especially the one where you have to text different keywords, ostensibly to talk to women from different decade-long age brackets (when all it probably does is tell the bored 40-something housewives at the call centre how high to pitch their voices).
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:54, 6 replies)

Apropos of Mullered's praise for the Um Bongo ad, I have a terrible truth to tell.
For I have been to the Congo, where apart from being robbed blind by a bunch of Kalashnikov-wielding scrotes, I went out of my way to discover whether the residents of Brazzaville do indeed love this tasty, tasty mixed fruit juice.
Despite my efforts, I found not a single carton of Um Bongo, but discovered that if there is one thing they like up the Congo, it's VIMTO.
Sing along if you know the words: "Vimto, vimto something something imto"
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:54, 3 replies)

I honestly don't understand how the advertising agency involved thought this would make the product appear classy..
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:54, 1 reply)

Not even a 'classic' advert, in that it came out this year. Still deserves to win so many awards that the creators stagger under the weight of them.
Embrace Life: www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:54, 6 replies)

Since I am not paid by them, and thus not in their employ, I will not do their job for them.
The only exception I take is to wearing band t-shirts when I go to gigs, and then one must only ever wear one of a different band to that/those one is going to see.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:53, 2 replies)

They just get in the way of me watching shit TV shows
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:48, Reply)

That skeleton that looked like Bob Holness flogging Scotch video tapes... worra classic.
Altogether now! "I'm gonna tell you how it's going to be"
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:46, 4 replies)

Another classic!!
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:45, Reply)

Accrington Stanley??
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:44, 2 replies)

how come parents are being stopped from taking pictures of their own children in playgrounds, yet it's ok for nappy adverts to show a woman kissing a baby's arse when I'm trying to eat my tea?
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:44, 6 replies)

A few months ago there was an advert that was repeated incessantly on a few of my favourite TV channels. It was basically two blokes shouting "Up your viva" at each other over the phone. One of these guys looked so strange that I thought he'd been photoshopped to make his gob look ridiculously outsized, a la the anti-drug-driving ads. It wasn't.
Anyway, this advert was repeated so often, and was so irritating, that just typing the words "Up your viva" are giving me an eye twitch. However, through the wonders of the interwebs, I found out the name of one of the "actors", friended him on Facebook, and called him a cunt to his virtual face. He deleted me. It made me feel a million times better, I would recommend that others try the same course of action.
So, Eric Lampaert - if you're going to appear in hideously irritating adverts, it would probably be best not to post said adverts on your YouTube account if your YouTube account has a link to your personal information.
( , Thu 15 Apr 2010, 15:43, 3 replies)
This question is now closed.